Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Update

In 2007 the Ontario Government proclaimed the Ontario Trails Strategy.

Through extensive sector collaboration and thorough public outreach the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport sought input through a rigorous 22 meeting schedule.

In this policy document the government lays out balance between the great things about trails - economic benefit, health benefits, active living opportunity, land use for all Ontarians, rail to trail conversion, reduction in user conflict - and the development of awareness about the 88,000km of trails in Ontario.

The Ontario Trails Council (OTC) welcomes input and discourse about the strategy and its impacts. We encourage all Ontarians to consider the strategy and the OTC as you hear about the politics or single sector initiatives, cycling, snowmobiling, trail development or other groups claiming to have a b
etter idea.

OTC welcomes focus through the Ontario Trails Co-ordinating Committee, an award winning group of 10 NGO's and 10 Government departments, where discussions on strategy and direction for land use (conservation etc.), activity (cycling, atv'ing, snowmobiling, equestrian, etc.), infrastructure (bridges, cycling lanes, active transportation etc.) can be discussed.
Please join our group today.

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