Showing posts with label Trailhead Toronto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trailhead Toronto. Show all posts

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Trailhead Toronto, support our work, CycleON consultations completed, and more from Ontario Trails!

227 People want the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail saved!

prescott-russell trails petition
OTC visited Prescott Russell and met with Council and the Economic Development Committee. There may be operating budget cuts in the near future but there is a desire to save the trail, although it may not be 72 continuous kilometers. Road links are being studied between nodes. While this is not preferred, we are pleased that the Prescott-Russell Economic Development Committee spoke with OTC and that we are working with the County to:
  • diversify the role of the Prescott Russell Trails Committee,
  • seeking funds,
  • engaging inter-provincial partners,
  • that the Trail is highlighted as part of the CycleON list of trails through consultation
  • had more counters to install
  • is implementing the OTC Trail Counts Program
  • OTC has found the trails committee, through partnership, free fundraising training in Ottawa
We encourage the people signing the petition to work with UCPR and OTC to find ways to re-negotiate the lease with Via so we can make the corridor multi-use, which would enable cost recovery, new funding for capital projects and engage more members of the community to utilize the trail in the future.

If you want to help please contact Louise Bissonette with Sentiers Prescott Russell! Merci.

Trails Tourism Integration Strategy Meetings Planned

Let’s Talk Trails – December 8, Glen House Resort

Niagara Region RTO2December 14th
Gananoque RTO9December 8th
Collingwood RTO7TBA

 During each session we will discuss:
  • Current RTO+DMO Tourism Strategies
  • Current Outdoor Activity Marketing
  • Existing Trail Inventory
  • Identify Gaps
  • Consolidate Events
  • Review Trails Marketing
  • New Content Initiatives
  • Share Data and Data Gathering Processes
  • Review TTIP Action Plan Outlines
  • Define Next Steps
For more information contact Patrick Connor at 613-484-1140
Locations to be announced.
Cycling Consultations Completed

ontario trails ontario cycling consultations
Dear Stakeholders,

Thank you very much again for your interest and participation in the study to help identify Ontario’s Province-wide Cycling Network. We hope that the regional workshop session you attended was informative; providing you with:
  • Background information on the study;
  • Context on the intended outcomes;
  • An overview of the process being used to identify the network; and
  • An opportunity to be engaged in the study process.
As noted at the regional workshops, we would encourage those of you who were able to attend to continue to review and provide comments on the materials presented. We would also encourage you to reach out to any of your partners that did not have a chance to attend the session to share the information provided and provide questions / comments to the study team.

The study team has consolidated the materials presented at the workshop sessions and uploaded them to DropBox. They can be accessed using the following link:
MTO Cycling Network Study Dropbox
*Please click on the proceed without signing up option at the bottom of the page if you do not already have an account

We have uploaded network concept mapping (route options and alternatives that could form part of the province-wide cycling network (priority routes) or link up to the province-wide cycling network (secondary routes)) for each of the MTO Regions. We are in the process of uploading maps illustrating the network concept in zoom in areas of the Upper Tier Municipalities. The zoom in maps will be uploaded to the site by first thing tomorrow morning. Please select the mapping that is most appropriate for your jurisdiction. We would also encourage you to review the workshop presentation. The presentation will give you the necessary context to better understand the information that we are asking you to review and comment on.

We will be accepting comments / questions / submissions to the regional workshop materials up until December 8th, 2016. More specifically, we are looking for the following comments to these maps:
  1. Route Alignment: focusing on the priority and secondary routes, provide comments on the location of the potential routes, whether what is being identified makes sense or if there are other alternatives that should be considered.
  2. Potential Level of Separation for Facility types: identification of a potential level of separation for a cycling facility type based on the hierarchy of options identified in Ontario Traffic Manual Book 18:
    1. Shared Facilities: On roads with low operating speed and low traffic volumes where the cyclists and motorist share the same space e.g. signed bicycle routes
    2. Designated Facilities: on roads with sufficient space and a higher operating speed and traffic volume where cyclists require a specific space to ride e.g. bike lanes
    3. Separated Facilities: on roads with a high operating speed and traffic volume where a physical separation is needed between the cyclists and motorist e.g. off-road trail or buffered bicycle lane or paved shoulder
  3. Destinations: cycling destination such as bicycle friendly businesses or tourism attractors
  4. Barriers: physical barriers which prevent or deter implementation of cycling facilities or the activity of cycling
If you have any questions about the information that we are seeking or the study to inform your commentary please do not hesitate to contact

We look forward to receiving your input and continuing the discussion and identification of the province-wide cycling network for Ontario.

#CycleON - MTO Province-wide Cycling Network Identification Study
On behalf of the Study Team
T: 905-882-7306

Membership Renewal Time

In 2016 the Ontario Trails Council membership got: a re-charged Ontario Trails Strategy, the first ever Provincial Trails Act - a commitment to better working by government with the Ontario Trails Council, acceptance of our 9 point program by the Premier reflected in the Minister's Cabinet Letter, new Regional Trail Committees (Guelph Trail Council), $3.3 Million in federal funding for communities (NOT OTC!), trail projects in Ontario equaling $21M, and $3.5 million to complete the Trans Canada Trail Ontario.

"New trails are still to be developed in Ontario. Existing trails need to be maintained and expanded. Trail organizations in Ontario need one common voice to advocate for them. We need a central source to promote funding opportunities and act as a communications link between trail groups. More than ever, trail groups need to stick together and speak as one mind. OTC is the organization that can assist us all in those regards.
 A significant benefit of being an OTC member is the website itself -- a great resource for information and access to like-minded organizations. The research we require is most often sourced directly through the OTC office or by expansion through OTC member organizations. It's where we go for answers and direction."
 - Ray Gilbert, Executive Director, Bruce Grey Trail Network
"The OTC provides us with the ability to communicate and collaborate with industry stakeholders, professionals and advocates. It also provides us with the tools to develop our own capacities, skills and networks. As well, it is important to back to the OTC and trail communities in our province.
 Being an OTC member allows us to benefit from the knowledge of other members through education and professional development opportunities such as the Trailhead Ontario conference, and through professional networking. The OTC is the influential body that will help guide and shape the political, professional and physical landscape of trails in Ontario. Joining the OTC provides an opportunity to be part of this process: to both contribute and gain knowledge in a community of passionate, like-minded individuals and organizations."
 - Damian Bradley, Cycling advocate and Developer Guelph Regional Trails Council
"Trails and trail development is a significant topic within North Grenville because of the positive impact trails have on a community - quality of life, tourism, broad spectrum of users etc. As a member of the OTC, we have the opportunity to learn how to promote and manage our trails program in a more professional manner. The OTC was the obvious choice. To date, we have benefitted from our membership in these ways:
  • making personal contacts with provincial, national and international leaders in the trails movement
  • access to the Trailhead Ontario conference, which was a watershed event for the three North Grenville staff who attended
  • being able to promote the trails movement in Eastern Ontario, it has provided a more credible position from which to advocate trails
 Once we have our trails master plan in place we will take full advantage of posting and promoting our trails on the OTC website. Trails are the future - if you really want to be part of the trails movement in Ontario, you need to be a member of the OTC."
 Forbes Symon, Director of Planning and Development, County of North Grenville

Membership Benefits

  • OTC Trails and Event page representation
  • Representation on OTC trails maps
  • Social Media represents you to 60,000+ people
  • Fund Development through grant writing, grant support,
  • Fund seeking AND donation managEment
  • OTC Policy Statements guide decision makers
  • Strategic Planning for Members
  • Survey's and Data Exchange, Trail Counts
  • Education Posters and Program
  • Connectivity to the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport
  • Leadership at the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee
  • Office services and networking support
  • Advocacy benefits - provincially and nationally
  • Infrastructure funds flow to members first
  • Directorships, Awards and Business Impactors
  • Partnership Support and Knowledge exchange
  • Access to Professional Development sessions
  • Tourism Practices, Trails Tort Reform, Trail Workshops
  • Regional Trail Management Committee Development
  • Discounts on Trailhead Events
  • Access to Trail Insurance Broker
  • Option on registration in Trillium Trail Network
  • Local, regional or provincial User conflict resolution
  • Trail Auditing, assessment, signage and inclusion
  • Trail Training, College Level Education Certificates

PRICING - Buy fax, credit card or mail (all include 13% HST)
CALL 613-396-3226


Become a "Friend of Trails"

  • Savings on conference/seminar registration
  • Monthly e-bulletins
  • Access to OTC trails database
  • Great gift price!
  • Savings on trail literature/maps
$26.52 + $3.45 = $29.97 (includes 13% HST)

Benefits to Student

  • Editions of the OTC newsletter Trailwise
  • Access to OTC trails information
  • Conference and selected literature savings
  * must provide student verification
$21.21 + $2.75 = $23.96 (includes 13% HST)

Our members include municipalities, conservation authorities, parks,
trail management groups, trail clubs, trail user groups, health units
and other trail-related supporting organizations.

Small Non-profit,
Small Organizations
Conservation Authorities,
Medium Municipalities,
Counties, Regional
Tourism Organizations
Provincial Level
>5000 users

The next meeting of the NIagara Trails Committee is December 14, 2016
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Welland Community Wellness Complex
145 Lincoln Street
Please contact Tracey-Lynn Bell, Chair for details
Welland, ON L3B 6E1
Phone: (905) 735-1700
FAX: (905) 732-6187

Central Counties TTIP Meeting a big Success!

We wish to thank all those organizations who participated in the November 29th session of the Trails Tourism Action Planning process through Central Counties. 

Many thanks to Chuck Thibault and his team for organizing and hosting the event. Much was learned, shared and actioned for the future.

Ontario Trails Council website shows trail to event integration - A TTIP Update

As we continue to gather feedback in order to improve our ability to showcase Ontario's trails we are pleased to note that the trail/event linkages have been made.

If you complete an event listing form, and you identify the trail where the event is taking plave the event will now be listed on the trail page on the OTC website.

So be sure to add your events, and specify your trail. The site will tell the public!

From the community - thank for the mention CC!

Please consider supporting our work
We wish to thank all those organizations who have renewed their membership. Please renew today, our work is more important than ever! Help us help groups keep their trails open. Please consider making a donation or taking out a membership today! We rely on the generous support of the Canadian trail community to allow us to do our work.

Our Mission - to promote the preservation, management, use and development of trails.
Everyday, somewhere in Ontario we educate, support a group, lead or assist a community improving its quality of life through trails.

Ask us how we make a difference! Thanks
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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Ontario Trails News - save the date - Trailhead Canada and Trailhead Toronto - an Ontario Trails Symposium!

Trailhead Toronto - Nov. 24th, Ontario Heritage Centre!

Trailhead Toronto underway. Thanks to Carolyn Woodland and Michael Bender from TRCA for starting us off!

Karen Sun Natural Environmental Planner with City of Toronto talking trail management in the City. Thanks Karen!

Alexandra Brodka speaking on behalf of Hamilton Burlington Trails Committee on the metrics of Hbtc trail use from 18000 uses equal # of dogs and children! what does that mean?

Wendy Strickland speaking on the Chorely Park trail issues and the issues with accessibility in ravines and neighbourhoods

Just want to thank Nekeisha Mohammed for joining us and speaking to the Conservation Ontario Healthy Hike Program! thank you!

Jason Diceman with Wendy Strickland talking about community consultations and AODA processes to make for full community participation thanks for participating!

Thanks to ADM Steve Harlow for supporting Trailhead Toronto by attending and speaking with us today about the trails strategy, trails legislation, the Ontario Trails Coordinating role and the value of the OTC relationship with government and the Ministries trail processes. Thanks!

Mark Schmidt from Parks Canada a world leading expert on frontier spaces and wilderness adventures via national parks trails, speaking at Trailhead Toronto. Thanks Mark!

Many thanks to all the presenters, including Joey Schwartz and Janette Harvey from Toronto Bicycling Network and the City of Toronto, Thanks to Terri LeRoux for attending and giving up her speaking spot in deference to time, as well as to Ontario Heritage Centre for a great venue and super staff service. 

223 People want the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail saved!

prescott-russell trails petition
OTC visited Prescott Russell and met with Council and the Economic Development Committee. There may be operating budget cuts in the near future but there is a desire to save the trail, although it may not be 72 continuous kilometers. Road links are being studied between nodes. While this is not preferred, we are pleased that the Prescott-Russell Economic Development Committee spoke with OTC and that we are working with the County to:
  • diversify the role of the Prescott Russell Trails Committee,
  • seeking funds,
  • engaging inter-provincial partners,
  • that the Trail is highlighted as part of the CycleON list of trails through consultation
  • had more counters to install
  • is implementing the OTC Trail Counts Program
  • OTC has found the trails committee, through partnership, free fundraising training in Ottawa
We encourage the people signing the petition to work with UCPR and OTC to find ways to re-negotiate the lease with Via so we can make the corridor multi-use, which would enable cost recovery, new funding for capital projects and engage more members of the community to utilize the trail in the future.

If you want to help please contact Louise Bissonette with Sentiers Prescott Russell! Merci.
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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Ontario Trails News - join us for Trailhead Toronto Nov. 24th, Ontario Heritage Centre - a great line up of presenters on current Toronto Trail developments and more!

Join Us for Trailhead Toronto!

Joey Schwartz Cycling advocate Toronto Bicycling NetworkJoey Schwartz is the Advocacy Director for the Toronto Bicycling Network (TBN), the largest recreational cycling club in the GTA. He's also a CAN-BIKE instructor teaching at various locations throughout the GTA.

He was on the founding committee of the West Toronto Railpath, when it was a sub-committee of the Roncesvalles–MacDonell Residents' Association back in 1997.

He's also been active with the Bells on Bloor campaign and with Advocacy for Respect for Cyclists (ARC), mostly helping out on the memorial Ghost Bike Rides they sponsor about a week after a cyclist is killed in Toronto.

Terri LeRoux Executive Director Credit Valley Conservation Foundation
Terri LeRoux Executive Director Credit Valley Conservation Foundation
Terri LeRoux has been the Executive Director of the Credit Valley Conservation Foundation (CVCF) since July 2005.
In this capacity, Terri works collaboratively with the Board of Directors ensuring that financial support from CVCF permits Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) to make continuous progress towards the achievement of its mission.
Specifically, Terri formulates and executes comprehensive fund development strategies that enhance revenue from major donors, foundations, government agencies, and corporations.
Personally obsessed with Ontario’s trail network, Terri has been an active relationship builder, leader and strategist with organizations such as Hike Ontario, National Trails Coalition and the Ontario Trails Council.  In her role with CVCF / CVC, she led a successful ten year campaign that raised more than $2 million dollars and constructed 10 kilometers of fully accessible perimeter lake side trail at Island Lake Conservation Area.
As the current project manager of the Credit Valley Trail, Terri is leading the creation of a Trail Master Plan for a continuous 113 kilometer hiking and cycling trail predominantly following the main Credit River valley from Lake Ontario to the Headwaters.
The co-author of two publications, Best Practices for Increasing Walking and Hiking on Ontario’s Trails and the Hike Ontario Young Hiker’s Program, Terri was the recipient of the Hike Ontario Volunteer of the Year Award in 2009.
Prior to non-profit management, Terri worked as a Provincial Park Warden, Fisheries Officer and as a member of the Emergency Response Team for five years in Ontario’s Provincial Parks (Presqu’ile and Algonquin).
Terri currently resides in Halton Hills, Ontario with her husband, Jay and son, Luke.
Mark Schmidt, Lead Trails Analyst, Parks Canada
Mark Schmidt, Lead Trails Analyst, Parks Canada
Mark Schmidt began developing trails in the mid 1990’s, while volunteering for several trail organizations throughout Ontario.
In 2001 Mark turned his hobby into a profession and now has over 15 years of professional trails experience including trail design/planning, trail construction, trail management, trail assessment and trail restoration. Mark has also lead over 150 trail education workshops focusing on a range of trail topics from trail design to advanced trail construction.
He joined Parks Canada, as National Trails Analyst, in January 2010 and is responsible for the creation of national trail guidelines, creating new trail resources, working with external partners, and providing trail support for Parks Canada’s field units. In the last 5 years Mark has worked in over 28 Parks Canada sites across the country.
Mark has travelled the world working on trail projects but has spent most of his time working with land agencies in North America. Mark has consulted and worked on trails in almost all the USA States and all Canadian Provinces and Territories. In addition to consulting on trails Mark has experience teaching at Capilano University in British Columbia as lead instructor in the Park and Trail Design courses and as a program convenor.
Mark spends most of the time exploring the world with his wife and 3 little girls. Any leftover time is spent mountain biking, hiking and enjoying the outdoors.
Parks Canada manages a large network or trails across the country. These trails range from high alpine routes in the mountains to flat surfaced trails in the prairies and include a large variety of different uses. Parks Canada’s Lead Trails Analyst will share new approaches being used to ensure that the trails we use today will be around for future generations and how these trails are managed for the variety of uses that modern trails are seeing. Some of the tools being covered include market segmentation and understanding user’s needs, trail conflict resolutions, trail themes and classification, and more.
Karen Sun, Natural Environment Specialist at City of Toronto
Karen Sun is a Natural Environment Specialist with the City of Toronto.

She has worked on developing and implementing Toronto's Natural Environment Trails Program.
She has also worked with contractors and volunteers to manage and maintain mountain biking trails in Crothers Woods and Sunnyside Bike Park.
Karen has over 10 years of experience working in the environmental sector for government and non-profit organizations.
Karen holds a Baccalaureate in Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph and a Master's in Environmental Planning, University of Toronto.

Wayne Terrberry, Coordinator, Outdoor Recreation & Altitude Team Development
Wayne Terryberry, Coordinator, Outdoor Recreation & Altitude Team Development
As the Coordinator of the McMaster University Outdoor Recreation Program, Wayne has been leading outdoor trips for 20 years.
A gifted leadership facilitator and seasoned wilderness guide, he is a true adventure professional.
Specializing in canoe tripping, wilderness hiking, climbing and natural history interpretation, Wayne enjoys helping people gain outdoor recreation skills and a passion for the outdoors.
Wayne enjoys live music, traveling, literature and the arts - and all  the wonderful joys of life, friends and family.

Nekeisha Mohammed Communications Officer Conservation Ontario
Nekeisha Mohammed is the Communications Officer at Conservation Ontario.
Prior to joining Conservation Ontario, she spent many years working in marketing communications at various Toronto-area hospital foundations and associations.
We thank both Conservation Ontario and Ms. Mohammed for their support of our event.
The Conservation Ontario Healthy Hikes Program is a leading edge program promoting health and well-being through physical activity opportunity available at any one of Ontario's over 200 conservation authorities and conservation areas.

Larry Frost, Executive Director, Native Cultural Centre of Toronto
Larry Frost, Executive Director, Native Cultural Centre of Toronto
Larry Frost is the Executive Director of the Native Cultural Centre of Toronto. The Native Canadian Centre of Toronto is a membership-based, charitable organization located in the heart of downtown Toronto in a beautifully renovated heritage building. NCCT offers a wide range of programs and services based on Indigenous cultural traditions and teachings. All are welcome.
Since 1962 NCCT has delivered programs and services to urban Indigenous people. The strength and beauty of our people lays in our ability and willingness to share with one another as well as with our non-Indigenous members and other interest groups. This is one of the fundamental values embodied in our distinctive culture.
In 2015-16 the NCCT was instrumental in recognizing the first nations contribution to the existence of trails through a province wide signage project.
Associate Director, Master Planning & Greenspace Conservation, General Manager, Rouge Park at TRCA
Mike Bender is the Associate Director, Master Planning and Greenspace Conservation, General Manager, Rouge Park at the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA).
The TRCA Nature and outdoor spaces are good for people and vital for healthy communities – especially in city regions. They promote healthy living and community building. Explore the wide range of outdoor locations TRCA offers for you to enjoy with your family and friends.
Mike has been instrumental in the development of a wide variety of applications that promotes and sustains decades of practical experience in protecting our environment, educating young people, and engaging communities, enabling TRCA to work with governments, businesses, and individuals to build a greener, cleaner healthier place to live.
Patrick Connor, President Canadian Trails Federation
Patrick Connor, Executive Director, Ontario Trails Council, President Canadian Trails Federation
For 30 years Patrick has led significant social safeguard initiatives for safer streets, improved community health and welfare, as well as completion of hundreds of national and provincial trail planning and development projects. Key achievements include securing $10M+ in funding for Trans Canada Trail (TCT) lands through the National Trails Coalition project of 2009-16 that resulted in thousands of kilometers of TCT trail refurbished and maintained for continued public use.
Since 2003, Patrick has worked closely with TCT to complete the Ontario section of the trail. A convenor of conferences, publisher of papers, and enactor of change, Patrick is equipped with extensive trail development experience aided by a unique practice-based methodology and keen understanding of trail planning processes and stakeholders in Canada.
In 2012, Patrick was awarded the QEII Silver Jubilee Medal for Service to Canada. Dedicated to working locally, provincially and nationally to assist in widening community development and strengthening the communities that agencies serve, Patrick believes in an accepting and tolerant Canada, supported by healthy vibrant communities within it. He is a CSAE Accredited Non-Profit Executive, President of the Canadian Trails Federation, A Member of Economic Developers Association of Canada and other community justice and betterment initiatives.
Wendy Strickland, Natural Environment Specialist, City of Toronto
Wendy Strickland, Natural Environment Specialist, City of Toronto
Wendy Strickland comes to the field of trail management through her interest in protecting the natural environment from overuse.
As a Natural Environment Specialist with the City of Toronto, Wendy has spent close to a decade working with the community and other stakeholders to improve and protect natural areas in the Don River watershed north of the Forks.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Botany and a Masters of Forest Conservation specializing in Urban Forestry, both from the University of Toronto.
This year, she began work on developing Toronto's Ravine Strategy.
Janette Harvey, Natural Environment Specialist in the Parks, Forestry and Recreation, City of Toronto
Janette Harvey, Natural Environment Specialist in the Parks, Forestry and Recreation, City of Toronto
Janette Harvey has worked at the City of Toronto for 11 years, the last 9 years as a Natural Environment Specialist in the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division.
She is a graduate of the Ecosystem Management program at Fleming College, and has worked in sensitive natural areas across Ontario. In her current role, she engages communities and individuals in the protection, restoration, and sustainable use of natural areas within the Toronto parks system.
Since 2014 she has been working on improving wayfinding in Toronto's parks and ravines through the development of the Toronto Parks & Trails Wayfinding Strategy.

Carolyn Woodland, OALA, FCSLA, MCIP, RPP Senior Director, Planning, Greenspace and Communications for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
Carolyn Woodland, OALA, FCSLA, MCIP, RPP Senior Director, Planning, Greenspace and Communications for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
Since 2002, she has overseen the environmental planning, development review, policy and environmental assessment functions for the conservation authority within 18 municipalities.

She has worked with Waterfront Toronto, the National Capital Commission (Ottawa), the former Crombie Commission, and City of Toronto on many landmark planning and design assignments. She and her team prepared the award winning “The Living City Policies for Planning and Development in the Watersheds of TRCA”, setting new design and technical standards for green infrastructure in new and redeveloping communities.

Carolyn is a landscape architect and planner with almost 40 years of experience as an award winning consultant, academic (University of Toronto), and in public service. She has lectured across Canada on the importance of setting new community directions with an ecological view to planning and urban form.

A few of her trail planning and resource management/tourism projects include Discovery Routes of the Near North, Rouge Park Management Plan, Twenty Valley Tourism Strategy, and the Martin Goodman Trail at Humber Bay Shores.
Jason Diceman, Senior Public Consultation Coordinator, City of Toronto
Jason Diceman, Senior Public Consultation Coordinator, City of Toronto
Jason Diceman is a professional meeting facilitator and public participation expert.

He leads the planning and implementation of large multi-stakeholder collaborative workshops that lead to clear outputs, and the design and management of affordable and productive community engagement processes.  
Since 2010, Jason has held the full time position of Senior Public Consultation Coordinator for the City of Toronto

He has lead public consultations for some of the City’s most controversial and high profile infrastructure studies, including downtown separated bike lane installations, the redesign of Front Street at Union Station, new roads and bridges in Liberty Village, contentious multi-use trails, and the Gardiner Expressway financing.

Trailhead Toronto Program - REGISTER HERE

Join us November 24th, Ontario Heritage Centre, 8 Adelaide St. in Toronto for Trailhead Toronto - a discussion about Toronto Trails by the people that build, design, find and use Toronto Trails!

Learn more at

Register at: Trailhead Toronto
Thursday Presenters
8:00 – 8:45AMRegistration 
8:45 – 9:30AMOpening RemarksJack De Wit, President, Ontario Trails; Minister Eleanor McMahon MTCS*
9:30-10:00AMImplementing Standardized Trails ClassificationMark Schmidt,Parks Trails Analyst, Parks Canada Visitor Experience Branch
10:00-10:30AMDeveloping Natural Environment TrailsKaren Sun, Natural Environment Specialist (Acting) Toronto Parks and Forestry
10:45-11:30AMImplementing Effective Wayfinding SignageJanette Harvey, Natural Environment Specialist, Urban Forestry, City of Toronto
11:30 – 12:15PMImplementing Accessibility Guidelines – City of TorontoKaren Strickland, Community Accessibility Programs, City of Toronto
12:15-1:00 PM  
1:00 – 1:30PMFirst Nations and Trail SignageLarry Frost, Executive Director, Native Cultural Centre of Toronto
1:30-2:00PMJustifying Trails in an Urban Environment – GHTA ExperiencesWayne Terryberry, Director, University of McMaster Recreation
2:00-2:30PMThe Ontario Trails Act and the Ontario Trails Strategy Implementation PlanSteve Harlow, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport
2:45-3:15PMToronto Region Conservation Trail DevelopmentMike Bender, Director Master Planning and Greenspace Conservation Manager, Rouge Park TRCA
with Carolyn Woodland
OALA, FCSLA, MCIP, RPP; Senior Director, Planning, Greenspace and Communications for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
3:15-3:45PMMood Walks and Healthy HikesNekeisha Mohamed, Communications Officer Conservation Ontario with Terri LeRoux, Director Credit Valley Conservation Foundation
3:45-4:15PMActive Transportation and Trails in the CityJoey Schwartz, Advocacy Director, Toronto Bicycling Network
4:15-4:45PMToronto Trails CommitteePatrick Connor, Executive Director Ontario Trails
4:45 – 5:15PMThanks 
 As at 27/10/2016 subject to change and availability. *invited
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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ontario Trails News - contact us to update your pages, your content, improve your trails tourism profile with us at Ontario Trails!

CONTACT US about your Trails!
Ontario Trails - We Keep Adding Events!!

On a regular basis the trail community sends us more trail events to add to our website! 

Add yours today. 

Trail Events preparing for Winter - a short sample of 100's - Cross Country!

ontario cross country ski trails
See the Map - Search Cross Country!
Cross Country Skiing
Cross Country Skiing The perfect winter workout Nordic, or cross-country skiing is popular with all age groups in Ontario, and no wonder. We have thousands of kilometres of trails, many of them groomed to perfection for the...
Port Elgin Cross-Country Ski Trail
Port Elgin Cross-Country Ski Trail Beiner's Cross Country Ski Trails are relatively flat and wind through scenic cedar woods. The 3 trails located here are easily accessible and perfect for beginners and families. They are...
Scarborough Cross Country Ski Club - Trail Events
This season, the Scarborough Cross Country Ski Club has scheduled a full winter of Nordic Skiing Activity for its members. There will be 10 buses to various locations in Southern Ontario. While we try to follow our schedule,...
Himsworth Cross-Country Ski Club Trails
Himsworth Cross-Country Ski Club Trails The Himsworth South Cross-Country Ski Trails are located on privately owned land in Himsworth South Township. Approximately 8 km of groomed trails traverse a variety of scenic countryside from...
Hearst Cross-Country Ski Trails
...can learn classic and skating techniques. Information: Lucie Levesque (705) 362-8986 Ski Rentals Cross Country skiing equipment is now available for youths and adults at the club's main chalet. Ski rental center is...
Cross-Country Skiing Trails
Cross-Country Skiing Trails Cross-country skiing on groomed trails, ice fishing, snowshoeing and winter camping are popular winter activities. More than 40 km of groomed cross-country ski trails start and finish at the same parking...
Trakkers Cross Country Ski Club - Weekend Trips - Highlands Nordic Farmhouse
Highlands Nordic Farmhouse Prices are from $30 to $40 per person for 2 nights. The Farmhouse is up in the Collingwood area. It’s also directly connected to the Highlands Nordic ski centre, so you can walk out the door to go skiing...
Nakkertok Cross Country Ski Club - Racing, provincial and national level. This has been accomplished by creating a program, based on the Cross Country Canada (CCC) Athlete Development Model, that provides a set of training activities in a periodized calendar,...
Mount Pakenham Cross Country Skiing
With 20 km of scenic trails, Mount Pakenham has something for everyone; just a short drive from Ottawa. Pick up a trail map at the front counter when you purchase your trail pass. Snowshoers please keep to one side (off the track...
Albion Hills Cross-Country
... for location and directions! Kortright Centre for Conservation 9550 Pine Valley Drive in the City of Vaughan Cross country ski the natural way on 5 kilometres of ungroomed trails: Enjoy a snack and hot drink at our café, a great...
Cross Country Ski at Quiet Lodge
Event: Cross Country Skiing and Snowshoeing at Quiet Bay Log Motel and Café Price: $95.00 Duration: 1 day, 1 night Description: Snap into your skis and glide along the Trans Canada Trail and Discovery Trail systems right at our back...
Trakkers Cross Country Ski Club - Weekend Trips - Algonquin Eco-Lodge
Algonquin Eco-Lodge - February 21-23, 2014 Prices are $260 per person for 2 nights including tax, gratuity and all meals (from dinner on first day to lunch on the last day)! The Guests just need to bring their own sleeping bag and...
Cross Country Ski Instruction
Cross Country Ski Instruction When:   10:30am – 12:30pm. Every Thursday Where:Frost Centre 20130 Hwy 35 (map) Description -Cross country ski instruction for beginners or to refresh your skills with instructor Joleen Thomas at the...
Onaping - Windy Lake Cross Country Ski Trails
Onaping - Windy Lake Cross Country Ski Trails The Onaping Falls Nordic Ski Club maintains two trail sites, one at Windy Lake Provincial Park and the other in Dowling. The main trail system is located at Windy Lake Provincial Park, a...

From some of our friendsmanitouwaning trails
Manitouwaning Trail from Jackie W!

toronto trail south of rosedale club from John T
Toronto Trail south of Rosedale Club Entrance from John T!

Ontario Trails - We Keep Adding Trails!!

On a regular basis the trail community sends us more trail events to add to our website! 

Add yours today. 

100 Waterfalls Trail
Discover natural beauty in The Waterfall Capital of the World. With over one hundred waterfalls just minutes from the down-town core, Hamilton is believed to have the highest number of waterfalls of any urban area of its size. Less than one-hour from Toronto and Niagara Falls, Hamilton is the place for any waterfall adventure.
Visiting Hamilton’s Waterfalls
The types of waterfalls located in and around Hamilton vary by location. From cascade to plunge, staircase to ledge, you’ll find the type of waterfall you are looking for in Hamilton. For images and descriptions of some of Hamilton’s waterfalls visit
Getting to Hamilton’s Waterfalls
Most of the waterfalls in Hamilton are situated on the Niagara escarpment (a UNESCO world biosphere site) in and along the Bruce Trail and can require anywhere from minimal walking to a long distance hike to access. Because the waterfalls are situated beside steep drops and difficult to access locations it is important to stick to marked paths and viewing areas. For information on how to safely access Hamilton’s waterfalls by bus or car as well as park visit

Lake Superior Circle Tour Traillake superior cirlce tour trail
Ontario is a Province of Canada located in the east-central part of Canada and is the largest Provine by population
and the second largest after Quebec by geography. The province is named after Lake Ontario, which is thought to have been derived from Ontarí:io, a Huron (Wyandot) word meaning "great lake", or possibly skanadario which means "beautiful water" in the Iroquoian languages. Ontario contains about 250,000 freshwater lakes. Lake Superior is the largest Great Lake which reaches from Thunder Bay in the West to Sault Ste. Marie in the East.
Here are some resources to help you plan your travels to Ontario & Canada:
The North Shore of Lake Superior is truly breath-taking and home to fantastic communities, outdoor adventure and of course one of the best scenic drives in all of Canada!

187 People want the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail saved!

prescott-russell trails petition
Save the Prescott Russell Trail. Many people use and love this trail.
The trail is 72 kilometers long and it runs through 8 townships and many towns in eastern Ontario.
The Prescott-Russell Rail Trail is the only outdoor recreational facility of its type in the area. The trail enables healthy hiking, active walking, dog walking, safe cycling off-road and winter snowmobiling.
Suddenly and without notice there is discussion of closing the trail. Many people love and rely on the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail. This trail is beautiful and a main corridor of travel and recreation for many people.
There have been no trespass complaints from landowners. Many local community members have fought for this trail and regularly work to maintain it.
The Ontario Trails Council asks you to sign this petition because we do not believe leaders fully understand the benefits of the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail to people's health, to tourism and to the environment.

Watch a video about this trail

Trailhead Toronto Program - REGISTER HERE

Join us November 24th, Ontario Heritage Centre, 8 Adelaide St. in Toronto for Trailhead Toronto - a discussion about Toronto Trails by the people that build, design, find and use Toronto Trails!

Learn more at

Register at: Trailhead Toronto
Thursday Presenters
8:00 – 8:45AMRegistration 
8:45 – 9:30AMOpening RemarksJack De Wit, President, Ontario Trails; Minister Eleanor McMahon MTCS*
9:30-10:00AMImplementing Standardized Trails ClassificationMark Schmidt,Parks Trails Analyst, Parks Canada Visitor Experience Branch
10:00-10:30AMDeveloping Natural Environment TrailsKaren Sun, Natural Environment Specialist (Acting) Toronto Parks and Forestry
10:45-11:30AMImplementing Effective Wayfinding SignageJanette Harvey, Natural Environment Specialist, Urban Forestry, City of Toronto
11:30 – 12:15PMImplementing Accessibility Guidelines – City of TorontoKaren Strickland, Community Accessibility Programs, City of Toronto
12:15-1:00 PM  
1:00 – 1:30PMFirst Nations and Trail SignageLarry Frost, Executive Director, Native Cultural Centre of Toronto
1:30-2:00PMJustifying Trails in an Urban Environment – GHTA ExperiencesWayne Terryberry, Director, University of McMaster Recreation
2:00-2:30PMThe Ontario Trails Act and the Ontario Trails Strategy Implementation PlanSteve Harlow, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport
2:45-3:15PMToronto Region Conservation Trail DevelopmentMike Bender, Director Master Planning and Greenspace Conservation Manager, Rouge Park TRCA
with Carolyn Woodland
OALA, FCSLA, MCIP, RPP; Senior Director, Planning, Greenspace and Communications for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
3:15-3:45PMMood Walks and Healthy HikesNekeisha Mohamed, Communications Officer Conservation Ontario with Terri LeRoux, Director Credit Valley Conservation Foundation
3:45-4:15PMActive Transportation and Trails in the CityJoey Schwartz, Advocacy Director, Toronto Bicycling Network
4:15-4:45PMToronto Trails CommitteePatrick Connor, Executive Director Ontario Trails
4:45 – 5:15PMThanks 
 As at 27/10/2016 subject to change and availability. *invited

Trails Tourism Integration Strategy Meetings Planned
rtos Mtcs
A total of 15 meetings are being held with RTO's, DMO's and other partners as Ontario Trails works to develop an RTO Trails Tourism Action Plan for release in spring 2017.

We have been in touch with each RTO and our calendar of dates includes:
Location                    Date
Stratford RTO4October 31st
Niagara Falls RTO2December 6th
Newmarket RTO6November 29th
Kingston RTO9November 1st
Hamilton RTO3November 3rd
Collingwood RTO7TBA
Peterborough RTO8November 9th
Renfrew RTO11November 10th
Sudbury RTO12&13November 13-16th
London RTO1November 18th
TorontoNovember 24th
 During each session we will discuss:
  • Current RTO+DMO Tourism Strategies
  • Current Outdoor Activity Marketing
  • Existing Trail Inventory
  • Identify Gaps
  • Consolidate Events
  • Review Trails Marketing
  • New Content Initiatives
  • Share Data and Data Gathering Processes
  • Review TTIP Action Plan Outlines
  • Define Next Steps
For more information contact Patrick Connor at 613-484-1140
Locations to be announced.
Cycling Consultations Announced

ontario trails ontario cycling consultations
A total of eight (8) workshop sessions will be held throughout the province of Ontario.

Representatives from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and other other areas of government will participate where possible to ensure we continue to build on synergies with the Ontario Trails Strategy and other important work, including regional transportation planning initiatives. The following table provides preliminary information on the regional workshop sessions.
Location                    Date
KingstonNovember 1st
OttawaNovember 2nd
Thunder BayNovember 7th
Sault Ste. MarieNovember 8th
TorontoNovember 10th
OrilliaNovember 16th
LondonNovember 18th
North BayNovember 24th

Each of the meetings will be held between 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. We ask that you select the date and location most applicable to your work / interests. This invitation will be followed by a set of meeting notifications containing more detailed information. We ask that you select and accept the meeting that is most appropriate to you. You should expect to receive the meeting notifications in mid-October.

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