Showing posts with label Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve. Show all posts

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ontario Trails News- we garner support from some new and returning sources - thanks!

Georgian Bay Coast Trail and INAC Support OTC Consultation Work 
Just wanted to say thanks to the folks with the Georgian Bay Coast Trail, the OTC has been retained by the GBCT to facilitate development and community support for completing this rugged hiking trail on the shores of Georgian Bay. Our thanks to the GBCT and our partners at Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve, Magnetewan, Shawanaga, Henvey Inlet First Nation(s) and Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve for their support of this significant trail development. Our working group has been meeting regularly for a few months and we look forward to the future!

Accessibility Directorate Supports OTC Project
Through the generous support of the Ontario EnAbling Change Program, the OTC wrote a grant to establish best communication and information practices for Ontario's trail organizations and the grant was approved.

A more formal announcement will follow.
Ontario Trails Council Website Refresh - some hints

Through the generous support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport our web re-design team has been working for 6 months to complete a website renewal to satisfy the trail sector.

With nearly 1 million unique visitors a year the OTC is pleased to provide content that showcases Ontario's world class system of trails. Watch for the new site online in early April 2014!

Development News -

Ontario Trillium Foundation Funds OTC Partners Project
Thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation - Ontario Trails Council Inc., as lead organization on this collaborative $25,000 over one year to hire a part time project facilitator to help implement key steps in the Kinghorn Trail business plan.

This includes securing a lease for the trail property and the creation of a detailed development plan through community consultation.

The 111 km multi-use recreation trail will provide opportunities for physical fitness activity for residents and visitors in the Thunder Bay Region.
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