Showing posts with label Montreal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Montreal. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ontario Trails News - snowshoers take Blue Mountain for Cancer

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Snowshoers take The Blue Mountains trails at Scenic Caves Romp to Stomp

Collingwood Connection
They came from far and wide, with crazy names and even crazier costumes, with one goal in mind: to stomp out breast cancer.
Whether they came from Oakville, Collingwood, Toronto or Dundalk, the close to 600 participants in the 8th annual Tubbs Romp to Stomp Out Breast Cancer were united in showing support for friends and relatives who have battled the disease, by strapping on a pair of snowshoes and trekking through the beautiful trails at Scenic Cave just outside of Collingwood.
The Snow Sailors hail from Etobicoke and admitted they are more at home on the high seas than plowing through snow drifts, but they are all committed to the cause.
"I'm passionate about the cause," said Karen Montazeri. "A lot of my friends and relatives have been affected by breast cancer."
Fellow team member Debbie Jeffcoat noted they not only ask for cash donations but donations of snowshoes as well.
Their crew met at the Etobicoke Yacht Club and the Mimico Cruising Club. This is their second year participating and they are the fourth highest pledge earners. "Last year we raised $1,790 - this year we're close to $2,500 so that's great," said Jeffcoat.
Erika Boone of Toronto was part of Kae's Racketeers, a team named for her good friend and breast cancer survivor, Kae Edwards.
"She's my age, she's a mom and a breast cancer survivor," noted Boone, who has been taking part in the snowshoe fundraiser for three years.
"Kae had literally just finished her radiation treatment the week before our first event three years ago, and we've been going strong ever since."
Helping their kids get their snowshoes on, Kae's husband Perry sported a wig that Kae wore during her treatment along with a leopard print bra.
"We fought it and we beat it and I got this free wig," he joked as he helped their kids, Christopher, Amy and Paige, get their snowshoes on.
From closer to home, the Grey County Boob Brigade has been taking part in the event for four years.
Organized by Teddi Jones and her daughter Denise, the team was thinking a lot about team member Vanessa Pink's mother as they headed out on the trail.
Pink explained her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 17 years ago. After years in remission the cancer came back three years ago.
"She has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer - which means she will always have it. Right now she's being treated with radiation and hormones."
Team Captain Teddi Jones said they've all been touched by one type of cancer or another.
"I'm involved because if we find a cure for one cancer I think we'll be able to cure them all," she said.
One of the most successful fundraising groups ended up taking part because one of their members won a pair of snowshoes in a raffle last year.
The Toronto Master Gardeners hold an annual Technical Update meeting and Tubbs, who sponsors the Romp to Stomp, donated a pair of snowshoes to be raffled off at the meeting. By the time the meeting was over, Tubbs had offered to provide the entire group with snowshoes as well as entry into the event. In return, the Master Gardeners raised close to $9,000 in 2014. This year they raised close to $7,000.
Since its inception in 2008, the Romp, which is modelled after the Race for the Cure, has raised $270,000 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. The Romp consists of a 3-km snowshoe race and a 3-km and 5-km snowshoe walk, as well as a kids race.
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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ontario Trails - Warmer winters the norm, means more activity on Ontario Trails!

Warm winters becoming norm in northern Ontario

Thursday March 14, 2013
Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada meteorologist.
Global warming continues to be a topic studied in Canada considering the impacts it has on the country’s weather, especially in northern regions.

Recently, a group of researchers from Montreal’s McGill and Concordia universities predicted the widespread disappearance of outdoor hockey rinks across the country over the next 50 years due to global warming.

The scientists — Nikolay Damyanov and Lawrence Mysak of McGill and Concordia’s Damon Matthews — tracked historical temperature trends recorded since 1951...

Trail Counts

Utilizing smartphone technology trail users can now complete a short survey that:
  • Logs in the trip
  • Single counts individual users
  • Consolidates results for centralized reporting
  • Consultation on survey content.
  • We ask your questions - the facility manager asks what they want to know!
  • Allows for separate trail counting
  • Multi-season operation
  • 24/7collection
  • Identifies quality of trail experiences
  • Provides you feedback loop
Wherever there is a smartphone signal, and YOUR trailhead you could be gathering and collecting additional information that will make for a better trail! Got great trails? Get the feedback that keeps you in the know!
Using weatherproof decals our methods allow users to quickly and easily provide you with information you need to assess, improve, direct, re-direct, or provide information to the user - while on the trail. Our proprietary method has been developed by over 140 trail users and with the input of The City of Thunder Bay and Norfolk County Trail Managers.
$50.00 per trail per year (max 3 trails) includes:
  • Decal design
  • Decal Printing - max 6 sheets, various size decals
  • More decals option (fee charged)
  • Survey Set-up
  • Survey reports
  • All system maintenance
  • Regional Comparisons
  • Seasonal variances
  • Trail differentiations
  • Use patterns

OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
  • Blue - 4-10 trails:  $300.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 20 sheets of decals
  • Green - 10-20 trails: $500.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 40 sheets of decals
  • Gold - 20 or more trails: Starting at $1,000 plus HST and registration fees
    • TBD
We've kept the price low - comparible pairs of static counters, that provide no demographic or qualitative information start at @$750.00 a pair, per trail - at OTC we are maintenance free, so operating cost is never an issue! Get information on your rural trails - save on gas, training, maintenance and get better connected to your customer: THE TRAIL USER!

8 decals per sheet - each decal is @4.5" (W) X 1.12" (T) or 11.43cm (W) X 2.8cm (T)
4 decals per sheet - each decal is @ 6" (W) X 1.75" (T) or 15.24cm (W) X 4.44cm (T)
2 decals per sheet - each decal is @ 9" (W) X 2.25" (T) or 22.86cm (W) x 5.72cm (T)

Do you have a trail that comes into your area from somewhere else? Is it managed by someone other than you? Ever want to know how much trail traffic was passing through, staying. or going away from your place - on your trail? Trails network and they cross jurisdictions. How much maintenance are you doing for traffic that comes from someone else's trail? We can answer that! Watch this space for our Trillium Trail (C) Decal. It is designed specifically for trail networks
Do you have a trail that comes into park, runs around the arena or pool and you'd like to know more about cross flow and traffic integration? Ontario Trails can offer this same method to integrate additional feedback from your other recreation facilities as well - producing for you a comprehensive report on traffic, quality of experience at your arena, pool or tourism destination - giving you a sense of aggregate operation and our 4 F's - "fit, flow, funding and function."

Call Patrick at 877-668-7245
*Shipping and handling extra
** Colour print extra


Trailhead Ontario _________________________________________________________________________________

Trailhead Ontario Website Trailhead Ontario Registration - Early Bird Ends April 1, 2013
Our Plan for 2013 – "From Recreation to Tourism" There are a lot of new trails and trail tourism partnerships in RTO8. The Ontario Trails “Trailhead Ontario 2013″ Committee is  is pleased to announce the Holiday Inn Waterfront Peterborough as the location of our conferencing. Site locations for our trail education program are being determined now.  

 NATURAL/ HISTORIC SITES When you’re entering the region from any direction the noticeable feature that differentiates Peterborough from other Cities or Counties in Ontario is the distinct rolling hills.  These hills, while beautiful when full with fall foliage, have a unique history behind them.  When the last ice age was receding, it left behind large pockets of sediment, which it picked up while proceeding to grow and freeze everything in its path.  These pockets of sediment are what create the rolling hill effect you see now.  The leftover hills are called Drumlins and Peterborough is home to one of the largest Drumlin fields in Canada.  The reason is unknown, however when traveling along the trails or the roads, makes sure you keep an eye out for the next hill and think about how it really was created. Become a Trailhead Ontario Presenter - tell us about yourself!


Our mobile app voted one of 12 Must Have for Living in Rural Ontario by

Ontario Trail Projects - this page details our work in 32 areas of Ontario.
Ontario Trails Council liaise with the province, and through membership input we conduct a variety of surveys and create reports that guide decision makers at all levels - these include:
  • Trail Priorities
  • Accessibility
  • Land Use Planning
  • Ontario Cycling Route Commentary
  • Use of Maintenance Vehicles on Trails
  • Community Development
  • Event Planning for Trail Groups
  • Safe Trails Manual
  • Regional Tourism Trail Inventory RTO12

And more. We can get you to a significant trails audience.

Ontario Trail Council Membership

Membership renewals for 2013 started going out December 1st, 2012. Thanks to the 77+ organizations that have renewed so far!

On behalf of OTC we thank you for your support. If there is a group you know that is not a member contact us and we'll send them a note on membership benefits.

join otc


The Ontario Trails Council Appreciates the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ontairo Trails - Leanr Trail Skills on-line through Algonquin College and Ontario Trails!

It's out there, take the Ontario Trails/Algonquin College On-Line Learning Course! Sign Up today. Starts February 1, 2013


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Cycling in the city: Toronto employers peddle incentives to bike to work
Toronto Star
It's a new policy that came out of a conversation between Edmonton-based founder Al Povoledo and principal consultant James Schwartz, who regularly rides his bike to visit clients in Toronto. Povoledo says the policy underscores the company's social ...
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Toronto is the Second Most Walkable City in Canada, Says Walk Score
Toronto's second-place standing among Canadian cities (we scored 71, seven points behind Vancouver's chart-topping 78 and one notch ahead of Montreal's 70), is the result of several factors. Walk Score looks at local amenities like grocery stores ...
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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ontario Trails - Hike, Bike, Paddle or Ride Ontario's Trails

About this Site
Paddling Instructor News
Site developer, David Johnston has been a sea kayak instructor with Paddle Canada for 15 years and lives in Toronto, Ontario. He also serves as the chair of ...

Cycle Toronto says city data shows Jarvis safer for everyone with a bike lane
Open File (blog)
While the Toronto Cyclist's Union Cycle Toronto's effort to force the city to conduct a time-consuming environmental assessment before removing the Jarvis bike lanes continues, it's published city collision data showing changes from the period before ...
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Bixi: a stroke of genius, but in need of some fixes
Montreal Gazette
It's time for Montreal, which took Paris's Vélib' bicycle-sharing setup and turned it into its own innovative and wildly successful Bixi program, to do something sensible with its struggling and indebted stroke of genius.
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Q & A with Toronto Bicycle Maven Yvonne ... - Women on Bikes SoCal
On a recent trip to Toronto, I had the pleasure of spending time with bicycling advocate Yvonne Bambrick. Yvonne is a bicycling celebrity around town, largely ...

Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.
OpenRoad: When it comes to bikeways, how do we compare to the 905?
Open File (blog)
Whether you drive, cycle, walk or take public transit, getting around Toronto can often be a pain, but instead of lobbying for better facilities for all, the city is stuck bickering about the “best” way to get around. Due to increased gridlock, ...
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Post-Spawn Shallow Walleye - Use the Canoe!
Walleye Central
Up in northwestern Ontario, the lakes and rivers are riddled with walleye spawning sites that rarely see any anglers due to their location. Spring water levels in some of these spots can change as much as 3 feet in a day making it nearly impossible to ...
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Ramps revamped at abandoned bike park
James, who founded faith-based initiative Revolution(s), a program of Youth Unlimited (Toronto YFC), said his organization is partnering with several others to revitalize the park, including the City ofToronto, Silent Sports, International Mountain ...
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This weekend's Jane's Walks unveil the hidden city
Toronto Star
Established in 2007 in Toronto, and held annually on the first weekend in May, the free Jane's Walk excursions have grown from 27 to more than 400 across Canada and 550 worldwide this year. Jane's Walk Toronto 2012 will offer 21 walks this Saturday and ...
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Jane's Walks take to Mimico, New Toronto and Long Branch
Jane's Walks take place this weekend in New Toronto, Mimico-By-The-Lake and for the first time, in Long Branch. Jane's Walk celebrates the ideas and legacy of urbanist Jane Jacobs by encouraging residents to explore and engage in conversations about ...
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Training as a team year-round
On Saturday morning, April 28 at Kinsmen Park, the Georgian Nordic Ski Club held an open session to introduce youth to year-round training for cross country skiing. Youth aged 14 and up, looking for something different with lots of fun checked out the ...
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The week ahead
Ottawa Citizen
To find out about the festival events, visit Not up to going out to ... In support of the Easter Seals of Ontario (children and youth with ...

Daytripping: Catch them before they're gone
Ottawa Citizen
My favourite springtime hike is Trail No. 36 from O'Brien Beach on Meech Lake Road west of Old Chelsea to the ruins at Meech Creek. Formerly, this hike was aptly dubbed Discovery Trail — today it's part of the Trans-Canada Trail network, sadly losing ...
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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Sled, Ski, Hike, Ride, or Paddle Ontario Trails

Peterborough man journeying to Wawa to mark 25th anniversary of ...
Peterborough Examiner
How hard was Montreal River Hill compared to the rest of Ontario... Hatfield, who lives in Peterborough, keeps in shape, partly, by walking 40 minutes to ...

Dam demolition closes Crooks' Hollow trails
Hamilton Spectator
Left alone, the sediment would harm the local ecosystem and quality of water flowing out of Spencer Creek into Cootes Paradise through to the harbour and then into Lake Ontario. “It's accumulated over the years so you don't want that stuff floating ...
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Canada releases 2012 Mountain Bike Calendar
Québec will welcome four races, Ontario will play host to one cross country race, while Alberta and British Columbia will share the duties of hosting the Canada Cup finals. The Canada Cup is the series that has helped propelled Canada to the top of the ...
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Chico Racing - 2012 Mountain Bike Schedule
Eastern Canada's LEADER in Sporting Events. Home · 2012 ...

Del Bosco, Serwa win ski cross qualifying races
Globe and Mail
Del Bosco, of Montreal, Que., raced mountain bikes this summer and is hoping ... Nik Zoricic, ofToronto, Ont., was 36th, Whistler's Stan Rey was 49th and ...

Holiday Events on the Bruce Trail
A selection of public events offered over the holidays by each of the 9 Bruce Trail Clubs. All are welcome!
Follow the links to find event listings on each Club website.

President's Hike: New Year's Day
Jan. 1 2012, 10:00 a.m.

DeCew House, St Catharines
Beaver Valley:
Photography Snowshoe Hike at Eugenia Falls
Jan. 15 2012 1:00 p.m.
Terrain=Moderate; Speed=Leisurely
Meet at Eugenia United Church parking area on Canrobert Street in Eugenia for a 2-hour outing. Bring camera. Register with leader: Doug Galloway 519-599-2288
New Year's Day Hike
Jan. 1 2012, 1:30 p.m.
Royal Botanical Gardens, Arboretum, Nature Centre; Hamilton
Blue Mountains:Snowshoe Hike
Jan. 4 2012, 9:30 a.m
Pretty River Side Trail; Collingwood area
(pg. 10 in Hike Schedule link above)
Boxing Day and New Year's Day Urban WalksToronto Island & Leslie Street Spit; Toronto
New Year's Day Hike - Potluck Party
Jan. 1 2012, 1:15 p.m. 

The Glen, Owen Sound area
Caledon Hills:
Christmas Tree SalesEvery Sat. & Sun. in December

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mono Mills; Proceeds to BTC
Snowshoe Hike 
Jan. 7, 2012, 10:00 a.m.

Lion's Head area
Dufferin Hi-Land:
Winter Badge Hikes

Jan. 7 & 14, Feb. 4 & 11

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