Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Develop, Manage, Use and Preserve Trails

RICHARD WILLIAMSON Nature Trails...Snow blankets reveal a different world
Chichester Today
In the suburbs of Toronto my brother had foxes and blue jays, American robins and chikadees, while the white tailed deer reached up for twigs on the willows where the beavers had made dams in the fall. Hearing of Gatwick shut and cars abandoned on ...
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Muskoka Brewery Mad Tom IPA, Ontario Globe and Mail
I was a kid paddling my canoe when I chanced upon a familiar figure in the distance. The man was standing up precariously in a canoe, attempting to net a butterfly. I paddled closer for a positive ID and inadvertently disrupted a film shoot. ...See all stories on this topic »

The sport of kings comes to Kemptville
Your Ottawa Region
Her love of the game of polo, as well as her experience with traditional rider and horse training disciplines made her want to offer the opportunity for all ...

Rethinking the future of Ontario's north
Toronto Star
... spirit and intent of the treaties that were understood to be benefit-sharing arrangements by the First Nations. Janet Sumner is executive director and Anna Baggio is conservation land use planning director for CPAWS-Wildlands League, based in Ontario.
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Ontario Insurance Law Blog: Occupier's Liability S.4(4)(f ...
4803, the plaintiff was riding his bike along a recreational trail in Kitchener. It was his ... London (City) (2009), 58 M.P.L.R. (4th) 244 (Ont S.C.J.) and Schneider v. ...

Cross Country ski day trips (Ontario\Canada - toronto
I'm looking for someone to go on cross country ski day trips (or half days). I'm open to competitive skiing on groomed trails, or more relaxed on ungroomed ...

Selling Canada: Advice From Agent Peers Up North
Travel Market Report
At a recent meeting of the Ontario Tourism Marketing Council, ... These include downhill andcross-country skiing, fishing and golf, noted Brennan. ...

Greater Sudbury Sports Calendar
SKI RACE- Walden Cross-Country Fitness Club Invitational Skate Ski Race, Dec 17, Naughton Trails. Register at by Dec. 15. ...

Honda Ontario Power Dealers Ride Into Toronto Motorcycle Show With More Daily ...
PR Web (press release)
“For instance, a Honda ATV's compact, longitudinally-mounted engine makes for easier handling out on the trails,” says Mr Verheyen. “And Honda's encased, metal-on-metal transmissions are more durable than belt-drive transmissions. ...

Trespassing charges
Grand River Sachem
Ontario Provincial Police Haldimand County detachment has charged several ... read more | On Saturday, December 3, Haldimand Area ATV Club (HAAC) members ...

Community Events – December 8
Seaway News
BEREAVED FAMILIES OF ONTARIO – Cornwall & Area. Invites you and your family ...CORNWALL OUTDOOR CLUB de PLEIN AIR ~ Dec. 10: Potluck and Games Night. Dec. ...

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