Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2013

Ontario Trails Council - Toronto cycling improving?

A surprising boost in cycling infrastructure in TorontoBoston Globe
As a Torontonian, I'd like to point out that the situation in our city concerningcycling and our colorful mayor, Rob Ford, is more nuanced than your Dec.
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AS A Torontonian, I’d like to point out that the situation in our city concerning cycling and our colorful mayor, Rob Ford, is more nuanced than your Dec. 15 Ideas article describes (“A new menace to freedom: the bike”).
Ford’s anticycling rhetoric has not matched up to his administration’s actions advancing cycling infrastructure, which have been surprisingly impressive. Toronto has embarked on the biggest expansion of separated cycle tracks in the city’s history under the supervision of a suburban, non-bicycle-riding conservative, Councilor Denzil Minnan-Wong, with Ford’s acquiescence.
The left in Toronto was firmly in power for the eight years before Ford was elected, and it was unable to advance a network of separated cycle tracks in our downtown.
If you look at two of the world’s leading cities, the biggest expansion of cycling infrastructure in London and New York has occurred under conservative mayors — respectively, Boris Johnson (not quite as colorful as Ford) and Michael Bloomberg (more sedate).
A. Milliken Heisey
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Trailhead Ontairo June 9-12, 2013

trailhead ontario

June 9-12, 2013 - Peterborough

trailhead ontario

OTC Member? Discounts Apply

Holiday Inn discounted rooms!

Join trail advocates, organizations, speakers, builders, use groups, volunteers, planners and regulators as we discuss, learn and improve Ontario's Trails!

Signage Information - We have three different signage companies presenting on the latest techniques and innovations they have brought to market for use in making trails safer, easier to use and that promote wayfinding for tourists!

McCarthy Signs
mccarthy signs

Fontasy Signs

fontasy signs

tour mate

Mapping Panel - the best way to assist trail users or trail tourists is through effective communication. One popular way is through maps. Maps assist in telling folks the length of a trip. They tell trail users about trail location, amenities such as accommodation, restaurants, fuel, supplies camping, etc. that are on or near the trail.
backroads mapbooks contest
Maps and map technologies are changing at lightening speed. Google maps, map integration, handheld maps, topographical maps, mash-ups, waterproof, gps - all these are new and innovative techniques that communicate the destination and the experience to the local user or the traveler.

trak maps

More and more municipalities are producing local maps by activity and trail to assist these out-bound adventurers. Our mapping panel has brought together some of Canada's and Ontario's finest map producers for a discussion on their product lines, their market segments and the new techniques they are bringing to market.


So whether you are a trail user or a trail manager producing maps - you'll want to attend this session!


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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike, Bike or Paddle Ontario's Trails

War of 1812 Bicentennial Peace Garden Trail Map unveiled
Bullet News Niagara
Five New York State regional tourism offices, in collaboration with the International Peace Garden Foundation, have unveiled a new trail map pinpointing 17 ...

Reeves look forward to much in 2012
Minden Times
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobiling Association's magazine Go Snowmobiling has a feature article on the new trail in the current Winter 2011 edition. ...

Council looks at licensing cyclists again
Toronto Sun
“I believe that if you are going to operate a vehicle on our roadways, whether it is a vehicle like a bicycle that you are driving or a moped or a small cycle or whatever it is, you should know what the rules of the road are,” Shiner told reporters ...
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Ten easy tips to maintain your brain
Toronto Star
Start a walking club with neighbours or friends, take up dance lessons with friends, ... Talk to a new colleague every week, volunteer for a company event...

Kayaking through the Thousand Islands (Ontario, Canada & New ...
The Thousand Islands was perfect on a sunny day, it was so nice to just sit back in my kayak and feel the sun on my face and arms.

Popular Guelph running trails to be enhanced Guelph Mercury
Part of the Guelph trail system, it is off of Watson Road and between Stone Road and Cooks Mill Road in the city's aquifer lands. Part of the system includes the remnants of a railroad line that once ran between Guelph and Toronto...
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Northumberland OPP Responds To ATV Complaints
(BRIGHTON, ON) – The Northumberland Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has received numerous complaints regarding ATV use on the highways on the 10th Line in ...

Ontario Trails: Ontario Trails - Paddle, Hike, Bike or Ride Ontario's ...
The Ontario Parks website gives a good description of what to expect from the ... of our usual canoe camping trips or back-country hiking experiences. ...

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