Monday, April 30, 2012

Ride, Paddle, Bike or Hike Ontario Trails

The CVC Foundation has been selected to participate in Shell’s Fuelling Change program. Just for being selected, we will be receiving a $10,000 grant. We also have the opportunity to receive an additional $50,000 if we get enough votes.
The CVC Foundation has been selected to participate in Shell’s Fuelling Change program. Just for being selected, we will be receiving a $10,000 grant. We also have the opportunity to receive an additional $50,000 if we get enough votes.
Our project, the Island Lake Community Trail, is directly competing against 13 other environmental projects. The competition is stiff but we are confident that with the support of our donors and supporters, we can win this!

Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Can The Bicycle Save Ontario?
Raise the Hammer
But everything could change with an ambitious plan to make cycling and walking the number one way Ontarians get around. The budget deficit for the 2011-2012 fiscal year in Ontario is $15 billion. The province currently spends more than $10 billion ...
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News from Conservation Ontario
News from Conservation Ontario[4/23/2012 9:19:54 AM]. How will you ...

Sam Cook: Cold-water accidents leave little room for error
Duluth News Tribune
Four of us were fishing in two canoes on a small lake in Ontario's Quetico Provincial Park when my partner in the front of the canoe hooked a nice lake trout. That's when we heard the cry from our two buddies across the lake. Great, I remember thinking ...
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ottawa bikes - home - Eastern Ontario School Mountain Bike ...
click for biggerThe 8th annual Eastern Ontario School MTB Event hosted by South ... Even though this is a race, it is a perfect introduction to mountain biking.

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