Showing posts with label Hamilton Spectator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamilton Spectator. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2015

Ontario Trail News - find you favorite snowshoe trail, and a quick snowshoe lesson from the Hamilton Spectator

Find your favorite snowshoe trail

Snowshoeing: A Quick Lesson

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Hamilton Spectator
Adventure Attic in Dundas, Ontario has been providing top quality clothing and equipment in a friendly, relaxed and non-commissioned atmosphere since 1987.
Looking for some wintertime adventure?
Snowshoeing is a great way to get outdoors during the winter months. It’s safe, easy to do and a fantastic form of exercise that will give you a full body workout as well as some much needed sunshine, fresh air and adventure.
Exercise can be hard to come by during the snowy seasons-but it goes a long way to staying happy and healthy. Snowshoeing offers a low impact and safe workout that strengthens muscles, improves endurance and burns a massive amount of calories.
The concept of snowshoes is a simple one. Putting more surface area on your feet distributes the weight more evenly across the snow, making it easier to walk on, rather than sink into.
On modern snowshoes the frame is made of aluminum making them strong, lightweight and maintenance free.
The decking creates the increased surface area and is composed of extremely rugged, waterproof material 
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ontario Trails News - News from all around Ontario Trails!


Cross-country skiing is the way to go in Ontario's winter weatherHamilton Spectator
It is not everyone's favourite mode of travel, for sure. It's too much like life at times, long uphill climbs and the hard-won easy ride down ending far too ...
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Record numbers for Summerstown snowshoe raceSeaway News
CORNWALL, Ontario - In spite of the inclement weather forecast, the rain held off long enough for the 2nd annual Summerstown Forest Dion ...
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Town wants Province to get serious about cyclingBrampton Guardian
Council voted recently to endorse a Share the Road Cycling Coalition initiative that asks the Ontariogovernment to allocate one per cent of the ...
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How To Walk On Ice Without Breaking Your BonesHuffington Post Canada
This graphic, posted on Reddit with the words, "Avoid slipping on ice by walking like a penguin! ...B&W in the Leeside neighborhood of Toronto.
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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ontario Trails - Photos of Nippissing, Zombie Walk, and Access Information on 2600 other Ontario Trails!

A ghoulish anniversary party
Hamilton Spectator
Hamilton residents Munster and her husband, Adam Pearson, will celebrate their first anniversary Saturday surrounded by an estimated 10,000 walking undead at the 10th annual Toronto Zombie Walk. Munster (a childhood nickname that stuck) was a ...
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Car Hikes this Weekend and Tuesday 

Please read General Information on Car Hikes

Ontario Hiking Trailheads Map
  • Car Pools are an easy way for members who wish to car pool to a hike, to contact each other. Replaces calls to hike leaders. All changes emailed to other members.
  • Members can create a Car Pool for any car hike, up to 30 days before the hike, or join an existing Car Pool.
  • The Toronto Bruce Trail Club provides the Car Pool feature as a service to members but has no responsibility as far as the car pooling itself is concerned. Members use service at their own risk.
  • Persons registering for a car pool agree to share their telephone and/or email address as listed on the car pool system.
  • Footnotes has a suggested car pool fee, but this does not take into account distance and number of passengers. Car poolers may want to make their own arrangements in this regard.
  • On hikes involving a car shuttle there should be no more than 3 people in a 5-seater car. On loop hikes there is no restriction.

Create a new Car Pool For car hikes listed below, click on the appropriate "Join Car Pool" link, otherwise click on this link and choose, from the drop-down list, the hike for which you want to organize a car pool.

Ontario Snowshoe Trails Page
snowshoe hare - Ontario OUT OF DOORS Community
Hey guys I have a question. I hunt this spot for snowshoe hare and been vary lucky last year in harvesting them. I never hunted them early in october but did well ...

Heritage Minister wants Canadian history taught in all high schools
Globe and Mail
At the school, Mr. Moore presided over the showing of a new Heritage Minute, to begin airing later this month. The 60-second vignette tells of Richard Pierpont, a 68-year old former slave who formed an all-black unit to fight for the British in the War ...
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Carolinian Canada Coalition Ecosystem Recovery Forum 2012

October 25-26th, 2012
Port Stanley, ON

Learn More and Register Today
In the quaint setting of Port Stanley’s historic harbour, Carolinian Canada’s Ecosystem Recovery Forum 2012 will highlight how “Big Picture” thinking, region-wide stewardship trail initiatives, smart municipal planning and savvy social marketing are linking conservation, outreach and ecotourism from one end of Lake Erie to the other. On October 25th Conservation Action Plan (CAP) partners from across the Carolinian zone will share conservation successes and challenges, and gain inspiration from each other's accomplishments. On October 26th we will explore the myriad ecotourism, conservation and outreach opportunities along the Erie Coastal Stewardship Eco-Trail, the string that links the heritage jewels of Canada’s southernmost coast. Join us! See for more information, full agenda and to register. Early bird pricing in effect until Oct. 18th!
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Ontario Hiking Trails
ONTARIO HIKING WEEK: Frequently Asked Questions -Hike Ontario
Ontario Hiking Week is a Hike Ontario initiative to encourage Ontarians to get out ... This year, Ontario Hiking Week is being held from October 1 to October 7.

Chair Fundraising Committee (Hike Ontario)
(Hike Ontario). [ Suggest an Update | Print Version (New ... 

Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
Weekly Newsletter Here!


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ontario Trails - More to Learn About on Ontario Trails

Ontario Hiking and Walking Trail Locations
Leisurely Sunset Walk on the Toronto Islands - Canada Outdoor ...Leisurely walk on the Islands tomorrow. It looks like the weather will be nice, and my cold is nearly finished, so let's walk in the park. We will meet at the ferry ...
September is a busy month, and about 30 new news items for Active Transportation have been posted on the Active Transportation-Canada Website recently. Among the items included in these new articles:
A complete list of all articles posted since the Websites creation may be found in the "Blog Archive" box, located on the right margin of the Website. There are now almost 1,600 items posted on Active Transportation - Canada, with links available to dozens of studies and hundreds of news items from communities across Canada and around the world.
Active Transportation Canada URL: A "Search" function is available on the site. You will find this at the bottom of the page.

Residents Asked For Input On Bike Sharing System
Logo: City of Kingston, Ontario, Canada City logo for print display ... "Cycling is an efficient, active and environmentally-friendly way to get around Kingston.

Bruce Trail hikers cheered on by 300 students
Hamilton Spectator
and then each hiker helped pass out Eco School certificates to students representing each school. Every one of the city's 57 Catholic schools has earned that qualification, making its board the second in Ontario to have all of its schools so designated.
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Sarabeau riders collect Trillium ribbons
The Morrisburg Leader
... of her six riders who represented her stable at the Ontario Trillium Championship at the CaledonEquestrian Park at Palgrave, Ontario, September 5-9.

Check out all our regional listings


Ontario Trails Mobile App


    • Local Trail News 

    • Trail Education Program

    • Trail Heros

    • Trailhead Ontario

    • Activity and User Updates

     View it Here



Trail Education
Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. This week we have added another date for Volunteer Management with Diana Smyth and adjusted out two courses from this current week.

In addition, we have added the new Trail Design Course detailed below. We have also taken calls from some folks wishing to take the Trails Marketing Course in Kingston October 18, 2012. Those seats were block purchased by RTO 9, what we could do is work with you to get another RTO 1-or 4- or 7? to purchase a block of seats so that folks can attend in those areas. Sorry for any confusion this may cause. Thank you.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
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Friday, September 14, 2012

Ontario Trails - Windsor Ganatchio Trail, Hiking, Canoeing, Cycling and 2599 other Ontario Trails!

Walking for the exploited
Hamilton Spectator
The stop in Hamilton, where the largest human trafficking ring in Canadian history has unfolded, is part of the 200-kilometre hike from London to Toronto that began last week. For Burditt, the journey will take nine days. He's walking just over 20 ...
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City seeks solutions for railroaded cyclists
NOW Magazine
Transportation staff are expected to report back to the committee by the end of 2012, and despite Egan's words of caution, Jared Kolb of Cycle Toronto is hoping that staff return with workable solutions. Kolb favours warning signs, pavement markings ...
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Sidewalks for walking - Toronto article - News - MSN CA
The bikes have taken over. I have been wondering lately why so many people are riding their bicycles on the sidewalks. Are sidewalks not for pedestrians?

Bike Stuff at PWIC This Wednesday -- Action Alert! | Cycle Toronto
Hi All,. There are a several cycling-related items on the agenda for city's Public Works & Infrastructure Committee meeting that will be held this Wednesday. 

Lindsay Exhibition will be quite the 'Ride'
Kawartha Media Group
The Musical Ride is performed by a full troop of 32 riders and horses, plus the member in charge, executing a variety of intricate figures and cavalry drills choreographed to music. ... "There's already been a huge response from all over Ontario," he said.
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View our Page of Projects


Surveys - Trail Priorities!

Trail Priorities
- How do you determine which projects, which planners, who does what and how the OTC can work to support you. New August 17, 2012 - next meeting Sept 11 or 12.
Trail Reform Now - Legislative, legal, operational, management and use - and - the Ontario Trails Strategy - tell us about the changes you'd like to see  to make putting trails on the ground easier.

Economic Impact of Recreational Trails
 - Ever wonder about the value of trails? This survey questions how communities value and communicate that value to the public, government and other stakeholders

Membership Survey
- This survey gives members the chance to comment on our services so that we remain in step with meeting your needs.


    • Local Trail News 

    • Trail Education Program

    • Trail Heros

    • Trailhead Ontario

    • Activity and User Updates

     View it Here

Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.
Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 
Register - click on your choice, register on-line 

We appreciate the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation
Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the summer in spite of the extreme heat. We are in the process of planning another Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park and would

Check out all our regional listings

Special thanks to our sponsors of the Hike Haliburton Festival/ They are Carole Finn Artist, Pinestone Resort, Earthways Parker Pad and Printing, Cordell Carpets, Canoe FM, Haliburton Echo and Minden Times, Haliburton Media Arts Wilderness Medical Associates, Haliburton County Folk Society. If you would like to be sponsor or make a donation please contact us at 705-754-3436

Plans are now set for this year’s special 40th Anniversary conference. Our theme, “Honouring Roots...Standing Tall...Branching Out!” reflects our commitment to create a unique conference framework within which many of COEO's original “elders” and long-time “sustainers” will be personally invited to return to share in the celebration of: a) how our organization was born and nurtured, b) its current “best practices”, and c) what it is already in the process of becoming!
Please plan to join us as we explore new ideas and perspectives, learn and share, refocus and rejuvenate for the special “40th anniversary year” ahead! Our host site will be Camp Pine Crest, located near Torrance in beautiful Muskoka, Ontario
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