Showing posts with label Toronto Bruce Trail Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toronto Bruce Trail Club. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Ontario Trails News - An Update on Ontario Trails 5172018

Join us in SW Ontario June 1, 2018.
conservation ontario healthy hikes program
This spring, summer, and fall get outdoors on a conservation trail! The Ontario Trails Council supports the public use of this important Conservation Ontario program!
We have completed our Towards a National Trails Policy document. If you would like a copy e-mail Candian Trails President, Patrick Connor at and we'll send you a copy!
June 2 is also Provincial Trails day. For all the best in Ontario's Trails see
NEW - Join Ontario Trails by processing your membership online. Thanks.
g2g rail trail
ontario federartionof all terrrain vehicle clubs
We always have room for your trails event - be sure to add it to our online listings!
Download a copy of our proposal to host a Trailhead Trails Education Symposium in your community. Download Here
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Monday, July 25, 2016

Ontario Trails news - thanks for the mentions, take a survey, Toronto Bruce Trail, TrailheadToronto!

Everyday Ontario Trails assists trails in Ontario - Service Request Form

The Ontario Trails Council requests that folks start using it's Service Request form so that we can track the supports we provide to trail organizations in Ontario - a lot of which is unfunded.

Our work, leading to Bill 100, or an Ontario Trails Implementation Strategy benefits all trails, but not all support our work, so if you want our valuable assistance please complete this form going forward so we can track requests!

ontario trails service request
ontario trails service request

We believe in trails and would be happy to assist as per our mandate and mission, but a priority, given resource and time constraints will be given to members first.



Announcing Trailhead Toronto!
In Fall of 2016 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Toronto for a day of meetings and lively discussion about all types of local and regional trails.
Are you a member of the OTC? Are you Toronto based, a trail group, a service provider, a developer of trails? Why not join us as a presenter on the very important date of November 24th.
trailhead toronto About the event
Why is that date important? Its the day before the Ontario Trails Coordinating Meeting that is the implementation framework the province has adopted to address trail issues in Ontario. Ontario Trails Council is co-chair of the process.

For the last 20 years risk, user behaviour and resultant liability has been the number one issue facing trail managers and operators. Through member support we have achieved significant reductions in liability exposure that the insurance industry is declaring as positive. 
trailhead toronto blog
After 12 years of work we got a trails act that reduces trail liability making easier for ALL trail organizations to secure trails due to reduced risk exposure. This act supports the management strategy and vice versa.

So why not attend or present @Trailhead Toronto? Showcase your project to government and the other 25 trail leaders that will be meeting the next day to decide directions of change.

News From Around the Membership

Thanks to Ontario Children's Charter for the Support
ontario children's charter supports ontario trails

Thanks Camper Christina!

camper christina and her blog
Thanks for the mention and showing off Ontario's Highlands!cottage country photos

Thanks for the mention - Frank Cowan and Co.
frank cowan and company

Thanks for the mention Stephanie Mayo!stephanie mayo travel blog

Thanks for the mention - John Kinsella!john kinsella outdoor art

Thanks for the mention - Toronto Bruce Trail!
toronto bruce trail club
Thanks again to Joanna Milczarek who does a great job finding and sharing all these great trail stories on behalf of the Ontario Trails Council!!

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ontario Trails - Photos of Nippissing, Zombie Walk, and Access Information on 2600 other Ontario Trails!

A ghoulish anniversary party
Hamilton Spectator
Hamilton residents Munster and her husband, Adam Pearson, will celebrate their first anniversary Saturday surrounded by an estimated 10,000 walking undead at the 10th annual Toronto Zombie Walk. Munster (a childhood nickname that stuck) was a ...
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Car Hikes this Weekend and Tuesday 

Please read General Information on Car Hikes

Ontario Hiking Trailheads Map
  • Car Pools are an easy way for members who wish to car pool to a hike, to contact each other. Replaces calls to hike leaders. All changes emailed to other members.
  • Members can create a Car Pool for any car hike, up to 30 days before the hike, or join an existing Car Pool.
  • The Toronto Bruce Trail Club provides the Car Pool feature as a service to members but has no responsibility as far as the car pooling itself is concerned. Members use service at their own risk.
  • Persons registering for a car pool agree to share their telephone and/or email address as listed on the car pool system.
  • Footnotes has a suggested car pool fee, but this does not take into account distance and number of passengers. Car poolers may want to make their own arrangements in this regard.
  • On hikes involving a car shuttle there should be no more than 3 people in a 5-seater car. On loop hikes there is no restriction.

Create a new Car Pool For car hikes listed below, click on the appropriate "Join Car Pool" link, otherwise click on this link and choose, from the drop-down list, the hike for which you want to organize a car pool.

Ontario Snowshoe Trails Page
snowshoe hare - Ontario OUT OF DOORS Community
Hey guys I have a question. I hunt this spot for snowshoe hare and been vary lucky last year in harvesting them. I never hunted them early in october but did well ...

Heritage Minister wants Canadian history taught in all high schools
Globe and Mail
At the school, Mr. Moore presided over the showing of a new Heritage Minute, to begin airing later this month. The 60-second vignette tells of Richard Pierpont, a 68-year old former slave who formed an all-black unit to fight for the British in the War ...
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Carolinian Canada Coalition Ecosystem Recovery Forum 2012

October 25-26th, 2012
Port Stanley, ON

Learn More and Register Today
In the quaint setting of Port Stanley’s historic harbour, Carolinian Canada’s Ecosystem Recovery Forum 2012 will highlight how “Big Picture” thinking, region-wide stewardship trail initiatives, smart municipal planning and savvy social marketing are linking conservation, outreach and ecotourism from one end of Lake Erie to the other. On October 25th Conservation Action Plan (CAP) partners from across the Carolinian zone will share conservation successes and challenges, and gain inspiration from each other's accomplishments. On October 26th we will explore the myriad ecotourism, conservation and outreach opportunities along the Erie Coastal Stewardship Eco-Trail, the string that links the heritage jewels of Canada’s southernmost coast. Join us! See for more information, full agenda and to register. Early bird pricing in effect until Oct. 18th!
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Ontario Hiking Trails
ONTARIO HIKING WEEK: Frequently Asked Questions -Hike Ontario
Ontario Hiking Week is a Hike Ontario initiative to encourage Ontarians to get out ... This year, Ontario Hiking Week is being held from October 1 to October 7.

Chair Fundraising Committee (Hike Ontario)
(Hike Ontario). [ Suggest an Update | Print Version (New ... 

Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
Weekly Newsletter Here!


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