Showing posts with label Parks Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parks Canada. Show all posts

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Ontario Trails News - at Trailhead Toronto - wayfinding, classifications, TRCA developments, Toronto Parks and Forestry and more about Ontario's Trails!

Trailhead Toronto - Nov. 24th, Ontario Heritage Centre!

Trailhead Toronto underway. Thanks to Carolyn Woodland and Michael Bender from TRCA for starting us off!

Karen Sun Natural Environmental Planner with City of Toronto talking trail management in the City. Thanks Karen!

Alexandra Brodka speaking on behalf of Hamilton Burlington Trails Committee on the metrics of Hbtc trail use from 18000 uses equal # of dogs and children! what does that mean?

Wendy Strickland speaking on the Chorely Park trail issues and the issues with accessibility in ravines and neighbourhoods

Just want to thank Nekeisha Mohammed for joining us and speaking to the Conservation Ontario Healthy Hike Program! thank you!

Jason Diceman with Wendy Strickland talking about community consultations and AODA processes to make for full community participation thanks for participating!

Thanks to ADM Steve Harlow for supporting Trailhead Toronto by attending and speaking with us today about the trails strategy, trails legislation, the Ontario Trails Coordinating role and the value of the OTC relationship with government and the Ministries trail processes. Thanks!

Mark Schmidt from Parks Canada a world leading expert on frontier spaces and wilderness adventures via national parks trails, speaking at Trailhead Toronto. Thanks Mark!

Many thanks to all the presenters, including Joey Schwartz and Janette Harvey from Toronto Bicycling Network and the City of Toronto, Thanks to Terri LeRoux for attending and giving up her speaking spot in deference to time, as well as to Ontario Heritage Centre for a great venue and super staff service. 

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Trailwise, published each week, circulated to trails leaders all over Ontario

Trailwise July 28 2016

News Release

Ontario Launches Challenge to Spend More Time in Nature

Time Spent in Natural Settings Has Positive Impact on Mental and Physical Health

July 25, 2016 11:00 A.M.

The Ontario government and Ontario Parks are challenging people across the province to spend more time in nature and develop new healthy habits.
Inspired by the David Suzuki Foundation's 30x30 Challenge, the Ontario Parks 30x30 Nature Challenge encourages people to spend at least 30 minutes per day in nature for 30 days. This year's challenge begins in August. 
Spending time outside each day will help to form a beneficial new habit that supports a healthy lifestyle. Research shows that interacting with nature is good for both physical and mental health, from reducing stress and strengthening the immune system to reducing the risk of certain types of cancer and lowering blood pressure.
The 30x30 Nature Challenge doesn't have to take a lot of time and planning. Nature isn't that far away - there are provincial parks all across Ontario. But it's also right in your backyard. Green space can be as close as your neighbourhood park or garden. You can check out local trails and beaches, too - they may even lie along your daily route.
If you're looking for a change of scenery, the Ontario Parks locator tool makes it easy to find a provincial park nearby. Enjoy hiking, biking, paddling and lots of outdoor programmes.
Here are just some of the ways you can get outside for the 30x30 Challenge this August:
  • Bring your family to the Learn to Fish event at Balsam Lake.
  • Perfect your howl at Algonquin's wolf howls.
  • Take a guided ghost walk at Bronte Creek.
  • Learn some kayak basics at Frontenac.
  • Become a citizen scientist by participating in the Summer Loon Count at Killarney.
  • Go stargazing at Halfway Lake's Star Party, hosted by the Sudbury Astronomy Club.
Finding more time for nature is easy and it can really pay off when it comes to your health!

Quick Facts

  • There are more than 330 provincial parks in Ontario, perfect for fun and healthy activities.
  • Ontario Parks supports the link between a healthy environment and healthy society through Healthy Parks, Healthy People and the 30x30 Challenge.
  • The Healthy Parks Healthy People movement evolved from the international Health Parks, Healthy People Congress in 2010. Its goal is to maintain global momentum towards better understanding the links between nature and human health.
  • In 2015, Ontario’s provincial parks received more than 9.8 million visits from people around the world and brought in over $80 million in revenue, which supports jobs and businesses across the province.

Additional Resources


Kathryn McGarry

“Spending time in one of Ontario’s beautiful provincial parks is a wonderful way to connect with nature and stay healthy. But there are also many natural settings in your own neighbourhood. I encourage all Ontarians to get out to any natural setting and to take up the 30x30 Nature challenge.”

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Trail Consultations, Bruce Peninsula Park and more about Ontario Trails!

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of November 21, 2013
• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity

Bruce Peninsula Sets Record - Trails Of ValueTOBERMORY, ON, Nov. 19, 2013 /CNW/ - Bruce Peninsula National Park has broken another visitor record as it welcomed over 284,000 visitors to the park between May and October 2013. This represents a 13% increase in visitation from 2012, and continues an upward trend that began in 2007. Over the past 6 years, annual visitation to the park has increased by over 60%.
The Bruce Peninsula is an incredibly rich and spectacular place to discover and enjoy what being outdoors is all about. In fact, the richness of the region is so abundant that in addition to Bruce Peninsula National Park, Fathom Five National Marine Park is also situated at the northern tip of the peninsula. Together, the two parks conserve approximately 268 km2 of land and water. On behalf of Canadians, Parks Canada protects and operates these incredible parks - internationally renowned for their breathtaking natural features.

More Information Here - Photo Credit -

Ontario Trails Promotes Input - Please share!

The Ontario Trails Strategy was launched in 2005 as a framework to help guide public, not-for-profit and private sector involvement with trails.  The Ontario Trails Strategy establishes five strategic directions for planning, managing, promoting and using trails in Ontario and was developed in collaboration with other ministries and a wide range of stakeholders in the community.   
The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is reviewing the Ontario Trails Strategy and are interested in knowing the key contributions your
organization has made to support the implementation of the Strategy.  The information will be compiled in a summary report document that is intended to illustrate the progress and accomplishments that the province and its partners have made towards implementing the Ontario Trails Strategy since 2005.

The link below will bring you to a short survey for you to outline your organization’s key accomplishments under the five strategic directions. The following link brings you to the 2005 Ontario Trails Strategy for your reference.  The survey will close end of day on Friday November 29, 2013
A discussion paper for public comment is on the Environmental Registry  (Number: 011-9565). The public comment period closes on Wednesday, December 4, 2013.  Attached is a copy of the Discussion Paper.
As you are aware, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will be hosting regional consultation sessions, by invite only, on strengthening the Ontario Trails Strategy. Below are the two remaining dates of the consultation sessions:
November 27 – Thunder Bay
November 28 – North Bay
In addition, two provincial First Nation/Aboriginal organization engagement sessions as well as a meeting with the Métis Nation of Ontario will be scheduled. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Members - Add our logo - OFSC did!
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs has added our logo and link to it's home page. Last year nearly 1,000,000 unique visitors came to the OTC website to find your trail. Over 2,000,000 people visited our map site and various social media sites. By adding our logo and link to your page not only do you help connect people to our resources, but you help fund the OTC through advertising revenue received by web traffic. This has kept our annual dues at the cost of a tank of diesel for your truck 2x a year. Thanks for your consideration.


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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Lots of Ontario trail news, from trails all over Ontario!

Pin to win our summer photo contest!

Each week we're drawing for a
1 year family Discovery Pass to Parks Canada.

On August 30, we will draw for our grand prize:
a $500 gift certificate to Roots!

Here's how to enter our photo contest:
1. Pin your favourite summer photos and activities on our map. You have until 12am. ET on Friday each week to submit photos that will be considered for that week's reward.
2. Live Right Now panel will choose the most inspiring pinned photo.

3. On Friday afternoons through July and August, we'll announce the winner who will receive a 1 year Parks Canada Family Discovery Pass ($136.40 value).
4. Each photo pinned will count as an entry into a draw for our grand prize of a $500 Roots gift card.
5. A Live Right Now panel will choose the most inspiring photo each week and the grand prize winner will be announced August 30, 2013.

Pin where you Get Outside and Explore Canada
... and you could win!


Accident sparks call for changes to cycling laws, bylaws
Waterloo Record
That bill was introduced in the legislature, received second reading, but died when the last Ontario election was called. "We are hoping to bring that legislation back to legislature in the fall," McMahon said. An Ontario coroner's report on cycling ...
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Ontario Cyclists Announced For MTB-XC Nationals Project | Ontario ...
ONTARIO CYCLISTS ANNOUNCED FOR OCA MTB-XC NATIONALS PROJECT. Project will runJuly 16-21, 2013. (June 30, 2013) The Ontario Cycling ...


Go fishing without a licence
Welland Tribune
... and develop a teach children about the environment and conservation while having fun fishing. At all other times, residents between the ages of 18 and 64 must have a valid fishing licence to legally fish in Ontario. A 2013 conservation licence ..


South River canoe maker dips into training fund
Northern Ontario Business
The funding will allow the company to implement a new training program to allow steady year-round production and avoid seasonal layoffs. The money came through a new federal training program called Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence ...
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Hey look there's Paul's photo in the link!

Reopening the Gateway to James Bay
DIY canoe route forms a link across the Ontario wilds
By: Dave Shively / Posted on July 5, 2013

Laurent Robichaud lining the canoes down West Montreal River before portages were cleared in Sept., 2012. Photo Paul Bisson


Not so long ago, lakes and rivers were northern Ontario’s highways. This vast network of water trails was first created by native Canadians and later adopted by European explorers, fur traders, surveyors and, most recently, recreational canoe trippers. In the quintessential Canadian canoe country of Quetico, Algonquin and Temagami, many of the age-old portages circumventing whitewater rapids connecting lakes and crossing the divides between watersheds are still in use today, yet countless more have been lost to urban and industrial development.

Six Destinations You Must Visit This Summer
Huffington Post Canada
Subscribe. Summer is the perfect opportunity to take a day off and explore what Ontario, Canada has to offer. Whether you're into wine tours or canoe trips, here are some romantic getaways that are sure to bring you and your partner closer together ...
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Meet Toronto's five fittest city councillors
Toronto Star
This month marks the fourth consecutive year in which Wong-Tam will go on a six-day, 600-kmcycling expedition from Toronto to Montreal. She'll cycle 100 km per day and camp out each night. The trip is organized by the Toronto People with Aids ...
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Outlive yourself cross-country organ donation campaign rolls into Toronto
Toronto Star
To get the message across about the importance of organ and tissue donation, he's cycling across Canada and has teamed up with Ottawa double lung recipient Hélène Campbell, who joins him through video at stops and will cycle with him through Ottawa ...
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Event date: 
 9 July, 2013 - 17:00 - 20:00

Once again, our Street Smarts on-street outreach is focused on teaching people about basic bicycle maintenance!
Join us to get a free safety check or basic tune up, chat with our volunteers about cycling issues in the city, sign up as a member, or just enjoy the evening with us.  
On July 9th, Street Smarts runs from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the Art Gallery of Ontario, on the southeast corner of Beverley & Dundas (map).
Click here for more information about our Street Smarts program.
Get your trail counted today!

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ontario Trails - Toronto MTB Park Meeting, Fall Colours, Winter in Wawa and more about Ontario's Trails!

Vista from the Cup & Saucer Trail on Manitoulin Island. (Off of Hwy 540) I was almost standing at the highest point on the trail. What you see in the background is the north Channel.

Picture taken last Sunday (Thanks Giving) - from Amie L.

Local snowmobile trails see major upgrades
Barry's Bay This Week
This is the second year the club has had money to do major trail maintenance. Last year, the Snowbirds received around $65,000 through the same investment from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism administered by the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs.
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Red Pine Mountain Bike Trail in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ...
Red Pine is a singletrack mountain bike trail in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. View maps, videos, photos, and reviews of Red Pine bike trail in Sault Ste. Marie.

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Hi everyone,
Another very important meeting to highlight the need for mountain bikers to voice their wish for mountain biking (think Bike Park) to be included in the master plan.
Please spread the word!The City of Toronto is hosting a public meeting where you can learn more about the Beare Road Park Master Plan project, and provide your input on its new Master Plan.We invite you to join u  s at the first public meeting.
Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Blessed Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School, 40 Sewells Road, Toronto, ON M1B 3G5
RSVP is appreciated but not required. If you are able to attend please RSVP by email to
At the meeting on October 11, the Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation project team will give a presentation that includes background information about the site and the existing conditions. Parks Canada will also be at the meeting to provide an update on the neighbouring proposed Rouge National Urban Park and their consultation process.
The City of Toronto will specifically be seeking feedback regarding the vision that users and residents have for the park, guiding principles that should influence park design, and the consultation process. Other public meetings will follow as the plan progresses.
The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please request any additional accommodations necessary when you RSVP. We look forward to meeting with you


Trail Education
Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783

Ontario Trails Mobile App

    • Local Trail News 

    • Trail Education Program

    • Trail Heros

    • Trailhead Ontario

    • Activity and User Updates

     View it Here

OPA Conservation Fund - Canadian Business Grants for Innovation and ...
Business Insider
The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) provides consultation and funding for small business research and conservation projects that look to effectively reduce and manage demand for electricity. The OPA Funding Opportunities for Conservation are part of the ...
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This is what Wawa looks like this morning....time to check out some snowshoe trails soon!
Snow snow snow....... Planning a Florida & Cuba trip right now! lol!
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ontario Trails - Stay Dafe on Trails, in the Wilderness or at Home on Ontairo Trails

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Exercise boosts memory after stroke
Zee News
Toronto researchers found that the proportion of stroke patients with at least mild cognitive impairment dropped from 66 per cent to 37 per cent during a research study on the impact of exercise on the brain. "People who have cognitive deficits after ...
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Woman sexually assaulted at gun point near Don Mills and Finch
Global Toronto
TORONTO - Toronto police are looking for a suspect after a woman was sexually assaulted at gun point while walking her dog on Sunday evening. According to police a male approached the woman in a park in the Don Mills Road and Finch Avenue East ...
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Bike trails for Fall foliage near Toronto - Toronto Forum ...
On TripAdvisor's Toronto travel forum, travelers are asking questions and offering advice on topics like "Bike trails for Fall foliage near Toronto".

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Hi everyone,

Another very important meeting to highlight the need for mountain bikers to voice their wish for mountain biking (think Bike Park) to be included in the master plan.

Please spread the word!

The City of Toronto is hosting a public meeting where you can learn more about the Beare Road Park Master Plan project, and provide your input on its new Master Plan.

We invite you to join u
s at the first public meeting.

Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: Blessed Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School, 40 Sewells Road, Toronto, ON M1B 3G5

RSVP is appreciated but not required. If you are able to attend please RSVP by email to

At the meeting on October 11, the Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation project team will give a presentation that includes background information about the site and the existing conditions. Parks Canada will also be at the meeting to provide an update on the neighbouring proposed Rouge National Urban Park and their consultation process.

The City of Toronto will specifically be seeking feedback regarding the vision that users and residents have for the park, guiding principles that should influence park design, and the consultation process. Other public meetings will follow as the plan progresses.

The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please request any additional accommodations necessary when you RSVP. We look forward to meeting with you.


2012 Beaver Valley Bike Ride
Supporting the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics
WHEN: October 5th, 2012, Ride starts at 7:00am sharp (Rain or Shine)
WHERE: Dearcroft Montessori School, 1167 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville, ON L6J 1L3

The Beaver Valley 180 represents the true spirit of group rides!
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This ride traverses Southern Ontario departing from Oakville and arriving over 180 km later in Beaver Valley.

Riders in the "Beaver Valley 180" recognize their good fortunes and the importance of supporting others in their goals.  This ride began with 5 guys having fun and is now an event with over 70 elite riders supporting Special Olympics Ontario athletes in order that they may realize their dreams.
The BV180 continues to support The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics athletes in order that they may realize their dreams. The Law Enforcement Torch Run is  the most important fundraising entity for Special Olympics programs around the WORLD. In the four years has raised over $430,000. The goal for 2012 is $130,000.

 Kayak fishing ? - Ontario OUT OF DOORS Community
Just moved home from 6 years of living/working in Texas and kayak fishing is huge out there for both fresh and saltwater species. Moved into our new place in ...

OFAH and OCOA promote a safe and responsible hunting season For Ontario hunters, fall signals the beginning of big game hunting opportunities in the province. Together, the Ontario Conservation Officers Association (OCOA) and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) want to wish all Ontario hunters ...See all stories on this topic »



The Ontario Trails Council and the Ontario Trails Education Program, in conjunction withInternational Mountain Bicycling Association (ON) are pleased to announce the decison to offer the highly recognized and nationally respected IMBA Trailbuilding Program, as part of its Trail Education Course offerings in Ontario. We are currently working to hold our first course on October 3-4. Please save the date.

ontario trails edcuation courses

Daniel Scott from IMBA writes, "Students will come away with a firm understanding of the fundamentals of trail design for both hard surface and naturally surfaced trails of various user types. A working knowledge of the design process from the planning phase to ground proofing trail alignments will be both discussed and experienced with examples and a field exercise which will include using field measurement equipment and flagging a trail alignment for construction."

Program elements include:

IMBA will provide for a two day workshop educating on the following elements
• Sustainable Trail Design – Making sure it lasts using various techniques:
• 5 Elements of Sustainable Design - Micro trail design - the fundamentals for bench cut
• Bench cut Trail vs. Raised Tread Trail - when is each appropriate
• 13 Steps to Trail Planning - Macro trail design - how one trail fits within a larger system
• Art of Trail Design - User psychology and design theory in the natural landscape
• Trail Closure & Rehabilitation - Mitigating reroutes & closures through design & signage
• Advanced Design & Construction Techniques – Building in challenging locations:
• Wooden Structures - intro to various techniques and how to design for users types
• Rock Armouring - intro to various techniques and how to design for users types
• Technical Trail Features - Designing trail features specific to various user groups
• Turns - Climbing, In sloped & Switchback - which turns is appropriate for who & where?

Or contact: Graham Burke, Ontario Trails Council
Kent: Traffic blitzes needlessly punitiveToronto Sun
If the argument for fining drivers is the simple mantra that “it's the law” then why aren't people who cycle on Toronto sidewalks prosecuted with the same vigor. There is a Toronto bylaw prohibiting riding a bicycle with tire size over 61 centimetres ...
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From Alan Medcalf - Cruising through my email drop of cycling news hits from around the world, this one caught my eye.  It's an article from New Zealand highlighting work being done on one particular cycling trail to make a loop of it accessible to wheelchairs (albeit "off road" wheelchairs), in order to allow more people access to that particular trail's unique outdoor experience.

This is the type of example we could hold up to show trails stewards how they can expand their trails' experiences to those with accessibility challenges.

Ontario Trails Mobile App

    • Local Trail News 

    • Trail Education Program

    • Trail Heros

    • Trailhead Ontario

    • Activity and User Updates

     View it Here

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