Showing posts with label Oakville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakville. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ontario Trails News - a plea to cycling advocates to change course and get off the roads.

Link to Ontario Cycling Trails

Students of Ontario cyclist killed during hit-and-run offer support through GoFundMe campaign

After yet another cyclist was killed in Southern Ontario on July 3, following a fatal hit-and-run in Milton, an online campaign has been spearheaded to help the fallen rider’s family.
As the CBC reported, Chris Harper, a 50-year-old father of five from Oakville, Ont., was killed that night after being struck by a car. He was a victim, authorities say, of impaired driving — and after the collision, the 33-year-old driver who hit him fled the scene.
The woman responsible was charged with dangerous driving causing death, impaired driving causing death, and failure to remain.
In the GoFundMe campaign to ease the burden on his surviving family, Harper’s students — he was a teacher at Meadowvale Secondary School in Mississauga, Ont. — appear to be significant contributors. It’s not just a matter of relieving a burden, though. To hear the accounts of those close to the tragedy, it’s the alleviating of a nightmare, a word that has been used literally and explicitly to describe the situation.
“Its a nightmare,” said Heidi Cyfko, a friend of Harper’s family, in conversation with the CBC. “The family is coping as best they can and preparing for the funeral of this tragedy caused by drinking and driving.” As such, it’s a situation that his family doesn’t deserve, students say, and they want to do something about it. “[Harper was] taken from the thousands of past, current and future Meadowvale SS students whom he taught and would have taught,” wrote former pupil Mike Fugler, who initiated the fundraiser, “and positively impacted through his dedication and passion to the classroom.”
“Most importantly, he was taken from his wife Melissa and their five children, Luke, Nicole, Leah, Alison and Joseph. It is for them we give to this fund. They have lost the most important teacher in their lives, so lets help them out with their future education.”
As of this morning — only two days since the GoFundMe campaign was initiated — the fundraising drive had already exceeded its $25,000 target.
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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ontario Trails News - snowshoers take Blue Mountain for Cancer

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Snowshoers take The Blue Mountains trails at Scenic Caves Romp to Stomp

Collingwood Connection
They came from far and wide, with crazy names and even crazier costumes, with one goal in mind: to stomp out breast cancer.
Whether they came from Oakville, Collingwood, Toronto or Dundalk, the close to 600 participants in the 8th annual Tubbs Romp to Stomp Out Breast Cancer were united in showing support for friends and relatives who have battled the disease, by strapping on a pair of snowshoes and trekking through the beautiful trails at Scenic Cave just outside of Collingwood.
The Snow Sailors hail from Etobicoke and admitted they are more at home on the high seas than plowing through snow drifts, but they are all committed to the cause.
"I'm passionate about the cause," said Karen Montazeri. "A lot of my friends and relatives have been affected by breast cancer."
Fellow team member Debbie Jeffcoat noted they not only ask for cash donations but donations of snowshoes as well.
Their crew met at the Etobicoke Yacht Club and the Mimico Cruising Club. This is their second year participating and they are the fourth highest pledge earners. "Last year we raised $1,790 - this year we're close to $2,500 so that's great," said Jeffcoat.
Erika Boone of Toronto was part of Kae's Racketeers, a team named for her good friend and breast cancer survivor, Kae Edwards.
"She's my age, she's a mom and a breast cancer survivor," noted Boone, who has been taking part in the snowshoe fundraiser for three years.
"Kae had literally just finished her radiation treatment the week before our first event three years ago, and we've been going strong ever since."
Helping their kids get their snowshoes on, Kae's husband Perry sported a wig that Kae wore during her treatment along with a leopard print bra.
"We fought it and we beat it and I got this free wig," he joked as he helped their kids, Christopher, Amy and Paige, get their snowshoes on.
From closer to home, the Grey County Boob Brigade has been taking part in the event for four years.
Organized by Teddi Jones and her daughter Denise, the team was thinking a lot about team member Vanessa Pink's mother as they headed out on the trail.
Pink explained her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 17 years ago. After years in remission the cancer came back three years ago.
"She has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer - which means she will always have it. Right now she's being treated with radiation and hormones."
Team Captain Teddi Jones said they've all been touched by one type of cancer or another.
"I'm involved because if we find a cure for one cancer I think we'll be able to cure them all," she said.
One of the most successful fundraising groups ended up taking part because one of their members won a pair of snowshoes in a raffle last year.
The Toronto Master Gardeners hold an annual Technical Update meeting and Tubbs, who sponsors the Romp to Stomp, donated a pair of snowshoes to be raffled off at the meeting. By the time the meeting was over, Tubbs had offered to provide the entire group with snowshoes as well as entry into the event. In return, the Master Gardeners raised close to $9,000 in 2014. This year they raised close to $7,000.
Since its inception in 2008, the Romp, which is modelled after the Race for the Cure, has raised $270,000 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. The Romp consists of a 3-km snowshoe race and a 3-km and 5-km snowshoe walk, as well as a kids race.
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Friday, February 28, 2014

Ontario Trail News - Trail News from all over Ontario Trails

National Trail Coalition funding in Budget
The National Trails Coalition (NTC) is the operating name for the Coalition of Canadian Trails Organizations, a federally incorporated not-for-profit organization. The NTC was formed in 2007 to bring the broad spectrum of trail-based activities together in a collaborative manner to build, maintain and promote trails and trail use across Canada. One of the founding principles of the Coalition is building new partnerships between trail disciplines; fostering more multiple-use trail development; and providing a trail-based platform on which private enterprise and volunteer groups alike can generate economic activity.
The umbrella organizations spearheading the coalition initiative are the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO), the Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council (COHV), and the Canadian Trails Federation (CTF). Through their affiliates across Canada, these parent bodies represent trail building, operating and maintenance organizations in every province and territory. Most importantly, they provide trail infrastructure and a tourism product that is used by millions of Canadians and visitors to Canada.
For the full press release see:

Legal Input Sought
Is there a law in Ontario you think needs to be changed? The Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) reviews existing provincial laws to see whether they can be improved or repealed or whether circumstances require new laws. We also review government policy and practices.

The LCO welcomes law reform proposals from individuals and organizations, including academics, jurists, lawyers, community and advocacy groups, labour organizations, businesses and members of the public. We are accepting proposals until March 21, 2014. This is the second and final call for proposals for projects to begin later this year and to take us into what we hope will be our third mandate beginning in January 2017.
Please be aware that the LCO does not provide funding for others to undertake projects, but undertakes Board-approved projects in-house.
For more information about making a proposal, and to find out how the LCO selects projects, see our website. See the range of projects we have completed and are undertaking now. You can learn about our funders and supporters and more about the LCO at
Contact us at
Education News

Our Sincere Condolences
Trails lost a great guy in Bob McFarland. He was a past employee of the City of Woodstock where he served as the
Director of Community Services and previously the same position in Waterloo and Oakville.
Bob was involved in many community groups, organizations and served on many Boards and Committees in
Woodstock, Waterloo and Oakville. It can be said that wherever he lived, he got involved in the community.
One of the groups he was involved with was the Oxford County Trail Committee and he was a member of the OTC Education Faculty.
On-Line started Feb 3rd!

Trail NewsCycle Show
More than 150 exhibitors offering the latest and best selection of bicycles, accessories, apparel and everything to do with cycling!
World’s largest Bicycle Consumer Show!
Best place to buy!
Extreme action events daily!ridersFeaturing
  • 150+ exhibitors – manufacturers, distributors, retailers, tour companies, clubs and others
  • Special Retail Marketplace area
  • Special Manufacturers’ Showcase area
  • Bicycle Frame Building
  • Electric Bicycle Exhibitors
  • Bicycle Events & Touring – from one-day trips to lengthy group cycling tours
  • Kid’s Entertainment Centre:
  • Tot’s Wheels, Collin the Unicyclist, Bouncing Castle, Face Painting,
  • Glitter Tattoos and Ballooning by Ladybug the Clown
  • The Test Ride Zone. Try out the latest street and mountain bikes
  • Enter to win a bicycle at the show
  • Join a Bicycle Club
  • FREE bicycle parking
Visit the Spring Show Page for More Details
Or Visit the Spring Show Schedule Page for Event Times

OTC Membership Drive
The Ontario Trails Council is a charitable organization, established in 1988, that promotes the creation, development, preservation, management and use of recreational trails.
Over past years membership got: a working Ontario Trails Strategy, new Regional Trail Committees, $25 Million in federal funding for communities (NOT OTC!), 84 trail projects in Ontario equalling 16.4M, and work to enhance the Waterfront Trail, Toronto Trails, Lake Erie Coastal Trail, Trans Canada Trail and 2,000 other trails in Ontario. We do this with your support!
PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)
Yearly Rates BaseHSTTotal
Small <200 td="" trail="" users=""> $103.00$13.39$116.39
Medium 200:5000 users $257.50$33.47$290.97
Large >5000 users $772.50$100.42$872.92
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