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Showing posts with label Seaway News. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Summerstown Snowshoe Race, Sioux Narrows - Nestor Falls Trail Investments, Fake Dog Off Leash Signs and Learning to Skate on a Skate Trail


Snowshoe race back at Summerstown Trails

Provided by FOTST
Snowshoe race back at Summerstown Trails
A runner is heading towards the finish line at the annual Summerstown Trails Dion snowshoe race last held two years ago.

Summerstown, ON – After having had to cancel last year’s race due to Covid, the Friends of the Summerstown Trails (FOTST) are happy to announce that they will be organizing their annual Snowshoe Race this coming Saturday, February 12.

The annual Summerstown Forest Dion Snowshoe Race (7.3 km) is part of the Dion Ontario Snowshoe Running Series which is held in various locations in Eastern Ontario and will be the fourth race of the season for the race Series. In addition to local runners, this race attracts runners from the Ottawa, Kingston and Montreal areas.

Race director, Gilles Parisien, has set out a whole new course for the race, wanting to make it a truly single-track snowshoe race. “The new course will take participants through varied terrain, through conifers, hardwood and even swamp areas. And all of this over the rolling terrain of the Summerstown Forest. It’ll be a great experience” said Gilles Parisien, himself an experienced snowshoe race runner.

As was the case in the last few years, a second shorter race will be offered at the same time: the Summerstown Forest Challenge Race (4.2 km); this shorter race is designed to attract more local recreational runners and younger racers. Participants in both races are usually split evenly between male and female runners.

Because of Covid, special measures will be in place for the race. “There will be no race-day registrations, winners will get their prizes as they cross the finish line and post-race snacks will be very limited and served in individual containers”, added FOTST President Vic Leroux.

The start of both races is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 12. Race director Gilles Parisien declared the Summerstown Trails course to be one of the best in the race series.

To register for the race, please visit the FOTST website at

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