Showing posts with label Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2012

Ontario Trails - Canoe, Portage, Walk, or Camp on an Ontario Trail

Smoking on the Hub trail. Okay but please don`t - pretty please
Under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act smoking is prohibited in enclosed public spaces and since the Hub Trail is an open, public place this act cannot be employed as an enforcement tool. However, the act does stipulate if a municipal by-law is more ...
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Cycling for Hospice Palliative Care in Ontario : Latest : Video
Cycling for Hospice Palliative Care in Ontario. Walcot volunteered to become a fund-raiser for the hospice after his wife's death and will attend the 8th annual ...

Toronto parks should be made for city dwellers
Toronto Star
... an eight kilometre trail walk through Rouge Park at the edge of Scarborough on the Pickering border. Starting by the zoo, we walked south along the massive ravine, under the high-tension lines that resemble nuclear intravenous tubes feeding Toronto ...
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Greenbelt Harvest Picnic - Featuring Feist and others! | Ontario ...
Taking place on September 1, 2012, the second annual Greenbelt Harvest Picnic is a celebration of both music and local food and farming at Christie ...

The Urban Country Bicycle Blog: Streetcar Tracks & Bicycles
Bicycles in Amsterdam – Photo by James Schwartz / The Urban Country (March 2012). On Monday 47-year-old Toronto resident Joseph “Maverick” Mavec died ...

BlogON(tario) | Going Canoeing? Here are my Top 5 Tips.
My boys and I love taking time to explore Ontario's breathtaking outdoors. For us, that means canoeing. It's wonderful having that uninterrupted time together and ...

walk into history - Review of Distillery Historic District, Toronto ...
Distillery Historic District: walk into history - See traveler reviews, 49 candid photos, and great deals for Toronto, Canada, at TripAdvisor.

OK...So if you have a picture of a mountain...
Thai Pham10:47am Aug 17
OK...So if you have a picture of a mountain bike in your Facebook profile pic and no plans this weekend. Come to the Trailblazing Festival at Hardwood this weekend!!! It's just that
MTBO Festival - home
CPCC performs well at EOD event in Ottawa
EMC Almonte/Carleton Place
EMC Sports - Canoe and kayak paddlers from the Carleton Place Canoe Club (CPCC) prepared for upcoming provincial and national championships with some strong performances during the recent Eastern Ontario Division (EOD) championships and ...
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Heritage Area Commission to offer War of 1812 cards
Buffalo News
The Niagara Falls National Heritage Area Commission has introduced a trading card program designed to recognize the role of the Niagara Frontier in the War of 1812 and to encourage people to visit specific sites associated with the war. The first ...
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Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.
Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 
Register - click on your choice, register on-line 

We appreciate the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation
Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice

Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park! - September 15, 2012 | Ontario ...
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the summer in spite of the extreme heat. We are in the process of planning another Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park and would
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

The Opening Race Weekend in Ontario | Canadian Cycling Magazine
Andrew talks about the opening weekend of racing in Ontario. And who was that Canadian rider in the early break at Roubaix?

Bike season hits Guelph | Your community newspaper in Guelph ...
Police talk to a driver in the aftermath of another collision involving a cyclist on Monday evening – the second in as many weeks. The 12-year-old cyclist was hit ...

Cycle Toronto « Savings Cycle
It's been a bit since I communed through the ole' blog, but as a director of the Toronto Cyclists Union I've now become very engaged in a healthy discussion with ...

Local News: Suzy Kernaghan Trail receives $14900 from Ontario ...
... $14900 in Ontario Trillium Foundation funding to complete the walking trail ... Rotary Club of Colborne and the many volunteers who have participated in ...

Following in dad's ski tracks
Sault Star
The girls enjoyed skiing, so the Rousseaus entered them both into the introductory Jack Rabbit program at Soo Finnish Nordic Ski Club. It wasn't long before Shilo, 11, wanted to race, and began competing in club races. Then someone from the Blind River ...
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Sports organizations spared user fees
Toronto Council voted unanimously to waive the hike that called for sports organizations hit by $1.5 million in fee hikes for using city fields this year. File photo/COURTESY CITY HALL - Coaches, players, parents and organizers expressed their ...
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walk 30: Day 7 Walking30 in Toronto ...again
You will be walking a half marathon a week and feeling good. If you want a simple goal that will help you to be fit and feel better ... then just walk30.

Doors Open Ontario 2012 kicks off April 28
Trails Open Ontario, part of the Doors Open Ontario program, ... the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership ...

Group in Toronto walks barefoot to raise awareness for children ...
TORONTO, April 10 (Xinhua) -- A small group of One Day Without Shoes supporters treadedToronto's downtown terrain completely barefoot on Tuesday ...

Trail Education Courses - 
23 Sessions and Counting

We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ontario Trails - Sled, Ski, Paddle, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

Morning Brew: The mayor defends his subway vision, Doug Ford refuses to ...
blogTO (blog)
City staff were tracking Toronto's existing major multi-use trail network last summer in hopes of seeking out new trail connections. Now they've got a draft proposal of the new network, which they're soliciting public feedback on this coming Monday.

The Fixer: 'Cyclists dismount' signs will soon ride away
Toronto Star
By Jack Lakey The Fixer Related Submit a problem Read more Fixers Fixer's Guide to Getting Things Done The city has decided that signs telling cyclists to get off their bikes are not needed at underpasses where there's a cycling lane. On Dec.
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Stealth Electric Bikes Canada to Exhibit at Toronto International Bicycle Show
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
The show is celebrating its 26th year in production and is one of the largest exclusive bicycleconsumer shows in North America. This event is being held March 2 - 4, 2012 at Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Stokely Creek Lodge offers cross-country escape
Being partly of Norwegian descent, skiing runs in my blood. I've literally been downhill skiing since I could walk. My experiences with cross-country skiing started even earlier, as my dad used to tote me around the trails in a backpack when I was a ...
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Get ready to Loppet Feb. 12
EMC Perth
EMC Sports - The Tay Valley Loppet is just around the corner and the Tay Valley Cross County Ski Club is preparing to welcome locals and visitors to enjoy some of Ontario's finest cross country skiing. Sunday, Feb. 12 at Murphy's Point Provincial Park ...
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Stokely Creek Lodge offers cross-country escape
Being partly of Norwegian descent, skiing runs in my blood. I've literally been downhill skiing since I could walk. My experiences with cross-country skiing started even earlier, as my dad used to tote me around the trails in a backpack when I was a ...
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Ontario First Nation threatens direct or legal action
Toronto Sun
The band says it informed the local Sunset Trail Riders snowmobiling club its intention to charge all snowmobilers $250 each to cross its traditional territory in November 2011, a cost equal to riding all of Ontario's trails. After two months without ...

My Photo · Ontario Trails: Ontario boasts over 88000 km in trails. Whether you're in downtown Toronto or North of Superior, if life's a journey we have your trail.

Saving the planet - one recycled barn at a time
... around Ontario to the re-use of the original homesteads' masonry stove, Hop Hill Stable is an excellent example of how a horse facility can use ...

Register Today!

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

Waterford, Ontario

Aviva Community Fund

Voting for the Semi-Finals ends on Friday, December 16, 2011 at 12PM ET. 

The semi-final voting round lasts only 12 days, from Dec. 5-16. 

Just like previous rounds, you will have 15 votes to use.

However, you can still only vote for the same idea once per day (or 12 times). 

We encourage you to use your remaining votes towards other ideas, 

or, at the end of the round, you can choose to leave them unused.

Cross Quetico Lake Tour makes The Cool List

Atikokan Progress
Ryan Stuart noted: “The same lakes and portages that make Ontario's Quetico ... Over the past decade, the Beaten Path Nordic Trails ski club has expanded ...

HOOFBEATS: Please, share the road for safety's sake
Standard Freeholder
Hunting makes many riders leery and now the trails are becoming slippery ... Another option is to join the Ontario Equestrian Federation (OEF) each year. ...

Walking With A Camera: Toronto Photo Walks: Queen West 6
Toronto Photo Walks: Queen West 6. Okay, I took a LOT of pictures on the 26th. I mean, here it's Monday, and I still have a whole bunch of pictures to go. Maybe ...

Happy Trails Dog Service. Welcome ... Janice is the founder of and primary caregiver at Happy Trail Dogs Service. She is also ... Toronto Trail Walking · Toronto ...

Media Advisory: Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Arriving at Fleming College
MarketWatch (press release)
In all, more than 40 organizations, corporations, conservation authorities and landowners are contributing to the effort. Fleming College has been involved since the restoration program was launched in 2006. To date, more than three million fish have ...
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Friday, October 28, 2011

Ontario Trail News - Paddle, Bike, Hike and Ride Ontario's Trails

Leamington songwriter part of 1812 album
Leamington Post
Within that $24 million, Heritage Canada put forth about $10000 for a recording project, and commissioned the Windsor-region group of the Songwriters Association of Canada. Well-known Leamington musician, Dale Butler, is part of that group and he was ...
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Cyclist going across Canada to help orphans making Petrolia stop
Petrolia Topic
Tana Silverland and her recumbent tricycle, at Jackfish Lake, in Northern Ontario, on Friday, Sept. 23, 2011. She'll be in Petrolia Oct. 28 and 29. When Tana Silverland arrives in Petrolia on Friday, Oct. 28, she'll have been on the road for more than ...
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Ontario to review bicycling deaths ... - CitizenCycle - Ottawa Citizen
TORONTO — Heightened concerns about cycling safety prompted Ontario's chief coroner Monday to order a review of cycling deaths across the province. ...

No hunting this year in McGeachie Conservation Area
Bancroft This Week
"The main thing is that it is often nice to hike in the fall and it will be ... With its head office in Marmora, Ontario, the CVCA operates 13 dams along ...

Mission accomplished for Limebank Road, Desroches says
EMC Ottawa South
"Often at the grocery store or at events I've heard from residents they give the road thumbs up saying, 'thank you I can now cycle into the city. ...

Community Calendar
Community Press
At the Hastings Legion Hall, 10 Front St West, Hastings, Ontario Doors open 12:30 ... Every Thursday morning 9:30 am Friends of Ferris Weekly Walking Group. ...

From Equine Canada
Horseback Riding in Hope Township in Ontario, Canada | Travel ...
Ontario has the fourth largest horse industry in North America, according to the Ontario Equestrian Federation, with more than 375000 horses in the province at ...

Awards honour conservation efforts
Aurora's David Tomlinson will receive this year's prestigious George R. Richardson conservation award of honour. This award honours a lifetime commitment to improving the environmental health of the Lake Simcoe watershed. An Ontario Heritage Trust ...
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More bands need to enter land management regime, Ottawa pledges money for ...
Canada First Perspective
Many of the more prosperous First Nations, such as Westbank and Tsawwassen First Nations in BC, the Whitecap Dakota First Nation in Saskatchewan and the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation in Ontario — have been managing their own lands under ...
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 Ontario Parks Insider
Ski the High Dunes trail – Not many Ontarians know that Wasaga Beach is home to some of the best Nordic skiing in central Ontario. For just $25, the Ski 3 ...

TORONTO CYCLISTS UNION: Protected bike lanes are growing in leaps and bounds around the world. They are popular for a reason. Cycling rates are up and collisions are down for all road users where protected bike lanes are built. Protected bike lanes are the "Field of Dreams" for cyclists. If you build it, cyclists will come! City staff are now recommending that an Environmental Assessment process be undertaken for a permanent protected bike lane on either Richmond or Adelaide, or both streets. 

Celebrate 50 years of The Bruce Trail!

Over the next five years The Bruce Trail Conservancy and its nine member/volunteer clubs will be celebrating 50 years of The Bruce Trail.
The celebrations start with the 50th Annual General Meeting of The Toronto Bruce Trail Club
Watch for updates from The Bruce Trail Conservancy and other clubs as we all celebrate together 50 years of The Bruce Trail over the next five years (2012-2017)
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