Showing posts with label Pukaskwa National Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pukaskwa National Park. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2022

Ontario Trails News - July 18, 2022


Rec trail getting closer

THUNDER BAY, ONT. — A non-motorized recreational trail for three of the four seasons is closer to reality in O’Connor Township and bordering Conmee Township.

At two of the past three O’Connor council meetings, Fleming Road — the border road between O’Connor and Conmee — is being proposed as part of the Kakabeka Falls to Shabaqua Trail Route.

Both townships are tentatively in favour of the lengthened route, but more work still has to be done.

“It’s a work in progress,” said O’Connor Mayor Jim Vezina. “We like the concept. (The Northwestern Ontario Recreational Trails Association and the townships) are sharing the trail. There’s some areas that aren’t going to be on the trail and some that are.

“We’re not involved in the planning of this at all. Literally, (The Northwestern Ontario Recreational Trails Association) came to us to ask us our permission and, in general, we’re in favour of it.

“It’s like anything else. We’ve got to make sure the legalities stuff is taken care of and our ducks are all in a row. That’s kind of a stage we are at right now. (Len Day of The Northwestern Ontario Recreational Trails Association) came to council a couple of meetings back and we said, ‘Yeah, we’re good with this’, but some of the areas are boundries with other municipalities, so before we’re going to get too deep, make sure you have those municipalities on board too.”

Vezina heard at a July 12 meeting that Conmee was tentatively on board as well.

“Basically, Conmee is in agreement with it in principle too, so now it’s a matter of us looking at the legal side of it,” said Vezina, who has been the O’Connor mayor since 2015. “We don’t mind supporting it, but we’re not going to pay for it and we’re not going to take liability for it.

“To me it looks like a wonderful idea, it looks like it will go through, but I’m not 100 per cent sure when all the i’s and t’s will be crossed and dotted.”


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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ontario Trails - Outdoors Ontario One Trail at A Time!

5 most challenging hiking trails in Canada
4. Pukaskwa National Park coastal hiking trail, Ont.: 60 km along Lake Superior's shore. Takes five to seven days to complete. Why go? The trail offers the best chance to experience Ontario's wild boreal forest, though watch out for the bears and wolves. 5.
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Hiking, Biking, Riding, Camping or Canoeing on Ontario Trails
The Rideau Trail - Ottawa, Ontario - Hiking and walking trailheads ... The plaque at this location marks the beginning of the Rideau Trail when traveling from ...


Walking Home: A low-tech path for cities
Montreal Gazette
When it comes to walking and cycling, Torontonians are far ahead of their municipal government. Despite the lack of safe and comfortable spaces to ride, there has been a remarkable uptake in cycling in Toronto in recent years. A 1999 Decima poll ...
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Amherstburg culture head questions 1812 ads
Windsor Star (blog)
Amherstburg culture head questions 1812 ads. A period group dressed as soldiers from the 1812 era march in the heritage parade at the Roots to Boots Festival celebrating the bi centennial of the war of 1812, in Amherstburg, Ont., Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012.
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BIKES: Full Throttle With Tamela Rich In Ontario
The Parry Sound KOA was full of cottagers with a passion for off-road recreation because the campground has access to the province's Park to Park Trail, a network of recreational trails through the ten municipalities between Killbear and Algonquin ...
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MNR says know the rules before bear hunting in Ontario
Bay Today
Conservation officers will place special attention on rules dealing with licences and permits, hunter safety and not allowing meat from harvested bears go to waste. To ensure a safe and lawful hunt, hunters are reminded of the following rules. • All ...See all stories on this topic »

Bicycle licences would promote safety
If bikes are to share our roads, they should share the cost and responsibilities to operate; bring back the bicycle licence. If a bike is involved in an accident with a motor vehicle in Ontario the cost for injuries and rehab are not covered by OHIP ...
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Portland gets a "bike barometer"
Greater Greater Washington
Toronto bike advocate Yvonne Bambrick said, "I went by the counter last night, and I was cyclist 10361. That is amazing! It just feels really empowering to know what's possible." It would be interesting to know more about the relative costs of the ...See all stories on this topic »  

Calendar | Event detail :: Get Loud Bell Giveaway with Cycle Toronto
Bikechain - the University of Toronto's bicycle resource and repair centre.


New Course for Canada's 100 Mile Mountain Bike Weekend, just ...
By Greg
In an order to make the course as fun as possible, keep it as much single track as possible and increase the rate of completion we are happy to announce that the course for 2012 will be 3 laps of a 54 km course! The marathon will still do 80k, ...
Ontario Cycling Association

Cycling in Toronto « Embryonic Robot
I have been cycling in Toronto for almost 20 years, and year-round for the last 12 years. Please don't believe those people who claim that it is possible to cycle ...


Driftwood found on a canoe trip brings evokes the call of a loon and the scent ...
Toronto Star
There had been others — day trips in the bow of my father's canoe to gaze at brilliant autumn colours, an overnight on a river in eastern Ontario. But this was the real deal, a four-day trip with my dad and younger brother. There was a map to consult ...
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Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.
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We appreciate the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation
Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice

Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park! - September 15, 2012 | Ontario ...
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the summer in spite of the extreme heat. We are in the process of planning another Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park and would
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Friday, March 16, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Guided trip: Hike Ontario's coastal trail – explore
With new bridges, tent pads, and improved boardwalks and sidewalks, the Coastal Hiking Trail in Pukaskwa National Park is ready for you.

Float Your Fanny features new faces and new ideas
Northumberland Today
Sandbagging efforts were made at Ontario, Walton, Queen and Mill streets. ... canoe and kayakraces and just-for-fun Crazy Craft runs down the river, ...

Drummond Report raises concerns for GRCA
Cambridge Times
Communication Manger Dave Schultz said several recommendations refer directly to Ontario's conservation authorities and other environmental and planning agencies. “The report recommends that there be rationalization and realignment of responsibilities ...
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Annual Maple Tapping Out Party March 15
EMC Kemptville
The sister show to this one is the Valley Fishing and Outdoor Show, set for Carp on April 13, 14, and 15. EMC Events - Springdale Farm Maple Products will ...

Mountain rider raising the bar
Cambridge Times
The 18-year-old senior elite rider got the news this winter that he was on the rise with a letter from the Ontario Cycling Association stating that he was selected for Team Ontario. Despite an impressive season in the junior elite division, ...
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Ontario budget to come down March 27; big cuts expected
TORONTO — There will be less spending on roads and bridges and increased fees for businesses when Ontario's minority Liberal government tables its budget March 27, Finance Minister Dwight Duncan said Thursday. There will also be spending cuts across ...
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When did crating your dog become a crime?
Two dogs named Buddy and Magnum, golden retriever mixed breeds, .... Shannon DeBruin, a 47-year-old dog breeder and trainer who runs a sled dog operation ...

1812 gets Huronia' treatment
Midland Free Press
The theme of this year's Heritage Dinner is The Civil War of 1812 -A Balanced ... time it took weeks for the news to travel both ways across the Atlantic).

Heritage quilt presented to committee at Coach House
EMC St. Lawrence
EMC News - Idle hands may be the devil's workshop, but you certainly ... for an 1812 project," said Gloria Van Dusen, Heritage Quilt Committee Coordinator.

City's slot share up in the air
In a partnership with the horse racing industry in Ontario, the Ontario ... to turn the training facility into a riding facility in an effort to recoup the ...

Ontario TrailsOntario Trails - Sled, Ski, Paddle, Hike or Ride ...
Dave Bolton said he doesn't think it'll ever be warm enough in northern Ontario for snowmobilers to become extinct. But the president of the Sudbury Trail .

What's Happening This Week
EMC Ottawa South
Museum is located at 7814 Lawrence Street in Vernon, Ontario.... Tuesday and Thursdays:Walking Club (1:15 pm-2:15 pm) Come out and join us for a walk in ...

Great People - Great Trails - Oxford County, June 2012

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