Showing posts with label Bruce Peninsula National Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce Peninsula National Park. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Trail Consultations, Bruce Peninsula Park and more about Ontario Trails!

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of November 21, 2013
• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity

Bruce Peninsula Sets Record - Trails Of ValueTOBERMORY, ON, Nov. 19, 2013 /CNW/ - Bruce Peninsula National Park has broken another visitor record as it welcomed over 284,000 visitors to the park between May and October 2013. This represents a 13% increase in visitation from 2012, and continues an upward trend that began in 2007. Over the past 6 years, annual visitation to the park has increased by over 60%.
The Bruce Peninsula is an incredibly rich and spectacular place to discover and enjoy what being outdoors is all about. In fact, the richness of the region is so abundant that in addition to Bruce Peninsula National Park, Fathom Five National Marine Park is also situated at the northern tip of the peninsula. Together, the two parks conserve approximately 268 km2 of land and water. On behalf of Canadians, Parks Canada protects and operates these incredible parks - internationally renowned for their breathtaking natural features.

More Information Here - Photo Credit -

Ontario Trails Promotes Input - Please share!

The Ontario Trails Strategy was launched in 2005 as a framework to help guide public, not-for-profit and private sector involvement with trails.  The Ontario Trails Strategy establishes five strategic directions for planning, managing, promoting and using trails in Ontario and was developed in collaboration with other ministries and a wide range of stakeholders in the community.   
The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is reviewing the Ontario Trails Strategy and are interested in knowing the key contributions your
organization has made to support the implementation of the Strategy.  The information will be compiled in a summary report document that is intended to illustrate the progress and accomplishments that the province and its partners have made towards implementing the Ontario Trails Strategy since 2005.

The link below will bring you to a short survey for you to outline your organization’s key accomplishments under the five strategic directions. The following link brings you to the 2005 Ontario Trails Strategy for your reference.  The survey will close end of day on Friday November 29, 2013
A discussion paper for public comment is on the Environmental Registry  (Number: 011-9565). The public comment period closes on Wednesday, December 4, 2013.  Attached is a copy of the Discussion Paper.
As you are aware, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will be hosting regional consultation sessions, by invite only, on strengthening the Ontario Trails Strategy. Below are the two remaining dates of the consultation sessions:
November 27 – Thunder Bay
November 28 – North Bay
In addition, two provincial First Nation/Aboriginal organization engagement sessions as well as a meeting with the Métis Nation of Ontario will be scheduled. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Members - Add our logo - OFSC did!
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs has added our logo and link to it's home page. Last year nearly 1,000,000 unique visitors came to the OTC website to find your trail. Over 2,000,000 people visited our map site and various social media sites. By adding our logo and link to your page not only do you help connect people to our resources, but you help fund the OTC through advertising revenue received by web traffic. This has kept our annual dues at the cost of a tank of diesel for your truck 2x a year. Thanks for your consideration.


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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ontario Trails - Help needed on trails to clear debris - contact your local trail organization - Thanks Ontario Trails

Link to Video
A lot of you were just mesmerized by a photo we shared yesterday of the grotto in Bruce Peninsula National Park being pounded by incredible waves during Sandy's stay.

Well then you will LOVE the video!
Pull up a chair, grab a hot drink and ENJOY!

Thank you Ethan for sharing the magic with us.
Sandy leaves trail of destruction as Ontario braces for superstorm's worst
National Post
The impact of the weather system extended over a thousand kilometres away from the storm, according to the Canadian Hurricane Centre, with southern Ontario and Quebec experiencing high wind gusts and periods of heavy rain on Monday night. At least 16 ...
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The Watering Hole: Escape from the Gym- Step into Nature!
By Conservation Ontario
Jayme Crittenden is a a Communications Officer with Conservation Ontario. As part of her role she is lucky enough to learn about and promote 270 green gems (and health powerhouses)- Ontario's Conservation Areas. Posted by Conservation ...
The Watering Hole



by Mike
Aviva Community FundAnishinaabe Babamadizwin: A Journey By Canoe Only about 8 days left to vote in the 2nd round of Aviva Community Fund....currently sitting at 74 votes....if this idea gets at least 500 votes it will still be considered for the At-Risk Youth Grand even if doesn't win a place as a SEmi-Finalist in this round or the 3rd and final qualifying round....there is an opportunity to qualify for some please vote for Anishinaabe Babamadizwin: A Journey By Canoe,

Help!!! We have lost ground and need you to push us back into first place. Please share with your friends and help us regain our lead!

The Conservation Youth Corps (CVC's youth volunteer program) is in the running for a $100K grant throug...See More
Sign Up Today
Be sure to sign up for the weekly OTC Newsletter "Trailwise" you can sign up at the link through the picture to the right. Or if you prefer download a recent copy from the OTC Website - Here

Ontario Trails Mobile App

Trail Education

Our event calendar shows weekly adjustments to our course offerings. It also provides links to course information, in PDF flyer format, registration, and location of course through a google map or other means.

Be sure to use our array of press or other flyers to circulate to your local papers or possible attendees. All available for use - call - 877-668-7245 or 519-941-8911, or 1-866-560-7783



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Brighton resident takes fitness up a notch with Nordic pole walking
Northumberland News
Yarrien said Nordic pole walking was invented in Finland as a way for its cross-country ski team to train all year round. Since then, it has ... Some people she knows have even taken their pole walking skills to the Ontario Seniors Games, she said. For ...
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The Watering Hole: Escape from the Gym- Step into Nature!
By Conservation Ontario
Jayme Crittenden is a a Communications Officer with Conservation Ontario. As part of her role she is lucky enough to learn about and promote 270 green gems (and health powerhouses)- Ontario's Conservation Areas. Posted by Conservation ...
The Watering Hole

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Barrie club hosts Baseball Cyclocross
The Barrie Advance
Going on their 6th year on the Ontario Cyclocross circuit the Barrie Cycling club was awarded the distinction of the Provincial Championships. The event, known for its course, which snakes it way around baseball diamonds and soccer fields, promises to ...
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Informal Cycle Toronto study suggests Jarvis...
With the Jarvis Street bike lanes slated to be removed within days, Cycle Toronto has emerged with a new study indicating the lanes are catching on with cyclists. The group, formerly known as the Toronto Cyclists Union, positioned cameras overlooking ...
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Horse Riding in Ontario | Just Horsing Around On the farm
Posts about Horse Riding in Ontario written by Just another day on the farm.

Map Here
OFSC Seeks Safety Campaign Proposals
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is currently seeking proposals from qualified individuals or organizations to provide project planning, implementation, and administrative oversight for the development of a Responsible Rider Safety Campaign. A copy of the Request for Proposals document can be found here:

GTA Trail Map Here
Toronto's archived past goes mobile
The Eyeopener
Users can navigate through the app's 150 stories, organized by date, theme and neighbourhood, on an interactive map or by following themed trails. “It gives people a better sense of Toronto's heritage, what makes Toronto tick,” said Sandra Shaul ...
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