Showing posts with label Bruce Peninsula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce Peninsula. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Trail Consultations, Bruce Peninsula Park and more about Ontario Trails!

Weekly E-Bulletin of the Ontario Trails Council. The provincial trails association in Ontario. Week of November 21, 2013
• Education • News • Updates • Sharing
•  Requests • Meetings • Activity

Bruce Peninsula Sets Record - Trails Of ValueTOBERMORY, ON, Nov. 19, 2013 /CNW/ - Bruce Peninsula National Park has broken another visitor record as it welcomed over 284,000 visitors to the park between May and October 2013. This represents a 13% increase in visitation from 2012, and continues an upward trend that began in 2007. Over the past 6 years, annual visitation to the park has increased by over 60%.
The Bruce Peninsula is an incredibly rich and spectacular place to discover and enjoy what being outdoors is all about. In fact, the richness of the region is so abundant that in addition to Bruce Peninsula National Park, Fathom Five National Marine Park is also situated at the northern tip of the peninsula. Together, the two parks conserve approximately 268 km2 of land and water. On behalf of Canadians, Parks Canada protects and operates these incredible parks - internationally renowned for their breathtaking natural features.

More Information Here - Photo Credit -

Ontario Trails Promotes Input - Please share!

The Ontario Trails Strategy was launched in 2005 as a framework to help guide public, not-for-profit and private sector involvement with trails.  The Ontario Trails Strategy establishes five strategic directions for planning, managing, promoting and using trails in Ontario and was developed in collaboration with other ministries and a wide range of stakeholders in the community.   
The Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee is reviewing the Ontario Trails Strategy and are interested in knowing the key contributions your
organization has made to support the implementation of the Strategy.  The information will be compiled in a summary report document that is intended to illustrate the progress and accomplishments that the province and its partners have made towards implementing the Ontario Trails Strategy since 2005.

The link below will bring you to a short survey for you to outline your organization’s key accomplishments under the five strategic directions. The following link brings you to the 2005 Ontario Trails Strategy for your reference.  The survey will close end of day on Friday November 29, 2013
A discussion paper for public comment is on the Environmental Registry  (Number: 011-9565). The public comment period closes on Wednesday, December 4, 2013.  Attached is a copy of the Discussion Paper.
As you are aware, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will be hosting regional consultation sessions, by invite only, on strengthening the Ontario Trails Strategy. Below are the two remaining dates of the consultation sessions:
November 27 – Thunder Bay
November 28 – North Bay
In addition, two provincial First Nation/Aboriginal organization engagement sessions as well as a meeting with the Métis Nation of Ontario will be scheduled. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Members - Add our logo - OFSC did!
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs has added our logo and link to it's home page. Last year nearly 1,000,000 unique visitors came to the OTC website to find your trail. Over 2,000,000 people visited our map site and various social media sites. By adding our logo and link to your page not only do you help connect people to our resources, but you help fund the OTC through advertising revenue received by web traffic. This has kept our annual dues at the cost of a tank of diesel for your truck 2x a year. Thanks for your consideration.


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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Rock Climbing, Trail Locator, Trail Counts and more!

View rock climbing locations here!
Bruce Peninsula cliffs bring in daring tourists
Owen Sound Sun Times
County tourism officials will work with the Ontario Access Coalition, a volunteer group that promotes environmentally responsible rock climbing...


Winner announced in Toronto's Walks and Gardens ... - City of Toronto
The Walks and Gardens was created in 1818 to establish a 30-acre strip of land along Toronto's previous shoreline, now Front Street, from Berkley to Peter ...


More Ways to Access Ontario's Provincial Parks This Summer
Government of Ontario News
More Ontarians will be able to leave their cars at home this summer when visiting Ontario provincial parks. Helping families, tourists, outdoor enthusiasts ...

YES - Use our map app. -


News Release

More Ways to Access Ontario's Provincial Parks This Summer

Ontario Government Makes it Easier for Families to Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Ministry of Natural Resources
More Ontarians will be able to leave their cars at home this summer when visiting Ontario provincial parks.
Parkbus is a not-for-profit organization that offers bus service from Toronto to four provincial parks, including Algonquin, Grundy Lake, Killarney and French River. In addition, beginning this June, Parkbus will be launching a pilot service from Ottawa to Algonquin Park.
Helping families, tourists, outdoor enthusiasts and first-time campers access Ontario’s provincial parks is part of the Ontario government’s plan to offer a range of affordable outdoor activities for families and visitors that boosts local tourism and builds a stronger economy.

Quick Facts

  • In 2012, Ontario’s provincial parks received more than nine million visits and brought in $69 million in revenue, in turn supporting jobs and businesses across the province.
  • There are more than 330 provincial parks in Ontario and more than 100 feature visitor facilities.
  • Many Ontario provincial parks provide barrier-free facilities.
  • Parkbus also offers return trips from Toronto to Bruce Peninsula National Park and Tobermory, where visitors can connect with a ferry to Manitoulin Island.


David Orazietti
 This is an environmentally friendly, innovative and easy way for many families to access Ontario’s beautiful parks over the summer. I’m pleased that by providing support to this project, our government is giving local tourism a boost, creating jobs and supporting economic growth."
Minister of Natural Resources
Yasir Naqvi
 Parkbus is offering all Ontarians an opportunity to experience and discover the great outdoors. It’s a fantastic way to learn more about Ontario’s parks and appreciate all the natural beauty our province has to offer."
MPP, Ottawa Centre
 We hope that this year’s Algonquin pilot is the first step to establishing a regular service from Ottawa, making the great outdoors more accessible to the city’s residents and visitors through a sustainable public transportation option."
Boris Issaev
Project Co-Founder, Parkbus


Add your trail to the count TODAY!

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ontario Trails - Courses, Education, Hiking, Building

Help open Ontario's roads to side by sides and 2up atvs - Can-Am ..
basicly, here in ontario, single seat atvs are allowed on some roads if municipalitys allow them but side by sides and 2up (max chassis machines)

ATV Trouble for District 2 Club(s)? - Ontario ConditionsAnyone familiar w/ this place? Hi all, if anyone is getting itchy to ride, our area offers some good trails (part of the ofsc system), as well as

Ontario snowmobilers still on track for Newfoundland trip
Western Star
The beneficiary of their fundraising trips is the Landsdown Children's Centre in Brantford, Ontario. Last year they rode across the prairies took recent trips to Quebec. In the 12 years since they've been doing this event they have raised over $1 ...
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When the lady's slipper meets the hiking boot
Ottawa Citizen
He found the same pattern in Stony Swamp, the Marlborough Forest, Sandbanks Provincial Park, Ontario's Bruce Peninsula, and parks in Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Horse trails also help the tough little flowers to grow.
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SaturdayReads: Halifax greenbelt, new soccer centre solves stadium problems ...Open File (blog)
Ontario is beginning to figure that out the hard way. A similar idea Ontario imposed in 2005 is failing to stop urban sprawl, This Magazine reports: “[I]n 2005, the provincial government created the 1.8-million-acre greenbelt, which wraps itself around ...See all stories on this topic »

The Conservation Economy – On the Move in Northern Ontario Too ...Last week I had the good fortune to travel, together with three Ecotrust Canada colleagues, to participate in/co-facilitate a gathering of Chiefs, Mayors, elders, ...

The War of 1812: Our war
Hamilton Spectator
The first Brock monument was dynamited in 1840 by terrorists, according to a Niagara Parks heritage website. The second, built in 1852, stood even taller than the first. No, in 1812, Canada did not formally exist back then, that was still 55 years away ...See all stories on this topic »

Nature in region jumps to 8.5 per cent, reports Essex Region Conservation ...Amherstburg Echo
The Essex region has amongst the lowest natural areas coverage in Ontario, ERCA stated in a press release. In 2002, ERCA last calculated natural areas coverage across the Essex Region. Forest, marsh, prairie and wetland habitats were all included in ...See all stories on this topic »

Great People - Great Trails - June 17-20, 2012

Trails Tourism a Cohesive RTO Approach working with leading trails and tourism experts this panel explores the variation in trail tourism products across Ontario. It also introduces trail products, assessments, valuations and development from the national support, provincial Ministry support and RTO resourcing levels. All 13 RTO’s are different. Not all regions provide similar products or services.  Come bring your regional approach – this session provides a broad overview that will enable the encapsulation of an “Ontario Trails Tourism” picture.

Trails Training Day - Our 14-point program is moving along, and while we are still determining whether this is an on-the-ground trail building, or an in classroom educational session(s) one thing is for sure – staff who require practical hands on building or functional useable skill development they can use on your trails will want to attend. We’ll let you know as soon as the decision is made!

Ontario Trails Education Program - Book Now
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ontario Trails News - Develop, Manage, Use and Preserve Ontario's Trails

Talk the walk
The Escarpment at Bruce Peninsula National Par...Image via Wikipedia

Seaway News ... Jane Brownrigg, University of Ottawa Heart Institute; and Micheline Turnau, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Photo by Roxanne Delage Getting communities in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry to be more walking and cycling friendly was the focus ...
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Tim Hudak Will Make the Most of the North's Natural Advantage ...
Over two million people use Ontario trails each year, contributing over $2.5 ... Dalton McGuinty has made it harder and harder for people to enjoy Ontario's trails. ...’...

Exotic Ontario: National Parks Project
National Post (blog)
Hiking boots, swim suit and marshmellows. Prepare for a more traditional hiking and camping experience. How vital is it that we go, on a scale of 1 to 10? 9. Don't be lazy. The Bruce Peninsula is right in your backyard Southwestern Ontario! ...
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Hike Ontario Summit - Coureurs de Bois Voyageur Trail Outdoors ...
Arrangements for the Hike Ontario Summit MeetingSept 30-Oct 2, are progressing well and we anticipate a successful meeting will ensue.        
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