Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

Waterford, Ontario

Aviva Community Fund

Voting for the Semi-Finals ends on Friday, December 16, 2011 at 12PM ET. 

The semi-final voting round lasts only 12 days, from Dec. 5-16. 

Just like previous rounds, you will have 15 votes to use.

However, you can still only vote for the same idea once per day (or 12 times). 

We encourage you to use your remaining votes towards other ideas, 

or, at the end of the round, you can choose to leave them unused. http://www.avivacommunityfund.org/ideas/acf12893

Cross Quetico Lake Tour makes The Cool List

Atikokan Progress
Ryan Stuart noted: “The same lakes and portages that make Ontario's Quetico ... Over the past decade, the Beaten Path Nordic Trails ski club has expanded ...

HOOFBEATS: Please, share the road for safety's sake
Standard Freeholder
Hunting makes many riders leery and now the trails are becoming slippery ... Another option is to join the Ontario Equestrian Federation (OEF) each year. ...

Walking With A Camera: Toronto Photo Walks: Queen West 6
Toronto Photo Walks: Queen West 6. Okay, I took a LOT of pictures on the 26th. I mean, here it's Monday, and I still have a whole bunch of pictures to go. Maybe ...

Happy Trails Dog Service. Welcome ... Janice is the founder of and primary caregiver at Happy Trail Dogs Service. She is also ... Toronto Trail Walking · Toronto ...

Media Advisory: Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Arriving at Fleming College
MarketWatch (press release)
In all, more than 40 organizations, corporations, conservation authorities and landowners are contributing to the effort. Fleming College has been involved since the restoration program was launched in 2006. To date, more than three million fish have ...
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