Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ontario Trails News - get out and get active on an Ontario trail!

Hastings County Trail Development

Niagara Region

Hamilton Burlington Trail Council

Conservation Ontario
healthy hikes

8 essential survival tips for a fall adventure

Colin Field at Cottage Life - 14 hours ago
[image: shutterstock_117589696] While everyone heads outdoors in summer, camping and getting out there in the fall can be equally awesome. The trees, the freshness of a dewy morning, and bundling up around a warm fire at the end of the day are all experiences heightened by the season’s temperature and scenery. Unlike summer, however, camping in the [...]
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Ontario Trails - Paddle, Bike, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

Ontario Trails Education Program - Book Now
Trail Education Courses - 
23 Sessions and Counting

We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Gearing Up: News and Tips about Cycling in the MS Bike Tours in ...
You can find out more about the different MS Bike Tours in Ontario and, if you register for a Tour at the show, you will be entered for a chance to WIN a NORCO ...

Canadian Cyclist - Registration Opens for Good Friday Road Race ...
The source for Canadian cycling news and information including mountain ... March 24/12 9:16 am - Registration Opens for Good Friday Road Race - Ontario ...

Broken bike? Call for a tow
Ottawa Citizen
Under the CAA of North and Eastern Ontario's new bike assist program, members stranded by abicycle breakdown can use any of their four allotted “annual service calls” for roadside assistance. A basic CAA membership costs $65.
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World Water Day 2012 - Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation
Funding research and analysis on greenbelts around the globe which concluded that Ontario's Greenbelt is the most robust in the world, with a strong legal and ...

Where to Rent a Mountain Bike in Toronto - Forums - Forums -
Does anyone know if there are any companies in Toronto that rent mountain bikes? By the way, which mountains are the best for mountain biking in Ontario?

Norfolk celebrates completion of stimulus projects
Delhi News Record
By Daniel R. Pearce, Simcoe Reformer Eva Salter, regional adviser with the Ontario Government, and Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett cut a ribbon Friday to celebrate the completion of local stimulus-funded projects in Norfolk County.
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Great Trails - Great People - June 17-20, 2012
Oxford County Trails Tours – scheduled for Sunday afternoon, and Wednesday afternoon, the Oxford County Trails Council has put together a walking, cycling and water tour for delegate enjoyment. That way its not all just indoors but you get to enjoy and experience some of Oxford County’s finest trails! To book a spot contact Wayne Daub of the OCTC

Ontario Trails Strategy – this session is designed to provide the trails community, trail managers and volunteers with up to date information on the status of the 2007 Ontario Trails Strategy, and its relationship with the Recreational Framework, re-written in 2011. Trails are supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and they have the mandate for both implementation and support of recreation and trails. Our panel of Ministry staff will lead the way in detailing the policies and how they make them work at the provincial level!

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Develop, Manage, Use and Preserve Trails

Hike Ontario Summit - Coureurs de Bois Voyageur Trail Outdoors ...
Arrangements for the Hike Ontario Summit Meeting Sept 30-Oct 2, are progressing well and we anticipate a successful meeting will ensue. ...

Tweeting Toronto's Heritage, One Plaque at a Time
... inclined to join local historical societies or sign up for walking tours. “I wanted a simple idea which could engage this group with Toronto's heritage and which would appeal to people who like exploring different parts of the city,” he notes. ...
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Cyclists need equal rights
The Beacon Herald
Upon crossing the border into Ontario, I was absolutely shocked at the immediate lack of respect for cyclists on Ontario roads. Cars and trucks alike buzzed by so close at times that I thought I was going to die. This happened even when there were no ...
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Bixi bike program off to a spinning start Toronto Star
Perhaps that is where the Toronto Bike Plan (TBP) will come in. Already 10 years old, the TBP hoped to double the number of bike trips by 2011, while reducing the number of bicycle accidents and injuries. In mid-August, the city was given another ...
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Cycling events
Ottawa Citizen
Today: Ontario Time Trial Championships. Open to all UCI championship categories with separate category for triathletes, club riders and children at the Clarence Creek arena on Lemay Street. Sign-in starts 7 am Distances include 20 and 40 kilometres ...
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Five worth the drive
Ottawa Citizen
Here are five ideas for short bike rides (about 10 kilometres) within easy reach of Ottawa. The trip: The Waterfront Trail and Greenway is a collection of paths and bike routes following the shore of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River from Niagara ...
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Kershaw returns to lead Share the Road
The Sudbury Star
A member of the Walden Mountain Bike Club, Mulligan has taken part in several competitive events, such as the Beaton Classic. "And with the price of gas ...

How to enjoy a Muskoka vacation
Toronto Sun
... hiking trails, horseback riding and Hummer tours to exploring the charming town of Huntsville. Deerhurst also features a number of great golf packages. Deerhurst resort is located two hours north of Toronto bordering the Algonquin Provincial Park. ...
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KEDCO Update: Week Ending August 19, 2011
Kingston Herald
Tourism Kingston and the Kingston Impact Basketball Club announced this week that the city of Kingston has been selected by Ontario Basketball to host the ...

from Wikipedia Commons
Van Koeverden wins World Championship Gold
For the first time in his career, Adam van Koeverden of Oakville, Ontario, has won a Gold medal at the World Canoeing and Kayaking Championships in the 1000m distance. On Friday at Szeged, Hungary, van Koeverden, the three-time Canadian Olympic ...
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Bassin' from a kayak
Belleville Intelligencer
For three anglers en route to Gananoque Friday for a for segment two of the Ontario Kayak Fishing Series, decked out anglers decided to stop and try out the ...

RCC 2011 Ontario Bantam Champions - Rideau Canoe Club
Summer Camps. Canoe Kids ... RCC 2011 Ontario Bantam Champions. posted Aug 16, 2011 7:05 PM. Aug 16, 2011 7:05 PM. by Hector Carranco ...

 Rodeo riding into Powassan for fall fair
The North Bay Nugget
The Ontario-sanctioned event will showcase seven rodeo events including barrel racing, team roping and bull riding. Lorne Byers, also on the rodeo committee ...

Ontario News North | Tag Archive | Crown land management
McGuinty Government Explores How Northerners Can Provide Input Ontario is exploring how people can help shape Crown land and road management across the ...

How Ontario's Greenbelt is failing farmers—and the local food movement
This Magazine
Robert Beynon's dairy farm sits just north of the Toronto suburb of Richmond Hill, on one of the southernmost edges of Ontario's greenbelt. It's a small operation (40 cows, 350 acres) set back off of busy Bathurst Street. Behind his 150-year-old brick ...
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