Showing posts with label Lake Laurentian Conservation Area. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lake Laurentian Conservation Area. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Welcome Sault Ste. Marie, Niagara Peninsula CA and Nickel Belt CA as members!

Ontario Trails Council welcomes new members
Sault Ste. Marie
sault saint marie hub trail

The John Rowswell Hub Trail is a 25 km multi-use non-motorized trail system that connects many significant points of interest including the waterfront walkway, Bellevue Park, Algoma University, Sault College, the new hospital and Fort Creek Conservation Area.

sault hub trail

This trail system provides access to all areas of the City and links together key cultural, historical, and natural areas of the community. In addition, community residents can use the trail as an alternative, environmentally friendly mode of transportation, decreasing auto-dependency within the City.

The Trail provides increased recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to Sault Ste. Marie and attract many trail-using tourists to the City. As well, the trail serves to promote local, provincial and national cross-country running and cycling trials and competitions.

fort creek

One the main goals of the John Rowswell Hub Trail is to improve recreational and health opportunities in the community. Walking and cycling provide enjoyable, convenient and affordable means of exercise and recreation. The most effective fitness routines are moderate in intensity, individualized and are incorporated into our daily activities. Walking and cycling can accomplish this and at the same time provide mobility.

Nickel District Conservation Authority
nickel belt ca

Conservation Sudbury (Nickel District Conservation) is one of Ontario's 36 community based, watershed stewardship agencies. Our main goal is to ensure healthy interaction between the watersheds, the natural environment and the local economy. Our area of jurisdiction includes the watersheds of the Wanapitei, Vermilion and Whitefish Rivers. We provide important conservation services primarily within the City of Greater Sudbury in a total watershed area of approximately 9,150 square kilometres.

Since 1967, the interest in and use of the conservation area to provide environmental education programs for school groups and others has dramatically grown. At the conservation area, we offer a wide variety of outdoor interpretive subjects, suitable for all grade levels. We work with thousands of students and their teachers every year from the Sudbury area; from towns around northeastern Ontario, and from towns and cities around southern Ontario.
Every year children from around the Sudbury region can experience the wilds at Lake Laurentian by participating in "Camp Bitobig", our conservation day camp. The camp gives children an appreciation of our natural environment and an opportunity to participate in many outdoor activities. We must remember that our children will be the environmentalists of tomorrow.
The Lake Laurentian Conservation Area has something for everyone. Providing environmental education for over 40 years, is only one of the many benefits this facility provides. Imagine what would have happened to this land had it not been for the vision and determination of decision-makers of the day to see this scenic natural area protected for future generations.
lake laurentian

nickel belt trails map

Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
niagara peninsula conservation authority
The Niagara Peninsula is one of the most unique and complex watersheds in Ontario. Bordered on three sides by water, and with the beautiful Niagara Escarpment cutting across its length, the peninsula’s diverse climactic and biotic zones are unlike anywhere else in North America. The NPCA is caretaker to over 2,870 hectares (7,091 acres) of some of the most unique and sensitive natural areas on the peninsula. Our conservation areas marry nature, culture and adventure to create limitless opportunities for discovery. Outdoor adventures can include natural history, spectacular views, unique trails, fascinating rock formations, sparkling water, and abundant wildlife. Whichever destination you choose, take the time to discover, connect and understand!

niagara peninsula conservation areas

Use the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority Explorer tool to discover your favorite aspect of the NPCA watershed!

npca explorer

As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations the NPCA launched the Simply Tree-mendous Challenge, a friendly competition between our watershed municipalities on April 30, 2009. The goal of the challenge is to have residents, groups, service clubs and businesses plant 50,000 native trees/shrubs across the watershed with the focus on incorporating native species especially in urban environments.

simply tree-mendous challenge!

Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation
The Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation, which opened in 2008 at Ball’s Falls Conservation Area, features interactive exhibits and learning centres that showcase the natural and cultural history of the Niagara Escarpment. Environmental exhibits highlight the human impact on nature, as well as watershed management and conservation programs of the NPCA. The Centre’s event programming both inspire and enable visitors to become stewards for natural and cultural resources.
Find out more about the Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation on the Ball’s Falls Website.
Balls Falls Centre For Conservation
The Centre for Conservation is indeed a showcase of “green” building design, construction and operation. The design team made careful decisions regarding site management, energy and water conservation, and construction material selection in order to create a beautiful, ecologically sensitive, and long-lasting facility.
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Monday, December 19, 2011

Ontario Trails - Ski, Sled, Hike or Bike Ontario's Trails

Did you know that Sudbury has a Christmas Bird Count that submits data to the Bird Studies Canada atlas every year?  If you enjoy bird-watching and have experience, please consider joining this year's Christmas Bird Count hosted by the Sudbury Ornithological Society.  Please contact Deiter at 705-522-3085. Each group gets a specific area to monitor for one day. "Take a Hike" video on the Hillfield Trail...well worth the 4 minutes.
Upcoming Hikes: • January 7thLake Laurentian Moonlight Beach Trail
 • February 4th: Pond Hockey/Ramsey Lake Hike
  March 3rdBioski Snowshoe Trail at Lake Laurentian Conservation Area

Atikokan Progress
Next summer, the event could reverse the route (Rainy River to Atikokan). ... in 1967 as part of theOntario team commemorating the country's centennial. ...

Canoe Trip Leaders 2012, Project Canoe, Temagami, Ontario ...
Green/Environmental Job in OntarioCanoe Trip Leaders 2012, Project Canoe, Temagami,Ontario, Canada. On Canada's Eco-Job Board, ...

Toronto Bruce Trail Club - Sunday, January 1 2012  Car hike Level II - Toronto Section, Hilton Falls (Map 11) An opportunity to keep that New Year resolution to get more exercise, and walk off some of the excess of the night before! (Note the late start time.) Join us for the annual loop hike around the many paths and trails in the conservation area. Dogs permitted, but must be leashed. After the hike those who want to can repair to the Mohawk Inn for some of their delicious hot chocolate. We will have earned it. Full details

Old-growth area draws interest The Sudbury Star Wolf Lake, a hiking and canoeing paradise in the Temagami region, ... Balance means southernOntario rules, and let's keep Northern Ontario pristine. ...
Facebook Photo Contest

Global Gateway Newsletter

Facebook Photo Contest 
Get your cameras and skis ready...'Tis the season to xc ski with CCC! We want to see your goofiest smiles on skis wearing CCC clothing! Send your photos in by "tagging" them with CCC and get a chance to win fantastic e-store prizes twice a month! Visit CCC's Facebook Photo Contest album to view full contest details and the participating photos! The contest is on until February 29, 2012!

Events will include historical characters and drummers, storytelling around cozy ... a spectacular musical fireworks display and an outdoor DJ dance party. ...

Reach Outdoors - Snowshoe Adventures Ontario | Reach Outdoors
Reach Outdoors offers guided snowshoe hikes throughout southern Ontario at a variety of locations, guides and rentals included!

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