Showing posts with label land use. Show all posts
Showing posts with label land use. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ontario Trails News - land securement, land rights ad more!

Tell Folks about Winter through  our Educational Poster Series
In order to best explain our relationship between users and our organizations we have produced an "Ontario Trails and...(Use Group)" poster series. Each member group has a page on the OTC website where OTC explains what we do, and the member explains what they do, so that people can see how we work together.

In addition it is clear that the relationship between major use groups and the Ontario Trails Council is not well understood. We have circulated the poster template to member organizations in the interest of having them add their voice to a better public understanding of their work.

As the OTC continues to grow, and we work with the major use groups as they work to secure land for their activity, and as we work with land managers to promote and manage land access, the OTC wants everyone to understand we want resolution to local issues, with the regulatory and legislative changes that makes all our jobs easier, without losing sight of regulations and safety.

Know a user or trail group you'd like to have a poster for?

Ask them if they are a current OTC Member. If they are we'd be happy to produce a poster for everybody to use.

ontario trails dog sledding and trails educational poster
We are also working with Conservation Ontario, and have asked others such as Ontario Invasive Species, County Forest Managers and Ontario Parks to participate in this important public awareness campaign.

For more information contact: Patrick Connor, at 613-484-1140,

OTC Ramping Up Regional Trail Symposiums

Trailhead Ontario - Renfrew 2016trailhead ontario 2016 renfrew poster

Trailhead North - Marathon

trailhead north poster with link to site

Trailhead Georgian Bay

trailhead georgian bay home page


Trails Talk

Join us every other Tuesday at 1pm EST for a lively half hour discussion on trail issues of importance to the trails community. We are pleased to have added an additional topic to the Agenda - see January 12th.
We will be using our Google Hangout to facilitate our Trail Talks. So make sure you have a gmail account and the hangout app added to your gplus account.

How to Join a Hangout

Invited presenters include:
January 19th, 2016 - Fundraising for Non-Profit Organizations - with Thomas Allgoewer - a half hour discussion about how to facilitate your organization goals and objectives through fundraising efforts. Register on Eventbrite
January 26th - Land Use Planning - all about securing land for trails, when, how to, and potential pitfalls and problems - with Kate Potter and Robert Orland from Orland Conservation.
Register on Eventbrite
February 2nd, 2016 - Edge Auditor - the program that helps you know and log in all the facts about your trail, with Niall Lobely.
Register on Eventbrite
February 16th, 2016 - Explorer's Edge - all about the great trails in RTO 12 with James Murphy of Explorer's Edge.
Register on Eventbrite
March 1, 2016 - The Georgian Bay Coast Trail - who supports it, what is happening and all about our spring community meeting in Killarney. With Luke Wassegijig and Kirsten Spence.
Register on Eventbrite
March 15, 2016 - Trans Canada Trail - with Jane Murphy and Al McPherson. You've heard about it, how is it progressing? How can you support it?
Register on Eventbrite
March 29, 2016 - Hiking, what is it? Who does it? What you need to know about community programs, and trail leadership programs - with Bill Mungall
Register on Eventbrite
April 12th, 2016 - Trail Building - are you interested? What is trail building all about? Who does it and the skills you need, with stories from trail builder Zane Davies.
Register on Eventbrite

Join Us January 26th at 1pm
orland conservation
Conservation land can mean greenspace, natural heritage lands, park land
and trails. Securing trail land can move your trail off road, towards your
optimum road and/or help with access for your members. Join Orland
Conservation through the Ontario Trails Council Trails Talk on January
26th to learn new ways to secure your trail land on a limited budget.

Since 2003, Orland Conservation has been working in Southern Ontario to
help facilitate conservation land legacies for their conservation
authority, land trust, and municipal clients. To date, Orland Conservation
has secured 5,000 acres and experience working to secure the Bruce Trail
as well as others.
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