Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ontario Trails Daily News from Ontario Trails Council

• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity
Ontario Trails News - Spring Message
WATER - CHECK BEFORE YOU GO! At this time of Year - Please restrain Motorized and Equestrian use on Soft Soils. Thanks
Trail Questions
1) Question: Hunting along rail trails. In the Game and Fish Act...Section18 (10) and no such patentee, owner or tenant shall prohibit any person from hunting or fishing on the railway lands. Definition (11) “railway lands” includes all lands set apart under any Act as a land subsidy or otherwise in aid of any railway or of any works in connection therewith or of any works to be established, maintained or carried on by any railway. R.S.O. 1990, c. G.1, s. 18 (10, 11). So if its a trail and not a railway this "free hunting access"doesn't apply? Please e-mail me with your interpretation or how you manage this on your rail trail. Thanks

2) Question: Road Trail Intersection Improvements. OTC was contacted by Saugeen Rail Trail. They have been invited to present at more Ministry of Transportation meetings. They want to know - when two lane highways are re-developed, have any of you been able to secure trailhead improvements at the crossings, by way of the re-development? If so, what did you get? Please e-mail Jeff Hemming at

3) Support a Great Lakes Guardian Fund Grant. Great Lakes Guardian Fund applications due tomorrow. Last year OTC supported a Town of Deseronto CIAF Grant Application and the town got an $80,000 grant to re-develop their waterfront park and the Waterfront trail. As an OTC Member, Regional partner, or trail stakeholder would you consider writing a letter in support. E-mail me for our letter template you can use! Also please consider putting our OTC logo or OTC website as a link on your website!

Trailhead Ontario - Updates
trailhead ontario

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

kawarthas northumberland trails

Program Snapshotclick image for all

trailhead ontario
trailhead ontario

Time Limited?Select 1, 2, 3 or 4 Day Participation options

Conference and Education Package - Paypal CA$315.88* CA$9.12
Conference and Education Session Package - Pay by cheque CA$357.50* CA$9.95
Conference Registration - Paypal CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Training - Risk Management CA$203.76* CA$6.24
One Day Registration - Conference Only CA$96.51* CA$3.49
Early Bird - Conference and Training CA$276.88* CA$8.12
Early Bird - Conference CA$150.01* CA$4.86
Early Bird - Trails Training and Education CA$174.51* CA$5.49
Display Booth CA$257.86* CA$7.63
Display Booth - discount CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Non-Profit - Provincial CA$171.58* CA$5.42
Display Booth - Provincial Non-profit - discount CA$128.20* CA$4.30
Display Booth - Local, small non-profit CA$42.15* CA$2.10
Display table - literature only CA$20.59* CA$1.54
Ordered Ticket at door - Conference CA$169.63* CA$5.37
Ordered Ticket at Door - Education CA$194.01* CA$5.99
Ordered Ticket at Door - Conference and Education CA$365.55* CA$9.95
Ordered Ticket at Door - One Day Only - Conference Only CA$100.00 CA$3.49
Coffee Break Support CA$194.01* CA$5.99
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