Showing posts with label Ontario Trails Strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ontario Trails Strategy. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ontario Trails - consider donating to our work, here's why...

A call for membership.
Ontario Trails 6 point program for trails and trail activities:
1. Public Interface: over 1.5 million trail users find trails via the OTC website, this builds 'trails' public profile. #1 referrer site for Waterfront Regeneration Trust Trail, 15% or 150,000 users find your trails through an RTO via Trails Tourism - membership support helps OTC pay for all the hosting, mapping, updates, referrer links, event postings, etc. that makes our websites work.
2. Education and Best Practices: Ontario Trails continues to deliver on trail education through Algonquin College, in classroom conferencing through our Trailhead Ontario Events at and via specific advice through our Ask an Expert or specific committee work, such as our work with The Frank Cowan Company, and Direct Bearing Inc. on Risk Management Practice.
3. Community and Collective Positions on Issues - we work to create collective input and community positions on trail use, conflict reduction, flood advisories, logging open/closed, trail seasonality open/closed, trespass reduction, injury and threat of harm reduction across communities of users (this is real - landowners and users, car drivers and cyclists, dog sledders and animal rights, etc.) this is a constant theme of our work. We answer phone calls, emails, social media and help groups with complaints one way or the other.
4. National and Provincial Representations: the OTC is in the preferred position of advocacy with the federal and provincial governments. Your input on issues and our collective response to funding, legislation, process, issue management, and OTC collective weight, has made and continues to make, a difference in trail operations. Our meetings in December with the federal government we believe this will result in an $11 million dollar envelope of federal funds for trails. Last Friday we met provincial representatives and we asked them to match.
5. OTC Finds Funding for Trails and Trail Activity - since 2003 the OTC has found ways to sustain itself via programs and services. Our key priorities have been sector recognition and member sustainability. This caused our membership to grow from 28 to 240, from $3000 to over $50,000 (when all renewed and paid up). We have secured over $35 million for trails funding, we have written over $4 million in support grants, we encouraged the province to fund Community in Action, CycleOn, Active 2010, TDF, OTF and other funding streams like Great Lakes Guardian, we have written tourism, risk management, trail management, lighting, maintenance and other professional or audit documents enabling trail groups to provide better and safer trails to the public.
6. Policy, Regulation and Legislation: from the Ontario Trails Strategy, the Ontario Trails Act, ensuring trails as part of the PPS (Provincial Policy Statement), securing rail trails against surplus loss, AODA and Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee recognition of 'the natural environment vs. build environment expectation", to direct in community face to face-saving of trails, protections of the OLA, LFA, Conservation, Snowmobile and other Acts; the securing of trails and reducing trails anxiety - these are real policy, real regulation and real ground truths that OTC has had a hand in.
At this time we could use your support. If you or your organization benefit from these actions - please contact the office so we can facilitate your membership!
If you know of a group that should become a member (like you) please forward them this email. Ask them to call and talk to Patrick 613-396-3226
Just today we shared this message with Peter, the President of OF4WDE and he picked up the phone and renewed. We hope you will too.
Wayne Terryberry
OTC President
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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Ontario Trails News - An Update from Ontario Trails 2642018

Another great trails symposium speaking to trail development, management, connectivity, use, and access. We wish to acknowledge the Government of Ontario for their financial support of this symposium. Thank you.
We have completed our Towards a National Trails Policy document. If you would like a copy e-mail Candian Trails President, Patrick Connor at and we'll send you a copy!
Is your trail on the map? Check out the strategy 2.0 and the map:

Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund

The Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund (OSRCF) is a grant program that supports a vision of getting and keeping Ontarians active in community sport, recreation and physical activity. The fund:
  • increases opportunities for physical activity in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
  • To embed physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
  • strengthens the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming.
Through the support of projects that deliver high-quality programs and policies, the OSRCF provides Ontarians with more opportunities to become physically active, including groups who experience barriers to participating and those who are traditionally less active.
A new dedicated stream within the OSRCF called “Active for Life Recreation Stream” is giving more seniors the opportunity to participate in physical activities to support a healthy lifestyle.
The program supports projects of one or two years in length, at both the Local/Regional and Provincial levels.
Click below to see previous Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund projects.
    A full day at the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee, April 20, 2018, managing the deliverables of the Ontario Trails Strategy.
    Payments include tax exclude fees
    Large Organization : $926.08 CAD - yearly Medium Organization : $308.69 CAD - yearly Small Organization : $123.47 CAD - yearly Friend of Trails : $29.97 CAD - yearly Student : $23.96 CAD - yearly
    Hike, Bike, Walk or Run anywhere along the trail. SOTT 2018 Saturday May 12th 10am - 2pm. Come out to any community to participate. Click this link to explore where to start: and park at any green "P"
    Download a copy of our proposal to host a Trailhead Trails Education Symposium in your community. Download Here
    Copyright © 2018 Ontario Trails Council, All rights reserved.
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    Thursday, November 17, 2016

    Ontario Trails News - save the date - Trailhead Canada and Trailhead Toronto - an Ontario Trails Symposium!

    Trailhead Toronto - Nov. 24th, Ontario Heritage Centre!

    Trailhead Toronto underway. Thanks to Carolyn Woodland and Michael Bender from TRCA for starting us off!

    Karen Sun Natural Environmental Planner with City of Toronto talking trail management in the City. Thanks Karen!

    Alexandra Brodka speaking on behalf of Hamilton Burlington Trails Committee on the metrics of Hbtc trail use from 18000 uses equal # of dogs and children! what does that mean?

    Wendy Strickland speaking on the Chorely Park trail issues and the issues with accessibility in ravines and neighbourhoods

    Just want to thank Nekeisha Mohammed for joining us and speaking to the Conservation Ontario Healthy Hike Program! thank you!

    Jason Diceman with Wendy Strickland talking about community consultations and AODA processes to make for full community participation thanks for participating!

    Thanks to ADM Steve Harlow for supporting Trailhead Toronto by attending and speaking with us today about the trails strategy, trails legislation, the Ontario Trails Coordinating role and the value of the OTC relationship with government and the Ministries trail processes. Thanks!

    Mark Schmidt from Parks Canada a world leading expert on frontier spaces and wilderness adventures via national parks trails, speaking at Trailhead Toronto. Thanks Mark!

    Many thanks to all the presenters, including Joey Schwartz and Janette Harvey from Toronto Bicycling Network and the City of Toronto, Thanks to Terri LeRoux for attending and giving up her speaking spot in deference to time, as well as to Ontario Heritage Centre for a great venue and super staff service. 

    223 People want the Prescott-Russell Rail Trail saved!

    prescott-russell trails petition
    OTC visited Prescott Russell and met with Council and the Economic Development Committee. There may be operating budget cuts in the near future but there is a desire to save the trail, although it may not be 72 continuous kilometers. Road links are being studied between nodes. While this is not preferred, we are pleased that the Prescott-Russell Economic Development Committee spoke with OTC and that we are working with the County to:
    • diversify the role of the Prescott Russell Trails Committee,
    • seeking funds,
    • engaging inter-provincial partners,
    • that the Trail is highlighted as part of the CycleON list of trails through consultation
    • had more counters to install
    • is implementing the OTC Trail Counts Program
    • OTC has found the trails committee, through partnership, free fundraising training in Ottawa
    We encourage the people signing the petition to work with UCPR and OTC to find ways to re-negotiate the lease with Via so we can make the corridor multi-use, which would enable cost recovery, new funding for capital projects and engage more members of the community to utilize the trail in the future.

    If you want to help please contact Louise Bissonette with Sentiers Prescott Russell! Merci.
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    Friday, January 1, 2016

    Ontario Trails News - Trailwise Week of December 31, 2015

    Seasonal Best Wishes and Our Thankshappy new year from Christmas Stock ImagesIt's that time of year where we should reflect a bit and give thanks to all the folks that have helped the OTC over the last year. to those who have helped who are not mentioned - my apologies and regret at the forget.

    The President Jack de Wit, the Old and New Board - they all work hard, participated in many important meetings, networked and took hundreds of calls from the office, while working on behalf of all trails.

    The Members - thanks we can't do this work without you!

    The Trailhead Ontario support team - Wayne, Wayne, Alexa, Carli, Krupesh, the McMaster University Staffs - a fantastic job - thanks - and to the Hamilton Burlington Trails Council, RTO3-Hamilton-Halton-Brant, for their community support and ongoing partnership.

    Our Ontario Government partners - from Minister Coteau, to Carol, Anna, Stephen, Craig, Steve, Gillian and the whole team - thanks for all your support, the OTCC, Bill 100 and 31 - and an implementation plan

    To The Niagara Trails Committee and Tracey-Lynn for persevering, and to all the Niagara area communities that we talk to regularly about trails and trail issues, SHCC, UCHA, OFTR, QuadN, Niagara Falls, Thorold, Welland, St. Kitts and 'Port'; as well as all the other Trails Councils and leaders in Oxford, Haldimand, Selwyn, York, Vaughan and Clarington.

    To Simcoe for their most generous donation of a HETAP Unit to the OTC so we can audit and assist in the auditing of trails! And all our SMBA pals.

    To All at Fontasy Signs, Edge Auditor, Get Out There, Context Creative, Simplicate Interactive, Web2Studio, HWL Fine Art, PODesign, your timely advice and professional guidance keep us showcasing trails.

    To The staff at Ministry of Economic Development, Infrastructure and Employment for all the work they put into making Ontario more accessible and helping us do the same for trails.

    To the National Trails Coalition and Canadian Trails Federation for working together and making Canada better through collaboration and cooperation - and to INFC and Gov. of Canada for funding trails.

    To the Georgian Bay Coast Trail for bringing people together, through trails to support a great vision and new opportunity, with P2P, Explorer's Edge, Muskoka Trails Council and the towns we love up there!

    The Trails Education Program and Partners - our faculty, Paul Ronan, Shelley with Ontario Parks Association, Graham Burke, Zane, Matt, Jeff, Algonquin College - thanks for bringing trails knowledge to folks, in Ontario and coast to coast, the folks that helped with the education posters and Trails Talk - + Kate and Robert at Orland Conservation - thanks.

    Our Trailhead North partners in Thunder Bay and now Marathon - your places are "Canada wild and free" and we are glad to assist in putting new ideas in play, with you the VTA, Nipigon, Thunder Bay, Path of the Paddle and more.

    To Joanna Milarczek, who must love trails more than anyone because for 5 years she's regularly and voluntarily posted new content to the OTC FB page.

    To our new friends and supporters, Irena, Jana, Jennifer, and Bob + Bob's team, King Township Horsemen with LSRCA and TRCA, Rare, Gamiing and Ontario Nature.

    To my family and friends for their constant support, free overnights at homes on the road, Barry, Kirsten, Steve, Dave, Bonnie, Jack, Wayne and everybody else that makes OTC work -

    Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday and a prosperous 2016!

    Ontario Trails Council forwards message from MTCS on Trails Strategy

    Hello Members of the OTCC

    I am pleased to attach the Trails Action Plan for the Ontario Trails Strategy, which is being released today to trail stakeholders.

    I wish to thank the members of the OTCC that contributed to the development of the Trails Action Plan through consultations, other engagement sessions, written submissions and many other forums. Your input helped inform its priorities.

    The Trails Action Plan will be implemented collaboratively in a consensus-seeking approach with stakeholders, with whom we will continue to engage. A number of Action Items are well underway and others will be scoped in early 2016. Progress will be reported on through the OTCC. Ministry staff will be rolling up a summary for your review at three key points:

    i)             Summary of Trails Action Plan Year One Action Items by Scope, Key Milestone Tasks and Target Dates
    ii)            Summary of Trails Action Plan Year One Action Item Interim Progress Reports; and
    iii)           Summary of Trails Action Plan Year One Action Item Year-End Progress Reports.

    You are invited to participate, to the extent of your interest, in scoping and implementing Action Items. Please let Julie Mayorov know of your interests no later than January 8, 2016. Julie may be reached at or by phone at 416 327-0398.

    If you have inquiries about specific Action Items please contact Carol Oitment at or by phone at 416-314-7205.

    Finally, we are consolidating the results of the Review of the OTCC that was undertaken at the facilitated session in October and will be reporting back with our recommendations at the next meeting. More information on meeting dates for 2016 will be forthcoming in the New Year.

    I wish you a happy holiday season!

    Steve Harlow
    Assistant Deputy Minister
    Sport, Recreation and Community Programs Division
    Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

    Click the image for links to reports

    ontario trails coordinating committee action plan

    Trail User Survey 2014

    ontario trails user survey 2014

    OTC Supports Communities Developing Trails!

    Sandbanks Provincial Park - Trail Development

    sandbanks provncial park
    Sandbanks Provincial Park currently has five separate trails with a combined length of fifteen kilometers.   Through the project eleven of these kilometres was interconnected and improved and three new kilometers of trails was be added.   All of the trails are surfaced to a standard to support cycling, strollers and wheel-chairs.  
    Trail signage for direction and education, was installed to assist trail users.  Because of the interconnections and surface upgrades the network will now begin to function as a safer alternative travel option away from the heavily travelled vehicle-based roads.   
    Through this project different trail segments underwent different improvements.   Some segments need signs, gates and benches, others segments had sub-surface and surface improvements, some required short linkages and marking while other segments were completely renewed.
    Lakeview Trail  - 2.5 kilometers along the shore of Lake Ontario.
    This trail was rough constructed as a walking trail with funds provided by the Friends of Sandbanks in 2013 and 2014.   It is now surfaced to a cycling standard with gates, signs, and benches.   
    Woodlands Trail   - 6 kilometers through hardwood forest and former farm field.
    This trail is narrow with a soil and gravel substrate.   It is suited for walking and cycling with a wide-tire bicycle.   It is too narrow to conveniently allow passing of two way traffic.   Through this project the trail was widened and surfaced.
    ontario parks sandbanks provincial park hikers on a trail
    Spruce woods Trail  -3.5 kilometers through mixed conifer forest on stable sand dunes
    Half of this trail is a former bush road.  The surface is loose sand and pine needles.  Most of the remaining sections use campground roads and paths with some short sections of new trail needed to create network links.   This trail has the most elevation change and would be popular with cross-country skiers.  It provides a trail connection between two of the park’s main beaches.   The work here required both sub surface and surface rebuilding, as well as short segments of new links.
    Prairie Trail  -2 kms  through rehabilitated grassland.
    This trail segment is entirely new and is essential to creating a network loop.   The trail crosses through farm fields that began the process of conversion from corn field to native prairie in 2015.   Through this project the trail segment was designed and the subsurface gravel installed in late fall.   Once the trail subsurface gravel settles over the winter the fine surfacing will be completed with park resources for use in the summer of 2016.    The Prairie Grassland Rehabilitation Project will take a decade to achieve and interpretive signage along this trail will give trail users a window on the unfolding restored habitat.


    OTC Ramping Up Regional Trail Symposiums

    Trailhead Ontario - Renfrew 2016

    ontario's highlands tourism organization logoPlanning has begun for Trailhead Ontario 2016. Our hosts are Renfrew County and Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization (OHTO). Both are long time Ontario Trails Council supporters, and Jason Davies from Renfrew sits on the OTC Board of Directors.

    The OHTO is one of 13 regional tourism organizations (RTO) in place to attract visitation to Ontario.  The region is one of the largest in the Province and is located just south of Algonquin Park.  They have been promoting opportunities for visitors to disconnect from the stress of a busy life, throw away the schedule and wander into the breathtaking scenery of the region.

    renfrew county logoAs an organization they have acknowledged that having well established and properly maintained trails throughout their region enables visitors to wander Ontario’s Highlands in a variety of ways.

    Whether you wander to experience the speed and excitement of ATVing and Snowmobiling or to take in the tranquil surroundings by foot or bike, Ontario’s Highlands has the trail systems to accommodate.

    All Sessions at Calabogie Peaks Resort

    Program Outline - Calabogie Peaks Resort
    June 20, 21, 2016 

    8:30-9:00AMRegistrationCoffee Served
    9:00-9:15AMWelcome remarksDignitaries
    9:15-10:00AMPresentationRenfrew County's Eastern Ontario Trails
    10:00-10:30AMPresentationOntario's Highlands Tourism Organization
    10:30-10:45AMBreakCoffee Break
    10:45-11:15AMPresentationPetawawa - the development of our Regional Trail Association
    11:15-11:45AMPresentationOttawa Valley Outdoor Experiences
    11:45-12:15PMPresentationParks of the St. Lawrence
    12:15-1:00 PMLunch 
    1:00-2:00PMPresentationUpdates on the Trails Act and the Ontario Trails Strategy with the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport
    2:00-2:30PMPresentationCity of Ottawa Trails
    2:30-2:45PMBreakCoffee Break
    2:45-3:15PMPresentationTrans Canada Trail Ontario
    3:15-3:45PMPresentationNational Capital Commission
    3:45-4:15PMPresentationCycleON - Updates and Progress
    4:15-4:45PMPresentationUnderstanding and Preventing Lyme Disease
    4:45-5:15PMPresentationSentiers Prescott Russell and Glengarry Trails
    5:15-6PMNetworkingCash Bar
    6PM - 9PMDinner & Keynote SpeakerFederal Climate Change Initiatives and Trails
    8:30 – 9:00AMRegistrationCoffee Served
    9:00-9:15 AMWelcome remarksDignitaries
    9:15-10AMPresentationTrails Risk Management - Principles
    10:00-10:15AMBreakCoffee Break
    10:15-11:15AMPlenary SessionTrails Risk Management - How to Say Yes to Trails
    11:15-12:00AMPlenary SessionParamedic Wilderness Rescue
    Noon-1PMLunchNetworking Lunch
    1:00-2:00PMPlenary SessionWater Trails - Developing trails for Use
    2:00-2:45PMPlenary SessionOttawa River-Keeper - programs and plans for development
    3:00-3:30PMPlenary SessionHunting and Fishing Trail Use of MNRF Lands
    3:30-4:00PMPlenary SessionMattawa Trail Development
    4:00-4:30PMPlenary SessionFirst Nation Tourism and Trails
    4:30PMWrap-up and Next StepsTrailhead Canada 2017!

    (subject to change)

    Trailhead North - Marathon 


    Program Outline 

    April 13, 14, 2016 

    8:30 – 9:00AMRegistration 
    9:00-9:30AMWelcome remarksCoffee Served
    9:30-10:30AMPresentationMarathon, Pic River and our Northern Trails
    10:45-12:30AMPresentationParks Experiences – Pukaskwa National Park and Neys Provincial
     PresentationGroup of Seven Trail
     PresentationNorthern Ontario Experiences
     PresentationNorthern Ontario Tourism Organization
    12:30-1:00 PMLunch 
    1:00 – 2:00PMPresentationMinistry of Tourism Culture and Sport
     PresentationFrench River Trail Development
    2:00-2:30PMPresentationPath of the Paddle and Trail Auditing
    2:30-2:45PMBreakTrans Canada Trail Ontario – Sponsor
    2:45-3:15PMPresentationImportance of Trails for Northern Ontario Tourism
    3:15-3:45PMPresentationWorld Class Cross Country – Destination Marathon
    3:45-4:15PMPresentationOFSC/CCSO and Snowmobile Trails
    4:15-4:45 PMPresentationOAC – Ontario Access Coalition – Places to Climb
    5:30-6PMNetworkingCash Bar
    6PM – 9PMDinner & Keynote SpeakerMy Experience in the Outdoors.
     Silent Auction 
    8:30–9:00AMRegistrationCoffee Served
    9:00-9:15 AMWelcome remarks 
    9:15-10AMPresentationFundraising for Trails and Non-Profits
    10:00-10:15AMBreakCoffee Break
    10:15-11:15 AMPlenary SessionHunting and Fishing Trail Use of MNRF Lands
    11:15-NoonPlenary SessionPresentation: Timiskaming and Nastawgan Trails
    Noon-1PMLunchNetworking Lunch
    1:00-2:00PMPlenary SessionOutfitters and Tripping – How to Get North
    2:00-3:00PMPlenary SessionVoyageur Trail – Developments along the Trail
    3:00-3:30PMWrap-up and Next Steps 

    (subject to change)

    Trailhead Georgian Bay - with GBCT!

    georgian bay coast trail

    Program Outline - Killarney Mountain Lodge

    May 11, 2016 


    8:30 - 9:00AMRegistration 
    9:00-9:30AMWelcome remarksCoffee Served
    9:30-10:30AMAbout The Georgian Bay Coast TrailSponsor
    10:45-12:15AMPresentationKillarney Provincial Park - A Lead Partner in Development
     PresentationFriends of Killarney
     PresentationTrail Experiences - Explorer's Edge
     PresentationAuditing and Planning our Route
    12:15-1:00 PMLunch 
    1:00 - 2:00PMPresentationMinistry of Tourism Culture and Sport
     PresentationIndigenous Peoples Economic Development
    2:00-2:30PMPresentationTrail Inventories Georgian Bay Partners
    2:30-2:45PMBreakTrans Canada Trail Ontario - Sponsor
    2:45-3:15PMPresentationImportance of Variety of Trails
    3:15-3:45PMPresentationGreat Lakes Guardian Plant and Trail Inventory
    3:45-4:15PMPresentationMinistry of Natural Resources and Forestry
    4:15-4:45 PMPresentationRelations with Local Landowners
    4:45 - 5:15Wrap-upThanks

    (subject to change)

    Trails Talk

    man using megaphone to call ducks

    Join us every other Tuesday at 1pm EST for a lively half hour discussion on trail issues of importance to the trails community. We are pleased to have added an additional topic to the Agenda - see January 12th.
    We will be using our Google Hangout to facilitate our Trail Talks. So make sure you have a gmail account and the hangout app added to your gplus account.

    Invited presenters include:

    January 5th, 2016 - Kinghorn Trail Association - all about the development of this important northern trail with Kirsten Spence.

    NEW - January 12th - Land Use Planning - all about securing land for trails, when, how to, and potential pitfalls and problems - with Kate Potter and Robert Orland from Orland Conservation.
    January 19th, 2016 - Fundraising for Non-Profit Organizations - with Thomas Allgoewer - a half hour discussion about how to facilitate your organization goals and objectives through fundraising efforts.
    February 2nd, 2016 - Edge Auditor - the program that helps you know and log in all the facts about your trail, with Niall Lobely.
    February 16th, 2016 - Explorer's Edge - all about the great trails in RTO 12 with James Murphy of Explorer's Edge.
    March 1, 2016 - The Georgian Bay Coast Trail - who supports it, what is happening and all about our spring community meeting in Killarney. With Luke Wassegijig and Kirsten Spence.
    March 15, 2016 - Trans Canada Trail - with Jane Murphy and Al McPherson. You've heard about it, how is it progressing? How can you support it?
    March 29, 2016 - Hiking, what is it? Who does it? What you need to know about community programs, and trail leadership programs - with Bill Mungall
    April 12th, 2016 - Trail Building - are you interested? What is trail building all about? Who does it and the skills you need, with stories from trail builder Zane Davies.

    2016 Membership Renewal Notices Out!

    Thanks to these folks for their paid renewals:

    Haldimand County

    haldimand county outdoor adventures
    haldimand county beaches, parks and outdoors

    This past year the OTC Membership grew beyond 240 members, with over 220 being organizational supporters.

    Your support of our work helps us to:
    • travel to communities
    • update the website
    • answer the phone
    • seek other funds for special projects
    • write grants for members
    • mitigate conflict
    • guide users with a where to turn
    • update the youtube, and other social media
    • engage with government
    • promote the design, use and management of trails
    • coordinate meetings
    • manage the education program(s)

    Please consider supporting our work
    Please consider making a donation or taking out a membership today! We rely on the generous support of the Canadian trail community to allow us to do our work.

    Our Mission - to promote the preservation, management, use and development of trails.

    folks walking a trail carrying a basket of apples
    Everyday, somewhere in Ontario we educate, support a group, lead or assist a community improving its quality of life through trails.

    Ask us how we make a difference!

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