June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough
OTC Member? Discounts Apply
Holiday Inn discounted rooms!
Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use
groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and
improve Ontario's Trails!
The Ontario Trails Council, and the
Trailhead Ontario 2013 planning committee wish to acknowledge the
financial support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport in
making this conference happen. Please attend and give a warm welcome to Ontario Assistant Deputy Minister Phil Malcolmson who will be joining Craig Stewart, and Carol Oitment in discussing new initiatives and supports for Ontario's trails!
We could not have a conference and sustain OTC without their assistance. For this we are grateful.

Our thanks to our Wine and Cheese Reception Hosts - Kawartha Northumberland Tourism at the:
June 9, 2013 - 6-8pm!

New for 2013 - Northern and Remote - Link-Up: Sign Up and we'll hook you up!
We could not have a conference and sustain OTC without their assistance. For this we are grateful.

Our thanks to our Wine and Cheese Reception Hosts - Kawartha Northumberland Tourism at the:
June 9, 2013 - 6-8pm!

New for 2013 - Northern and Remote - Link-Up: Sign Up and we'll hook you up!
Northern and Remote Communities (only): please note that for a small fee you can participate in the two interactive sessions on-line:
- Monday at 1pm est - Great Lakes Trails Panel - with Minnesota, Ohio, New York and Michigan Trails
- Tuesday 1pm - Adventure Tourism with Author Loreen Niewenhuis and Author Hap Wilson.
Signage Information - We
have three different signage companies presenting on the latest
techniques and innovations they have brought to market for use in making
trails safer, easier to use and that promote wayfinding for tourists!
McCarthy Signs

Fontasy Signs


McCarthy Signs
Fontasy Signs
Mapping Panel -
the best way to assist trail users or trail tourists is through
effective communication. One popular way is through maps. Maps assist in
telling folks the length of a trip. They tell trail users about trail
location, amenities such as accommodation, restaurants, fuel, supplies
camping, etc. that are on or near the trail.
and map technologies are changing at lightening speed. Google maps, map
integration, handheld maps, topographical maps, mash-ups, waterproof,
gps - all these are new and innovative techniques that communicate the
destination and the experience to the local user or the traveler.

More and more municipalities are producing local maps by activity and trail to assist these out-bound adventurers. Our mapping panel has brought together some of Canada's and Ontario's finest map producers for a discussion on their product lines, their market segments and the new techniques they are bringing to market.

So whether you are a trail user or a trail manager producing maps - you'll want to attend this session!

More and more municipalities are producing local maps by activity and trail to assist these out-bound adventurers. Our mapping panel has brought together some of Canada's and Ontario's finest map producers for a discussion on their product lines, their market segments and the new techniques they are bringing to market.
So whether you are a trail user or a trail manager producing maps - you'll want to attend this session!
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