OPA Forum February 6th, 2012 |
Signage on Ontario Trails
Join OTC at Congress this Year |
Locator boards at the trail head/entrance to trails that are not visible from the road:
signs below are placed on a post along the trail and the post numbers
correspond to the numbers on the locator board; when emergency services
arrive at the trail head and are given the street number (175 Eleventh
Line) and post number by the 911 operator they are directed to the
location of the post which they have to access either by foot or ATV.
Manager of Parks; Parks, Recreation & Culture I Town of Collingwood I 705.444.2500 ext 3290
wmartin@collingwood.ca www.collingwood.ca___________________________________________________________________________
Cycle tracks - separated bike lanes a safer way for cyclists to travel
The City of Toronto has completed construction of its first cycle track - a lane for bicycles that is separated from motorized vehicle traffic. The new lane is located ...
The City of Toronto has completed construction of its first cycle track - a lane for bicycles that is separated from motorized vehicle traffic. The new lane is located ...
What a fun year I had with my buddies and I'm so happy to hear you also enjoyed the ride and that I only lost a few. You guys are really fun to hang out with and this year I really was blessed to see what big hearts you have! Well hang on to your boot straps because 2013 is going to be a good year for Hiking Buddies too!
WINTER WEEKEND HIKES: They will be posted the Monday before the weekend if weather is looking good. We will hike in the winter.
IDEA FOR 2013: If you have a favorite place you hike lets share it with the buddies. Email me your favorite spot we may not have visited yet and I'll work it into our calendar year.
MEMBERSHIP: Due every January, $20 for the year and you can pay on line or at your next hike. If you are coming as a family please email me about special considerations for kids.
STAY HEALTHY: sugar lowers your immune system, which means carbs of all kinds will, white sugar being the worst. Eat healthy and happiness is easy to achieve.
FEBRUARY WEEKEND EVENT: This is such a GOOD deal, everything included, 4 days and just less than $60 a day for all your food, fun and equipment! Book on line or if you prefer to pay by cheque or cash please email me.
FIONA UPDATE: There is a mountain of gifts in my house! Some of the buddies gave, some wrapped and some are dressing up as Santa and elf to help me deliver it all on the 24th. This family has been blessed by the response from my buddies...I'm so proud of you and so grateful for the love you showed this family. I plan to take some pictures on the 24th for you so watch for them!
THANK YOU for joining hiking buddies, for walking and talking with me and others. You made smiles appear, laughter fill the air and friendships have grown. There is and endearing appreciation for the group, it's spoken of often. Thank you for making that happen. Thank you also for forgiving me when I lost a few of you. And especially when I lost all of us...temporarily.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Buddies!
You're the BEST!!!