Showing posts with label Kingston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kingston. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Ontario Trails News - April 20, 2023 #ontariotrails @ontrails


Have You Applied Yet
RTO7's 2023/24 Funding Programs?

RTO7's line-up of programs for 2023/24 are geared to support tourism operators, businesses, and organizations in BruceGreySimcoe. Applications are being accepted for processing, with start dates and funding based on the information below. Don't miss out and apply early to avoid disappointment.
RTO7’s program offerings for 2023/24 are contingent on the Ministry of  Tourism, Culture and Sport’sapproval of RTO7’s business plan and budget.
Partnership Program 2023/24
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until deadline dates or until available funds have been allocated. It is highly recommended that you submit your application as soon as possible, even if your project will not happen until 2024 - last year, leverage on the more popular programs dropped from $1:$2 to matching ($1:$1) in May. 
The most accessed categories of partnership focus on development of collateral and advertising:
Collateral Development
  • Video & Image Development 
    • Book a photo or video shoot to create an up-to-date library of images and video to use in future advertising, on your website or in print media.
    • Recruitment videos are again being offered, so tourism operators can develop a video that can be used to advertise for staff through RTO7’s Recruitment Implementation Program
  • Storytelling 
Advertising (often, although not necessarily) using the collateral developed above
  • Social Media Advertising 
  • Digital Advertising (leverage is now $1:$1)
 Other Partnership categories include:
  • Trade Show Booth Space Reimbursement
  • Tourism Wayfinding, Trails & Cycling Signage (leverage is now $1:$1)
  • Translation 
  • Experience Development (now includes accredited Sustainability Certification for businesses and destinations (with a lower minimum partner contribution than other Experience Development projects)
All applications (and Guidelines) may be found here.

If you have questions or require more information, please email Alex Hogan,

Snowmobile trails go to 'limited' status as season end approaches -
A lot of Southern Ontario trails never opened this year, and the same with southern Minnesota and Wisconsin areas. Their snow levels weren't ...
ATV operator charged with impaired driving near Spragge -
... Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a traffic complaint of a possible impaired driver on an ATV travelling on Wagoosh ...

Northern snowmobile trails close amid rising temperatures, unsafe conditions | CTV News
After playing their first 10 games of the season on the road, the Toronto Blue Jays will take on the Detroit Tigers tonight at the newly-renovated ...

Que. man bicycling to the Yukon stops in the Sault - CTV News Northern Ontario
CTV Northern Ontario... a part of the CTV News Video Network ... Timmins snowmobile trails closed for season.

How to camp for free (and sites to visit to right now) - Cottage Life
Looking for a camping spot in Ontario but can't find availability atv your favourite parks? Don't worry, there's still a solution: Crown land ...
Sydenham Canoe and Kayak race set for April 30 - Petrolia Lambton Independent
The race is recognized by the the Ontario Marathon Canoe Kayak Racing Association and features 11 classes and three different race lengths to ...

Hundreds of Paddlers Pre-register for RRCA's 50th Anniversary Raisin River Canoe Race
One of the longest canoe races in eastern Ontario, the Race attracts hundreds of participants, who paddle through a 30-kilometre racecourse from ...

Warning: This article could make you move to Sault Ste. Marie - Canadian Cycling Magazine
Instead, he discovered what he calls the “Squamish of Ontario” to the ... drive to some of the best hiking, cycling and ski trails in Ontario?”.

From the most extreme environments on Earth to hometown trails, ... Bruce Trail Conservancy is one of Ontario's largest land trusts that acquires, ...

This northern Ont. city looking to attract 'white-collar wilderness workers'
Nestled in between two larger northern Ontario centres -- Sudbury and Sault Ste. ... While there are plenty of snowmobile trails still open in the ..

Snowmobile club happy with season | Cochrane Times-Post
The trail system were reported as unavailable by the Ontario ... the Polar Bear Riders volunteers who put countless hours in grooming trails, ..

Marsh Mash set to return, welcome paddlers from all over Ontario - Bradford Today
The annual event is the fourth oldest marathon canoe race in the province; this year's event goes May 13.
E-scooter users may be looking at fines or imprisonment - The Toronto Star
The decision means that, in Toronto, “e-scooters will remain prohibited on public streets, bike lanes, sidewalks, pathways, trails and other ...

Conservation authority looking for environmental heroes - Orillia News
The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority is seeking watershed-wide nominations for the annual 2023 awards program. Last year the conservation ...

WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? ​$360K investment in rail trail connecting East Gwillimbury, Georgina
The Region of York purchased the historical Sutton Hill/Zephyr Rail Trial from Infrastructure Ontario for about $360,000. The trail is part of the ...
Riders excited for new Libro Centre mountain biking trails - CTV News Windsor
Toronto · Shirtless skiers hit southern Ontario slopes as heat records smashed. Shirtless skiers sporting only shorts ventured onto southern ...

Burleigh Falls to Lakefield walking trail proposed - The Toronto Star
Construction of Metrolinx's Ontario Line at Queen and Yonge will force the diversion of the Queen. GTA. Queen streetcar is about to be rerouted for ...
Ontario Gelding Positive for Strangles - The Horse
Swollen and/or abscessed lymph nodes; Nasal discharge; Coughing or wheezing; Muscle swelling; Difficulty swallowing. Veterinarians diagnose horses ...
Lake Ontario Wine Trail announces Roll Out the Barrels tasting tour April 22 and 23 | WSTM
The Lake Ontario Wine Trail is kicking off its season with the annual event, Roll Out the Barrels!Travel the trail at your leisure over the ...

New secure bike parking hub pilot project launching in downtown Kingston
(Kingston, Ontario) The secure bicycle parking racks will be available to cyclists in downtown Kingston later this spring.
LaSalle police warn ATV users of trespassing - Blackburn News
Your Local News Network serving London, Windsor, Chatham, Sarnia and Midwestern Ontario.
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McDougall Street Corridor Walking Tour officially launches - CTV News Windsor
A new walking tour aims to highlight the rich history of the McDougall Street Corridor. ... Toronto's High Park underwent a controlled fire.

Niagara Wine Trail hosts 'Vino at the Casino' event April 15
Niagara Wine Trail hosts 'Vino at the Casino' event April 15 ... Long Cliff Vineyard & Winery (Sanborn), Mayer's Lake Ontario Winery (Hilton), ...
Ontario government makes 61 changes to Peterborough's new Official Plan - The Record
It only says modifications are “related to growth management, housing supply, cultural heritage resources, land use compatibility and the ...
DuChene to lead Hike for Hospice | Brantford Expositor
Volunteers will be at Woodman Park Community Centre to provide bike security while cyclists take part in the festivities, she added. The event will ...
Lakehead Region Conservation Authority Issues Water Safety Statement for Spring Melt
THUNDER BAY - NEWS - The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority has released a Water Safety Statement for the Lakehead Region, which includes the ...

Five things to do for Earth Day across North Durham
3) Ontario Trails will hold a 'Earth Day Trail Clean-Up Day' on April 22 in Uxbridge. The effort will focus on the Uxbridge Countryside Preserve ...

Outdoor skate trail proposed for LaSalle waterfront - CTV News Windsor
Skating along an outdoor trail on LaSalle's waterfront could be a ... Ontario man sues estate of former Winnipeg hockey coach accused of sexual ...

Stay away from all waterways during snowmelt - Sault Ste. Marie News -
Conservation Authority says levels and flows across the watershed will rise due to snowmelt and surface runoff.
Green Is the New Black: The Dark Side of Ontario Development - TFIGlobal
The truth of the matter is that the government of Ontario has been using the Greenbelt as a tool to facilitate development and line the pockets of ...
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ontario Trails - More to Learn About on Ontario Trails

Ontario Hiking and Walking Trail Locations
Leisurely Sunset Walk on the Toronto Islands - Canada Outdoor ...Leisurely walk on the Islands tomorrow. It looks like the weather will be nice, and my cold is nearly finished, so let's walk in the park. We will meet at the ferry ...
September is a busy month, and about 30 new news items for Active Transportation have been posted on the Active Transportation-Canada Website recently. Among the items included in these new articles:
A complete list of all articles posted since the Websites creation may be found in the "Blog Archive" box, located on the right margin of the Website. There are now almost 1,600 items posted on Active Transportation - Canada, with links available to dozens of studies and hundreds of news items from communities across Canada and around the world.
Active Transportation Canada URL: A "Search" function is available on the site. You will find this at the bottom of the page.

Residents Asked For Input On Bike Sharing System
Logo: City of Kingston, Ontario, Canada City logo for print display ... "Cycling is an efficient, active and environmentally-friendly way to get around Kingston.

Bruce Trail hikers cheered on by 300 students
Hamilton Spectator
and then each hiker helped pass out Eco School certificates to students representing each school. Every one of the city's 57 Catholic schools has earned that qualification, making its board the second in Ontario to have all of its schools so designated.
See all stories on this topic »
Sarabeau riders collect Trillium ribbons
The Morrisburg Leader
... of her six riders who represented her stable at the Ontario Trillium Championship at the CaledonEquestrian Park at Palgrave, Ontario, September 5-9.

Check out all our regional listings


Ontario Trails Mobile App


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     View it Here



Trail Education
Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. This week we have added another date for Volunteer Management with Diana Smyth and adjusted out two courses from this current week.

In addition, we have added the new Trail Design Course detailed below. We have also taken calls from some folks wishing to take the Trails Marketing Course in Kingston October 18, 2012. Those seats were block purchased by RTO 9, what we could do is work with you to get another RTO 1-or 4- or 7? to purchase a block of seats so that folks can attend in those areas. Sorry for any confusion this may cause. Thank you.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ontario Trails - Cool Off in the Shade

Kingston By Bike 

For quite a few years I have conducted information-filled bicycle tours, taking visitors from all over the world cycling around Kingston during our tourist season. It is a real pleasure to be able to ride around the city on a beautiful summer day, explaining at intervals why Kingston is such a special place, one so full of history and beauty. 

My Downtown bike tour of Kingston starts at City Hall and over the course of a roughly 3 hour tour you will see many things of natural and cultural interest, including the Royal Military College and Queen’s campuses, parks and the lakeshore trail, harbours and prisons, British Empire landmarks, and historic buildings including Bellevue house. No one has ever had a problem with the 14-kilometre distance, as the route is pretty flat and the pace is leisurely, and I can promise you an enjoyable and memorable experience. The cost for this tour is $30 Canadian per person for groups of 2-3 people, $25 Canadian per person for groups of 4-8 people. 
youtube video:

Two New Peace Garden Trails Open in Southwestern Ontario

More information
These two gardens are the 10th and 11th Peace Gardens of the 23 Peace Gardens that are being dedicated in 2012. The Binational Alliance is the project lead for this initiative, with key partners Landscape Ontario and Arts Network for Children and Youth involved in the development of the many components involved in the project, and core funding support for the initiative through the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

“This project is meant to be a lasting legacy to the 200 years of peace between Canada and the United States. It was started as an 1812 Bicentennial project. 

When we began in 2008, we had no idea how quickly it would be embraced by so many communities across the Southern Great Lakes and beyond the Northern Border. We are extremely appreciative of every one of our Peace Garden partners, and to the Ontario Trillium Foundation, whose funding support was critical to bringing this concept to fruition” advises Arlene White, Executive Director of the Binational Alliance, and Project Lead for this initiative. “We expect more than 60 bicentennial themed gardens will be launched by 2014, and will continue to work with binational communities to create new peace gardens with a variety of binational peace themes beyond 2015.”

Lebanon Mountain Trail Friendship Trail Opening

September 22, 2012 from 10:00 AM until 02:00 PM  Bayview Extension, SydenhamOn September 22nd the Sydenham Club will open the Lebanon Mountain Trail Friendship Trail. This Trail will be on the Bayview Extension. Please join us for the first hike of this Friendship Trail, the opening ceremony will be at 10am, meet at the parking lot, Map 30 km-54.9, 27th Edition. Two hikes will be offered, one will be 7km, and the other will be 13.5km.

The Lebanon Mountain Trail (LMT) is the first long-distance hiking trail in Lebanon. It extends from Al- Qbaiyat in the north of Lebanon to Marjaayoun in the south, meandering through or near 75 towns and villages, perched 600-2,000 meters above sea level.  With a total length 440-km (275 miles), the LMT showcases the natural beauty and cultural wealth of Lebanon's mountains.  It is dotted by Roman ruins, temples, mosques, churches and rock-cut monasteries dating back over a thousand years and it offers 3 protected areas, 2 biosphere reserves, 1 World Heritage Site and many Important Bird AreasThe trail is also an economic lifeline as it supports a network of tourism providers and activities in remote mountain areas. 

Every year, more than 50,000 visitors walk on the LMT including Lebanese and foreign hikers.  Established in October 2007, the mandate of the LMT Association is to protect and promote the LMT for future generations.  For more information go to  Full Report


    • Local Trail News 
    • Trail Education Program
    • Trail Heros
    • Trailhead Ontario
    • Activity and User Updates


Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line 


Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice

Info about the Rouge National Park. 

Parks Canada are looking for public input on the creation of the new Rouge Park: 

Parks Canada has an online survey: 

Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park! - September 15, 2012 | Ontario ...
Hello! I hope you are enjoying the summer in spite of the extreme heat. We are in the process of planning another Tour de Greenbelt in Rouge Park and would ...

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