Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ontario Trails Council - Daily Trail Blog all about Ontario Trails!

Performance Measures - Trail Counts!

ontario trails counts
Low maintenance - Using weatherproof decals our methods allow users to quickly and easily provide you with information you need to assess, improve, direct, re-direct, or provide information to the user - while on the trail. Our proprietary method has been developed by over 140 trail users and with the input of The City of Thunder Bay and Norfolk County Trail Managers.

Packages - OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
  • Blue - 4-10 trails:  $300.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 20 sheets of decals
  • Green - 10-20 trails: $500.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 40 sheets of decals
  • Gold - 20 or more trails: Starting at $1,000 plus HST and registration fees
Go to Trail Counts! to purchase. Thanks

Ontario Trails - Your Data Wanted

land information ontario
Since 2007 the Ontario Trails Council has collected trails data, and turned that data into our award winning website, as mandated by the desires of the trails community reflected in the Ontario Trails Strategy. Nearly 1,000,000 people a year turn to this information in order to find you and your trails.

At this time we are working on the feasibility of collecting more trail data for the MNR. This project money sustains the OTC, but the money is only derived if there is data collected. This is where we need your help. We need you and your trail to opt in before we start collecting because the MNR wants to know which trails we are going to collect data from. Is your trail one we can collect? The characteristics we are looking for are:

1.       Measurements
  1. Trailhead Longitude
  2. Trailhead Latitude
  3. Completion Time (hours)
  4. Elevation Change (m)
  5. Trailhead Elevation (m)
  6. Maximum Elevation (m)
  7. Cross Slope Average (%)
  8. Cross Slope Maximum (%)
  9. Minimum Trail Width (m)
  10. Average Trail Width (m)
  11. Maximum Grade (%)
  12. Average Grade (%)
  13. Trail Surface
  14. Trail Classification (Trail Group/Local Classification/Difficulty/ Rating eg: OFSC Trail Classes)
4.    Prohibited Trail Uses
5.    Trail Hazards (Poison Ivy, Steep Slopes)
6.    Trail Fees (Day Pass, Donation, Parking etc.)
7.    Seasons/Dates of Operation
8.    Trail Amenities (Visitor Centre, Beach, Boat Launch etc.)
9.    Trail Enforcement
10.  Trail Permits
11.  Trail Speed Limit
12.  Trail Signage
13.  Trail Environmental Concerns
14.  Trail Permitted Use (Dogs on Leash)
  1. Date of Collection
  2. Data Collector
  3. Trail sensitivity (high /low) 
So let us know if you are willing to support us by sharing data you already have. Thanks

great lakes guardian fund

Trailhead Ontario - Updates
trailhead ontario

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

trailhead ontario
Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails

Program Snapshotclick image for all

trailhead ontario sessions

Time Limited?Select 1, 2, 3 or 4 Day Participation options

Conference and Education Package - Paypal CA$315.88* CA$9.12
Conference and Education Session Package - Pay by cheque CA$357.50* CA$9.95
Conference Registration - Paypal CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Training - Risk Management CA$203.76* CA$6.24
One Day Registration - Conference Only CA$96.51* CA$3.49
Early Bird - Conference and Training CA$276.88* CA$8.12
Early Bird - Conference CA$150.01* CA$4.86
Early Bird - Trails Training and Education CA$174.51* CA$5.49
Display Booth CA$257.86* CA$7.63
Display Booth - discount CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Non-Profit - Provincial CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Provincial Non-profit - discount CA$128.20* CA$4.30
Display Booth - Local, small non-profit CA$42.15* CA$2.10
Display table - literature only CA$20.59* CA$1.54
Ordered Ticket at door - Conference CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Ordered Ticket at Door - Education CA$194.01* CA$5.99
Ordered Ticket at Door - Conference and Education CA$365.55* CA$9.95
Ordered Ticket at Door - One Day Only - Conference Only CA$100.00 CA$3.49
Coffee Break Support CA$194.01* CA$5.99
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