On February 25th about 20 trail organizations attended a meet and greet "trails" function at the Rural Ontario Municipalities Conference.
The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport provided profile to the Ontario Trails Strategy and the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee and the various initiative the MTCS has promoted to improve trails since 2005. The MTCS Ontario Place Revitalization Team was also in attendance, which is a good thing as Ontario Place is supposed to be for ALL Ontario!
The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport provided profile to the Ontario Trails Strategy and the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee and the various initiative the MTCS has promoted to improve trails since 2005. The MTCS Ontario Place Revitalization Team was also in attendance, which is a good thing as Ontario Place is supposed to be for ALL Ontario!
The Tudor room was sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport the event saw over 150 representatives from rural municipalities take time out to meet the Ontario Trails Council, The Waterfront Trail, The Trans Canada Trail Ontario, The Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance, Hike Ontario, The Bruce Trail Conservancy, The Ontario Federation of Trail Riders, The Ontario Equestrian Federation, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, the Ontario Federation of All-Terrain Vehicle Clubs, the CycleON MTO office, the Share the Road Coalition, and The MNR Trails Data Office.
The OTC was able to meet partners from all over Ontario, but we had specific requests to assist in trail development from Prince Edward, Renfrew County, Township of Bayham, Brockville and the Thousand Islands, as well as all the member NGO's in the room.
Thanks to Chris White from OTC Member Guelph Eramosa, for bringing the event to the attention of the MTCS through the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee, and thanks to the lead Ministry for listening and responding with the opportunity to connect with our members.
National Trail Coalition funding in Budget

The National Trails Coalition (NTC) is the operating name for the Coalition of Canadian Trails Organizations, a federally incorporated not-for-profit organization. The NTC was formed in 2007 to bring the broad spectrum of trail-based activities together in a collaborative manner to build, maintain and promote trails and trail use across Canada. One of the founding principles of the Coalition is building new partnerships between trail disciplines; fostering more multiple-use trail development; and providing a trail-based platform on which private enterprise and volunteer groups alike can generate economic activity.
The umbrella organizations spearheading the coalition initiative are the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO), the Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council (COHV), and the Canadian Trails Federation (CTF). Through their affiliates across Canada, these parent bodies represent trail building, operating and maintenance organizations in every province and territory. Most importantly, they provide trail infrastructure and a tourism product that is used by millions of Canadians and visitors to Canada.
For the full press release see: http://goo.gl/5G9ELiLegal Input Sought
Is there a law in Ontario you think needs to be changed? The Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) reviews existing provincial laws to see whether they can be improved or repealed or whether circumstances require new laws. We also review government policy and practices.

The LCO welcomes law reform proposals from individuals and organizations, including academics, jurists, lawyers, community and advocacy groups, labour organizations, businesses and members of the public. We are accepting proposals until March 21, 2014. This is the second and final call for proposals for projects to begin later this year and to take us into what we hope will be our third mandate beginning in January 2017.
Please be aware that the LCO does not provide funding for others to undertake projects, but undertakes Board-approved projects in-house.
For more information about making a proposal, and to find out how the LCO selects projects, see our website. See the range of projects we have completed and are undertaking now. You can learn about our funders and supporters and more about the LCO at www.lco-cdo.org.
Contact us at lawcommission@lco-cdo.org.
Education News
Our Sincere Condolences

Director of Community Services and previously the same position in Waterloo and Oakville.
Bob was involved in many community groups, organizations and served on many Boards and Committees in
Woodstock, Waterloo and Oakville. It can be said that wherever he lived, he got involved in the community.
One of the groups he was involved with was the Oxford County Trail Committee and he was a member of the OTC Education Faculty.
On-Line started Feb 3rd!