Trailhead Ontario
Special Presenter:
Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. One such trip is hiking. Hear about "A 1000-MILE GREAT LAKES WALK"
Please join Trailhead Ontario as we present Author Loreen Niewenhuis as she talks about her experience circumnavigating, on foot - the waterfront trails of the Great Lakes! In 2009, Loreen Niewenhuis walked the perimeter of Lake Michigan and wrote the bestselling book, "A 1000-MILE WALK ON THE BEACH".
In 2012, she took another long journey, covering 1000 miles of shoreline touching all five Great Lakes. The book about this latest adventure, "A 1000-MILE GREAT LAKES WALK",explores the entire Great Lakes system.
In this presentation, she will take you along the shores of all five Great Lakes and many of the waterways connecting them. In words, photos, and video, you’ll explore the geology, hydrology, and natural history of the largest system of fresh water lakes in the world. She will also illuminate the threats to this massive ecosystem: invasive species, pollution, destruction of wetlands, and the gradual warming of the lakes.
Niewenhuis speaks with the authority of an expert as she has a M.S. degree in the biological sciences. She raises important questions about preserving our wild places and protecting the fragile ecosystems on which we all depend. - International Trail development panel - hear trail association professionals from the states of Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio and New York as we convene our internet panel on cross border trails tourism, promoting the Great Lakes Basin. Hear how trails are developed, managed and promoted by our counterparts just across the Ontario/USA Border.
- Local Initiatives - Kawarthas Northumberland are promoting trails and trails activity in new and exciting ways. Working with trail groups is the cornerstone of the RTO8 trails development agenda. Come and hear how Kawarthas Northumberland is working with Trent University, Fleming and the Trans Canada Trail on the development of regional initiatives such as, heritage trails, provincial trails day (June 1st) and a variety of other seasonal marketing initiatives for trails and trail towns.
- We would welcome your support, rates are reasonable and it would be great to have a few provincial trail organization booths at the conference.
Program Snapshot
Trail Risk Management - June 11-12, 2013
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the elements associated with managing risks related to trail planning, development and management.
Topics will include: I

- The Canadian and Ontario Legal Systems Negligence and Liability
- The Law and Trails, Insurance and the Transfer of Risk
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)
- HIRA Application on the Trail
- On the Trail Again
- Risk Assessment Assignment to work on at home with guidance from the instructor.This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the elements associated with managing risks related to trail planning, development and management.
Instructor: Matt Cruchet
Matt Cruchet founded Direct Bearing Incorporated as a vehicle to help organizations navigate risk. Matt’s strengths lie in operational assessment where he uses his experience in the not-for-profit, youth-service, adventure travel, natural resources and emergency planning industries to evaluate and manage risk. Matt is a recognized outdoor risk management expert, consultant, author and speaker.
Direct Bearing Incorporated has also worked with over 100 other organizations ranging from youth service groups, camps, natural resource companies, adventure tourism.
Matt Cruchet founded Direct Bearing Incorporated as a vehicle to help organizations navigate risk. Matt’s strengths lie in operational assessment where he uses his experience in the not-for-profit, youth-service, adventure travel, natural resources and emergency planning industries to evaluate and manage risk. Matt is a recognized outdoor risk management expert, consultant, author and speaker.
Direct Bearing Incorporated has also worked with over 100 other organizations ranging from youth service groups, camps, natural resource companies, adventure tourism.
Time Limited? - Register Here
Regional Trail Profile
So it looks like it's going to be an exciting time in Peterborough - join us - mark the date June 9-12, 2013 in your calendar NOW!
Hotel Reservations and Event Location
More information? Go to - Trailhead Ontario
Call Patrick at 1-877-668-7245 or
Vanessa Twiddy at 905-373-8752 | |
Ontario Trails appreciates the support of:
Regional Tourism Organization 8
Ontario Trillium Foundation

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