Showing posts with label Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ontario Trails News - we continue to add more Ontario Trails! Prescott-Russell Trail Petition, Rotary Eco-trail and more Ontario Trails information!


Ontario Trails - We Keep Adding Trails!!
On a regular basis the trail community sends us more trails to add to our website! Add yours today.

Forested Dunes Nature Trail

The hike from Outer Drive to Mud Creek and back is approximately 5 km and leads through the 139-acre Forested Dunes Nature Reserve, part of the 150,000-acre Port Franks Dunes & Wetlands Complex designated provincially as an Area of Natural & Scientific Interest (ANSI) and nationally as an Important Birding Area (IBA).
lambton shores trail blazersThe old Mud Creek pedestrian bridge which provided access from Huron St. in Port Franks was removed in 2011 due to safety concerns.

Contact Ross Atkinson with the Lambton Shores trail Blazers for more information.

Ramsayville Trailramsayville trail

This equestrian-only trail is in the Greenbelt in east-end Ottawa. The trails are flat and wind through woods and beside fields, and along an old rail bed. There is one gully near the entrance to navigate.
Maps are available at or visit our FB page. No overnight camping on site. $10 day pass, available at trail head.
For more information, including maps, please visit our Web site at

Rotary Eco-Trailchatham kent trails

This granular surface trail forms an 880 metre loop through the O’Neill Nature Preserve, a large standing woodlot on the outskirts of Chatham.
The trail was built as a result of collaboration between a number of local organizations and individuals, including the Rotary Club of Chatham, Carolinian Canada Coalition, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, and nearby residents.
Directions: The trail can be accessed through Thornhill Park, at 114 Thornhill Crescent, and Midwood Oxley Park, at 223 Oxley Drive, in Chatham (see attached map).
Interested in learning more about this or other trails in Chatham-Kent? Visit or check out the CK Trails Facebook page.

Save the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail


Save the Prescott Russell Trail. Many people use and love this trail.
The trail is 72 kilometers long and it runs through 8 townships and many towns in eastern Ontario.
The Prescott-Russell Rail Trail is the only outdoor recreational facility of its type in the area. The trail enables healthy hiking, active walking, dog walking, safe cycling off-road and winter snowmobiling.
Suddenly and without notice there is discussion of closing the trail. Many people love and rely on the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail. This trail is beautiful and a main corridor of travel and recreation for many people.
There have been no trespass complaints from landowners. Many local community members have fought for this trail and regularly work to maintain it.
The Ontario Trails Council asks you to sign this petition because we do not believe leaders fully understand the benefits of the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail to people's health, to tourism and to the environment.

Watch a video about this trail

Ontario Trails Council Supports Trail DevelopmentThis week the Ontario Trails Council was pleased to support two capital grants on behalf of members. One was for Prince Edward County, the other for Central Lake Conservation Authority. In addition we are working on supporting the fundraising effort of the St. Thomas Elevated Park.

Prince Edward County Millennium Trail
millennium trail prince edward county

The County is applied for a grant under the Ontario 150 Fund to improve the Millennium Trail.

This funding application is to improve the surface of the Trail, establish five staging areas with parking and signage and add signage along the Trail. 

Central Lake Conservation Authoritycentral lake ontario conservation authority trail
The key project components of the Heber Down Conservation Area Public Use Renewal Project are the expansion of nature trails in Heber Down Conservation Area with an accessible trail loop and picnic facilities to connect and celebrate Ontario's natural history with the urban growth center and multiculturalism of the Town of Whitby.

Other components include a comfort station, information kiosk, Raptor Watch lookout, and landscape/restoration areas. The larger project also includes retrofitting a fishing pond, replacement of pedestrian bridges, trail rerouting to facilitate connections with new trails and infrastructure, and stream improvements.

Central Lake Conservation Authority - Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) was established in 1958. CLOCA's mandate is to establish and undertake programs to promote the conservation, restoration, development and management of  natural resources in partnership with local Municipalities and the Province. As the key project will take place on CLOCA owned conservation lands, CLOCA will lead the implementation of the project, and deal with the day to day components of project design and construction.

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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ontario Trails News - Heber Down reparations, and more from the Ontario Trails News Archive

Restoration of ‘abandoned’ pit at Heber Down property in Whitby complete

Repair of eroded bank and reuse of concrete debris helps enhance safety and access for visitors

Whitby This Week
WHITBY -- Visitors of Heber Down Conservation Area in Whitby will now find it easier to explore the sprawling property without worrying about hazards.     
The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority recently marked the completion of the habitat restoration of an old aggregate pit in the area -- a popular destination for local residents seeking recreational opportunities close to home. At a cost of about $100,000, the Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation repaired an eroded bank and reused concrete debris to create a safe access road to the Devil’s Den Pond, which is one of the site’s main attractions.    
“We’re here today to recognize and celebrate a significant improvement to Heber Down,” said Chris Darling, CLOCA’s chief administrative officer, at the unveiling of the rehabilitated spot on Oct. 7.    
“There was an area with an eroded gully where there was concrete and rebar debris ... we directed the trails away from this area but there were still people that came here and it was definitely a hazard.”    
Established in 1958, CLOCA’s mandate is to create and undertake programs to promote the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources in partnership with the Province and local municipalities. CLOCA has five conservation areas spanning more than 45 kilometres of trail and other public facilities.    
The Heber Down Conservation Area (main entrance at 500 Lyndebrook Rd.) is spread out over 284 hectares with opportunities for various activities, including hiking, fishing, picnicking, and wildlife viewing. The site sees about 20,000 visitors each year.    
“This area is heavily used by both recreational users as well as people who just want to come here and enjoy and appreciate nature,” said Mr. Darling.    
“It’s one of the conservation areas within our watershed that’s actually pretty close to an urban setting so it’s unique in that way. It also protects a provincially significant wetland and important wildlife habitat.”    
Through its Management of Abandoned Aggregate Properties program, TOARC rehabilitates pits and quarries across the province that are deemed abandoned under the Aggregate Resources Act. In reality, these former extraction sites have not been abandoned but remain the property of individuals, corporate entities and municipalities. They are typically small sites (less than two hectares), were created as the result of small-scale operations (municipal wayside pits, private use pits or intermittent commercial operations) and are generally unregulated.   
 “When the (Act) was put into effect back in 1990, the aggregate industry represented by the now Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association decided to dedicate half a cent per tonne of licence fees paid by the aggregate producer to a program responsible for rehabilitating these legacy sites,” said Danielle Solondz, program co-ordinator with TOARC.     
 “Based on recent levels of extraction in the province, we have about $400,000 to $600,000 made available annually for this program. In addition to rehabilitation, we also fund research with these monies that helps us figure out better ways to do rehabilitation.”     
To date, MAAP has worked with landowners to rehabilitate more than 680 hectares of land at a cost of nearly $8 million -- free of charge to the landowner. In Durham, the program has rehabilitated 20 sites covering 30 hectares at a cost of $367,000.    
In 2012, MAAP initiated discussions with CLOCA to develop a habitat restoration plan for the Heber Down site, particularly what was to be done with the concrete and rubble that had been deposited at the site. Construction began last year for primary exploration of the debris piles to determine the quantity of concrete that could be recycled in the access road. The project was completed this past summer.    
Whitby Mayor Don Mitchell, who’s also chairman of CLOCA’s board of directors, said the biggest benefit of the restoration project is the improved access it offers members of the community.     “You can now come to this area, you can access the pond, the trail and all this backdrop in a safer way and you can let your kids play in this area too,” he said.    
“It was quite unsafe at the top of the hill; it was all just rebar and jagged stuff, so that’s the biggest impact because it’s a place where we want people to come and just be able to relax and enjoy themselves.”

• The newly completed habitat restoration at Heber Down Conservation Area means improved access and safety for the approximately 20,000 people who visit the site each year.
• The legacy pit was primarily in use from prior to 1971. In 1972, it was then licensed by an Oshawa construction company for five years when the licence was cancelled and the property sold to CLOCA. The habitat restoration cost The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation about $100,000.
• This is the second event held in Whitby recently to highlight improved access to local outdoor recreational spots. On Sept. 24, the community celebrated the completion of the Waterfront Trail at Lynde Shores, which was funded through the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport ($600,000), National Trails Coalition Grant Program ($45,000) and Shell Fueling Change ($10,000).
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trail openings, trail education and more from Ontario Trails!

Join us to celebrate a major improvement to the Waterfront Trail

Mayor Pat Perkins and the Honourable David Crombie tour the proposed new route in Lynde Shores Conservation Area

The Waterfront Regeneration Trust and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) invite you to celebrate an exciting new development on the Waterfront Trail in Whitby . Thanks to a generous investment by the Ontario Provincial government a dangerous gap in the 1400 km Waterfront Trail in the Town of Whitby will be closed. The new Trail alignment will connect two provincially significant wetlands, link the communities of Ajax and Whitby with an off-road trail perfect for young families, and enhance the Trail's appeal as a tourism attraction that celebrates our stunning Great Lakes. The Provincial funding builds on investments made by CLOCA to secure and protect the naturally significant lands and the Town of Whitby who is linking the new Waterfront Trail to Whitby Shores Waterfront Trail.

Monday, October 28, 2013
3 to 4 pm
Foot of Halls Road, Whitby Ontario

Halls Road Parking, Lynde Shores Conservation Area, Whitby <

Performance Measures - Get Trail Educated!
We have updated the program and our 14 module program is here for the using. If you have staff to train, trails to manage or want a session in your area on a particular topic let us know. We'll coordinate a session or series on your behalf.
Volunteer ManagementView PDF
Business Planning and BudgettingView PDF
Regulation and LegislationView PDF
Ecosystem and Natural HeritageView PDF
Wilderness First AidView PDF
Food and NutritionView PDF
Marketing and PromotionView PDF
Health and SafetyView PDF
Technology for Trails - Level 1View PDF
Trail Design (2 days)View PDF
Trail Risk ManagementView PDF
Trail Committee DevelopmentManual
Trail Steward- On Line LearningProgram
Trail Planning - On LineProgram
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ontario Trails - Trailhead Ontario June 9, 10, 11 2013 - Peterborough

Toronto Zombie Walk 2012 | Nightmares Fear Factory
Nightmares Fear Factory is Niagara Falls' scariest and best haunted house. View hilarious FEAR pics and videos of scared people. Located in the Clifton Hill ...

Ontario Running Trails Map
Best Collegiate Runners in Ontario Come to the Sault This Weekend
LOCAL2 Sault Ste. Marie
Marie at the 2012 Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) Provincial Cross Country Running Championships. Algoma University hosts this year's Championships at the beautiful Hiawatha Highlands Conservation Area. Twenty OCAA schools with close ...
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The threat of cougars in Ontario exists in rural Ontario
Susan Milburn, one of the owners of Woodridge Riding Centre in Utterson, ... During a horse show this summer she said two people heard what they believed ...

Ontario Dog Sledding Trails Page
Greater Sudbury Sports Calendar for Oct.
Fundraiser for Special Olympics Ontario. Tickets available at 1-877-431-0685. X-COUNTRY SKI SWAP- Laurentian Nordic Ski Club hosts at Adanac Ski Chalet, ...

Durham conservation authoriy holds fall events for residents in
OSHAWA -- Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is holding free events where residents can learn and co-operate in various activities. CLOCA staff is hosting a workshop to introduce geocaching to residents. The workshop offers to teach basic ...
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Ontario Hiking Trails
ONTARIO HIKING WEEK: Frequently Asked Questions - Hike Ontario
Ontario Hiking Week is a Hike Ontario initiative to encourage Ontarians to get out ... This year, Ontario Hiking Week is being held from October 1 to October 7.

Chair Fundraising Committee (Hike Ontario)
(Hike Ontario). [ Suggest an Update | Print Version (New ...

Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
Weekly Newsletter Here!


Norfolk Conservation Area - Ontario Conservation Areas
Enjoy scenic views of Lake Erie atop the bluffs at Norfolk Conservation Area.This park is situated on 46 acres along the Lake Erie shoreline with beach access ...

 Canadian research claims cyclists with helmets three times less likely to die ...
The team studied Ontario Chief Coroner's records relating to 129 people who died in bicycle-related incidents in the province from 2006 to 2010, three in four of whom had been involved in a collision with a motor vehicle. The other fatalities resulted ...
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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ontario Trails - Hike, Bike, The Bruce, Ottawa Capital, Niagara Falls and 2595 other Ontario Trails

Big picture vision for the bicycling life in Toronto | Cycle Space
“I would ride my bike more, but…” I'm sure every second person has said that. They would ride their bike more but: they are too busy; they have children to ...

25 men charged with trespassing in Whitby conservation area
Police say they were contacted by Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority officials who said they had witnessed men exposing themselves or participating in sexual acts in the Lynde Shores Conservation Area. Plain clothes police officers conducted a ...
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    • Local Trail News 
    • Trail Education Program

    • Trail Heros

    • Trailhead Ontario

    • Activity and User Updates

     View it Here

Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.
Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 
Register - click on your choice, register on-line 

We appreciate the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation
Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice

Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park! - September 15, 2012 | Ontario ...
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the summer in spite of the extreme heat. We are in the process of planning another Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park and would

Ontario Travel - Hiking Trails - Barrie - Barrie Waterfront Trail
Information for Barrie Waterfront Trail and hundreds of hiking trails around the Muskoka area.

Explore Toronto's Gardens, Parks and Trails - Janet Davis, City ...
Janet Davis, City Councillor - Ward 31 | New maps now available for download of Toronto's gardens, parks and trails.

Toronto's Trails Survey
The City of Toronto is looking for public input to help create a Natural Environment Trail Strategy.

Do you cycle? - Toronto Golf Nuts - Greater Toronto Area Golf Forum
When I look at urban commuter cycling in Toronto and Europe, the differences are astounding. We have a long way to go to be anywhere close - and a ...
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Paddle, Bike, Hike or Ride Ontario's Trails

77 cyclists nailed in police blitz
Sarnia Observer
By TYLER KULA, The Observer A local cycling enthusiast is questioning the way bikes are sold in Ontario following a week-long safety blitz by Sarnia police ...

Canadian Cyclist - Ontario Provincial XC Championships ...
Canadian Cyclist Online. The source for Canadian cycling news and information including mountain bike and road bike tours, adventure biking features, ...

“Gogama Joe” throws support behind Spacek
Kapuskasing Northern Times
"We choose to live in Northern Ontario because of the way of life it ... law will free up Ontario's public trails and access roads for outdoor activities. ...

Folk Arts to get $1.1 million infrastructure injection
St. Catharines Standard
That's soon to change thanks to a $500000 Ontario Trillium Foundation grant and another ... Those other changes include an outdoor childrens' play area, ...

KR Equestrian riders bring home Ontario ParaSport Games medals
King Township Sentinel
KR Equestrian, a therapeutic riding facility in Schomberg, has announced its team of three riders have brought home five medals from the Ontario ParaSport ...

E-bikes banned from cycling trail
Toronto Star
The ban is “inconsistent” with the shift to greener ways of travel, said Lock Hughes, treasurer of the Toronto Electric Riders Association, which represents users of electric two-wheelers. He added that the ban on “motor power assisted bikes” is vague ...
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Walking Toronto « Spacing Toronto
By Dylan Reid
I've set up a new Facebook group, "Walking Toronto", to provide a venue for people who are interested in walking issues in our city and beyond to share information. Please join if you are interested. The most recent item I've posted there is a ...
Spacing Toronto

Logo of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Auth...Image via WikipediaHeritage Hall to solve crowding issues
Oshawa Express
... the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) says in a release. ... and difficulty accessing the activity areas due to lack of parking. ...
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