Showing posts with label Guelph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guelph. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ontario Trails News - watch for coyotes on trails,seek out new trails in Temiskaming, and indigenous trail markers and more from Ontario Trails!

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Trail markers have been installed across the province to help improve recognition of the history and culture of indigenous people.

Enjoy the 180 degree vista of Lake Temiskaming from atop a towering cliff, on this spectacular hike in northern Ontario 
An easy 2 km from Highway 567 or a very scenic 3 km climb from Bucke Park.
...See More

There have been two cases of a coyote acting aggressively towards people and dogs walking along the Niska Trail in Guelph, humane society officials say.

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Ontario Trails News - from Trailwise - join today and support Ontario's trails!

Ontario Trail Running Group

Toronto Cycling Plan - Comment Today

Toronto Paddling Destination!

Ride for a Reason

Goderich to Guelph RT MPP Announcement

Iron Horse Trail News

Rainbow Routes - New Trail Map

Canoe Canada!

Northern Ontario Photography

Noxious Leaf Guide from

Support the Kinghorn Trail Development

Last fall we started an audit of the rail corridor. This audit captures the good, the bad and the ugly. Using the latest trail auditing software, we are able to capture all the issues that need to be fixed prior to opening the trail. We will finish the audit in the spring for the full length of the line.

Please support us in building this legacy trail along Lake Superior. Even a small donation adds up and supports the capital required to upgrade the corridor for Northwestern Ontario's only rail trail!

We have plans to upgrade the railbed surface to accommodate trail users like cyclists, hikers, summer motorized use and snowmobiles in the winter months. As a full multi-use trail, we will be able to keep the trail in the public domain for future generations to enjoy.

The rail line doesn't stop at Nipigon but then turns north towards Greenstone. There has been some interest in discussing this as an option but conversations need to occur.  Please support this legacy project as we create an amazing trail alongside Lake Superior - the great inland sea.

Ontario Trails Education

Healthy Hikes Program!

40+ Ontario Trail Builds Underway!

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trail Information from all over Ontario's trails

Trails Auditing News

For the last 3 months Ontario Trails audited the proposed Guelph to Goderich Rail Trail with a new tool - Trail Auditor.

Developed for the ski industry, Ontario Trails was pleased to pilot this impressive tool on trails. And the work on the product is nearly done!

Fully customizable, this tool allows you to assess your trail based on the criteria you need to assess. Then the material is stored for future use, so you can send others out to inspect what you have audited.

This allows you to manage trail risk not have risks manage you. The OTC has received no compensation for this endorsement - we are pleased to have been able to product test this product in order to enable our members to have access to a tool that is easy to use, for both managers and volunteers.

For more information email Niall Lobley at

Ontario Trails Council Website Refresh - some hints
Due to recent upgrades to the OTC website you can now search the entire site for a particular record or item of interest. Let's say you wanted a copy of the Ontario Trails Strategy.

In the search box, where it says search term, at the top type in a term like "trail plans"; then click on the magnifying glass.

We hope this improves awareness and use of all the documents we've collected over the years to improve conditions on trails in Ontario through better communication.

Sample return below:

Did you know - our website can link your event with your trail, Simply complete the event form, identify the trail and we'll do the rest.

Other recent upgrades to the OTC website you can now comment on the trail you are using. That message now gets sent directly to the OTC.

Use the social media function on the trail page to send us your message. When you comment we get an alert.

We hope this improves awareness and trail conditions in Ontario through better communication.

On the new website homepage - we showcase 3 Featured Trails every day. Is your's there? Add your trail and be sure to check out the list daily!

On the new website we showcase over 1800 trails. Did you know you can now use the Nearby Function on each trail page to highlight trip planning options! The Nearby Function teels you what trails are nearby. That way if you are out for a couple of days you can explore trails, or trails near a town.

In this example you can find trails near Moonbeam Ontario, Use each of the icons to plan your trip accommodations, meals, transit to and from, or if you are in need of supplies you can find fixes for your tent, or your bike.

Through the generous support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport our web re-design team has been working for 6 months to complete a website renewal to satisfy the trail sector. 
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Monday, May 12, 2014

Ontario Trails News - news and activity information from all over Ontario's 2600 trails!

Ontario Trails fully involved in Trail Projects

From the North Shore of Lake Superior to the rolling hills of Haliburton to the St. Lawrence Seaway, through the nation's biggest cities over 430 communities in Ontario have trails that are Yours to Explore.

This article is going to tell you about a few of the projects that we have underway in several parts of Ontario. When communities turned to the OTC they ask us to help them manage, develop, properly use, and conserve their trails.

Goderich to Guelph Rail Trail – SW Ontario

What will the city of Goderich and Guelph have in common? Hopefully soon, the Guelph to Goderich Greenway Trail. This is a similar type of trail to the Kinghorn and the millennium in then it's another long distance regional trail that supports communities from the central counties to the shores of Lake Huron.

Anchored in Goderich by the Menesetung Bridge, this trail route runs through many Ontario heritage towns such as Blythe, Milverton, and Bunner ending in Guelph. stay in rustic bread and breakfasts later in the day.

The OTC is supporting this trail with resources and surveying, and funding applications and general communication trying to make this a signature destination for South Western Ontario.

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ATV driver injured trying to flee from police
A 21-year-old ATV driver was injured while trying to flee from police in Webbwood on May 11, said the Ontario Provincial Police. File photo.
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Ontario Cyclists Announced for OCA Canada Cup Exposure Project | Ontario Cycling Association
(May 12, 2014) The Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) is proud to unveil the list of 14 Ontario cyclists who have been selected to attend the OCA ...
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 Algonquin College On-Line Trails Education


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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Trail News from all over Ontario's trails!

New Member!Brantford Trails

Parks & Trails 

The City of Brantford prides itself on the quality parks and trails it provides season after season for residents and visitors to enjoy. Some parks provide a peaceful, relaxing setting where you can enjoy passive recreational activities, while others are venues for sports and active pursuits. The City's gorgeous private and public gardens have been recognized with several titles in the Communities in Bloom competition.
The City offers nearly 70 kilometers of natural trails that are perfect for running, cycling or hiking. With constant upgrades and additions, there's always somewhere new to explore along the way.

We Thank Our Renewing Members!

Caledon Trails 

Forks of the Credit Provincial Park at Cataract Falls.
Photo by Gary Hall
The Town of Caledon features over 65 parks and has access to 260 km of trails. In Caledon, there are playgrounds, picnic areas, splash pads, tennis courts, sports fields, a leash free park, a skateboard park, trails for cycling, walking and running as well as open spaces.
There are many options for people of all ages to enjoy outdoor recreation. Make the great outdoors a part of your active lifestyle.

Hike Ontario

2014: An Exciting Year in Hiking 
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Hike Ontario. To celebrate we are returning to where it all began for our Annual Summit. From October 31st to November 2nd we will be in Guelph as guests of the Guelph Hiking Trail Club. This is very appropriate as Hike Ontario started as the Federation of Ontario Hiking Trail Associations at Henry Graupner`s home in Guelph.
Several changes of venue later, we are Hike Ontario and comprise 30 Trail Associations and Hiking Clubs with approximately 13000 members. We also advocate and supply information to the provinces walkers and hikers. As such we had a critical role in the drafting of the 2005 Ontario Trails Strategy. Now almost 10 years later, this plan is being reviewed. This and the current political situation in Ontario provides us with a great opportunity to push the ministries involved and all Ontario political parties towards active plans and policies that support hiking, trail associations and landowners who are generous enough to allow the use of their property for people to hike without charge.
Please consider advocating on behalf of Hike Ontario and the hikers and walkers of Ontario by speaking to your member of the provincial parliament as well as any candidates from the other political parties about the need for support for sustainable volunteer managed trails.

Tom Friesen
President, Hike Ontario

Port Hope Trails

Lace up your hiking boots and start doing your stretching exercises. The Municipality of Port Hope offers diverse and interesting walking and hiking trails that can provide either a leisurely afternoon stroll or a scenic nature hike.

Contact our local hiking club at:

Willow Beach Field Naturalists is a local charitable organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the natural heritage of Northumberland County. WBFN provides opportunities for it's members and others in the community to engage in projects in our area, which  in turn,  increases awareness of our vital natural heritage. Contact  WBFN at:
Local trails include:
The Ganaraska Forest – a 4000 hectare, multi-use area with year-round recreational opportunities. It has over 300 kms of trails passing through sandy, rolling terrain typical of the Oak Ridges Moraine.
The Ganaraska Hiking Trail – a 500 km route that starts in Port Hope and joins with the Bruce trail near Glen Huron. The southern end of the trail begins at the large boulder on the lawn of the Port Hope Town Hall on the west bank of the Ganaraska.
The Ganaraska Millennium Trail – a relatively level 2.4 km looped trail along the Ganaraska River. The trail begins at the Ganaraska Conservation Authority office on the northwest corner of Hwy 28401 and County Rd. 28.
The Spartan Ravine Walkway – begins on Jocelyn Street west of Crossley Drive (look for the trailhead on the south side) and connects with the Ganaraska Trail. 
The Waterfront Trail – has beautiful unobstructed views of Lake Ontario. This trail follows along the lakeshore from the Port Hope Marina, east to Gages Creek, where special wetlands offer an abundance of wetland wildlife.

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Ontario Trail News - about trail membership, trail services and snowmobling on Ontario Trails!

Ontario Trail Memberships - Annual Drive on Now

Once again its that time of year where we send out our membership invoices. We have made a modification for 2014.
  • Many groups have verbally committed to OTC for membership in 2013. If you did we are sending you an invoice that reflects this outstanding commitment.
  • Invoices are net 30, so we are sending earlier to avoid staff departure for the holidays, so they can be processed.
Recently we read an appeal by the Appalachian Trail to the community to help make its budget. They are $771,000 in need. In comparison the OTC needs your support - but collectively to make this years budget our goal is $24,000. Your act of renewal keeps us open and functioning. Across 140 members that is $171.42 per group. Please do your part and pay on time!

Benefits: real work through your membership support.
  • OTC Education Program - the trail strategy calls for sector training. Through OTC you have a mechanism
  • OTC Advocacy - the OTS consultations are the result of your Board at work
  • Trail Projects - from Georgian Bay to North Shore of Superior to the Guelph to Goderich Greenway we are assisting communities to have the trails they want.
  • Saving Trail - in Welland and Niagara we are saving the trail that was closed
  • Building Trail - we have assisted in the hands on building of trail in Eastern Ontario
  • Trails By Type - through our efforts use groups are better organized and this has led to the development of horse trails in Norfolk County for example
  • Trail Master Planning - because of our provincial conference the Oxford County is engaged in a trail planning exercise, and we have commented on that.
  • Weekly News Bulletins - Trailwise tells the rest of the trail community about what you are doing on your trails
  • Justifying your Trails - through the Trail Counts Program you can tell your community who uses your trail and how much they use it.

Snowmobile Week Riding - November 24-30, 2013

(Barrie, ONNovember 22, 2013) – The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) and its member clubs are celebrating the coming sledding season during Get Ready to Go Snowmobiling Ontario Week, November 24 to 30. The celebration starts as club volunteers are hard at work clearing, preparing and signing over 30,000 kilometres of OFSC trails. Although OFSC trails are not available for snowmobiling at this time, early indicators are very positive for a great 2014 snowmobile season ahead, with long-range forecasts predicting a cold, snowy winter and many parts of the province already having experienced below zero temperatures and early snowfalls. More Information Here

From the Clubs- go to the Ontario Snowmobile Trails FB Page and see the newsfeed, stories posted by Clubs there. Such as:

We have updated the host site surveys for 2014 and 2015. Thanks to the various organizations and locations that expressed an interest. 2015 still open for application. 2014 status will be reviewed by Conference Committee.
2015 Host Survey

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