Showing posts with label Rider Safety Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rider Safety Campaign. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ontario Trails - Activity, Trails, Outdoors, Trail Conferences and Lot's more on Ontario Trails!

Trailhead Ontario: June 9-11, 2013Our Favorite Place, Peterborough, Ontario.
Our Plan for 2013 We are working with the full support of  Our Favorite Place (RTO8), Peterborough and the Kawartha’s Tourism and a number of local trails groups to bring you the best Trailhead Ontario yet!. There are a lot of new trails and trail tourism partnerships in RTO8. The Ontario Trails “Trailhead Ontario 2013″ Committee is  is pleased to announce the Holiday Inn Waterfront Peterborough as the location of our conferencing. Site locations for our trail education program are being determined now.
New for 2013 -Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home. 
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OFSC Seeks Safety Campaign Proposals
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is currently seeking proposals from qualified individuals or organizations to provide project planning, implementation, and administrative oversight for the development of a Responsible Rider Safety Campaign. A copy of the Request for Proposals document can be found here:

Georgian Bay Coastal Trail - Parry Sound :
Exciting Job Opportunity with GBCT! We are hiring a Marketing and Communications Coordinator on a one year contract. Please share with anyone you know who might be interested in the job and is eligible.
Public Meetings Toronto - Improve the Beltline Trail! | Cycle Toronto
Speak up in support of improving the Beltline Trail! 5 Minute Action: Write a letter to the City of Toronto project facilitators in support of improvements to the

Sign Up Today
Be sure to sign up for the weekly OTC Newsletter "Trailwise" you can sign up at the link through the picture to the right. Or if you prefer download a recent copy from the OTC Website - Here

Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783



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