Showing posts with label Sport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sport. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ontario Trail News - your place for trails information in Ontario

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The 2015 Ontario Special Olympics Winter Games has officially been announced, ... speed skating, figure skating, curling, downhill and cross-country skiing.
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Man fined for illegally harvesting treesLOCAL2 Sault Ste. Marie
Court heard that through an investigation conducted by conservation officers, it was ... Justice of the Peace Michel Moreau heard the case in the Ontario Court of ...
See all stories on this topic » - Man Killed In ATV Crash
Chatham-Kent, London & Area, Midwestern Ontario, Sarnia Lambton, Windsor Essex ... Police say a man was pinned under the ATV after it rolled over. He was ...
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Monday, October 21, 2013

Ontario Trails News - bridge those water gaps on your trail and other news from Ontario's Trails!

Couchiching Conservation

Peel Region Trails

Spartan Race

2014 Location needed

Cycle Ontario Launches Survey about CycleON
Cycle Ontario (CO) is a private for profit organization that works to promote awareness of on-road/offroad riding and has created a network of relationships with cyclists, cycle shops, cycle advocacy organizations, tourism offices and cycle tourists.
As an organization that caters to the cycling community, Cycle Ontario is interested in your feedback as it believes with some capacity improvements and structural re-alignments it can, and should be, the working voice of cyclists in Ontario.

Take the Survey 

North Western Ontario Trails

Georgian Bay Coast Trail
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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ontario Trails News - OK it's about road cycling, but bikes and riders also use Ontario Trails!

News Release

Province Releases New Cycling Strategy

Ontario Government Committed to Safe, Sustainable Transportation

Ontario has released a new cycling strategy to promote safe cycling and encourage more people to ride their bikes to work, school and recreation destinations.
The strategy presents a 20-year vision that supports cycling by encouraging and promoting:
  • Healthy, active and prosperous communities
  • Improvements to cycling infrastructure
  • Safer highways and streets
  • Improved cycling awareness
  • Tourism opportunities
The strategy reflects input from the public and expert advice from cycling stakeholders such as Share the Road Cycling Coalition, the Canadian Automobile Association and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.  The government will release next steps to implement the strategy by spring 2014.
Supporting safe cycling and encouraging sustainable transit is part of the Ontario government's plan to help reduce congestion and strengthen communities and the economy.

Quick Facts

  • A draft of the cycling strategy was posted online for public feedback from Nov. 30, 2012, until Jan. 29, 2013.
  • In 2010, two million Canadian visitors spent $391 million while cycling in Ontario — an 18 per cent increase over the previous year.
  • According to the Canadian Medical Association, a 10 per cent increase in physical activity could reduce direct health care expenditures by $150 million a year.
  • Ontario has the second-lowest cycling injury rate of all Canadian provinces.


Glen R Murray
CycleON is a strong and integrated, made-in-Ontario strategy. It has been developed with input from the public, cyclists and advocates. Our goal is to make Ontario the premier cycling province in Canada – a place that promotes safe and healthy travel alternatives connecting people to their jobs, schools, parks and places of interest right across the province.
Minister of Transportation, Minister of Infrastructure

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Toronto becoming a trails-centric city - re-print of 2012 initiatives!

More Off-Road Bike Trails Are In the Pipeline

Friday is your last opportunity to tell the City what you think of its new bike-trail plans.
Riding along the Lakeshore Path near the Beaches. Photo by {a href=""}TOrebelXTguy{/a} from the {a href=""}Torontoist Flickr Pool{/a}
For cyclists in Toronto, the future is a mixed bag. With the impending unveiling of the City’s new Multi-Use Trails Plan in March, Toronto could start accumulating new off-road bike paths at an unprecedented rate. But cycling advocates are worried that it won’t be enough to deliver an effective bike-lane network. Right now is the last window of opportunity for public input.
The expansion, if it goes off as planned, will add approximately 80 kilometres of new off-road bike trails to the existing network. Much of the work would focus on rail and hydro corridors throughout the city, and would be completed between 2012 and 2016. (See the map, below.)
There aren’t going to be any more public consultation meetings on the plan, but the City is still accepting feedback on the whole thing by email (reach them at before they finalize their findings. The deadline for submissions is this Friday, February 24.
The proposal is expected to go to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee for approval on March 21, after which it will still need final clearance from council.
Andrea Garcia, director of advocacy and operations for the Toronto Cyclists Union, believes this is an exciting development that could see some important changes to the City’s infrastructure, but wonders how effective it will be at solving the existing network’s problems.
“I think the plan has the potential to drastically improve cycling in areas of the City that are completely underserved by cycling infrastructure,” she said. “There are still a lot of issues that need to be addressed around winter maintenance and lighting specifically, but I certainly think it is a good start.”
This updated map shows some of the key trails and on-street connections the City is exploring. Photo from the City of Toronto.
Garcia believes that the new trails, rather than serving only recreational riders, should allow cyclists who live in the suburbs to commute to work, run errands, or get around. For this reason she says it is important that off-road trails be functional at all times, no matter the time or the season. This would require plowing in winter, and lighting at night.
Another concern of Garcia’s is that the emphasis in bike infrastructure planning under Mayor Ford is on putting trails where they won’t impede auto traffic. This, she said, can tie City staff’s hands, making it impossible for them to address the ongoing need for on-street infrastructure to promote safety for cyclists.
Tammy Thorne, editor-in-chief of Dandyhorse magazine, is skeptical of the plan and shares Garcia’s concerns about maintenance. Thorne thinks the biggest problem is that the City lacks the political will to make better bike infrastructure. She points to Ford’s open disdain for cyclists as evidence that the City’s commitment to building new bike infrastructure isn’t as strong as it could be.
“My priority is to make [bike trails] interconnected,” she said. “It’s all piecemeal. The trails aren’t connected and that’s where we see accidents at intersections. We can’t leave cyclists in the soup.”
“If [Mayor Ford] is not interested in bike lanes and wants people off-road we need more work to create decent infrastructure,” she added.
Jennifer Hyland, a transportation planner for cycling infrastructure and planning at the City, explains that there has been some progress in connecting paths. Waterfront Toronto and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, she said, are beginning work on filling in the gaps in the Martin Goodman Trail this year. Other work will include a boulevard trail along Queens Quay, between Bathurst and Bay streets. These projects are expected to get underway in 2013.
Hyland also pointed out that the West Toronto Railpath will undergo a feasibility study this year to examine a future extension north and south. In the meantime, cycling staff are investigating a better transition from the trail to the street network at Sterling Avenue.
Thorne and others are still not impressed with the progress being made on cycling infrastructure.
“These are paltry improvements to off-road infrastructure,” said Thorne. “We need better pavement, connection paths, and lighting.”
“People are starting to lose faith. And why would they have hope for infrastructure looking at the way they treat cyclists in the city?”
CORRECTION: February 22, 2011, 12:50 P.M. This post originally misstated details of the City’s plans for a boulevard trail on Queens Quay, omitted mention of Toronto Region Conservation Authority’s involvement in filling in gaps in the Martin Goodman Trail, and stated that those projects would be completed in 2013, when in fact 2013 is the year they are expected to commence. It also misstated Jennifer Hyland’s title and provided a link to an outdated version of the City’s trails plan. All of these errors have been corrected.
CORRECTION: February 22, 2011, 5:00 P.M. This post originally conflated the current proposed bike path expansions with an earlier round of expansions whose construction is now mostly complete. The text has been amended.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Algonquin Courses On-Line, Horse Racing Saved, Beare Park Meeting and Winter Fun on Ontario Trails!

Ontario NewsroomOntario Newsroom

Horse Racing in Ontario to Continue

January 23, 2013

Ontario Government Signs Transition Funding Agreement with Woodbine Entertainment Group

Ontario is another step closer to a sustainable horse racing industry after reaching an agreement in principle to provide transition funding to the province's largest provider of horse racing.

The agreement with Woodbine Entertainment Group will ensure races continue at the Woodbine and Mohawk tracks as the industry adapts to a more sustainable model. Agreements with additional race tracks are anticipated to be reached in the coming weeks.

In order to receive transition funding, racetracks will have to meet accountability and transparency requirements. Providing a number of racetracks with transition funding is part of the government's horse racing industry transition plan, which includes:
  • Continuing the Horse Improvement Program
  • Providing animal welfare supports.
  • Transferring responsibility for the Ontario Racing Commission (ORC) to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs  
Helping the horse racing industry transition to a more sustainable model is part of the government's plan to ensure increased accountability for the use of public funds.


  • Ten race tracks have reached lease agreements in principle with OLG for its slots facilities. Additional agreements with tracks are to be announced in the coming weeks.
  • The Ontario Racing Commission will work with race tracks to provide a revised 2013 racing calendar as agreements are finalized.



Trio of provincial parks saved 
The Daily Press    Share    Share on FacebookTwitterShare on LinkedinE-mail article 
Three popular provincial parks have been rescued from closure. Ontario Natural Resources Minister Michael Gravelle announced the creation of a pilot project to save a trio of parks in Northeastern Ontario. Ivanhoe Lake Provincial Park, near Foleyet, René Brunelle Provincial Park, near Kapuskasing, and Fushimi Lake Provincial Park, near Hearst will remain open to overnight camping under the two-year project. MORE 

More Information


Other Public Consultation Opportunities:

This consultation document is posted for a 60 day public review and comment period starting November 30, 2012. Comments are to be received by January 29, 2013.
All comments received during the comment period are being considered as part of the decision-making by the Ministry if they:
a. Are submitted online through this EBR posting or submitted in writing with the EBR Registry number clearly referenced; and
b. Are received by the Contact person within the specified comment period.
Please Note: All comments and submissions will become part of the public record. You will not receive a formal response to your comment; however, relevant comments received as part of the public participation process for this draft Cycling Strategy will be considered by the Ministry of Transportation.

In accordance with its Statement of Environmental Values, the Ministry believes that public consultation is critical to sound decision making. Municipalities, cyclists, tourism stakeholders, and other interested groups and individuals across Ontario are invited to submit written comments regarding the draft Cycling Strategy to the Ministry EBR Coordinator using the contact information provided. Additionally, you may submit your comments online. Comments should be submitted within the 60-day timeframe noted at the top of this notice. Please quote the Environmental Registry Number when submitting comments.

All comments received during the posting of the draft Cycling Strategy will be taken into consideration by the Ministry in finalizing of the Strategy.

In addition to this public consultation, the Ministry will be conducting a separate consultation on a range of legislative amendments to further enhance the safety of cyclists and all road users.
For further technical information, contact:

Michael Canzi
Sustainable Transportation Office
Transportation Policy Branch
Ministry of Transportation
777 Bay Street, 30th floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2J8

More Information

More Information

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Healthy Aging: The Secret is in the Way You Move
MarketWatch (press release)
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Apr 03, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Science really has uncovered the secret to staying young - or at least delaying the onset of debilitating age-related problems. The fountain of youth has turned out to be a regular fitness ...
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Foster making his own tracks in ski world
The Barrie Advance
Foster finished 12th in the Ski Nationals five-kilometer classic race and fourth ... having been introduced to skiing and mountain biking at an early age.

Trail Education Courses - 
23 Sessions and Counting

We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Arm yourself: War of 1812 bicentennial celebrations on horizon
Sault Star
By Donna Schell St. Joseph Township Council has approved a number of proposed events to celebrate the War of 1812's bicentennial. A resolution was passed supporting the anniversary event that includes a request Paddlers Canoe Encampment at the Women's ...
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Race horses retrained for pony rides?
Grand River Sachem
The "knife-twisting" of those signs has not been lost on Ontario's horse people who have been waking up in a cold sweat at night, wondering how they are going to feed their families, pay their bills, and somehow retain value in the millions of dollars ...
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2012 Jock River Canoe and Kayak Race, Richmond, Ontario ...
March 31, 2012 – I visited the Jock River Race official site ( again today. I knew that they have decided that the lack of snow cover ...

Erace Cancer Cycling Team: The Ontario racing season begins!
Erace Cancer Cycling Team will begin their racing campaign this coming Friday ( April 6th, 2012) at the Good Friday Road Race brought to you by the Hamilton ...
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

Portion of Reuben Crescent and armoury parking lot to be paved
EMC Kemptville
EMC News - Cyclists are ensured a smooth ride throughout Old Town Kemptville when an Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) sanctioned race takes place during the Dandelion Festival May 26. All of council was in favour of improving a portion of Reuben ...

Paris to Ancaster: A bike race for everyone
Paris Star
Anyone familiar with both the race in France and Ontario knows associating the ... Participants used road bikesmountain bikes and often cylcocross bikes, ...

Good cross bike rides around Toronto ? - Mountain Bike Review
4 days ago ... I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good rides on a cross bike aroundToronto, like something I wouldn't have to drive to, within like.

Niagara canoe - Ontario Fishing Community Home
Alright I am heading down to the niagara area this weekend and I would like to have access to acanoe does anyone know where I could rent one, it would need ...

Curbside Cycle · Toronto –
Curbside Cycle · Toronto. What better way to kick off our new “Featured Shop” category than introducing you all to Fourth Floor's alma mater. Curbside Cycle is ...

Northern festivals make the grade
Northern Ontario Business
A half-dozen Northern Ontario festivals have made the top 100 list of Festivals and ... Days and The Great Canadian Kayak Challenge and Festival in Timmins.

The following employment positions - Conservation Ontario
CONSERVATION AREAS TECHNICIAN. Contract Position, 35 Hour Week. Immediate opening – 32 weeks. We are seeking the services of a motivated team ...

Ontario Trails Education Courses
Become a trail development leader! Launching in Ontario – first ever series of 14 courses in the development and management of trails. Designed for both volunteers and professionals. Starting in March 2012*

First Offering: Download the Flyer - Wilderness Survival

Also offered March 27th - Download the flyer - Food and Nutrition
* subject to demand and availability

Great People - Great Trails - June 17-19, 2012

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