Showing posts with label Algoma University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algoma University. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Welcome Sault Ste. Marie, Niagara Peninsula CA and Nickel Belt CA as members!

Ontario Trails Council welcomes new members
Sault Ste. Marie
sault saint marie hub trail

The John Rowswell Hub Trail is a 25 km multi-use non-motorized trail system that connects many significant points of interest including the waterfront walkway, Bellevue Park, Algoma University, Sault College, the new hospital and Fort Creek Conservation Area.

sault hub trail

This trail system provides access to all areas of the City and links together key cultural, historical, and natural areas of the community. In addition, community residents can use the trail as an alternative, environmentally friendly mode of transportation, decreasing auto-dependency within the City.

The Trail provides increased recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to Sault Ste. Marie and attract many trail-using tourists to the City. As well, the trail serves to promote local, provincial and national cross-country running and cycling trials and competitions.

fort creek

One the main goals of the John Rowswell Hub Trail is to improve recreational and health opportunities in the community. Walking and cycling provide enjoyable, convenient and affordable means of exercise and recreation. The most effective fitness routines are moderate in intensity, individualized and are incorporated into our daily activities. Walking and cycling can accomplish this and at the same time provide mobility.

Nickel District Conservation Authority
nickel belt ca

Conservation Sudbury (Nickel District Conservation) is one of Ontario's 36 community based, watershed stewardship agencies. Our main goal is to ensure healthy interaction between the watersheds, the natural environment and the local economy. Our area of jurisdiction includes the watersheds of the Wanapitei, Vermilion and Whitefish Rivers. We provide important conservation services primarily within the City of Greater Sudbury in a total watershed area of approximately 9,150 square kilometres.

Since 1967, the interest in and use of the conservation area to provide environmental education programs for school groups and others has dramatically grown. At the conservation area, we offer a wide variety of outdoor interpretive subjects, suitable for all grade levels. We work with thousands of students and their teachers every year from the Sudbury area; from towns around northeastern Ontario, and from towns and cities around southern Ontario.
Every year children from around the Sudbury region can experience the wilds at Lake Laurentian by participating in "Camp Bitobig", our conservation day camp. The camp gives children an appreciation of our natural environment and an opportunity to participate in many outdoor activities. We must remember that our children will be the environmentalists of tomorrow.
The Lake Laurentian Conservation Area has something for everyone. Providing environmental education for over 40 years, is only one of the many benefits this facility provides. Imagine what would have happened to this land had it not been for the vision and determination of decision-makers of the day to see this scenic natural area protected for future generations.
lake laurentian

nickel belt trails map

Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
niagara peninsula conservation authority
The Niagara Peninsula is one of the most unique and complex watersheds in Ontario. Bordered on three sides by water, and with the beautiful Niagara Escarpment cutting across its length, the peninsula’s diverse climactic and biotic zones are unlike anywhere else in North America. The NPCA is caretaker to over 2,870 hectares (7,091 acres) of some of the most unique and sensitive natural areas on the peninsula. Our conservation areas marry nature, culture and adventure to create limitless opportunities for discovery. Outdoor adventures can include natural history, spectacular views, unique trails, fascinating rock formations, sparkling water, and abundant wildlife. Whichever destination you choose, take the time to discover, connect and understand!

niagara peninsula conservation areas

Use the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority Explorer tool to discover your favorite aspect of the NPCA watershed!

npca explorer

As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations the NPCA launched the Simply Tree-mendous Challenge, a friendly competition between our watershed municipalities on April 30, 2009. The goal of the challenge is to have residents, groups, service clubs and businesses plant 50,000 native trees/shrubs across the watershed with the focus on incorporating native species especially in urban environments.

simply tree-mendous challenge!

Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation
The Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation, which opened in 2008 at Ball’s Falls Conservation Area, features interactive exhibits and learning centres that showcase the natural and cultural history of the Niagara Escarpment. Environmental exhibits highlight the human impact on nature, as well as watershed management and conservation programs of the NPCA. The Centre’s event programming both inspire and enable visitors to become stewards for natural and cultural resources.
Find out more about the Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation on the Ball’s Falls Website.
Balls Falls Centre For Conservation
The Centre for Conservation is indeed a showcase of “green” building design, construction and operation. The design team made careful decisions regarding site management, energy and water conservation, and construction material selection in order to create a beautiful, ecologically sensitive, and long-lasting facility.
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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Trail Openings, New Members and more about the 1,000's of Ontario Trails!

Trail Openings and Events
Watch out for Giant Hogweed!
giant hogweed

Take Care in the High Heat and Humidity!
high heat and humidity

Sudbury Hosts National Races
sudbury mountain bike races

Ontario Trails Council welcomes new members
Sault Ste. Marie
sault saint marie hub trail

The John Rowswell Hub Trail is a 25 km multi-use non-motorized trail system that connects many significant points of interest including the waterfront walkway, Bellevue Park, Algoma University, Sault College, the new hospital and Fort Creek Conservation Area.

sault hub trail

This trail system provides access to all areas of the City and links together key cultural, historical, and natural areas of the community. In addition, community residents can use the trail as an alternative, environmentally friendly mode of transportation, decreasing auto-dependency within the City.

The Trail provides increased recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to Sault Ste. Marie and attract many trail-using tourists to the City. As well, the trail serves to promote local, provincial and national cross-country running and cycling trials and competitions.

fort creek

One the main goals of the John Rowswell Hub Trail is to improve recreational and health opportunities in the community. Walking and cycling provide enjoyable, convenient and affordable means of exercise and recreation. The most effective fitness routines are moderate in intensity, individualized and are incorporated into our daily activities. Walking and cycling can accomplish this and at the same time provide mobility.

Nickel District Conservation Authority
nickel belt ca

Conservation Sudbury (Nickel District Conservation) is one of Ontario's 36 community based, watershed stewardship agencies. Our main goal is to ensure healthy interaction between the watersheds, the natural environment and the local economy. Our area of jurisdiction includes the watersheds of the Wanapitei, Vermilion and Whitefish Rivers. We provide important conservation services primarily within the City of Greater Sudbury in a total watershed area of approximately 9,150 square kilometres.

Since 1967, the interest in and use of the conservation area to provide environmental education programs for school groups and others has dramatically grown. At the conservation area, we offer a wide variety of outdoor interpretive subjects, suitable for all grade levels. We work with thousands of students and their teachers every year from the Sudbury area; from towns around northeastern Ontario, and from towns and cities around southern Ontario.
Every year children from around the Sudbury region can experience the wilds at Lake Laurentian by participating in "Camp Bitobig", our conservation day camp. The camp gives children an appreciation of our natural environment and an opportunity to participate in many outdoor activities. We must remember that our children will be the environmentalists of tomorrow.
The Lake Laurentian Conservation Area has something for everyone. Providing environmental education for over 40 years, is only one of the many benefits this facility provides. Imagine what would have happened to this land had it not been for the vision and determination of decision-makers of the day to see this scenic natural area protected for future generations.
lake laurentian

nickel belt trails map

Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
niagara peninsula conservation authority
The Niagara Peninsula is one of the most unique and complex watersheds in Ontario. Bordered on three sides by water, and with the beautiful Niagara Escarpment cutting across its length, the peninsula’s diverse climactic and biotic zones are unlike anywhere else in North America. The NPCA is caretaker to over 2,870 hectares (7,091 acres) of some of the most unique and sensitive natural areas on the peninsula. Our conservation areas marry nature, culture and adventure to create limitless opportunities for discovery. Outdoor adventures can include natural history, spectacular views, unique trails, fascinating rock formations, sparkling water, and abundant wildlife. Whichever destination you choose, take the time to discover, connect and understand!

niagara peninsula conservation areas

Use the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority Explorer tool to discover your favorite aspect of the NPCA watershed!

npca explorer

As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations the NPCA launched the Simply Tree-mendous Challenge, a friendly competition between our watershed municipalities on April 30, 2009. The goal of the challenge is to have residents, groups, service clubs and businesses plant 50,000 native trees/shrubs across the watershed with the focus on incorporating native species especially in urban environments.

simply tree-mendous challenge!

Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation
The Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation, which opened in 2008 at Ball’s Falls Conservation Area, features interactive exhibits and learning centres that showcase the natural and cultural history of the Niagara Escarpment. Environmental exhibits highlight the human impact on nature, as well as watershed management and conservation programs of the NPCA. The Centre’s event programming both inspire and enable visitors to become stewards for natural and cultural resources.
Find out more about the Ball’s Falls Centre for Conservation on the Ball’s Falls Website.
Balls Falls Centre For Conservation
The Centre for Conservation is indeed a showcase of “green” building design, construction and operation. The design team made careful decisions regarding site management, energy and water conservation, and construction material selection in order to create a beautiful, ecologically sensitive, and long-lasting facility.

Healthy Hikes
healthy hikes

Ontario Trails and Ontario Equestrian Federation launch horse survey
ontario horse survey
Download the Map App!
ontario trails mobile app
Customer Reviews
by klc0718
What a fantastic app! I am always looking for new trails near home and while camping and this will make it so much easier! I love the level of detail... length, difficulty, terrain, photos etc. I've read some negative reviews complaining about the map coverage and the omission of some trails...But I find it quite fine for my needs and there are usually links to the appropriate trail association's website for those requiring a higher level of detail. I think it's a great starting point for when you want to get an idea of what's around you but you don't want to waste several hours doing internet research. And there are many, many trails in Ontario; I'm not surprised if they aren't all included in the very first edition of this app. I'm sure Ontario Trails will be more than happy to include any missed trails that people bring to their attention. Personally, though, I find the current listings to be quite comprehensive. Great work Ontario Trails!
Super app
by szturmowka
I was waiting for something like that for long time I am big fan of hiking

Spartan Race -Do you have the Trail?
spartan race
About Spartan Race:

We do 5+k, 12+k and 20+k obstacle course races throughout eastern Canada each year during the months of May, June and July.  This season our events were hosted at Hardwood Bike and Ski. They are currently seeking a new venue for the 2014 race season.
  • 5+k events typically host 5-7,000 racers and 2-3,000 spectators per day and are 2 day events (Saturday, Sunday)
Basic information on venue requirements:
  • Within 1 - 1.5 hours of GTA
  • Elevational changes (we have done events at multiple ski locations)
  • Wooded areas
  • Sufficient open space for location of our "village" and several of the obstacles (although most obstacles are placed along the course)
  • Water - lake, river, stream is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Electric connection near the village area is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Access to sufficient parking (onsite is desirable, but remote is acceptable).
  • Parking for 5-7000 racers 
If you have the trails and the site - give me a call! Patrick 613-396-3226
Trail Questions
1) Capital Funding for Trails - Please take a minute to complete the capital funding section of our survey. A s many communities head into the budget cycle other communities want to get an idea of the relative and comparative amounts communities of similar size are investing in their trails. Please go to:

capital data survey


Does your forest landbase ever get land transferred to it through someone’s estate?  If so,
1.       How do you get the word out about transferring land over?
2.       What kind of process is involved?  Do you have a contract that outlines how the land will be managed, any disclaimers, etc?
3.       How often does this happen?
Linda Touzin, R.P.F. District Forester Tel:  613-258-8268 Fax: 613-258-3920 Email:

Trails Education - Select a Program!
algonquin college trails education

We have updated the program and our 14 module program is here for the using. If you have staff to train, trails to manage or want a session in your area on a particular topic let us know. We'll coordinate a session or series on your behalf.
Volunteer ManagementView PDF
Business Planning and BudgettingView PDF
Regulation and LegislationView PDF
Ecosystem and Natural HeritageView PDF
Wilderness First AidView PDF
Food and NutritionView PDF
Marketing and PromotionView PDF
Health and SafetyView PDF
Technology for Trails - Level 1View PDF
Trail Design (2 days)View PDF
Trail Risk ManagementView PDF
Trail Committee DevelopmentManual
Trail Steward- On Line LearningProgram
Trail Planning - On LineProgram

Commentary on Ontario Place Revitalization
Tourism Minister Michael Chan announces plans to turn a parking lot at Ontario Place into a park. (June 26, 2013)


Tourism Minister Michael Chan announces plans to turn a parking lot at Ontario Place into a park. (June 26, 2013)
Published on Sat Jun 29 2013

It’s a quirky but good start. Like choosing a nice pair of shoes when the rest of the outfit hasn’t yet been designed, the province has announced that its sweeping Ontario Place revitalization will begin with . . . a park.

Indeed, the 7.5-acre parcel of land that is now a parking lot is a small but welcome beginning to the proposed transformation of the aging waterfront icon. Announced this week by Tourism Minister Michael Chan, the new park — with a waterfront trail — will be built on land that’s been closed to the public for 40 years. Any addition of new green space, especially on the edge of Lake Ontario, is good news for Toronto.

Beyond that pleasant but diminutive detail, little else is known about the government’s timeline and plans for Ontario Place. As the Star’s Robert Benzie reports, Chan won’t give details on the park’s cost, saying he doesn’t want to tip the government’s hand for design bidders. “It will be a moderate park,” Chan said, offering the driest possible description.

If it cannot inspire lofty adjectives, then perhaps the government should turn over the redevelopment to Waterfront Toronto, the public agency that has amassed a proven record of revitalization success. But from his few comments, it seems clear that Chan intends to follow some recommendations from a 55-page redevelopment report drawn up by former Progressive Conservative leader John Tory.

Still, it’s disappointing that there were no further details in Chan’s announcement. If the new park won’t be completed until the 2015 Pan Am Games, then it’s anyone’s guess when the entire project might be done.

When Tory’s plan was released last August, Chan promised to move at “lightning speed” to get the job done by 2017, Canada’s 150th birthday. There’s no good reason why the province is moving so slowly. Ontario Place has been closed for 15 months and it’s a property with stunning potential. The government should quicken the pace.

Tory’s plan called for condos, a hotel resort, corporate headquarters and educational facilities — on no more than 15 per cent of the prime waterfront site. The rest, the report suggested, should include a mix of lively attractions such as parks, cafes, artist studios, splash pads and even a new Forum stage. That’s better than the current state of Ontario Place.
Now, more than a year after Chan’s vow of swift action and $5.5 million to get the site ready, it doesn’t appear the government will meet its timeline. Tight finances may be partly responsible. But if Chan can’t get the job done, the government should give it to someone who can.

Performance Measures - Trail Counts!

ontario trails counts
Low maintenance - Using weatherproof decals our methods allow users to quickly and easily provide you with information you need to assess, improve, direct, re-direct, or provide information to the user - while on the trail. Our proprietary method has been developed by over 140 trail users and with the input of The City of Thunder Bay and Norfolk County Trail Managers.

Packages - OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
  • Blue - 4-10 trails:  $300.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 20 sheets of decals
  • Green - 10-20 trails: $500.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 40 sheets of decals
  • Gold - 20 or more trails: Starting at $1,000 plus HST and registration fees
    • TBD
Go to Trail Counts! to purchase. Thanks
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ontario Trails - Trailhead Ontario June 9, 10, 11 2013 - Peterborough

Toronto Zombie Walk 2012 | Nightmares Fear Factory
Nightmares Fear Factory is Niagara Falls' scariest and best haunted house. View hilarious FEAR pics and videos of scared people. Located in the Clifton Hill ...

Ontario Running Trails Map
Best Collegiate Runners in Ontario Come to the Sault This Weekend
LOCAL2 Sault Ste. Marie
Marie at the 2012 Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) Provincial Cross Country Running Championships. Algoma University hosts this year's Championships at the beautiful Hiawatha Highlands Conservation Area. Twenty OCAA schools with close ...
See all stories on this topic »

The threat of cougars in Ontario exists in rural Ontario
Susan Milburn, one of the owners of Woodridge Riding Centre in Utterson, ... During a horse show this summer she said two people heard what they believed ...

Ontario Dog Sledding Trails Page
Greater Sudbury Sports Calendar for Oct.
Fundraiser for Special Olympics Ontario. Tickets available at 1-877-431-0685. X-COUNTRY SKI SWAP- Laurentian Nordic Ski Club hosts at Adanac Ski Chalet, ...

Durham conservation authoriy holds fall events for residents in
OSHAWA -- Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is holding free events where residents can learn and co-operate in various activities. CLOCA staff is hosting a workshop to introduce geocaching to residents. The workshop offers to teach basic ...
See all stories on this topic » 

Ontario Hiking Trails
ONTARIO HIKING WEEK: Frequently Asked Questions - Hike Ontario
Ontario Hiking Week is a Hike Ontario initiative to encourage Ontarians to get out ... This year, Ontario Hiking Week is being held from October 1 to October 7.

Chair Fundraising Committee (Hike Ontario)
(Hike Ontario). [ Suggest an Update | Print Version (New ...

Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
Weekly Newsletter Here!


Norfolk Conservation Area - Ontario Conservation Areas
Enjoy scenic views of Lake Erie atop the bluffs at Norfolk Conservation Area.This park is situated on 46 acres along the Lake Erie shoreline with beach access ...

 Canadian research claims cyclists with helmets three times less likely to die ...
The team studied Ontario Chief Coroner's records relating to 129 people who died in bicycle-related incidents in the province from 2006 to 2010, three in four of whom had been involved in a collision with a motor vehicle. The other fatalities resulted ...
See all stories on this topic »

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