Showing posts with label Woodbine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woodbine. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Algonquin Courses On-Line, Horse Racing Saved, Beare Park Meeting and Winter Fun on Ontario Trails!

Ontario NewsroomOntario Newsroom

Horse Racing in Ontario to Continue

January 23, 2013

Ontario Government Signs Transition Funding Agreement with Woodbine Entertainment Group

Ontario is another step closer to a sustainable horse racing industry after reaching an agreement in principle to provide transition funding to the province's largest provider of horse racing.

The agreement with Woodbine Entertainment Group will ensure races continue at the Woodbine and Mohawk tracks as the industry adapts to a more sustainable model. Agreements with additional race tracks are anticipated to be reached in the coming weeks.

In order to receive transition funding, racetracks will have to meet accountability and transparency requirements. Providing a number of racetracks with transition funding is part of the government's horse racing industry transition plan, which includes:
  • Continuing the Horse Improvement Program
  • Providing animal welfare supports.
  • Transferring responsibility for the Ontario Racing Commission (ORC) to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs  
Helping the horse racing industry transition to a more sustainable model is part of the government's plan to ensure increased accountability for the use of public funds.


  • Ten race tracks have reached lease agreements in principle with OLG for its slots facilities. Additional agreements with tracks are to be announced in the coming weeks.
  • The Ontario Racing Commission will work with race tracks to provide a revised 2013 racing calendar as agreements are finalized.



Trio of provincial parks saved 
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Three popular provincial parks have been rescued from closure. Ontario Natural Resources Minister Michael Gravelle announced the creation of a pilot project to save a trio of parks in Northeastern Ontario. Ivanhoe Lake Provincial Park, near Foleyet, René Brunelle Provincial Park, near Kapuskasing, and Fushimi Lake Provincial Park, near Hearst will remain open to overnight camping under the two-year project. MORE 

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Other Public Consultation Opportunities:

This consultation document is posted for a 60 day public review and comment period starting November 30, 2012. Comments are to be received by January 29, 2013.
All comments received during the comment period are being considered as part of the decision-making by the Ministry if they:
a. Are submitted online through this EBR posting or submitted in writing with the EBR Registry number clearly referenced; and
b. Are received by the Contact person within the specified comment period.
Please Note: All comments and submissions will become part of the public record. You will not receive a formal response to your comment; however, relevant comments received as part of the public participation process for this draft Cycling Strategy will be considered by the Ministry of Transportation.

In accordance with its Statement of Environmental Values, the Ministry believes that public consultation is critical to sound decision making. Municipalities, cyclists, tourism stakeholders, and other interested groups and individuals across Ontario are invited to submit written comments regarding the draft Cycling Strategy to the Ministry EBR Coordinator using the contact information provided. Additionally, you may submit your comments online. Comments should be submitted within the 60-day timeframe noted at the top of this notice. Please quote the Environmental Registry Number when submitting comments.

All comments received during the posting of the draft Cycling Strategy will be taken into consideration by the Ministry in finalizing of the Strategy.

In addition to this public consultation, the Ministry will be conducting a separate consultation on a range of legislative amendments to further enhance the safety of cyclists and all road users.
For further technical information, contact:

Michael Canzi
Sustainable Transportation Office
Transportation Policy Branch
Ministry of Transportation
777 Bay Street, 30th floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2J8

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