Showing posts with label Trailwise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trailwise. Show all posts

Friday, October 1, 2021

Ontario Trails - OFSC Permits On-Sale And More From Ontario Trails


Ontario Trails is a charity, led by a volunteer board of directors that promotes the use, management, development, and preservation of trails and trail-based activities in Ontario.


From the Ontario Trails Community 

Ontario Trails supports all efforts at truth and reconciliation with our first nations peoples.


OFSC Snowmobile Permits are now for sale!

Go Out and Enjoy the fall colours!

Trail rules to know before bringing your dog on a hike

Thanks to the Weather Network for producing this video!


Ontario Trails at Eagles Nest Trail Opening

Grand reopening ceremony held at Eagles Nest

September 29, 2021

By Mike Riley

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Bancroft this Week

The intermittent chance of rain couldn’t dampen the spirits of everyone who attended the grand reopening ceremony of 18 kilometres of non motorized trails at Eagles Nest on Sept 24 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Present at the ceremony were HDTI chair Dora Trimbee, HDTI board member Cathy Trimble, Hastings County Warden Rick Phillips, OTC CEO Patrick Connor, Hastings Prince Edward Public Health medical officer of health Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Limerick Township Mayor Carl Stefanski, Bancroft Councillor Wayne Wiggins, North Hastings Economic Development Designate Chair (and Mayor of Tudor and Cashel Township) Libby Clarke, Wollaston’s Deputy Mayor Darlene Coulton, the chair of the North Hastings Fund Development Committee Kim Bishop and representatives from the Algonquins of Ontario Ada Tinney, Diane Martin and Dora Yateman. After a closing prayer by Tinney, there was a ribbon cutting ceremony and an invitation to explore the rehabilitated trails.

HDTI sent out a press release about this grand reopening of 18 kilometres of non-motorized trails throughout North Hastings on Sept. 7. The event celebrates the completion of a project made possible by a $145,800 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, so that residents and non-residents of all abilities can enjoy the outdoors via these trails.

Trimbee welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming out to the ceremony that day. She then introduced Trimble, a board member with HDTI and the past chair. Trimble thanked everyone for coming, saying that COVID-19 stopped them last year but it was great to be here now. She also expressed gratitude for all stakeholders who had made the reopening of the 18 kilometres of non-motorized trails a reality in the Town of Bancroft, Limerick Township and Wollaston Township. She also mentioned the concurrent children’s program with the North Hastings Public Library running in Millenium Park. She also provided a land acknowledgment and thanked the contributions of the Algonquin nation in the whole process.

Next up, Tinney, Martin and Yateman had a smudging ceremony, which is a cleansing ceremony done daily to get rid of any negative energies. They also played a song about the eagle, since the ceremony was happening at Eagles Nest. They explained that they honour the eagle because it can take prayers and messages up to the Creator because it can fly the highest of all the birds and above the clouds.

Oglaza said that the HPEPH was proud to have been a partner in the development of these trails.

“The investment in these trails came at an optimal time. Over the past year and a half, we’ve been taught the lesson about the value of outdoor spaces and the activities we can enjoy in them. These trails will contribute to the improved physical and mental health of our community now [continuing to deal with COVID-19] and well into the future,” he says.

Connor spoke next, and said that over the past two decades, the OTC has supported about $4.5 million of the Ontario Trillium Foundation funding grants and they’ve worked on a couple of infrastructure grants with Infrastructure Canada through the National Trails Coalition.

“At the bedrock of all this, we’ve worked hard to ensure that provincially and nationally, local groups like yours get the resources they need and it’s our pleasure to have developed 51 of these committees to our 220 member organizations, including HDTI and Hastings County and we’re grateful for your support,” he says.

Trimble spoke again, outlining each trail system and the upgrades they had received including; new kiosks, new stones and bedrock placement, new signage, wayfinding and directional arrows, bear bins, accessible washrooms and upgrades to the trails themselves to make them more maintenance free.

“Everything was upgraded with major improvements through the grant at this particular location. With the counters we’ll be able to have some statistics and we can apply to other grants and funders because we’ll have some actual statistics. So, these are some of the major improvements that were taking place at the different locations, so we hope you enjoy them,” she says.

Wiggins, who attended for Mayor Paul Jenkins, who was otherwise engaged, was up next. He mentioned the town’s partnership with NHPL, who are going to be doing a backpack system for people to come and enjoy the trails and the nature around Bancroft.

“It’s quite a little package put together. I know the backpack includes a lot of stuff like binoculars, etc,” he says.

Stefanski spoke next and said that McGeachie Conservation Area boasts a myriad of outdoors activities for people to do and a trail system second to none. He also highlighted the rescue team at their municipal office that could respond in short order should an incident occur on the trails.

“HDTI and Ontario Trillium Foundation have stepped up to make exercise on these trails viable and a truly outdoor experience for those who may not have another way to enjoy the outdoors and with that bring economic growth to North Hastings,” he says.

Next up was Wollaston’s Deputy Mayor Darlene Colton, who remarked it had been quite a hike on the new trails.

“So, it’s best to make sure you have a good pair of shoes/boots especially with all this rain the past week and don’t forget a camera. Wollaston invites all visitors to visit The Gut and all destination trails that bring economic development to the area,” she says.

Clarke was next up and said that NHEDC was one of the first who thought of the idea of bringing non-motorized trails to fruition in the area.

“Cathy Trimble and other board members formed the original trails subcommittee who procured the Trillium grant. Eventually this subcommittee became known as Hastings Trails and received the $145,800 in grant money from the Trillium foundation to rehabilitate the trails with extra funds from Hastings County and Carlow Mayo. NHEDC is thrilled to have been part of making these non-motorized trails a reality,” she says.




Ottawa eyes rail corridor purchase


Ontario Announces Tourism Recovery Grant Program


Bear Hunting Season

bear hunting season caution poster saying bear hunting season from kawartha atv association


Trail Surveys

The OTC is interested in what you think! We have written many types of surveys and are pleased to provide links to them on this page. From such important topics as Trail Trade Specialist to Member Services we want you to help us help you!

Click the title below to be redirected to the survey of your choice.

Help Us Help You - website improvement

Upload Your Trail - add your trail to the website

Upload Your Event - add your trail event to the website

Trail Reform Now - legislative and insurance reform support

Trail Trades Specialist- tell us what you'd like to see in a trail trades course

Member Services - are you happy as an OTC member with the services you get?

Strategic Planning 1: - tell us what you'd like the OTC to do

Strategic Planning 2: Financial Sustainability - as a charity we can always use new ideas to sustain ourselves

Strategic Planning 3: - Effectiveness - how effective are we?

Customer Satisfaction - as a member of the public what do you think of the OTC?

Economic Impact of Recreational Trail (ON) - for the Eco Dev/Tourism, Trail Planning office

Insurance Issues - tell us about your ability to get coverage

Trails of 1812 - is your community celebrating our bi-centennial

On-Road Cycling Lane Petition - Norm Miller MPP - download the form here - (no web link available)

Trail Priorities - what do you want OTC to do for Trails?

Save the Prescott Russell Rail Trail - encourage the communities to save this trail!

Voyageur Trail User Survey - if you've used this trail they'd like your feedback


Hi - we are asking that folks complete a short survey on Trail Counters. Thanks.

a picture of a person walking on a trail


Hi - we are asking that folks complete a short survey on trail access for horses. Thanks.

a badge of a horse for the canadaian recreational horse and rider association


Does anyone know of similar benches with a Canadian Distributor?

a couple of pictures of a park bench
Do you know of any park benches that are suitable for elders? Higher seats with armrests? Place for a walker?

If you do please email

three men walking along a trail in the woods talking and drinking coffee

Ontario Trails - staying open in difficult times - if your membership is due we could use your renewal!

New upcoming projects include:
  • Web Path Mapping Project with RTO3 and City of Hamilton - confirmed and underway
  • St. Lawrence Park Commission Trail Committee Development - September 21, 24, 29 and 30.
  • Insurance Survey Results - November 3, 2021
  • Risk Management Committee - September 14, 2021 11am - 1pm
  • Trails Education Committee Meeting - TBD
  • Hastings Destination Trails Inc. - September 13, 2021 11am
  • Hasting Destination Trails Inc. Trails Re-opening September 24, 2021, Bancroft Ontario.
  • Trails Tourism Committee - September 16, 2021 1:30 pm
  • OTC Board Meeting - September 16, 2021 7pm
  • National Roundtable on Trail Risk Management - November 25, 2021
We thank members for renewing or supporting the OTC through membership. 

Credit Valley Conservation Authority
McMaster University

Over past months we have - 
  • provided content to the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries,
  • supported a survey on Lyme Disease for Queen's University,
  • put time and effort into trail categorization for trail use,
  • supported our partner Marmak and the RFAM tool,
  • supported a University of Waterloo Outdoor Recreation Impacts,
  • supported and distributed the Black Sheep Mountain Bike Club Rider Survey,
  • updated a variety of COVID related pages on the OTC website,
  • engaged members and the trail using public on etiquette,
  • provided consulting advice to Avon Trail, Renfrew County, the OFSC, and others,
  • been strong with groups on public safety,
  • facilitated work on Hastings Destination Trails Inc.,
  • added a signage page,
  • produced a webinar video or two, and,
  • hosted a series of webinars with our partners, and
  • supported students with the University of Waterloo and the City of Waterloo to do trail work
For all the latest on trails and trail news follow:

Ontario Trails
Ontario ATV Trails
Ontario Hiking Trails
Ontario Climbing Trails
Ontario Cycling Trails
Ontario Dirt Bike Trails
Ontario Horse Trails
Ontario Water Trails
Toronto Trails
Trailhead North
Trails of 1812
Niagara Trails Committee
Hamilton Burlington Trails
Canadian Trails Federation

To find your trail listing go to Ontario Trails
To help trail users find trails on their mobile share Ontario Trails Map

Standing by the public safety order is very difficult to do when you and your members are in the business of promoting the outdoors. Certainly being firm on Stay Home doesn't win you popularity contests with many users. And users affect our memberships. If people don't like your message membership suffers. This is what we are trying to do, the right thing overall, and we need you to look past the current messages to having OTC around in 6 months and then a year from now.

We will be sending an email asking for your renewal. Based on our projections memberships should facilitate a 0 deficit, continuation of office supports and the type of education and advocacy that has seen the development of Ontario Trail Categorization, website maintenance, our response to COVID, our online training through Algonquin College, as well as our future plans for training, economic and tourism development committee, AND most importantly our Health Unit and Trails messaging process.

OTC is interested in assuring that there is balance in trail use as we work to re-open full public access, with safe user practice, to the trails and trail activities you love.

Support us today. 

Please renew. By electronic transfer,

PayPal - select your membership rate and Go!

or a call with your credit card.


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Friday, September 10, 2021

President's Message and more important information from Ontario Trails. #ontariotrails

trailwise news header with a logo and a picture of the escarpment biosphere reserve trout hollow lake

Ontario Trails is a charity, led by a volunteer board of directors that promotes the use, management, development, and preservation of trails and trail-based activities in Ontario.


 Terri's Trail Talk

Reflections from OTC President, Terri LeRoux

Here at OTC, there are seven (7) vital goals guide the work that we do.
  1. To provide a forum for persons who are interested in the promotion, establishment, development, preservation, maintenance and use of recreational trails to share their interest and experience with others.
  2. To increase awareness and appreciation of the value of trails and trail networks among governments, corporations, organizations and individuals.
  3. To increase the number, length, variety and accessibility of trails in Ontario.
  4. To preserve and enhance the quality of trails and trail networks, in harmony with the environment.
  5. To unify trail interest groups in an effective and efficient manner.
  6. To promote the safe and responsible use of trails; and
  7. To reflect and promote a conservation ethic in all aspects of the work of the Ontario Trails Council.
Achieving these goals takes a village, or rather an entire trail sector to succeed, and the village needs a leader. OTC is that leader – and through the collective efforts of government, trail management agencies, trail user groups, businesses, NGOs and trail users, everyone has a role to play to push these goals forward and build a better trails community for the benefit of all Ontarians.

The best way YOU can help is to get involved. Become an OTC member and help form the voice of our leadership.  Already a member? Join an OTC Committee and help us make traction.  To learn more please contact me or Patrick Connor, Executive Director ata lady in a hat with glasses on the brow outdoors in an ontario park terri leroux

Happy trails,



Session at PRO with a Trails Focus


header image of park and recreation ontario 2021 forum

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1:00 - 4:00 pm ET

Indigenous Engagement in Parks and Trails 

Presentation Description: This presentation will focus on initiatives led by Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) involving Indigenous engagement taking place in CVC’s conservation areas and trails. As a community-based and environmental organization, CVC strongly believes that recognizing the territories, traditional knowledge and culture of Indigenous people is crucial to moving toward reconciliation. As such, CVC actively seeks out ways to support Indigenous peoples, collaborating with Indigenous partners to develop placemaking and programming along CVC’s trails and at our conservation areas.

To illustrate aspects of this ongoing work, this presentation will focus on several CVC-led projects and strategic initiatives involving Indigenous engagement, including CVC’s Credit Valley Trail (CVT), Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area (JTLCA) Island Lake Conservation Area Management Plan (ILMP) and lastly, CVC’s Conservation Areas Master Strategy (CAMS).

Together, these initiatives demonstrate meaningful engagement between CVC and Indigenous partners that has led to the creation of educational opportunities at CVC parks and trails; providing publicly accessible, interpretive spaces and programming that encourage the public to deepen their understanding of the ancestral history of the Credit River Watershed. This work also represents CVC’s continued commitment to our Indigenous partners; supporting Indigenous leadership and continuing to promote innovative practices and inclusivity in our parks and along our trails.


map of trail in Guelph from newspaper

Read the full article

Ontario Trails Talk

Join us Wednesday September 15, 2021
trails in the woods and wilderness

Managing Trails

Please use the trails you are allowed to use!

dufferin county forest sign



North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority

north bay mattawa people in a forest dedicating a trail

Bear Hunting Season

bear hunting season caution poster saying bear hunting season from kawartha atv association

Burlington Planting Trees


Trail Surveys

The OTC is interested in what you think! We have written many types of surveys and are pleased to provide links to them on this page. From such important topics as Trail Trade Specialist to Member Services we want you to help us help you!

trail counts program picture of a bridge on a trail

Watch the Talk


Ever wondered who is using your trail and when? Looking for more than just a static count of trail activity? Tell others about who is using your trail and what makes your trail a popular destination!

Utilizing smartphone technology trail users can now complete a short survey that:

  • Logs in the trip
  • Single counts individual users
  • Consolidates results for centralized reporting
  • Consultation on survey content.
  • We ask your questions - the facility manager asks what they want to know!
  • Allows for separate trail counting
  • Multi-season operation
  • 24/7collection
  • Identifies quality of trail experiences
  • Provides you feedback loop

Wherever there is a smartphone signal, you could be gathering and collecting additional user reported information that will make for a better trail! Got great trails? Get the feedback that keeps you in the know!


Click the title below to be redirected to the survey of your choice.

Help Us Help You - website improvement

Upload Your Trail - add your trail to the website

Upload Your Event - add your trail event to the website

Trail Reform Now - legislative and insurance reform support

Trail Trades Specialist- tell us what you'd like to see in a trail trades course

Member Services - are you happy as an OTC member with the services you get?

Strategic Planning 1: - tell us what you'd like the OTC to do

Strategic Planning 2: Financial Sustainability - as a charity we can always use new ideas to sustain ourselves

Strategic Planning 3: - Effectiveness - how effective are we?

Customer Satisfaction - as a member of the public what do you think of the OTC?

Economic Impact of Recreational Trail (ON) - for the Eco Dev/Tourism, Trail Planning office

Insurance Issues - tell us about your ability to get coverage

Trails of 1812 - is your community celebrating our bi-centennial

On-Road Cycling Lane Petition - Norm Miller MPP - download the form here - (no web link available)

Trail Priorities - what do you want OTC to do for Trails?

Save the Prescott Russell Rail Trail - encourage the communities to save this trail!

Voyageur Trail User Survey - if you've used this trail they'd like your feedback


National Active Transportation Strategy Announced.


Canada Community Revitalization Fund


Hi - we are asking that folks complete a short survey on Trail Counters. Thanks.

a picture of a person walking on a trail


Hi - we are asking that folks complete a short survey on trail access for horses. Thanks.

a badge of a horse for the canadaian recreational horse and rider association


Does anyone know of similar benches with a Canadian Distributor?

a couple of pictures of a park bench
Do you know of any park benches that are suitable for elders? Higher seats with armrests? Place for a walker?

If you do please email

three men walking along a trail in the woods talking and drinking coffee

Ontario Trails - staying open in difficult times - if your membership is due we could use your renewal!

New upcoming projects include:
  • Web Path Mapping Project with RTO3 and City of Hamilton - confirmed and underway
  • St. Lawrence Park Commission Trail Committee Development - September 21, 24, 29 and 30.
  • Insurance Survey Results - November 3, 2021
  • Risk Management Committee - September 14, 2021 11am - 1pm
  • Trails Education Committee Meeting - TBD
  • Hastings Destination Trails Inc. - September 13, 2021 11am
  • Hasting Destination Trails Inc. Trails Re-opening September 24, 2021, Bancroft Ontario.
  • Trails Tourism Committee - September 16, 2021 1:30 pm
  • OTC Board Meeting - September 16, 2021 7pm
  • National Roundtable on Trail Risk Management - November 25, 2021
We thank members for renewing or supporting the OTC through membership. 

Intact Public Entities Inc.
City of Cornwall

Over past months we have - 
  • provided content to the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries,
  • supported a survey on Lyme Disease for Queen's University,
  • put time and effort into trail categorization for trail use,
  • supported our partner Marmak and the RFAM tool,
  • supported a University of Waterloo Outdoor Recreation Impacts,
  • supported and distributed the Black Sheep Mountain Bike Club Rider Survey,
  • updated a variety of COVID related pages on the OTC website,
  • engaged members and the trail using public on etiquette,
  • provided consulting advice to Avon Trail, Renfrew County, the OFSC, and others,
  • been strong with groups on public safety,
  • facilitated work on Hastings Destination Trails Inc.,
  • added a signage page,
  • produced a webinar video or two, and,
  • hosted a series of webinars with our partners, and
  • supported students with the University of Waterloo and the City of Waterloo to do trail work
For all the latest on trails and trail news follow:

Ontario Trails
Ontario ATV Trails
Ontario Hiking Trails
Ontario Climbing Trails
Ontario Cycling Trails
Ontario Dirt Bike Trails
Ontario Horse Trails
Ontario Water Trails
Toronto Trails
Trailhead North
Trails of 1812
Niagara Trails Committee
Hamilton Burlington Trails
Canadian Trails Federation

To find your trail listing go to Ontario Trails
To help trail users find trails on their mobile share Ontario Trails Map

Standing by the public safety order is very difficult to do when you and your members are in the business of promoting the outdoors. Certainly being firm on Stay Home doesn't win you popularity contests with many users. And users affect our memberships. If people don't like your message membership suffers. This is what we are trying to do, the right thing overall, and we need you to look past the current messages to having OTC around in 6 months and then a year from now.

We will be sending an email asking for your renewal. Based on our projections memberships should facilitate a 0 deficit, continuation of office supports and the type of education and advocacy that has seen the development of Ontario Trail Categorization, website maintenance, our response to COVID, our online training through Algonquin College, as well as our future plans for training, economic and tourism development committee, AND most importantly our Health Unit and Trails messaging process.

OTC is interested in assuring that there is balance in trail use as we work to re-open full public access, with safe user practice, to the trails and trail activities you love.

Support us today. 

Please renew. By electronic transfer,

PayPal - select your membership rate and Go!

or a call with your credit card.


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Friday, June 30, 2017

Ontario Trails News - Trailwise June 29, 2017

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council, the provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of June 29, 2017
photo submitted by Vicki E.
• Activity Pages • Books, Maps, Mugs and Tees
  • Dufferin County Delegation • Member News • Activity Updates 
Ontario Trails adds 4 Activities

ontario trails activities

Through the process of consultation with the trails community, regional tourism organizations and destination marketing organizations we were asked to highlight some more specific information on the OTC website.

This included aerial trails, a sub-set of off-road trails with the mountain biker in mind, winter biking and skating trails. We encourage all members and organizations to let us know if you have a trail with the activities we haven't labelled.
ontario trails tree top trekking and aerial trails
ontario trails mountain biking activity

Hey! Know of a trail we don't?
Be sure to add it anytime. Takes about 6 minutes - if you've got local photos, add those (Add 4 minutes). Best 10 minutes you could spend all day!

ontario trails winter skating trails
ontario trails winter fat biking trails

Help us get your trail on the site

An important part of the new OTC Web site will be a page dedicated to each trail. It is important to give us as much information as possible - this will be the only source for creating your dedicated page on the OTC Web site.

If we don't get the information from you, it won't make it onto the site.

Thank you for taking the time to add your trail to the Ontario Trails Council Web site.

Easier access to the information you want.
It's clear - people that manage and operate trails wants access to information they can review so they can be in step with the best practices and current management operations of trails.

We've re-packaged information on the OTC website for quicker access - got a question look for the Standards and Practices page.

Industry Publications

Professional Certification

Management Practice

Risk Management

Accessibility Compliance


Event Planning

Educational Posters

Support Trails - Order your ball caps, mugs or OTC Shirt now! Quantities are limited.

ontario trails council books, maps, hats and tees

Dufferin County Forest Trails Meeting

ontario trails dufferin county forest

On June 27th Pam Coburn of the Ontario Equestrian Federation, Jack de Wit fo the OTC and CRHRA, and Patrick Connor from OTC made depositions to Dufferin County Social PLanning Committee regarding the recreational uses in the forest.

In the last month or so splitting of trails, as indicated through new signage was putting horses of safe trails onto roads. Over 100 horse riders responded in a week, with a petition, a call to action to OTC, OEF and CRHRA, and led by Stewart Dunkley (local enthusiast), we were able to get a motion from committee that the cyclists (mountain bikers) and the horses (who have to form a leadership group) to work with staffs to define and clarify trail routing, mapping, signage and capacity, amongst other issues between each other and with staff.

The DCF has a very equitable recreational plan, and over 4 years went into crafting the document. The OTC appreciates the efforts of staff and council, and we are grateful for their guidance in making a forest that will work with a process to reduce conflict and improve trail safety in the forest.

OTC Remarks

Dufferin County Forest Management Plan

Ontario Trails All Year Long! 

Add an Ontario Trail Logo to your website! 

Ontario Trails WeekOntario Trail DayOntario Trail Count
Watch for it on our social media, our facebook page and in our twitter feed.

Tell us all about your trail event and join us as we celebrate Ontario's Trails!
1. Log in Your Event  - Event spreadsheet.

2. Add your event to our event calendar -  add it here.

3. Post your personalized decal on your Trail - we have one for every group on our list. (see #5 below)

elliot lake trails survey

4. Add your trail user survey to any of your trail pages - we've made one for our members and regions. Get your decal here -
We've checked the links, if something isn't working simply give us a call - 613-484-1140. We'll be adding these links to the various relevant trail pages in your regions and RTO's/DMO's over the upcoming year!

5. Send us your Trails video - we'll be posting content on-line at and we'd be happy to add to our trails tube - Missing? You may want to talk to us about OTC Membership. 613-484-1140 We'd be happy to connect with you.

News And Events 
Trailhead North 2018 - Sault Ste. Marie


In Spring of 2018 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Sault Ste Marie for two days of meetings and lively discussion about all types of trails.
Our hosts invite you to join us to hear stories from wood and river, hill and valley. We will be talking about the great adventures we share and how to get more folks to love the outdoors the way we do.
April 26, 27th (at least) 2018


Protect the Grand Trunk Trail - please sign the petitionprotect the st mary's trail

We need your input!In 2015 we secured 101 respondents to our "The Value of Trails - Measuring the Economic Impact of Trails Survey."  We've added 18 more to the 2017 updates. We have a ways to go. Click through the screen capture below to access the survey.

value of trail survey 2017

There are many metrics to measure in determining the economic impact of trails, and tourism in just one factor. In order to accurately represent a closer economic impact of trails we are requesting your speedy response to our Call to Action for Your Input to our Value of Trails 2017 survey.

With your help we will make an even stronger case for trails and the supports you require to provide a top notch experience at each of your trail destinations. We are also accepting new responses! Many Thanks!

Trailhead Canada - Program Outline Update
trailhead canada itinerary page 1
trailhead canada itinerary page 2

Membership Renewals - Thank-you for your Support!

join ontario trails
We wish to thank the organizations that have already renewed for 2017. We couldn't do our work without your support. Many thanks!

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