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Niagara Trails Committee Moves ahead

Saugeen Rail Trail Looks for Support

Healthy Hikes - May 1-31, 2013
Evergreen - Ride the Ravines

Registration fee is $25 per rider, and all riders are encouraged to fundraise a minimum of $75 to ride. Be sure to stick around after the ride for refreshments and celebration, and to pick up any incentive prizes you may have won! Our lead community partner, Cycle Toronto, is offering its members a reduced registration rate of $20. Not a member of Cycle Toronto? Join today and register to ride for $40! Questions? Please contact Lauren North at or 416-596-1495 X 338.
Waterfront Trail - Lake Erie Adventure 2013
Simcoe County Looking for InputThe County of Simcoe has recently embarked on a Transportation Master Plan update whereby a “multi-modal” transportation network will be explored. The insight and knowledge of trail users is being sought to provide practical input in the study regarding active transportationand winter trail use. Could you please follow the links below and/or forward to those who may be interested in participating and offering user information on the online survey, as well as attendance at the upcoming public information centres.
Online Survey:
Public Information Centre information:
Thank you for keeping the TMP team updated on trails initiatives throughout the County. If you require additional information, do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely, Rachelle Hamelin TMP Project Co-ordinator & Planner III
County of Simcoe, Planning Department
1110 Highway 26, Midhurst, ON L0L 1X0
Phone: (705) 726-9300 ext.1315
Fax: (705) 726-9832
100's of trail stories posted each week!
More Provincial Parks closing
Ontario Trails and Ontario Equestrian Federation launch horse survey

Trail Questions1) Question: Road Trail Intersection Improvements. OTC was contacted by Saugeen Rail Trail. They have been invited to present at more Ministry of Transportation meetings. They want to know - when two lane highways are re-developed, have any of you been able to secure trailhead improvements at the crossings, by way of the re-development? If so, what did you get? Please e-mail Jeff Hemming at
2) Deadline Extended! to May 31st, 2013 - Support a Great Lakes Guardian Fund Grant. Great Lakes Guardian Fund applications due tomorrow. Last year OTC supported a Town of Deseronto CIAF Grant Application and the town got an $80,000 grant to re-develop their waterfront park and the Waterfront trail. As an OTC Member, Regional partner, or trail stakeholder would you consider writing a letter in support. E-mail me for our letter template you can use! Also please consider putting our OTC logo or OTC website as a link on your website!
3) Capital Funding for Trails - Please take a minute to complete the capital funding section of our survey. A s many communities head into the budget cycle other communities want to get an idea of the relative and comparative amounts communities of similar size are investing in their trails. Please go to:
Trailhead Ontario - Updates

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough
OTC Member? Discounts Apply
Holiday Inn discounted rooms!
Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders,
use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and
improve Ontario's Trails!
The Ontario Trails Council, and the Trailhead Ontario 2013
planning committee wish to acknowledge the financial support of the
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and sport in making this conference happen.
We could not have a conference and sustain OTC without their
assistance. For this we are grateful. Please attend Trailhead Ontario
and hear all the latest developments on Tourism and Recreation from the

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