Showing posts with label British Columbia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label British Columbia. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2015

Ontario Trails News - from Trailwise - join today and support Ontario's trails!

Ontario Trail Running Group

Toronto Cycling Plan - Comment Today

Toronto Paddling Destination!

Ride for a Reason

Goderich to Guelph RT MPP Announcement

Iron Horse Trail News

Rainbow Routes - New Trail Map

Canoe Canada!

Northern Ontario Photography

Noxious Leaf Guide from

Support the Kinghorn Trail Development

Last fall we started an audit of the rail corridor. This audit captures the good, the bad and the ugly. Using the latest trail auditing software, we are able to capture all the issues that need to be fixed prior to opening the trail. We will finish the audit in the spring for the full length of the line.

Please support us in building this legacy trail along Lake Superior. Even a small donation adds up and supports the capital required to upgrade the corridor for Northwestern Ontario's only rail trail!

We have plans to upgrade the railbed surface to accommodate trail users like cyclists, hikers, summer motorized use and snowmobiles in the winter months. As a full multi-use trail, we will be able to keep the trail in the public domain for future generations to enjoy.

The rail line doesn't stop at Nipigon but then turns north towards Greenstone. There has been some interest in discussing this as an option but conversations need to occur.  Please support this legacy project as we create an amazing trail alongside Lake Superior - the great inland sea.

Ontario Trails Education

Healthy Hikes Program!

40+ Ontario Trail Builds Underway!

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Ontario paddler going cross country

Learn more about Ontario's water trails


Seven months with a canoe and a dog. That’s how an adventurer from northwestern Ontario has spent a large chunk of 2014. Mike Ranta, a 43-year-old man from the small town of Atikokan, Ontario – the “Canoeing Capital of Canada” – has just completed the adventure of a lifetime by paddling solo across North America accompanied only by his dog, Spitzii. (Spitzii is a Finnish spitz breed of dog, hence the name)
Mike and Spitzii left Vancouver, British Columbia on April 1 and arrived in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia on October 31 after travelling over 7000 km. Their route took them up the Fraser river, across the continental divide, through the Canadian prairies on the north Saskatchewan river, across Lake Manitoba and the upper Great Lakes, down the Ottawa river and the lower St. Lawrence and along the eastern coast of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Most nights they slept in a tent, sometimes at public marinas, often out in the remote wilderness and occasionally on the property of generous people they met along the way who offered them a secluded place to spend the night – and a meal. Courtesy of Mikes GPS tracking locator, his actual route can be viewed here.
PastedGraphic-2The Guinness World Records organization is expected to certify this trip as the longest solo canoe paddle ever undertaken. And it marks the first time a solo paddler has ever crossed Canada from coast to coast by canoe in one canoeing season.
So why would someone do something like this?
Mike has undertaken this trip in order to raise funds for a youth centre in his home town through a non-profit organization entitled Atikokan Youth Initiatives. And he has been spreading the word along the way about the importance of getting young people interested in exercise and outdoor adventure and showing respect for nature.
Equally importantly, crossing Canada by some means not involving an internal combustion engine (bicycle, horse, walking, wheel chair, canoe) has become somewhat of a right of passage in this country for a certain segment of the population. As someone who bicycled across Canada many years, ago I can definitely relate to that urge to prove yourself and see the country the way few others do.
I was fortunate enough to meet up with Mike on two occasions. With his large sombrero-style hat, colourful rain gear, large rubber boots, long hair and beard and booming voice, he certainly comes across as a larger-than-life individual. But he also impresses with his deep knowledge of the early history of Canada and its cultural traditions in each region he travelled on this trip. And, not surprisingly, his love for the countrys natural scenery comes through loud and clear.
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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ontario Trails News Blog - Trail News from all around Ontario's Trails!


City staff recommend e-scooters be allowed in Toronto bike lanesToronto Star
City staff are recommending that electric scooters be allowed in Toronto bike lanes but banned from multi-use trails and cycle tracks, such as those ...
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Police ask riders to stay on trailsTimmins Press
Local Ontario Provincial Police detachments are reminding area snowmobilers to be mindful of their responsibilities while enjoying winter excursions ...
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Adventure shop helps outdoor enthusiasts get into snowshoeingCTV News Barrie
But with snowshoes, you can get right out there. ... she came all the way from British Columbia to vacation with friends in "snowshoe-friendly" Ontario.
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Monday, October 1, 2012

Ontario Trails - Walking can help Parkinson's Symptoms - and more on Ontario Trails

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Walking to beat 'can help Parkinson's symptoms'
Nursing Times
Where did the story come from? The study was carried out by researchers from the Universities of Pittsburgh, Toronto, British Columbia and Cambridge, and was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The study was ...
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The Wellington Advertiser - Club joins Ontario Hiking Week
Club joins Ontario Hiking Week. GUELPH. The Guelph Hiking Trail Club is getting ready to hit the trails in support of Ontario Hiking Week, from Oct. 1 to 7.


Plan a canoe trip in Ontario cottage country – explore
This trip through the province's scenic fall landscape is sure to appeal to novice and expert paddlers alike.

OFAH and OCOA promote a safe and responsible hunting season For Ontario hunters, fall signals the beginning of big game hunting opportunities in the province. Together, the Ontario Conservation Officers Association (OCOA) and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) want to wish all Ontario hunters ...See all stories on this topic »



The Ontario Trails Council and the Ontario Trails Education Program, in conjunction withInternational Mountain Bicycling Association (ON) are pleased to announce the decison to offer the highly recognized and nationally respected IMBA Trailbuilding Program, as part of its Trail Education Course offerings in Ontario. We are currently working to hold our first course on October 3-4. Please save the date.

ontario trails edcuation courses

Daniel Scott from IMBA writes, "Students will come away with a firm understanding of the fundamentals of trail design for both hard surface and naturally surfaced trails of various user types. A working knowledge of the design process from the planning phase to ground proofing trail alignments will be both discussed and experienced with examples and a field exercise which will include using field measurement equipment and flagging a trail alignment for construction."

Program elements include:

IMBA will provide for a two day workshop educating on the following elements
• Sustainable Trail Design – Making sure it lasts using various techniques:
• 5 Elements of Sustainable Design - Micro trail design - the fundamentals for bench cut
• Bench cut Trail vs. Raised Tread Trail - when is each appropriate
• 13 Steps to Trail Planning - Macro trail design - how one trail fits within a larger system
• Art of Trail Design - User psychology and design theory in the natural landscape
• Trail Closure & Rehabilitation - Mitigating reroutes & closures through design & signage
• Advanced Design & Construction Techniques – Building in challenging locations:
• Wooden Structures - intro to various techniques and how to design for users types
• Rock Armouring - intro to various techniques and how to design for users types
• Technical Trail Features - Designing trail features specific to various user groups
• Turns - Climbing, In sloped & Switchback - which turns is appropriate for who & where?

Or contact: Graham Burke, Ontario Trails Council
Kent: Traffic blitzes needlessly punitiveToronto Sun
If the argument for fining drivers is the simple mantra that “it's the law” then why aren't people who cycle on Toronto sidewalks prosecuted with the same vigor. There is a Toronto bylaw prohibiting riding a bicycle with tire size over 61 centimetres ...
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From Alan Medcalf - Cruising through my email drop of cycling news hits from around the world, this one caught my eye.  It's an article from New Zealand highlighting work being done on one particular cycling trail to make a loop of it accessible to wheelchairs (albeit "off road" wheelchairs), in order to allow more people access to that particular trail's unique outdoor experience.

This is the type of example we could hold up to show trails stewards how they can expand their trails' experiences to those with accessibility challenges.

Ontario Trails Mobile App

    • Local Trail News 

    • Trail Education Program

    • Trail Heros

    • Trailhead Ontario

    • Activity and User Updates

     View it Here
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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ontario Trail News - Hike, Walk, Bike or Paddle Ontario Trails

Conservation Ontario Submission to the Standing Committee on ...
The following comments are provided by Conservation Ontario on behalf of the network of 36. Conservation Authorities in Ontario. Conservation Authorities are ...

Bear Country: As encounters increase, will it mean a gun or ...
Toronto Star
Those numbers are second only to British Columbia, though in Ontario the heavy numbers roam far north of the Greenbelt. But as human populations shift north ...

Ontario Trails Council Annual General Meeting - June 18th, 1200 Noon at Trailhead Ontario. We need 12 for quorum. Please be sure to attend. We are also seeking nominations from 6 candidates to our Board. For information call Patrick at 877-668-7245.

CP Rail Trail - Shelburne, Ontario | EveryTrail
This is a great run along a good trail. There are several nice spots to stop. Some trials that feed off this route. Download the CP Rail Trail - Shelburne, Ontario ...

ATV riders driven to build trails
Niagara Falls Review
But (trails are) going to give your local riders — the ones riding through your fields — a place to ride,” she said. The Quad Niagara ATV Club operates under the same standards as the OntarioFederation of Snowmobile Clubs and it requires trails to ...

Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Course Descriptions 

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.
Coureurs de Bois Voyageur Trail Outdoors Club: Attention All Hike ...
All Hike Leaders are requested to check their hike leader's identity card for the certification expiration date. We are required by Hike Ontario to renew the card ...

Off-road bike trails a concern in Willowdale neighbourhood
The committee was considering the city's Bikeway Trails Implementation Plan - a plan to build 30 kilometres of off-road bicycle trails in the short term. The plan marks a shift from Toronto's Bike Plan, which was more focussed on on-road separated bike ...
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Toronto's laneways offer hidden gems to cyclists | dandyhorse ...
Led by Herb and Rob from the Cycle Toronto's (formerly Toronto Bike Union) Ward 19 Advocacy group, we gathered at Tinity-Bellwoods Park for a 2PM tour of ...

Bike Month: Have fun and get healthy at events for cyclists around the city
Toronto Star
A wide range of events attracts anyone interested in getting out on a bicycle. The Group Commute, going May 28, is the first major event of Bike Month. Organized both by the City of Toronto and Cycle Toronto — formerly the Toronto Cyclists Union ...
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We have an event execution team with an excellent track record, every single event to date has been a huge success for the both parties, in fact we are returning to a number of our 2010 and 2011 venues this year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, my number is 718-285-7861. I have attached a couple useful documents introducing Tough Mudder and the benefits of hosting our event. Contact John Curran, Venue Scout.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Sled, Ski, Hike, Ride, or Paddle Ontario Trails

Peterborough man journeying to Wawa to mark 25th anniversary of ...
Peterborough Examiner
How hard was Montreal River Hill compared to the rest of Ontario... Hatfield, who lives in Peterborough, keeps in shape, partly, by walking 40 minutes to ...

Dam demolition closes Crooks' Hollow trails
Hamilton Spectator
Left alone, the sediment would harm the local ecosystem and quality of water flowing out of Spencer Creek into Cootes Paradise through to the harbour and then into Lake Ontario. “It's accumulated over the years so you don't want that stuff floating ...
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Canada releases 2012 Mountain Bike Calendar
Québec will welcome four races, Ontario will play host to one cross country race, while Alberta and British Columbia will share the duties of hosting the Canada Cup finals. The Canada Cup is the series that has helped propelled Canada to the top of the ...
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Chico Racing - 2012 Mountain Bike Schedule
Eastern Canada's LEADER in Sporting Events. Home · 2012 ...

Del Bosco, Serwa win ski cross qualifying races
Globe and Mail
Del Bosco, of Montreal, Que., raced mountain bikes this summer and is hoping ... Nik Zoricic, ofToronto, Ont., was 36th, Whistler's Stan Rey was 49th and ...

Holiday Events on the Bruce Trail
A selection of public events offered over the holidays by each of the 9 Bruce Trail Clubs. All are welcome!
Follow the links to find event listings on each Club website.

President's Hike: New Year's Day
Jan. 1 2012, 10:00 a.m.

DeCew House, St Catharines
Beaver Valley:
Photography Snowshoe Hike at Eugenia Falls
Jan. 15 2012 1:00 p.m.
Terrain=Moderate; Speed=Leisurely
Meet at Eugenia United Church parking area on Canrobert Street in Eugenia for a 2-hour outing. Bring camera. Register with leader: Doug Galloway 519-599-2288
New Year's Day Hike
Jan. 1 2012, 1:30 p.m.
Royal Botanical Gardens, Arboretum, Nature Centre; Hamilton
Blue Mountains:Snowshoe Hike
Jan. 4 2012, 9:30 a.m
Pretty River Side Trail; Collingwood area
(pg. 10 in Hike Schedule link above)
Boxing Day and New Year's Day Urban WalksToronto Island & Leslie Street Spit; Toronto
New Year's Day Hike - Potluck Party
Jan. 1 2012, 1:15 p.m. 

The Glen, Owen Sound area
Caledon Hills:
Christmas Tree SalesEvery Sat. & Sun. in December

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mono Mills; Proceeds to BTC
Snowshoe Hike 
Jan. 7, 2012, 10:00 a.m.

Lion's Head area
Dufferin Hi-Land:
Winter Badge Hikes

Jan. 7 & 14, Feb. 4 & 11

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