Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ontario Trails - The best fall colours anywhere - See them at Ontario Trails Facebook Page.

A beautiful autumn scene from Spencer Gorge in Dundas (Hamilton). Thank you to CONE for the nice share.

Fall in the Spencer Gorge.

Thanksgiving perfect for Northumberland
COBOURG -- "Whenever people ask 'where's Northumberland County?' I say, 'do you know the Big Apple you can see from the 401? That's it,'" says Eileen Lum, the region's tourism manager. The huge landmark -- next to the Big Apple restaurant, where you ...
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Alternate funds sought for trail development
Northumberland Today
Initially, the committee was looking for Hamilton Township (through which the trail passes between the two towns) to take the lead in development of the Bob Carr road allowance on township property running from County Road 2 to Lake Ontario, she said ...
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Ontario bird sanctuary is a delight to visit
Vancouver Sun
In the winter, there are 15 kilometres of groomed cross-country skiing trails along with snowshoeing and hiking. How do I get there?

Hiking Blue Mountain | Ontario | Travel | Ottawa Sun
Q: We wanted to hike Blue Mountain and heard about some trails there. 


Jarvis bike lanes to be removed by end of year
Globe and Mail
Toronto's Jarvis Street bike lanes will be ripped out as planned after a last-ditch attempt to save the controversial cycling route failed at city council Tuesday. Council voted 19-24 against a motion that would have spared the lanes. “What this ...
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Oakville cancer survivor happy to be cycling for life
The two-day, more than 200-kilometre cycling event between Toronto and Niagara Falls raises funds for personalized cancer medicine research at The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. While the ride isn't until June 8-9, 2013, the launch of the sixth ...
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Removing Jarvis Bike Lanes is Unprincipled | Toronto Standard
Justin Robertson: Even a non-cyclist can see the absurdity of this decision.

Local cyclists exhibit need for speed, tweed - the newspaper
Last year, Tweed Ride Toronto event focused their efforts in the Pedal Powered Hope Project, increasing cycling resources in Malawi. The project sent bikes to ... 

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Hi everyone,

Another very important meeting to highlight the need for mountain bikers to voice their wish for mountain biking (think Bike Park) to be included in the master plan.

Please spread the word!

The City of Toronto is hosting a public meeting where you can learn more about the Beare Road Park Master Plan project, and provide your input on its new Master Plan.
We invite you to join us at the first public meeting.

Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: Blessed Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School, 40 Sewells Road, Toronto, ON M1B 3G5

RSVP is appreciated but not required. If you are able to attend please RSVP by email to

At the meeting on October 11, the Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation project team will give a presentation that includes background information about the site and the existing conditions. Parks Canada will also be at the meeting to provide an update on the neighbouring proposed Rouge National Urban Park and their consultation process.

The City of Toronto will specifically be seeking feedback regarding the vision that users and residents have for the park, guiding principles that should influence park design, and the consultation process. Other public meetings will follow as the plan progresses.

The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please request any additional accommodations necessary when you RSVP. We look forward to meeting with you.


2012 Beaver Valley Bike Ride
Supporting the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics
WHEN: October 5th, 2012, Ride starts at 7:00am sharp (Rain or Shine)
WHERE: Dearcroft Montessori School, 1167 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville, ON L6J 1L3

The Beaver Valley 180 represents the true spirit of group rides!

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This ride traverses Southern Ontario departing from Oakville and arriving over 180 km later in Beaver Valley.

Riders in the "Beaver Valley 180" recognize their good fortunes and the importance of supporting others in their goals.  This ride began with 5 guys having fun and is now an event with over 70 elite riders supporting Special Olympics Ontario athletes in order that they may realize their dreams.
The BV180 continues to support The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics athletes in order that they may realize their dreams. The Law Enforcement Torch Run is  the most important fundraising entity for Special Olympics programs around the WORLD. In the four years has raised over $430,000. The goal for 2012 is $130,000.



Trail Education

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Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
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