Showing posts with label Trailhead Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trailhead Events. Show all posts

Friday, August 3, 2018

Ontario Trails News - Trailwise week of August 3, 2018

Are you a Trail Friendly Business? Let us know and we'll promote your support of trails!
All over Ontario, there are thousands of bike shops, hiking gear stores, camping backpacking and equipment suppliers, providing you with what you need for your Ontario trail trip!The Ontario Trails Council is interested in counting your contribution to trails, by logging your business as a trails supporter. Your business contributes to and enhances the trips that people take on trails. Ontario Trails wants to acknowledge your contribution and create a network of business providers so we can showcase you in our huge database of trails.


trail friendly business directory
We can link you provincially, regionally and even locally.
Select your type of connectivity!
We are looking for:
  • Existing trail friendly business
  • Trail stores, outfitters, retailers
  • Restaurants that are rated trail friendly by OFSC, OFATV, cyclists, and hikers!
  • Hotels that provide accommodation for cyclists, dogs and are near trail excursion - like the Bruce Trail or Algonquin Park
Over 1.2 million unique visitors use the OTC website 24/7, all seasons to find trails. This translates into over 5 million trips on Ontario Trails!
If you tell us about yourself we'll tell these trip planners about you! Log yourself in today!

Take "The Safe Trail User" PledgeRecently OTC studied trail risk management, attended the Orangeville Horse Meeting and have had an ongoing confrontation with activity groups about their perception of our work towards collaboration between activities.

This, in fact, has been one of the core issues OTC has been tasked to deal with since its inception. In support, we are asking user groups and individuals to take -
The Ontario Trails Safe Trail User Pledge.
ontario trails safe trail user pledge
Download the form from our trail etiquette page.

Revitalize your Trails - host a Trailhead Trails Education Symposium
Learn more about what this outdoor recreation education session can bring to your community. Read our prospectus document through the link below.

Calendar of Trailhead Education Events Developed.Ontario Trails Council is pleased to announce its schedule of events through the remainder of 2018.

As you can appreciate we are working on supporting funding for these events with our partners, we are pleased to confirm the following planned events. Dates and times subject to change.


Sept 27 - Ontario Trails AGM, Markham.

November 1 - Leeds and Thousand Islands, Landsdowne.

November 4 - Ontario Mountain Bike Summit, Brantford.

November 5 - Grand Watershed Trails, Brantford.

November 20 - Trailhead Huron, TBA.

November 21 - Trailhead Indigenous, Mississauga.

December 4 - Trailhead ORV-ATV, Barrie.

January 2019 - Trailhead Tourism

April 2019 - Trailhead North Thunder Bay

Spring 2019 - Trailhead Huron Saugeen Shores

Ontario trails have the capability to add more events to its calendar. Those highlighted in orange above are in finalizing stages.

Event branding is also underway. As links to the programs and registration pages are finalized the links to these pages will be published.

Watch for more detail on branding, programs, and registration through this newsletter and on our social media.

Please note that for many of the events we are using the talents of Alex Brodka she can be reached through

We thank you for your support.
Are you likely to attend Trailhead Event? Please take our planning survey.
Thank you for considering participating in a Trailhead Event. We are trying to determine the likelihood of your attending the education sessions that our local hosts and planning committee are organizing.

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts as we work to plan the best interface of dates, content, event value and registration price point. Registration fees vary based on costs of speakers, venues, grant support and staff time.

As we add more events to the calendar going forward the survey will be adjusted and a reminder may be sent for more input.

Survey link through photo or here

Activities Update 

quinte bike path opens

The official ribbon cutting to mark the completion of Phase 1 of the Bridge Street West Cycling Route took place at the Belleville Fairgrounds. (Photo: Amanda Smith/Quinte News)
Phase 1 of the new Active Transportation Path in Belleville is officially complete.
The city held a ribbon cutting this morning to celebrate the completion of the cycling path on Bridge Street West that runs from Yeomans Street to Centennial Park, 355 Bridge St. West.
Mayor Taso Christopher says because of the age of some of the infrastructure in the city, they can’t do the entire path in one shot but this is a great start.

Tragedy leds to opinions and policy change.

Our condolences to the family, at OTC we want all people in the environment to plan ahead, prepa with care and know your skill level and work within it.

Jeremiah Perry's family 'relieved' teacher now charged a year after teen drowned during Ontario canoe trip

Nicholas Mills, 54, charged with criminal negligence causing death after OPP probe

Amara McLaughlin · CBC News · Posted: Jul 26, 2018 8:17 AM ET | Last Updated: July 26
canoe death leads to charge
Jeremiah Perry, 15, drowned while on a school canoeing trip to Ontario's Algonquin Provincial Park in July 2017. He could not swim and had not been issued a life-jacket. (Submitted by Perry family)

44 FREE Toronto events - from Daily Hive TO
44 free toronto events

A Forest of Canoes at The Bentway

What: A Forest of Canoes by Dana Claxton, is a site-specific installation set up throughout The Bentway and is co-commissioned with Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival and curated by Bonnie Rubenstein. The installation highlights the iconic role and symbolism of the canoe in Canadian, Metis, and Indigenous histories.
When: Now until August 31
Time: All day
Where: The Bentway, 250 Fort York Blvd.



Hamilton Burlington Trails Commitee

hamilton burlington trails
The Hamilton Burlington Trail Council is a sub committee of the Ontario Trail Council (OTC). The OTC is a charity that promotes the development, preservation and management of recreational trails in Ontario. As a subcommittee, we too hope to create a comprehensive source of information, develop trails, and create linkages within Hamilton and Burlington trail network. Our Mission: To serve as a trail alliance in developing and communicating a first class trail system in the Hamilton Burlington region, which promotes the health benefits of recreational trail use to residents and visitors while conserving our valuable natural ecosystems. Towards seeing Hamilton and Burlington hosting a well connected, heavily used, and easily accessible trail system.

Bruce Trail Conservancy

bruce trail conservancy

The Bruce Trail Conservancy (BTC) is a charitable organization committed to preserving a ribbon of wilderness, for everyone, forever.
We care for the Bruce Trail, Canada's oldest and longest marked footpath. Running along the Niagara Escarpment in southern Ontario from Niagara to Tobermory, the Bruce Trail spans more than 890 km of main Trail and over 400 km of associated side trails.
We are securing a permanent route for the Bruce Trail within a protected natural corridor by raising funds to preserve Niagara Escarpment land.
We are one of Ontario's largest land trusts, responsible for the preservation of almost 12,000 acres of irreplaceable Niagara Escarpment landscape.

County of Haliburton

haliburton county rail trail

Print a pdf MAP of the HCRT, Haliburton County Rail Trail and the open section of the I,B&O rail trail. This map was created by FoRT as a guide to the annual spring Sunday Rambles. In 2013, FoRT updated the map to include public greenspace and artisan food outlets adjacent to the rail trail. We hope the broader community can utilize this map to discover different sections of the two rail trails in the Haliburton Highlands.
Star icons show all points of access to both rail trails from County roads. Please note that there are no official parking lots at most of these. Respect private driveways and public safety, as you select a parking spot to access the trail on foot or by mountain bike. Do not attempt to access the trail during snowmobile season.

We wish to acknowledge our newest "new" members -

Township of Laurentian Valley

township of laurentian valley

GEO-GNOMING CONTEST WEEK 3 - July 30 - August 5, 2018
The LV GNOME is located on the grounds of Alice & Fraser Rec Centre (45°46'20.4" N 77°11'08.9" W) in Laurentian Valley! The LV GNOME will be at this location all week from July 30 - August 5, 2018.
Find the LV GNOME, take a selfie with it and send it to us along with your name via our Facebook page or by email at for a chance to win our weekly prize giveaway.
To qualify for the GRAND PRIZE draw of a kayak, paddle and life jacket, you must find the LV GNOME 4 times over the course of the 5 week contest and send us selfies to prove it!
Happy Hunting!!!

Share the Road Cycling Coalition

share the road cycling coalition

What We Do

The Share the Road Cycling Coalition is a provincial cycling advocacy organization working to build a bicycle-friendly Ontario. We work in partnership with municipal, provincial and federal governments, the business community, road safety organizations and other non-profits to:
  • Enhance access for bicyclists on roads and trails
  • Improve safety for all bicyclists
  • Educate citizens on the value and importance of safe bicycling for healthy lifestyles and healthy communities.
Other important STR Initiatives we support at OTC:
Bicycle Friendly Communities and more!
Greg's Ride
Ontario Bike Summit

Need to Renew? - Use Your Findjoo (find-you) ProfileRecently we sent your most recent organization or member contact person an email like the one below, Renew the profile we created for you!
Troubleshooting notes:
  • To those that were overcharged on taxes refunds have been issued for the overages.
  • To those that the system indicates have paid, in some cases the final transfer of the cash did not come through on our end. We will be sending you our system indicator and we may have to process your payment through traditional means - over the phone through credit card, or via cheque and membership form.
  • We apologize for any inconvenience.

Dear Member

Your Findjoo registration was created by Ontario Trails.

Your account email is your identified OTC contact email. is a site that allows you to make reservations, appointments, register for events, register for courses and renew memberships. You can either visit the site through your profile website or our website for the online options.

Once logged in on, you can access your client accounts by going over the floating "Menu" on the left side of any page.
From the menu click on the user icon.

You can modify your password from the "Your profile" link in the site header.
If you have questions, feel free to contact us through our website

Ontario Trails Council - Membership Team
Watch for this Badge on the Website - click to register your membership online.


Ontario Trails All Year Long! 
Add an Ontario Trail Logo to your website! 
Ontario Trails WeekOntario Trail DayOntario Trail Count
Watch for it on our social media, our facebook page and on our twitter feed.

Tell us all about your trail event and join us as we celebrate Ontario's Trails!
1. Log in Your Event  - Event spreadsheet.
2. Add your event to our event calendar -  add it here.
3. Post your personalized decal on your Trail - we have one for every group on our list. (see #5 below)
elliot lake trails survey
4. Add your trail user survey to any of your trail pages - we've made one of our members and regions. Get your decal here - 
We've checked the links if something isn't working simply give us a call - 613-484-1140. We'll be adding these links to the various relevant trail pages in your regions and RTO's/DMO's over the upcoming year!

5. Send us your Trails video - we'll be posting content online at and we'd be happy to add to our trails tube -
Missing? You may want to talk to us about OTC Membership. 613-484-1140 We'd be happy to connect with you.
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Friday, July 27, 2018

Ontario Trails News - News from all over and all about Ontario's Trails.

Join a Trailhead Event, watch for new Branding!

oshawa cycling projects continue
Other Communities see their projects continue:
Windsor-Essex Leamington
Discovery Routes Hopeful

Check out Ontario's hiking and walking trails at

off-trail lyme signage from government of ontario
Lyme Disease Stakeholder Reference Group,

As was discussed at our last meeting in May, I am pleased to announce that the ministry has created off-trail signage reminding people that they are in a tick area and to take precautions to avoid getting a tick bite and to check for ticks (see attached).

These paper-based signs will be posted in provincial park campgrounds and bathroom areas. The signs are bilingual and have been distributed to Ontario Parks and are available to order for free at Service Ontario.

To order off-trail signs from Service Ontario, please follow the steps below:
1.            Go to: 
2.            Type “Lyme Signage” in the search bar. The two off-trail signs will show up.
3.            Register for an account.
4.            Order the quantities of your choice and wait for delivery.

Jason (on behalf of the Lyme Disease Stakeholder Reference Group Secretariat)

For more information on the working group or its products contact:
Jason Globerman | Senior Policy and Program Advisor
Infectious Diseases Policy and Programs Unit
Health Protection and Surveillance Policy and Programs Branch| Population and Public Health Division
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
393 University Ave. 21st Floor, Toronto, ON M7A 2S1

Ontario Trails is pleased to support this program and we have ordered 200 signs we will distribute to members at Trailhead Education Symposiums.
step into nature healthy hikes

This spring, summer, and fall get outdoors on a conservation trail! The Ontario Trails Council supports the public use of this important Conservation Ontario program!

discovery routes refurbishing bikes in north bay

Check out all the great off-road cycling trails Ontario has to offer:

We have completed our Towards a National Trails Policy document. If you would like a copy e-mail Candian Trails President, Patrick Connor at and we'll send you a copy!

Workshops on Wheels 

Join us for a fun ride – or walk! Explore new routes. Share your ideas on how we can encourage more people to choose to walk or cycle as we create a new Cycling and Trails Master Plan for Kitchener. Each ride is co-hosted by city staff and a local resident. All skill levels are welcome to participate. Each ride is five to ten kilometers with lots of rest stops and fun conversation with your neighbours along the way. 
No registration is required. Rain or shine. In extreme weather situations, please visit this webpage to see if the ride or walk is cancelled. Be sure to subscribe to Bike Kitchener email updates for cycling news and updates on the master plan.

About Kitchener’s new Cycling and Trails Master Plan

Kitchener has a solid foundation for active transportation enjoyed by many residents across the city. Our new Cycling and Trails Master Plan will serve as the catalyst for building a city where people willingly and joyfully choose active transportation for getting around. Community engagement is essential to creating the new master plan – please be involved and share your ideas! Over the next year, city staff will be reaching out all across the city to hear from people about how we can make Kitchener a great place to walk and bike.
The ultimate goal is to double the number of trips taken by walking and cycling every five years. To achieve that goal, it’s important to build a connected network and the master plan will identify the long-term investments required to build pedestrian and cycling infrastructure for recreational users, commuters and everyday transportation needs.
Dates for the start of the consultation on our Trails Master Plan are now available – they are happening across the summer. As much input as we can get to support the recreation, leisure, health and multi-user needs for trails (and indeed, the tourism aspects) would be appreciated to balance the strong need to address active transportation needs of the City would be appreciated!

Please feel free to pass on these dates to your contacts – or pass on interested local contacts to me as you see fit!

Danny Pimentel
Active Transportation Planning Project manager
City of Kitchener, 200 King Street West, Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7
T.: 519-741-2200 ext. 7371
TTY: 1-866-969-9994
F.: 519-741-2747
Email Danny Pimentel
Map this Location.
wintergreen funding for timmins trails

Upgrades and repairs are being done to the Scout Rock Trail in Timmins by student workers of the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. Part of the work is being financed by the Wintergreen Fund in Timmins. That was acknowledged this week despite the steady rain. Among those who were on the trail checking the progress Tuesday were MRCA general manager Dave Vallier, at left, student workers Bradley Bonsall, Kameron Brousseau, Wintergreen chair Michael Doody, Tyler Dacosta, Taylor Buczkowski, MRCA field supervisor Kevin Gagnon, and Wintergreen volunteer Kees Pols.

Join us in Seeley's Bay on November 1, 2018, where we will be talking about the business of trails. A Trailhead Ontario "Partners" Event.

trailheadontario event survey

NEW - Join Ontario Trails by processing your membership online. 


findjoo membership management for otc
We want to thank the following organization who recently became an Ontario Trails Member - NEW - Township of Laurentian Valley - NEW Check out their trail at:

We thank all Members for your continued support.
ontario trillium foundation newsletter

We always have room for your trails event - be sure to add it to our online listings!

ctv 21 of 55 fires remain out of control

Officials: 21 of 55 Ontario forest fires remain out of control - Ontario Trails advises - call ahead - plan ahead, avoid accident or injury.

take the ontario trails safe trail user pledge
credit valey conservation refurbishment
One of Mississauga’s most significant redevelopment projects is moving forward.
One of the lasting legacy projects of the late Mississauga councillor Jim Tovey, who represented the Lakeview area in Ward 1 from 2010 to 2018, was a conservation area called the Lakeview Waterfront Connection.
According to the Credit Valley Conservation Authority, the project will transform the currently degraded section of the shore into a beautiful naturalized conservation area, which is expected to become a hub for waterfront recreation and a hotspot for wildlife migration.

Download a copy of our proposal to host a Trailhead Trails Education Symposium in your community. Download Here

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