Showing posts with label Quetico Provincial Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quetico Provincial Park. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Explore Ontario trails on Ontario Parks Family Day!

Ontario Newsroom Ontario Newsroom

News Release
Ontario Celebrates Parks Day 2013

July 15, 2013

Ontario Government Encourages Families to Enjoy Great Outdoors

Ontario provincial parks are celebrating Canada's Parks Day on July 20 by offering a range of special events and activities.
This Saturday, take in one of the many Canada’s Parks Day events across Ontario. You can:

Learn how to snap that perfect picture from an award-winning wildlife photographer at Bon Echo Provincial Park
See what exciting creatures lurk in the marsh at Darlington Provincial Park
Learn to kayak and play camp games and baseball at Grundy Lake Provincial Park
Join in a trek along the historic French portage route in Quetico Provincial Park.
Campsites can be reserved online 24 hours a day or by calling the park reservation line at 1-888-ONT-PARK between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Rock Climbing, Trail Locator, Trail Counts and more!

View rock climbing locations here!
Bruce Peninsula cliffs bring in daring tourists
Owen Sound Sun Times
County tourism officials will work with the Ontario Access Coalition, a volunteer group that promotes environmentally responsible rock climbing...


Winner announced in Toronto's Walks and Gardens ... - City of Toronto
The Walks and Gardens was created in 1818 to establish a 30-acre strip of land along Toronto's previous shoreline, now Front Street, from Berkley to Peter ...


More Ways to Access Ontario's Provincial Parks This Summer
Government of Ontario News
More Ontarians will be able to leave their cars at home this summer when visiting Ontario provincial parks. Helping families, tourists, outdoor enthusiasts ...

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News Release

More Ways to Access Ontario's Provincial Parks This Summer

Ontario Government Makes it Easier for Families to Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Ministry of Natural Resources
More Ontarians will be able to leave their cars at home this summer when visiting Ontario provincial parks.
Parkbus is a not-for-profit organization that offers bus service from Toronto to four provincial parks, including Algonquin, Grundy Lake, Killarney and French River. In addition, beginning this June, Parkbus will be launching a pilot service from Ottawa to Algonquin Park.
Helping families, tourists, outdoor enthusiasts and first-time campers access Ontario’s provincial parks is part of the Ontario government’s plan to offer a range of affordable outdoor activities for families and visitors that boosts local tourism and builds a stronger economy.

Quick Facts

  • In 2012, Ontario’s provincial parks received more than nine million visits and brought in $69 million in revenue, in turn supporting jobs and businesses across the province.
  • There are more than 330 provincial parks in Ontario and more than 100 feature visitor facilities.
  • Many Ontario provincial parks provide barrier-free facilities.
  • Parkbus also offers return trips from Toronto to Bruce Peninsula National Park and Tobermory, where visitors can connect with a ferry to Manitoulin Island.


David Orazietti
 This is an environmentally friendly, innovative and easy way for many families to access Ontario’s beautiful parks over the summer. I’m pleased that by providing support to this project, our government is giving local tourism a boost, creating jobs and supporting economic growth."
Minister of Natural Resources
Yasir Naqvi
 Parkbus is offering all Ontarians an opportunity to experience and discover the great outdoors. It’s a fantastic way to learn more about Ontario’s parks and appreciate all the natural beauty our province has to offer."
MPP, Ottawa Centre
 We hope that this year’s Algonquin pilot is the first step to establishing a regular service from Ottawa, making the great outdoors more accessible to the city’s residents and visitors through a sustainable public transportation option."
Boris Issaev
Project Co-Founder, Parkbus


Add your trail to the count TODAY!

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Cycling and Canoeing and 4x4 - more to follow in Trailwise!

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Drivers asked to be cautious ahead of Sunday cycle race
Waterloo Record
The timed race is billed as the largest gran fondo — an Italian term for a short-to-long-distance, organized, mass-participation cycling event — race in Southwestern Ontario. There are three distances cyclists can choose from — the "Blackberry 130 ...
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Heritage Toronto Leads a Historical Bike Tour of the Huron-Wendat Trail
Riding a bicycle along the Finch Corridor path near Jane Street and Finch Avenue takes you past plenty of grassy fields and hydro towers. The serene surroundings make it hard to imagine that over 500 years ago the area already had its present-day ...
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Cycling advocacy: How a little self-evaluation can help our fight for safer roads
Many politicians fail to see the contradiction between promoting cycling and rejecting pleas to install simple safety measures like bike lanes or truck side guards, which might have saved the life of Toronto cycling mom Jenna Morrison. Many cyclists ...
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OPP investigating kayak thefts
Shoreline Beacon
The South Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are investigating the theft of two kayaks from a Paisley business. On June 15, at 3:38 pm, the OPP received ...

Wilderness canoeing in Ontario's Quetico Provincial Park | Outdoors ...
A party of canoeists makes its way through the narrows at the north end of Sarah Lake inOntario's Quetico Provincial Park, just north of the Boundary Waters ...


Cottage in the City Weekend presented by Ontario - Yours to Discover
This is an all ages event. Festivities begin at 4:30pm on Friday, June 21 st , outside gates 10/11 with Cottage Fan Friday, featuring a large sand pit and ...

Trail Updates: Reports of trees down on; Black...
Brian Sibbles8:53pm Jun 19
Trail Updates:
Reports of trees down on; Black Lake North (New), Picard lake and Crystal Lake. If you're heading that way please take a chainsaw or report back if its all clear via the trail reporting system.

Keep up the great work everyone and continue reporting your trail runs. Together we can all enjoy the sport to its fullest.
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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Activity, Trail Development, Trail Tourism, all happening on Ontario Trails!

10 injured in Ontario buggy crash
Sun News Network
... some of them seriously, when the horse-drawn buggy they were riding in ... The situation is not uncommon in many Southwestern Ontario communities, ...


Cycling The Niagara River Recreation Trail: Ice Wine, War of 1812 ...
They were on a wine tasting tour that brought them to several area vineyards mostly via the Niagara River Recreation Trail (NRRT) a 35-mile trail that hugs ...


Parks and recreation celebrated this month
... encouraging residents to visit the local parks, trails and bikeways. In celebration of recreation and parks month, which is recognized across Ontario, ...


Guelph Outdoor Preschool takes the classroom to the meadow
Toronto Star
This is the setting of Ontario's first licensed outdoor preschool, scheduled to open this month on the sprawling pastoral grounds of the Ignatius Jesuit ...


Minnetonka man dies while canoeing in Quetico; wife rescued
West Central Tribune
Seventy-five-year-old Elaine Barber and her 78-year-old husband, Dick, were on a three-week wilderness trip when their canoe overturned Sunday in the rapids of the Basswood River in Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario. Elaine Barber swam to shore and ...
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Feeling Congested? Cycle Toronto Rides with Chief Planner ...
Join this ride as part of City of Toronto Feeling Congested? consultation process. Meet at noon at the fountain at City Hall. Location: City Hall. 100 Queen Street ...

protected bike lanes | I Bike Toronto
If all goes well Richmond and Adelaide will have protected cycle tracks by the end of next year. We don't get many chances like this in Toronto where we missed ...


Missing ATV and trailer
Quinte News
Sometime overnight suspects stole a red ATV with the Ontario plate 40YH8 and a black utility trailer with the Ontario plate C5865W.


Funding helps rebuild Short Hills trails
Welland Tribune
Members of the ShortHills Cycling Club trail crew work on a section of trail at Short Hills Provincial Park in St. Catharines Saturday morning. The club was given a $14,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation grant to purchase a trailer and equipment. Dan ...
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Why Toronto is putting pedestrians first
Globe and Mail
In Toronto – where huge transit plans threaten to overshadow simpler solutions for moving people, the mayor trumpets a pro-car line, and pedestrian collisions have been largely consistent for years – walking advocates and city staff are watching ...
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Hike, Paddle, Climb or Ride Ontario Trails

First Nation youth walk 2000 kilometres for water and awareness
... including Edmond Jack, Shanice Desrosiers, and Jolene Hookimawillillene of Asubpeeschoseewagong, Grassy Narrows First Nation, are almost half way through a 2000 kilometre walk from their remote community in Northwest Ontario all the way toToronto.
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Here's a guide to recent cycling high points and the just-plain downersNOW Magazine
We now have 286 kms of bike paths in parks and hydro corridors, and another 77 kms are planned over the next 10 years. Barring a Ford-fuelled disaster, construction of Toronto's first physically separated bike lane, a 3-km bikeway on Sherbourne, ...
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Ontario Trails Council Annual General Meeting - June 18th, 1200 Noon at Trailhead Ontario. We need 12 for quorum. Please be sure to attend. We are also seeking nominations from 6 candidates to our Board. For information call Patrick at 877-668-7245.

Community Events: Travel Information; Strawberry Tea; Trout Lake ...
Sault This Week
Marie will host a regional Ontario Tourism Week kick-off event with invited local ... CRUISE TROUT LAKE: Join the Saulteaux Voyageur Trail Club on Saturday, ...

Fellow time travelers share the warmth of a well-placed fireModesto Bee
By SAM COOK QUETICO NATIONAL PARK, Ontario -- We could see the point jutting into the lake up ahead of us. On the small parcel of land, someone had built a simple fire ring of rocks. You see these little camps all over the canoe country, ...
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Trails Education Courses 2012

Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Course Descriptions 

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.
Manitoba proposes helmet law for young cyclists
The legislation mirrors existing laws in Ontario and other provinces, but stops short of laws in Nova Scotia and British Columbia that cover adults as well. Parents of kids who break the law could be fined, but Rondeau said the aim of the law is to ...
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Doors Open 2012: Explore Toronto's spaces and places
Toronto Star
ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO 134 Ian MacDonald Blvd. Sat: 10 to 4, Sun: NOT OPEN (Bregman ...BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF EAST SCARBOROUGH 100 Galloway Rd. Sat: 10 to 5, ...

New proposed ATV trail sees
... to discuss a new ATV trail proposed to go through Wainfleet by Quad Niagara, an ATV club that serves the region and is bound under the Ontario ...

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