Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Sled, Ski, Hike, Ride, or Paddle Ontario Trails

Peterborough man journeying to Wawa to mark 25th anniversary of ...
Peterborough Examiner
How hard was Montreal River Hill compared to the rest of Ontario... Hatfield, who lives in Peterborough, keeps in shape, partly, by walking 40 minutes to ...

Dam demolition closes Crooks' Hollow trails
Hamilton Spectator
Left alone, the sediment would harm the local ecosystem and quality of water flowing out of Spencer Creek into Cootes Paradise through to the harbour and then into Lake Ontario. “It's accumulated over the years so you don't want that stuff floating ...
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Canada releases 2012 Mountain Bike Calendar
Québec will welcome four races, Ontario will play host to one cross country race, while Alberta and British Columbia will share the duties of hosting the Canada Cup finals. The Canada Cup is the series that has helped propelled Canada to the top of the ...
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Chico Racing - 2012 Mountain Bike Schedule
Eastern Canada's LEADER in Sporting Events. Home · 2012 ...

Del Bosco, Serwa win ski cross qualifying races
Globe and Mail
Del Bosco, of Montreal, Que., raced mountain bikes this summer and is hoping ... Nik Zoricic, ofToronto, Ont., was 36th, Whistler's Stan Rey was 49th and ...

Holiday Events on the Bruce Trail
A selection of public events offered over the holidays by each of the 9 Bruce Trail Clubs. All are welcome!
Follow the links to find event listings on each Club website.

President's Hike: New Year's Day
Jan. 1 2012, 10:00 a.m.

DeCew House, St Catharines
Beaver Valley:
Photography Snowshoe Hike at Eugenia Falls
Jan. 15 2012 1:00 p.m.
Terrain=Moderate; Speed=Leisurely
Meet at Eugenia United Church parking area on Canrobert Street in Eugenia for a 2-hour outing. Bring camera. Register with leader: Doug Galloway 519-599-2288
New Year's Day Hike
Jan. 1 2012, 1:30 p.m.
Royal Botanical Gardens, Arboretum, Nature Centre; Hamilton
Blue Mountains:Snowshoe Hike
Jan. 4 2012, 9:30 a.m
Pretty River Side Trail; Collingwood area
(pg. 10 in Hike Schedule link above)
Boxing Day and New Year's Day Urban WalksToronto Island & Leslie Street Spit; Toronto
New Year's Day Hike - Potluck Party
Jan. 1 2012, 1:15 p.m. 

The Glen, Owen Sound area
Caledon Hills:
Christmas Tree SalesEvery Sat. & Sun. in December

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mono Mills; Proceeds to BTC
Snowshoe Hike 
Jan. 7, 2012, 10:00 a.m.

Lion's Head area
Dufferin Hi-Land:
Winter Badge Hikes

Jan. 7 & 14, Feb. 4 & 11

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