Showing posts with label Annual General Meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annual General Meeting. Show all posts

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ontario Trails News - Trailwise

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of September 4, 2014
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• Community Trail News  • Trail Events
• Member Links • User News • Surveys and Feedback

Ontario Trails Council AGM

Hamilton is host to the OTC 2014 OTC AGM. We wish to thank McMaster University for acting as host.

Trails Education News
We have completed the complete program curriculum for the Algonquin College supported Ontario Trails Council Trail Skills and Education Program.

Over the summer we have added the three final modules: These three modules have been added to the already comprehensive program of Trail PlanningTrail Stewardship, and Trail Management.

NEXT COURSE - Sept. 2014
Oct. 2014

Be sure to sign up for one of these stimulating and challenging courses. Whether a staff or a volunteer you'll be surprised at what you learn, and how your trail knowledge will be enhanced.
Projects Updates - National Trails Coalition (ON)

This program was announced at the end of June. In total the OTC had 93 enquiries for funding. Snowmobile had 89 projects come forward and ORV 19, for a total of 201 expressions of interest.

This led to 59 applications being received by non-motorized. 13 of these are mixed use, either non-motorized/snowmobile, snowmobile/ORV, non-motorized/ORV, or all 3.

The total value of work on these 59 projects (without single snowmobile, or single ORV) is over $21,000,000. The project costs alone are $17,600,000. The dollars raised by the communities applying is over $10,000,000 of this and the NTC contribution is of course maxed at $2.1 million.

The Ontario Review Committee has met on one occasion to reconcile receipt and acknowledgements. We are working towards September approvals and communications.

The NTC also hired a National Program Facilitator - his name is Roger Pelletier. He can be reached by email at:

In the same time frame as we are working on all this we got an acknowledgement that the Ontario Government is not going to support the OTC. 
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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ontario Trails News - 1,000's of trails, news and events from all over Ontario Trails

Support for council's bike lanes standChatham Daily News
As Councilor Gilbert correctly pointed out, bike lanes just merge with regular traffic at major intersections. According to the Ontario Medical Association, 2/3 of all ...
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Sea to Sea Cycling Tour makes stop in CornwallSeaway News
CORNWALL, Ontario - The back lawn at NAV CENTRE has been turned into an impromptu campsite for 135 cyclists who are biking from coast to coast to end ...
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OPA Annual General Members Meeting Notices
Call for Board of Director wannabe's - Due to some changes that will be taking place with Board members moving to new positions within our Board we are looking for some new blood to join our awesomely wonderful and fun group. We are looking for two new members to add as Directors to our Board. If you have a passion for parks, and a sense of humour, or if you know someone who fits these qualifications and you would like to nominate them for a position as a Director on our Board, please email me at If you would like further information on the requirements of a Director please email me and I will give you the skinny on what would be required of this type of superhero.

Proposed revision to Bylaws - At present our Bylaws require us to hold an Annual General Meeting AND an Annual General Members Meeting each year. Our Board will be putting forward a motion at our Annual General Members Meeting to change this item in our Bylaws so that we will be required to hold just one meeting per year - an Annual General Meeting.


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Monday, May 20, 2013

Ontario Trail News - MNR Bear Advisory, Saugeen Rail Trail Petition, East Side Canal Trail Peitition and more Ontario Trail News!

A bicyclist's guide to Toronto: Where to go and what to avoid
Globe and Mail
Make sure your bike itself is safe. Cycle Toronto uses the reminder ABC — standing for the correct amount of Air in the tires, properly functioning Brakes and a clean and lubricated chain. There is plenty of information available online, but get a ...
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OTC Member Saugeen 
Rail Trail requests OTC Member and public support for their trail petition. Please see

See petition at bottom of page.

Beware of bears: MNR
The Chronicle Journal
While enjoying the area's campsites, lakes, forests and hiking trails, ... The MNR and Ontario Parks can provide general information about recent campsite ...

Outdoor Visitor Maps IncreasingBayshore Broadcasting News Centre
A familiar concept is helping visitors to Ontario's West Coast find their ... Barill says there are both stand-alone outdoor displays, and indoor maps that ... 

First annual Clinton River Canoe Classic
Royal Oak Daily Tribune
“The expert classes will draw the best canoeists in Michigan and Ontario,” Witte said. “But the recreational kayak class is a great fun race.

MEC Bikefest Toronto
Seminars and clinics, bike demos and activities for kids will be staged throughout the event. MEC Bikefest is hosted by Mountain Equipment Co-op, ... 


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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ontario Trails - Canoe, Climb, Search and Explore Ontario Trails

ATV crash fatal for Leamington man
Leamington Post
A fatal ATV accident over the weekend has claimed the life of a Leamington man. The OntarioProvincial Police (OPP) is investigating a single vehicle ...

Musky in a kayak? Yep, it happened!
WFN: World Fishing Network (blog)
Here in Ontario, musky (muskellunge) are undoubtedly one of the largest fish you can pursue. They are often referred to as 'the fish of.
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    • Local Trail News 
    • Trail Education Program
    • Trail Heros
    • Trailhead Ontario
    • Activity and User Updates

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Trails Education Courses 2012

Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.
Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

Ontario Creates First Local Forest Management Corporation

June 26, 2012

Ontario has established the province's first Local Forest Management Corporation, the Nawiinginokiima Forest Management Corporation, to re-energize the forestry sector, create jobs and boost the economy.

This government agency will manage and oversee the sale of timber along the northeast shore of Lake Superior. The plan calls for the corporation to manage five existing forest management units — Nagagami Forest, White River Forest, Big Pic Forest, Black River Forest and the Pic River Ojibway Forest.

With this new model, local timber supply will be better aligned with market demand. It will also be easier for entrepreneurs, First Nations and local communities to participate in the forestry industry and will help the forestry sector grow and create jobs.

Modernizing the management of wood supply is part of the McGuinty government's Growth Plan for Northern Ontario. A strong northern economy protects the services that mean most to Ontario families — health care and education.

New from LIO
We’re continuing to build some exciting new tools to replace some of our older technologies. The new tools will make it easier for users to find, catalogue, order and use data. We expect a new metadata tool and data ordering tool to be ready this fall.
Screen shot of LIO Make a Map

We’re also redesigning our Warehouse database to simplify data class models and make data easier to understand and use. Some of the changes may require you to modify your existing programs or processes. If you have a database, app or process that relies on our database, you need to read this technical bulletin.

LIO Make a Map
LIO's popular but outdated Make a Map app will be retired later this year. The data and functions it offered will be provided by some new, modern map tools on the web sites of Ontario Government ministries.

We’ll let you know when and where these tools will be available.

CP24, Canada
An Ontario Provincial Police canine unit and emergency response team found Johnathan Kayle Donner as he wandered around in the woods in McCrae Lake Conservation Area, north of Port Severn near Georgian Bay, on Monday at about 4:35 p.m., police ...
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ontario Trails - Outdoors Weekend Fun!

Suburban youth walk and bike more than city peers - Toronto - CBC ...
Teens and tweens living in sprawling Canadian cities are more likely to bike, walk and rollerblade than their peers living in more compact downtown areas, ...

History in music
Windsor Star
Star readers have been sharing their favourite bicycle trails and routes with Ellen Van ... Peter Boyer makes history sing, literally, on his new CD1812.


    • Local Trail News 
    • Trail Education Program
    • Trail Heros
    • Trailhead Ontario
    • Activity and User Updates

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Trails Education Courses 2012
Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!
Course Descriptions 
Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

We appreciate the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation

DOWNSVIEW PARK: Reasons for optimism
You can walk among 60000 native trees and thousands of new perennials. Enjoy picnicking around nine acres of Toronto's newest lake. Walk, jog or cycle along ...
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Ontario Coroner: 100 Per Cent of Cycling Deaths Were Preventable
Torontoist is about Toronto and everything that happens in it.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Trailhead Ontario June 19 2012, Day 2

DAY 2 – Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Location: Elm Hurst Inn and Country Spa and Off-site
TimePlanned ProgramPlanned Program
9:00 – 10:30amSAY YES to Trails
This plenary session will provide examples from trail leaders who have achieved trail development in the face of competing challenges. Bring your local clerk and a counsellor! This session will teach them about the value of trails and why,  SAYING YES to TRAILS works for these communities and how they can say it more at home!
Opening Remarks - Warden Don McKay, Zorra-Tavistock
Invited Speakers:
Kathryn KielstraParks, Recreation and Cemeteries Chatham-Kent
Jay Cranstone, B.Sc., MLA,  O.A.L.A, C.S.L.A., Senior Landscape Architect, MMM Group
Richard Hui, Transportation and Community Planning, York Region
Moderator: Damian Bradley, Ontario Trails Council
the new Ontario Recreational Policy and it’s impact on Trails – The re-alignment of tourism destination marketing organizations and their implementation of a trail tourism economy inspired sessions on Trail Tourism – bring your Town Clerk and a Staff to our roundtable. A must session for elected officials and staff. Understand the importance of trails to your community.  They will learn about the economic, health, and social benefits of trails, how to create jobs, safer communities and have a healthier population when they SAY YES to TRAILS!
10:40-12:00amRouge Park – Canada’s First Urban Wilderness Park
Invited Speakers:
Diana Smyth, Trail Coordinator, Rouge Park
Mike Bender, Manager of Conservation Lands, Toronto Region Conservation Authority
Louis Lavoie, Manager, External Relations, Parks Canada
Bob Barnett, Executive Director, Escarpment Biosphere Reserve
Moderator: Cathy Bingham, Director, Carolinian Canada Coalition
We heard about the challenges and opportunities of creating an urban wilderness park.We heard from Diana about on the ground developments, from Mike about the policy implications of managing a wilderness park in an urban area, from Louis about support from the national level as we discussed the unique aspects of this wilderness in an urban setting. Bob assisted by providing a review   of this park development in a provincial context.
1:00 – 3:00pmTrails Tourism – A cohesive RTO approach
Invited Speakers:
Beth Potter, Executive Director, Tourism Industry Association of Ontario
Jeff Bangs, Trillium Trails and Ontario Tourism
Laura Peddie, Explorers Edge, RTO12 Trails Tourism Report
Dan Andrews, Our Favorite Place, RTO8 Trails Tourism
Napier Simpson, RTO 4
Moderator: Cathy Bingham, Oxford County Trails Council
Working with leading trails and tourism experts the panel explored the variation in trail tourism products across Ontario. We also introduced various trail products, assessments, valuations and development from the national support, provincial Ministry support and RTO resourcing levels. All 13 RTO’s are different. Not all regions provide similar products or services. We agreed to work with partners to develop a more cohesive response to trails tourism in Ontario!
6:00 – 9:00pmTrails Training and Skill Development
with Direct Bearing @ Carriage House
An excellent first evening, providing a legal and legislative overview to trails management in Ontario.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rappel, Stroll, Explore and View Ontario Trails!

Program Updates - Please register for the Trail Tour - Sunday at 3pm! E-mail Wayne
  • We understand the Assistant Deputy Minister for Ministry of Tourism Recreation and Sprot, Mr. Phil Malcolmson will be joining us for the full day June 19th. Welcome Mr. Malcolmson we look forward to working with you on the Ontario Trails Strategy
  • We welcome Mr. Louis Lavoie, from Parks Canada where his position is Manager, Vice President Office, External Relations and Visitor Experience. He will be joining us on June 18th.
  • We are pleased to announce that Mr. Bob Barnett of the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy will be providing his insights as part of the Rouge Valley Panel on the 19th.
  • OTC is pleased to acknowledge the participation of Mr. Jeff Bangs as part of the Trails Tourism Panel - Jeff brings years of networking and TTN Trail Business Plan expertise to the table.
  • Trailhead Ontario is grateful for the Participation of Explorer's Edge and RTO8 as additions to the Trails Tourism Panel. We look forward to the insights of both these areas as we work to craft a cohesive response to trails tourism in Ontario.
  • We are also pleased to welcome staff from the York Region Planing Department as they are talking about their new 100km road bike trail development.
Did you register for Trailhead Ontario yet? If not be sure to see all the great content through the following links
trailhead ontario Cathy Bingham and Wayne Daub, Oxford County Trails Committee - Your Trailhead Ontario 2012 Hosts -  invite you to view: Oxford County Trails

Oxford County on Facebook! Like us

Watch Trailhead Ontario for updates!

Gone fishing. | Ontario Fishing Kayaks
fishing kayaks in Ontario, Canada. Skip to content. Home · About · ← Your passport to fresh air, exercise and adventure. Do you like the Wavewalk? → ...

Any good bike trails in Ontario? - P-Car Power Forums
We're looking for some nice mountain bike trails in around Ontario. Nothing too advanced. I heard there's some nice ones in Gravenhurst? Something with a ...

Regent Park kids kick off bike month with new helmets
Pat Brown, a partner at McLeish Orlando and director of both the Ontario Safety League and CycleToronto, was on hand to help fit kids with their new helmets. "We unfortunately do see the consequences of accidents and injuries (from people not wearing ...
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Enjoy local food & wine tours by bike
The Wine Trail Rides were selected as the Best Culinary Tourism Experience in Ontario by theOntario Culinary Tourism Alliance in 2009. In 2010, more accolades…the Tourism Industry Association of Canada selected Adriano Ciotoli and Pina Ciotoli as ...
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Caesars Windsor Sponsors the Future Essex-Amherstburg Greenway Trail
In fact, 98% of respondents to the County Wide Active Transportation Study indicated they would use trails if they connected towns. “This project provides a ...

War of 1812 was more than a soldiers' story
Toronto Star
... secretary for Canadian Heritage and our Member of Parliament, has proposed a “Freedom of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville” event for June 16. We are told it is an opportunity “to commemorate our local history in relation to the War of 1812.
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