Showing posts with label Prince Edward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince Edward. Show all posts

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ontario Trails News - hiking, waking, biking, camping - information from Ontario's 2600 trails!

Ontario Trails fully involved in Trail Projects

From the North Shore of Lake Superior to the rolling hills of Haliburton to the St. Lawrence Seaway, through the nation's biggest cities over 430 communities in Ontario have trails that are Yours to Explore.

This article is going to tell you about a few of the projects that we have underway in several parts of Ontario. When communities turned to the OTC they ask us to help them manage, develop, properly use, and conserve their trails.

Prince Edward County – SE Ontario

Prince Edward County is a cycling trail destination. Fully supported by beds and breakfasts, hotels and motels, restaurants, country museums, and apres trail wineries, cideries, and craft beer makers your ride in PEC will be memorable.

There's one significant backbone trail to all these riding routes. It's called the Millennium Trail. It supported by many communities such as Hillier, Wellington, Bloomfield and Consecon. The people that support the trail include Quinte Conservation, the County, naturalists, and especially the Rotary club of Wellington.

This dedicated group of volunteers looks after the trail plans for its use and works on things to make sure that your ride on that trail will be enjoyable. In this project the Ontario Trails Council just helps them with easy guidance that leads to full involvement of the community in the trail with support from funders and the public.

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... contribution to a national walk that saw thousands of people, including 1,500 in Toronto, march in 130 communities around the country Saturday.
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Cyclists Race in Blue Mountain
Between 400 and 500 cyclists are on the roads in the town of the Blue ... in nine distinct races on some of the most renowned climbs in Ontario.
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 Algonquin College On-Line Trails Education


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