Showing posts with label Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Ontario Trails News - An Update from Ontario Trails 2642018

Another great trails symposium speaking to trail development, management, connectivity, use, and access. We wish to acknowledge the Government of Ontario for their financial support of this symposium. Thank you.
We have completed our Towards a National Trails Policy document. If you would like a copy e-mail Candian Trails President, Patrick Connor at and we'll send you a copy!
Is your trail on the map? Check out the strategy 2.0 and the map:

Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund

The Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund (OSRCF) is a grant program that supports a vision of getting and keeping Ontarians active in community sport, recreation and physical activity. The fund:
  • increases opportunities for physical activity in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives
  • To embed physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong physical activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices
  • strengthens the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth development, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming.
Through the support of projects that deliver high-quality programs and policies, the OSRCF provides Ontarians with more opportunities to become physically active, including groups who experience barriers to participating and those who are traditionally less active.
A new dedicated stream within the OSRCF called “Active for Life Recreation Stream” is giving more seniors the opportunity to participate in physical activities to support a healthy lifestyle.
The program supports projects of one or two years in length, at both the Local/Regional and Provincial levels.
Click below to see previous Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund projects.
    A full day at the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee, April 20, 2018, managing the deliverables of the Ontario Trails Strategy.
    Payments include tax exclude fees
    Large Organization : $926.08 CAD - yearly Medium Organization : $308.69 CAD - yearly Small Organization : $123.47 CAD - yearly Friend of Trails : $29.97 CAD - yearly Student : $23.96 CAD - yearly
    Hike, Bike, Walk or Run anywhere along the trail. SOTT 2018 Saturday May 12th 10am - 2pm. Come out to any community to participate. Click this link to explore where to start: and park at any green "P"
    Download a copy of our proposal to host a Trailhead Trails Education Symposium in your community. Download Here
    Copyright © 2018 Ontario Trails Council, All rights reserved.
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    Ontario Trails Council
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    DeserontoON K0K1X0

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    Saturday, December 7, 2013

    Ontario Trails News - lot's of ways to get connected to Ontario's Trails

    Trail Heros

    Know somebody that works hard on trails? If so nominate them to be an Ontario Trails "Trail Hero!" We'd be happy to review your recommendations and acknowledge in a small way their contribution to trails in your community.

    Trail Blog

    Every day trails are news! Every day we blog about trails. In communities all over Ontario trails are big news, for cyclists, runners, canoe or horses, every day we capture in one spot all the trail news - local, provincial or national! Join today!
    ontario trail blog

    Trail Leaders!

    Become a trail development leader. Join Ontario's first ever series of 14 trail education courses in the development and management of trails. Designed for both volunteers and professionals. Next course April 30th in Woodbridge. Topic - Trail Legislation Review with Kathy Weile. Register today - registration is open 24/7 until the morning of the event. 
    courses placeholder

    Join OTC

    The Ontario Trails Council is a nonprofit charitable organziation, established in 1988, that promotes the development, preservation, management and use of recreational trails. With over 130 organizational members and 25 individual supporters the OTC continues to grow! Support trails in Ontario - join the OTC
    MEMBERSHIP FORM - PDF                               
    ontario trillium

    Learn an Activity

    Our website contains information on over 2,600 trails, and a description for nearly 2,000. Learn about the places where you can bike, cross country ski, climb or any of another 15 activities. We are linked to over 130 organizations and a variety of provincial groups that can help you learn an activity or become better at one you already love!

    ontario water trails

    Add Your Event

    We post trail or outdoor events on trail specific facebook pages, the main OTC facebook page, and the event section of the OTC website. You can send us your event and we'll post it to these extensive networks. Each week we reach over 20,000 people, so if you want your event known, a bit better, send us the information.

    Be a Friend of Trails

    We invite all trail users to support the work of the Ontario Trails Council. As a registered charity we do our community work based on the support of member organziations, individuals and some government grants. We do the work, in the end for the individual families and folks that use the trails every day. Please consider supporting us as your thanks for your trails. Thank you.


    Member Requests

    1) Algonquin College program on-line

    algonquin college

    2) OTC Mobile App - for iProducts and Windows

    otc mobile app
    3) Post Photos to Pinterest

    ontario trails on pinterest

    4) OTC on Foursquare

    ontario trails on foursquare

    5) Safe Trails Manual

    6) OTC Youtube Channel
    ontario trails youtube channel

    7) Ontario Trails Maps
    ontario trails maps

    8) Enabling Change Program

    9) OTC Board 2012-13
    Jack De Wit - PRESIDENT
    Ontario Equestrian Federation

    Dan Andrews - Secretary/Treasurer     
    TrailADE Consulting
    Paul Ronan
    Ontario Parks Association

    Frieda Baldwin
    Huronia Trails and Greenways

    Wayne Daub
    Ontario Federation of All Terrain Vehicle Clubs

    Igor Hoogendoorn
    International Mountain Biking Association
    855-255-4094 ext.108

    Tim West
    Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs

    irsten Spence
    Northern Ontario Representative
    Jeff Muzzi
    Manager, Forestry Services, Renfrew County

    Patrick Connor
    Ex-officio - Executive Director

    We currently have 2 vacancies on the OTC Board. If you are interested please e-mail Jack De Wit to discuss.

    The ideas, opinions, re-posting of news, editorials and content contained in this newsletter are not necessarily the ideas or opinions of the OTC Board or staff. This news is intended for informational purposes only.

    OTC Event Planning Guide
    Call 877-668-7245

    OTC Trail Committee Manual
    Call 877-668-7245

    ontario regional trail committee planner

    Ontario Trails Membership

    On behalf of OTC we thank you for your support. If there is a group you know that is not a member contact us and we'll send them a note on membership benefits. This past week we received a renewal from Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and Sault Ste. Marie Thank you very much for your support!

     join otc


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