Showing posts with label Vancouver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vancouver. Show all posts

Friday, November 28, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Ontario paddler going cross country

Learn more about Ontario's water trails


Seven months with a canoe and a dog. That’s how an adventurer from northwestern Ontario has spent a large chunk of 2014. Mike Ranta, a 43-year-old man from the small town of Atikokan, Ontario – the “Canoeing Capital of Canada” – has just completed the adventure of a lifetime by paddling solo across North America accompanied only by his dog, Spitzii. (Spitzii is a Finnish spitz breed of dog, hence the name)
Mike and Spitzii left Vancouver, British Columbia on April 1 and arrived in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia on October 31 after travelling over 7000 km. Their route took them up the Fraser river, across the continental divide, through the Canadian prairies on the north Saskatchewan river, across Lake Manitoba and the upper Great Lakes, down the Ottawa river and the lower St. Lawrence and along the eastern coast of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Most nights they slept in a tent, sometimes at public marinas, often out in the remote wilderness and occasionally on the property of generous people they met along the way who offered them a secluded place to spend the night – and a meal. Courtesy of Mikes GPS tracking locator, his actual route can be viewed here.
PastedGraphic-2The Guinness World Records organization is expected to certify this trip as the longest solo canoe paddle ever undertaken. And it marks the first time a solo paddler has ever crossed Canada from coast to coast by canoe in one canoeing season.
So why would someone do something like this?
Mike has undertaken this trip in order to raise funds for a youth centre in his home town through a non-profit organization entitled Atikokan Youth Initiatives. And he has been spreading the word along the way about the importance of getting young people interested in exercise and outdoor adventure and showing respect for nature.
Equally importantly, crossing Canada by some means not involving an internal combustion engine (bicycle, horse, walking, wheel chair, canoe) has become somewhat of a right of passage in this country for a certain segment of the population. As someone who bicycled across Canada many years, ago I can definitely relate to that urge to prove yourself and see the country the way few others do.
I was fortunate enough to meet up with Mike on two occasions. With his large sombrero-style hat, colourful rain gear, large rubber boots, long hair and beard and booming voice, he certainly comes across as a larger-than-life individual. But he also impresses with his deep knowledge of the early history of Canada and its cultural traditions in each region he travelled on this trip. And, not surprisingly, his love for the countrys natural scenery comes through loud and clear.
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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ontario Trails News - what would work in Vancouver would work here, linked with and between trails

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Do we ungap Ontario's urban maps?

If you've ever tried to cycle from Vancouver to Steveston, or from New Westminster to the Tswawwassen ferry, you've probably found that some of the bike routes to get there are not so safe, or straightforward.
Bike advocates at HUB Cycling are trying to address those gaps, with a campaign called #ungapthemap.
HUB, formerly the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition is a charitable organization promoting bike education and safety.
The pink lines in the HUB cycling map shows the gaps in the bike network throughout the Lower Mainland. Grey lines are existing cycling routes currently connecting communities. (HUB cycling)
​ With Bike to Work Week on and the municipal election coming up, cycling advocates are trying to get these issues into the spotlight. 
Colin Stein rides across the Canada Line bridge from Vancouver to Richmond regularly. He's a member of HUB Cycling, and he says stretches of the route are unsafe, if you don't know where to go.
Jeff Leigh volunteers with HUB Cycling and he's worked with the city to assess the rideability of many of the bike routes. He uses Kent Avenue about twice a week, to get to Richmond, New Westminster and across town to UBC. 

Roads need more than patchwork solutions

Most of the route south from downtown along Ontario Street is very well laid out, with clearly-marked signs and near Langara College at 49 Avenue, there's a separated bike lane with a concrete barrier.
But once you head further south before Marine Drive, the signs thin out and one arrow points to the Canada Line, while the other arrow points to Kent Avenue at the bottom of Ontario. 
If cyclists choose the second option, they will have no choice but to take Kent Avenue to the Canada Line bridge that goes across the Fraser River to Richmond. Kent runs east to west but requires cyclists to ride on a narrow road with trucks and industrial traffic. 
That's where #ungapthemap comes in. The campaign by HUB calls on municipalities to make better connections for continuous, safer routes. 
"Ungap the Map is actually really about calling attention to the issues connecting from one path or one street to another within a municipality," says Stein. "Those types of gaps are spot issues that need to be fixed, whether it's about separated lanes or paths.
"But when you get between municipalities, you have the need to connect communities through such things as bridges and tunnels and all sorts of things that need to be worked out at a regional level. We're trying to basically point out what the top priorities should be." 

Strategic routes are key to more cyclists

Routes like Kent are "strategic" because people need to connect to the airport and to the ferries, but when bike routes such as Angus or Ontario Streets reach Kent, they simply end with no clear signs to direct cyclists, says Jeff Leigh. 
Stein says, "It's really dicey to actually move forward west because you're competing with garbage and recycling disposal trucks. Our challenge is to coordinate within municipalities and between municipalities, to work with TransLink. We're starting to do that with the "Ungap the Map" campaign." 
Leigh says there have been a lot of improvements to the bike route network, but many of them are in places where heavy cycling traffic already exists. Better and safer connections, says Leigh, will attract riders who are less confident, even if they aren't being heavily used now. 
Still, there's a steady stream of cyclists going by while Stein and Leigh are stopped at Kent and Ontario. 
At Cambie Street and Kent Avenue, there is a new protected bike lane that comes under the Canada Line and leads to the bridge.
"It's a fantastic bridge," says Leigh. 
He says it's important to talk to municipal politicians to ensure that cyclists can take advantage, and that could mean clearer signs or more protected lanes.
"Similar challenges exist on the Richmond side," says Leigh.
With files from CBC's On the Coast
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Manitoulin, Ontario Trails Map and more!

Safer options attract more female cyclists
24 Hours Vancouver
After cycling through Vancouver's streets for more than 20 years, Richard Campbell says it's hard not to notice the shifting demographics among riders as bike lanes continue to sprout up across the city. “On Ontario (Street), for a few minutes ...
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Pave the way for cycling tourism, Manitoulin group says
A Manitoulin Island cycling group is hoping a new plan will help link cyclists in northern Ontario to the rest of the province. First started in December of last year, the Georgian Bay Cycling Route would travel through the heart of Manitoulin Island...

Ontario Trails Map | The Wilds of Ontario
Looking to get out for some hiking in Ontario. Check out this handy little interactive map showing trail locations near you!


New Heritage Minute spotlights First Nations warriors
The Historica-Dominion Institute launched its new Heritage Minute, ... on Oct. 13, 1812, was the most important battle in the opening months of the War of ...


This World Environment Week, Ontario Failed
Huffington Post Canada
The changes also dramatically reduce government oversight of activities affecting Ontario'slakes, rivers, forests and wildlife.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Activity, Trails Tourism, New trails and more!

More bike lanes outside GTA
Toronto Star
There are more bike lanes in the GTA than in all of Ontario. You would think that once you get outside of the GTA it would be paradise for cyclists, but not so. About 10 years ago I was living about two miles outside of Fenelon Falls and would enjoy ...
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This summer's best DIY fun
NOW Magazine
You're on your bike between May and October, so learn to navigate properly at Cycle Toronto's free Street Smarts workshops ( to June 15 at various locations. Once you've mastered the roads, fine-tune your vessel. Bike Pirates (bikepirates ...
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Geocaching boom fuels new field of tourism for savvy promoters
Toronto Star
Some tourism groups have watched the geocaching trend blossom over the past ... that area,” says John Robb, president of the Ontario Geocaching Association. 

Designing cities for better health: If you build it, they will walk
Globe and Mail
Many Canadian cities have also officially adopted the new urban planning thinking, especially Toronto, where the public health department released a report in 2011 on how communities shape the health of residents, and Vancouver, which is also a strong ...
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These downtown signs are made for walking
St. Catharines Standard
OK, I recognize the dangers of speaking about downtown Toronto and downtown St. Catharines in the same breath. Not exactly comparing apples to apples. More like watermelons to plums. But there's a principle here that applies to both. Walking is a good ...
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Ontario conservation group fears endangered species taking back seat to ...
Toronto Star
Wildlands League, a leading Ontario conservation agency, resigned from the Endangered Species Act Panel earlier this week and wrote to Premier Kathleen Wynne outlining its concerns. “If the regulations your government is about to enact go forward as ...
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Ottawa to celebrate 'Horse Day' on June 1
The day will begin with a horse-drawn wagon ride taking guests from the parking ... Search and Rescue team – Ontario's first mounted search and rescue unit.

Butter Tart Trail advocates seek 'cease and desist order' for trademark ...
Wellington Advertiser
“We feel that's an infringement of our Butter Tart Trail,” Marshall said. The township has Toronto-based Dimock Stratton, a law firm specializing in trademark cases, handling the issue. Despite the two different names, Marshall feels “it is the same ...

PELHAM: Town earns coveted 'Bike Friendly' designation
Bullet News Niagara
Pelham resident and working group member David Hunt was also honoured during the 2013 Ontario Bike Summit by the Share the Road Cycling Coalition for his advocacy, leadership and dedication to “Building Bicycle Friendly Communities” in Ontario.
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New Rules for Species at Risk Protection

May 31, 2013

Ontario Moves Forward with Protection for 65 More Endangered Species

Ontario is simplifying rules for landowners, municipalities and businesses under its Endangered Species Act (ESA), while maintaining its place as a North American leader in species protection. On July 1, Ontario is streamlining its approach to species at risk protection by implementing standardized rules and an online registry for certain low-risk activities.
The changes include:
  • Making it easier for volunteers and researchers to undertake projects that protect endangered species
  • Simplifying requirements for municipalities to carry out activities that protect human health and safety, such as road repairs
  • A time-limited transition provision that will allow projects currently in development to continue while mitigating adverse effects on endangered species
  • Harmonizing requirements under the Endangered Species Act and Crown Forest Sustainability Act to preserve protection while avoiding overlap
The existing approval process remains for all other activities. The Province will continue to ensure compliance through education and outreach, as well as monitoring, auditing and enforcement.
Protecting Ontario's biodiversity is part of the Ontario government's plan to ensure a healthy environment for future generations.


  • On July 1, 65 more species will benefit from habitat protection. Ontario protects about 150 threatened and endangered species, including polar bear, chimney swift, butternut and wolverine.
  • For July 1, a new species at risk website will be launched to provide easy-to-access information to help users comply with the Endangered Species Act.
  • An example of low-risk activities includes a landowner who wants to cut down an endangered butternut tree. The landowner will be able to register and plant additional butternut elsewhere, which is faster and simpler than going through an application process.
  • Since 2007, Ontario's Species at Risk Stewardship Fund has supported more than 600 protection and recovery projects and restored more than 24,000 hectares of habitat.
  • Ontario helps protect the province's biodiversity, including fragile ecosystems and species at risk, by supporting the Invasive Species Centre, the only one of its kind in Canada.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ontairo Trails - Leanr Trail Skills on-line through Algonquin College and Ontario Trails!

It's out there, take the Ontario Trails/Algonquin College On-Line Learning Course! Sign Up today. Starts February 1, 2013


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Cycling in the city: Toronto employers peddle incentives to bike to work
Toronto Star
It's a new policy that came out of a conversation between Edmonton-based founder Al Povoledo and principal consultant James Schwartz, who regularly rides his bike to visit clients in Toronto. Povoledo says the policy underscores the company's social ...
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Toronto is the Second Most Walkable City in Canada, Says Walk Score
Toronto's second-place standing among Canadian cities (we scored 71, seven points behind Vancouver's chart-topping 78 and one notch ahead of Montreal's 70), is the result of several factors. Walk Score looks at local amenities like grocery stores ...
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ontario Trails - Hiking, Biking, Taylor Creek Trail, and 2599 more Ontario Trails

Taylor Creek Trail

Active Transportation symposium Oct. 30
Mitchell Advocate
Learn from experts from across Ontario about: designing healthy communities; innovative active transportation systems; policy development and community ...

Vancouver's separated bike lanes should cut cycling injuries (Blogs) (blog)
Compared to major routes like Broadway in Vancouver and Dundas Street in Toronto, with no bike lanes and with parked cars presenting dangers from opening doors, infrastructure such as residential bike lanes and bike lanes on busy streets without parked ...
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Bicycle helmet study has some shortcomings
Nanaimo Daily News
They have however led to reduced cycling, which undermines an observable "safety in numbers" benefit. That is the core of the argument opposing helmet legislation. An additional shortcoming in the Ontario study is that it is a case-control analysis.

The Second Round of the Aviva Community Fund...
Mike Ormsby12:43pm Oct 22
The Second Round of the Aviva Community Fund has begun as of 12 NOON Monday Oct. 22nd. Please vote for this Aviva Community Fund idea, Miigwech for your support….
Anishinaabe Babamadizwin: A Journey By Canoe @ Aviva Community Fund

The Ojibway or Anishinaabe people were canoe people. Taking a canoe trip certainly gets one back to ...
Studies prove helmets save lives
Brandon Sun
Dr. Lynne Warda, medical director of injury prevention under the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, said Ontario is a bigger province with a large enough database to do a proper scientific review of cyclists' deaths, something Manitoba doesn't have ...
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ATV Smart
ATV driver killed in crash near Highway 7
Ontario Provincial Police said the man was driving his ATV on Hastings Heritage Trail at about 3 pm Saturday when he drove over a pile of gravel and lost ...

Toronto Zombie Walk 2012 | NOW Magazine
Toronto Zombie Walk 2012. Check out all the gory goodness in our photo gallery of T.O.'s creepiest annual tradition. By Nic Pouliot. Tweet · submit to reddit ...


Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
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Friday, October 19, 2012

Ontario Trails - 2600 of the world's best outdoor destinations and experiences on Ontario Trails!

Ontario Cycling Trailheads
Bicycle infrastructure can reduce risk of cycling injuries by half
Medical Xpress
The study, published today in the American Journal of Public Health, analyzed the cause of 690 cycling injuries in Vancouver and Toronto from 2008 to 2009 and various route types and infrastructure. The greatest risk to cyclists occurs when they share ...
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Helmets prevent fatal head injuries in cyclists
The study, which analyzed 129 accidental bicycle-related deaths in Ontario between 2006 and 2010, found cyclists who didn't wear a helmet were three times more likely to die from brain trauma than those who wore protective head gear while riding.
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Northwestern Ontario Regional Trails
Where to Hike in Northwestern Ontario |
Since I adopted my Thunder Bay lifestyle change – I've been hiking a lot. With Scotia in tow, we spend every 2-3 days hiking along Lake Superior, at a.

Take a walk on the Riverside - Toronto article - News - MSN CA
The Riverside District Business Improvement Area (BIA) is inviting east end residents to take a walk around the community Saturday, Oct. 20. This year.

Trails of 1812
Western New York Heritage Commemorates the War of 1812
Buffalo Rising
Just over two hundred years ago, the War of 1812 was well underway, and the Battle of Queenston Heights raged atop the Niagara Escarpment. By the time the battle ended, the American army was forced to retreat, and the British claimed another in a ...

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New 'Heritage Minute' highlights former slave who fought in War of 1812
Globe and Mail
Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore is shining the spotlight on a lesser-known story about the War of 1812: a former U.S. slave who petitioned the British to let him join the fight against U.S. invaders. The new “Heritage Minute” short, produced for ...
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Ontario Hiking Trails
ONTARIO HIKING WEEK: Frequently Asked Questions - Hike Ontario
Ontario Hiking Week is a Hike Ontario initiative to encourage Ontarians to get out ... This year, Ontario Hiking Week is being held from October 1 to October 7.

Chair Fundraising Committee (Hike Ontario)
(Hike Ontario). [ Suggest an Update | Print Version (New ...

Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783
Weekly Newsletter Here!



Norfolk Conservation Area - Ontario Conservation Areas
Enjoy scenic views of Lake Erie atop the bluffs at Norfolk Conservation Area.This park is situated on 46 acres along the Lake Erie shoreline with beach access ...

Art is alive on AY Jackson trail
Montreal Gazette
I visited a few sites along the AY Jackson Trail in Ontario. What's that? ... Name a fall outdoor activity and you'll find a great place to do it.

Snowshoe boots? - Ontario OUT OF DOORS Community
I've just been wearing my hunting boots when i'm out on the shoes, as my fxr snwomobile boots are way to big for the bindings, and frankly way to heavy.

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