Ontario Trails NewsMarch Break offers Trail Entertainment

Make sure you get out on an Ontario Trail this March Break!
More information on activities at Ontario Trails Events
2013 Call for Applications
Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund Ontario is providing grants to help communities take action to protect and restore their corner of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin.
This is the second call for applications under the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund. Grants are available for projects that take place in Ontario within the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin. The basin includes: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior, the St. Lawrence River, the Ottawa River, their connecting channels, and their watersheds. Examples of projects that could qualify include:

Ontario Trails Builds New PartnershipThe Ontario Trails Council, through letter and direct representation has worked on the trails risk management and liability file since 2002. Our efforts have not gone unnoticed. Recent efforts by the OTC to reach out to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) are appreciated by AMO.
"since 2007, liability premiums have increased by 22.2% and are among the fastest growing municipal costs. Total 2011 Ontario municipal insurance costs are $155.2 million. Liability premiums make up the majority of these expenses at $85.5 million. Property taxpayers are paying this price." AMO Insurance Study 2011
Since 2007 the OTC has written joint letters of support with AMO, the Federation of Municipalities of Northern Ontario (FONOM) and Rural Ontario Municipalities Association (ROMA).
"The heavy insurance burden and legal environment is unsustainable for Ontario’s communities. Despite enormous improvements to safety, including new standards for playgrounds, pool safety, (trails), and better risk management practices, municipal insurance premiums and liability claims continue to increase."
We will continue to support AMO efforts and are currently looking into offering a trail insurance program because over 80% of OTC Membership is municipally based, and municipalities represent at least half of the liability for Ontario's trail inventory of 88,000km. Tort reform is needed and Ontario lags behind North American trends in legal system reform.
"Various forms of proportionate liability have been enacted by all of Ontario’s competing Great Lakes states and in 38 other states south of the border. Many other common law jurisdictions are also pursuing reform. It is time for Ontario to do the same."

Performance Measures - Trail Counts!
Packages - OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
Trailhead Ontario - Updates
Join us for three days of trail discussion and trail development. We welcome a new list of speakers to Trailhead Ontario this year, please come to Peterborough to meet:
Lang-Hastings Trans Canada Trail is one of the newest additions to the
trail network in Peterborough County. The trail extends from Keene Rd.
to the old bridge in Hastings. This trail connects the south-eastern
corner of the county to all the communities and into the City of
Peterborough. With the designation as a section of the Trans Canada
Trail, this trail is perfect for the average walker, cyclist or
horseback rider. It is 33km in length and formed from packed limestone,
creating a solid base enjoyable for a leisurely stroll. The trail leads
you by many streams, around Drumlins and hugs the Trent-Severn Waterway
for a few kilometers, allowing you to take in a variety of scenery along
the route. The trail links to the Trans Canada Trail continuing east
past Hastings and through Campbellford, allowing for extended trips
throughout the countryside of Ontario.
Make sure you get out on an Ontario Trail this March Break!
More information on activities at Ontario Trails Events
2013 Call for Applications
Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund Ontario is providing grants to help communities take action to protect and restore their corner of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin.
This is the second call for applications under the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund. Grants are available for projects that take place in Ontario within the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin. The basin includes: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior, the St. Lawrence River, the Ottawa River, their connecting channels, and their watersheds. Examples of projects that could qualify include:
- Planting trees to restore stream banks
- Protecting and restoring sensitive and degraded natural habitats by managing the flow of storm water runoff
- Protecting traditional harvesting areas from invasive species by using traditional ecological knowledge
Ontario Trails Builds New PartnershipThe Ontario Trails Council, through letter and direct representation has worked on the trails risk management and liability file since 2002. Our efforts have not gone unnoticed. Recent efforts by the OTC to reach out to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) are appreciated by AMO.
"since 2007, liability premiums have increased by 22.2% and are among the fastest growing municipal costs. Total 2011 Ontario municipal insurance costs are $155.2 million. Liability premiums make up the majority of these expenses at $85.5 million. Property taxpayers are paying this price." AMO Insurance Study 2011
Since 2007 the OTC has written joint letters of support with AMO, the Federation of Municipalities of Northern Ontario (FONOM) and Rural Ontario Municipalities Association (ROMA).
"The heavy insurance burden and legal environment is unsustainable for Ontario’s communities. Despite enormous improvements to safety, including new standards for playgrounds, pool safety, (trails), and better risk management practices, municipal insurance premiums and liability claims continue to increase."
We will continue to support AMO efforts and are currently looking into offering a trail insurance program because over 80% of OTC Membership is municipally based, and municipalities represent at least half of the liability for Ontario's trail inventory of 88,000km. Tort reform is needed and Ontario lags behind North American trends in legal system reform.
"Various forms of proportionate liability have been enacted by all of Ontario’s competing Great Lakes states and in 38 other states south of the border. Many other common law jurisdictions are also pursuing reform. It is time for Ontario to do the same."
Performance Measures - Trail Counts!
Low maintenance - Using weatherproof decals our methods allow users to quickly and easily provide you with information you need to assess, improve, direct, re-direct, or provide information to the user - while on the trail. Our proprietary method has been developed by over 140 trail users and with the input of The City of Thunder Bay and Norfolk County Trail Managers.
Packages - OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
Blue - 4-10 trails: $300.00 plus HST and registration fees
- Maximum 20 sheets of decals
Green - 10-20 trails: $500.00 plus HST and registration fees
- Maximum 40 sheets of decals
Gold - 20 or more trails: Starting at $1,000 plus HST and registration fees
Go to Trail Counts! to purchase. Thanks
Trailhead Ontario - Updates
Join us for three days of trail discussion and trail development. We welcome a new list of speakers to Trailhead Ontario this year, please come to Peterborough to meet:
- Brent Feldman ED of Minnesota Parks And Trails Council - our NW friend in trails, hear how they do trails!
- Nancy Krupiarz ED of Michigan Trails and Greenways Association - our St. Clair River friend in trails, learn about their cross border initiatives!
- Fontasy Signs - new techniques prolong sign life, interpretive signs serve tourists, learn the latest!
- John Hobbs - Ontario Geocachers Association - we search, we spend - we'd like to do it near you!
- Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport - updates on their strategy for trails.
- Trail Education - at least three modules in development - including Universal Trail Assessment Process - learn how to build trails for AODA compliance.
Cross Country Trails
Dog Sled Trails
Snowmobile Trails
Snow-shoeing Trails
Ontario Trails MembershipOn behalf of OTC we thank you for your support. If there is a group you know that is not a member contact us and we'll send them a note on membership benefits.
Thanks to NEW Member Huron County for taking out a membership, and to Ontario Federation of Trail Riders and the National Capital Commission for renewing this week.
Local Trails NewsAlbion Hills Conservation Authority:

New Course:
Trail Risk Management with Direct Bearing - April 9, 10, 2013 - Albion Hills Conservation
New Course:
Trail Risk Management with Direct Bearing - April 9, 10, 2013 - Albion Hills Conservation
Haliburton Highlands:
Humber Arboretum:
Lake Erie:
Lanark County:
Port Loring:
Southwestern Ontario:
Trail Management Guides
- Mitigate Trail Use Conflict
- Seek Funds
- Encourage Use
- Work to reduce Trespass
Want a copy or a seminar? Contact OTC - 877-668-7245
- Code of Conduct
- Permits
- Trail Maintenance/Development
- Qualifications to Develop Trail
- Reporting
- Trail Audits
- Forms
- Waivers/Assumption of Risk
Want a copy or a seminar? Contact OTC - 877-668-7245
- Event Ideas
- Attracting Volunteers
- Promotion
- Critical Path to the Event (6 month step by step, from idea to event!)
Want a copy or a seminar? Contact OTC - 877-668-7245
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