Monday, December 19, 2011

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike or Bike Ontario's Trails

Did you know that Sudbury has a Christmas Bird Count that submits data to the Bird Studies Canada atlas every year?  If you enjoy bird-watching and have experience, please consider joining this year's Christmas Bird Count hosted by the Sudbury Ornithological Society.  Please contact Deiter at 705-522-3085. Each group gets a specific area to monitor for one day. "Take a Hike" video on the Hillfield Trail...well worth the 4 minutes.
Upcoming Hikes: • January 7thLake Laurentian Moonlight Beach Trail
 • February 4th: Pond Hockey/Ramsey Lake Hike
  March 3rdBioski Snowshoe Trail at Lake Laurentian Conservation Area

Atikokan Progress
Next summer, the event could reverse the route (Rainy River to Atikokan). ... in 1967 as part of theOntario team commemorating the country's centennial. ...

Canoe Trip Leaders 2012, Project Canoe, Temagami, Ontario ...
Green/Environmental Job in OntarioCanoe Trip Leaders 2012, Project Canoe, Temagami,Ontario, Canada. On Canada's Eco-Job Board, ...

Toronto Bruce Trail Club - Sunday, January 1 2012  Car hike Level II - Toronto Section, Hilton Falls (Map 11) An opportunity to keep that New Year resolution to get more exercise, and walk off some of the excess of the night before! (Note the late start time.) Join us for the annual loop hike around the many paths and trails in the conservation area. Dogs permitted, but must be leashed. After the hike those who want to can repair to the Mohawk Inn for some of their delicious hot chocolate. We will have earned it. Full details

Old-growth area draws interest The Sudbury Star Wolf Lake, a hiking and canoeing paradise in the Temagami region, ... Balance means southernOntario rules, and let's keep Northern Ontario pristine. ...
Facebook Photo Contest

Global Gateway Newsletter

Facebook Photo Contest 
Get your cameras and skis ready...'Tis the season to xc ski with CCC! We want to see your goofiest smiles on skis wearing CCC clothing! Send your photos in by "tagging" them with CCC and get a chance to win fantastic e-store prizes twice a month! Visit CCC's Facebook Photo Contest album to view full contest details and the participating photos! The contest is on until February 29, 2012!

Events will include historical characters and drummers, storytelling around cozy ... a spectacular musical fireworks display and an outdoor DJ dance party. ...

Reach Outdoors - Snowshoe Adventures Ontario | Reach Outdoors
Reach Outdoors offers guided snowshoe hikes throughout southern Ontario at a variety of locations, guides and rentals included!

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