Showing posts with label Arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arts. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Lots of Ontario trail news, from trails all over Ontario!

Pin to win our summer photo contest!

Each week we're drawing for a
1 year family Discovery Pass to Parks Canada.

On August 30, we will draw for our grand prize:
a $500 gift certificate to Roots!

Here's how to enter our photo contest:
1. Pin your favourite summer photos and activities on our map. You have until 12am. ET on Friday each week to submit photos that will be considered for that week's reward.
2. Live Right Now panel will choose the most inspiring pinned photo.

3. On Friday afternoons through July and August, we'll announce the winner who will receive a 1 year Parks Canada Family Discovery Pass ($136.40 value).
4. Each photo pinned will count as an entry into a draw for our grand prize of a $500 Roots gift card.
5. A Live Right Now panel will choose the most inspiring photo each week and the grand prize winner will be announced August 30, 2013.

Pin where you Get Outside and Explore Canada
... and you could win!


Accident sparks call for changes to cycling laws, bylaws
Waterloo Record
That bill was introduced in the legislature, received second reading, but died when the last Ontario election was called. "We are hoping to bring that legislation back to legislature in the fall," McMahon said. An Ontario coroner's report on cycling ...
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Ontario Cyclists Announced For MTB-XC Nationals Project | Ontario ...
ONTARIO CYCLISTS ANNOUNCED FOR OCA MTB-XC NATIONALS PROJECT. Project will runJuly 16-21, 2013. (June 30, 2013) The Ontario Cycling ...


Go fishing without a licence
Welland Tribune
... and develop a teach children about the environment and conservation while having fun fishing. At all other times, residents between the ages of 18 and 64 must have a valid fishing licence to legally fish in Ontario. A 2013 conservation licence ..


South River canoe maker dips into training fund
Northern Ontario Business
The funding will allow the company to implement a new training program to allow steady year-round production and avoid seasonal layoffs. The money came through a new federal training program called Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence ...
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Hey look there's Paul's photo in the link!

Reopening the Gateway to James Bay
DIY canoe route forms a link across the Ontario wilds
By: Dave Shively / Posted on July 5, 2013

Laurent Robichaud lining the canoes down West Montreal River before portages were cleared in Sept., 2012. Photo Paul Bisson


Not so long ago, lakes and rivers were northern Ontario’s highways. This vast network of water trails was first created by native Canadians and later adopted by European explorers, fur traders, surveyors and, most recently, recreational canoe trippers. In the quintessential Canadian canoe country of Quetico, Algonquin and Temagami, many of the age-old portages circumventing whitewater rapids connecting lakes and crossing the divides between watersheds are still in use today, yet countless more have been lost to urban and industrial development.

Six Destinations You Must Visit This Summer
Huffington Post Canada
Subscribe. Summer is the perfect opportunity to take a day off and explore what Ontario, Canada has to offer. Whether you're into wine tours or canoe trips, here are some romantic getaways that are sure to bring you and your partner closer together ...
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Meet Toronto's five fittest city councillors
Toronto Star
This month marks the fourth consecutive year in which Wong-Tam will go on a six-day, 600-kmcycling expedition from Toronto to Montreal. She'll cycle 100 km per day and camp out each night. The trip is organized by the Toronto People with Aids ...
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Outlive yourself cross-country organ donation campaign rolls into Toronto
Toronto Star
To get the message across about the importance of organ and tissue donation, he's cycling across Canada and has teamed up with Ottawa double lung recipient Hélène Campbell, who joins him through video at stops and will cycle with him through Ottawa ...
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Event date: 
 9 July, 2013 - 17:00 - 20:00

Once again, our Street Smarts on-street outreach is focused on teaching people about basic bicycle maintenance!
Join us to get a free safety check or basic tune up, chat with our volunteers about cycling issues in the city, sign up as a member, or just enjoy the evening with us.  
On July 9th, Street Smarts runs from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the Art Gallery of Ontario, on the southeast corner of Beverley & Dundas (map).
Click here for more information about our Street Smarts program.
Get your trail counted today!

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