Showing posts with label Provincial park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Provincial park. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ontario Trails News - lots of seasonal events happening on trails!

Algonquin park hosts Haunted Halloween Weekend

Huntsville Forester
ALGONQUIN – There will be spooks and frights hidden in the woods of Algonquin Provincial Park this month.
Lee Pauzé, general manager of the Friends of Algonquin Park, said the annual Haunted Halloween Weekend descends on the park’s Mew Lake Campground from Friday, Oct. 24, to Saturday, Oct. 25.
The all-ages festivities include decorated campsites and trick or treating.
Friday night features an owl prowl “that is sure to be a hoot,” while Saturday features a guided tour of the park’s animal skeleton collection, pumpkin carving, creepy crawly spider wiener and ghostly marshmallow roasting, and a nighttime wolf howl.
There are competitions for spookiest campsite and best costume.
Participating campsites will have signs posted to indicate that they are Halloween-friendly trick-or-treating stops.
Pauzé said the frightful fun often distracts from whatever Mother Nature throws at the campers.
“The last few years the weather has been miserable, but people come out anyway,” said Pauzé. “All the staff dress up and the kids in the campground dress up, too.”
Visit the park’s website at for more information.

Ontario Trails created an event.
Ontario Trails's photo.
Saturday, October 25 at 11:00am
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Thanks to Jim Fox from QMI for the mention!

By JIM FOX, Special to QMI Agency

Camping is a fun, budget friendly getaway for the whole family. ONTARIO PARKS PHOTO

Camping is a fun, budget friendly getaway for the whole family. ONTARIO PARKS PHOTO

There’s still plenty of summer left to learn to camp at Ontario Parks.

Among the “what’s new” at Ontario Parks are additional Learn to Camp sessions at more locations, says Lori Waldbrook, senior marketing specialist.

There is also a new “Graduate” program offered to past learning participants along with new Learn to Fish sessions at four Ontario Parks.

No car or can’t drive? Then there’s the Parkbus offering transportation from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), with connections from other cities, to a new Learn to Camp in Northern Ontario.

Learning sessions are offered at Selkirk Provincial Park in Southwestern Ontario, Murphys Point Provincial Park in Eastern Ontario and Grundy Lake Provincial Park in Northern Ontario.

As well, in the GTA, Earl Rowe and Emily Provincial Parks are hosting learning sessions in addition to existing programs at Bronte Creek, Darlington, Sibbald Point and Six Mile Lake parks. For rates and availability:
The new grad program gives past participants a chance to further hone their camping skills.

There is a choice of one-or two-night sessions at an existing Learn to Camp location or opt for an independent camping experience at Grundy Lake, north of Parry Sound, with guidance provided.

Camping equipment is included and participants just have to bring their own food, bedding and personal items.
You can even take a bus to Learn to Camp with Parkbus service from the GTA to Algonquin, Killarney and Grundy Lake by booking the camping session first and then buying the pre-reserved bus ticket.

Ontario Parks, in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources, now offers two-hour Learn to Fish sessions.
These are part of the overnight Learn to Camp experiences at Darlington, Earl Rowe, Emily and Sibbald Point parks, with equipment and one-day fishing licenses included.

Other park learning opportunities range from nature photography to kayaking as well as mapping the night sky and creating a stone or wood carving.

Whether you travel near or far, there’s a camping app available.

Need a flashlight? Looking for easy campsite recipes or a trail to hike? How about a new outdoor game?
Camping apps include ones from Coleman for the Classic Camping Cookbook and Meal Planner, Coleman Lantern and Campfire Tales.

The Ontario Trails Council has a mobile app to search trails by city, town, name or nearby and includes cycling, equestrian, hiking and walking, running and snowshoe and backcountry.

There’s the St. John Ambulance app for first-aid advice and protocols for dealing with emergencies and includes illustrated guides and voice instructions.

Stargazers can download the Royal Astronomical Society’s Clear Sky Chart and there is a proliferation of bird-watching apps available.
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Monday, July 15, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Explore Ontario trails on Ontario Parks Family Day!

Ontario Newsroom Ontario Newsroom

News Release
Ontario Celebrates Parks Day 2013

July 15, 2013

Ontario Government Encourages Families to Enjoy Great Outdoors

Ontario provincial parks are celebrating Canada's Parks Day on July 20 by offering a range of special events and activities.
This Saturday, take in one of the many Canada’s Parks Day events across Ontario. You can:

Learn how to snap that perfect picture from an award-winning wildlife photographer at Bon Echo Provincial Park
See what exciting creatures lurk in the marsh at Darlington Provincial Park
Learn to kayak and play camp games and baseball at Grundy Lake Provincial Park
Join in a trek along the historic French portage route in Quetico Provincial Park.
Campsites can be reserved online 24 hours a day or by calling the park reservation line at 1-888-ONT-PARK between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Rock Climbing, Trail Locator, Trail Counts and more!

View rock climbing locations here!
Bruce Peninsula cliffs bring in daring tourists
Owen Sound Sun Times
County tourism officials will work with the Ontario Access Coalition, a volunteer group that promotes environmentally responsible rock climbing...


Winner announced in Toronto's Walks and Gardens ... - City of Toronto
The Walks and Gardens was created in 1818 to establish a 30-acre strip of land along Toronto's previous shoreline, now Front Street, from Berkley to Peter ...


More Ways to Access Ontario's Provincial Parks This Summer
Government of Ontario News
More Ontarians will be able to leave their cars at home this summer when visiting Ontario provincial parks. Helping families, tourists, outdoor enthusiasts ...

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News Release

More Ways to Access Ontario's Provincial Parks This Summer

Ontario Government Makes it Easier for Families to Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Ministry of Natural Resources
More Ontarians will be able to leave their cars at home this summer when visiting Ontario provincial parks.
Parkbus is a not-for-profit organization that offers bus service from Toronto to four provincial parks, including Algonquin, Grundy Lake, Killarney and French River. In addition, beginning this June, Parkbus will be launching a pilot service from Ottawa to Algonquin Park.
Helping families, tourists, outdoor enthusiasts and first-time campers access Ontario’s provincial parks is part of the Ontario government’s plan to offer a range of affordable outdoor activities for families and visitors that boosts local tourism and builds a stronger economy.

Quick Facts

  • In 2012, Ontario’s provincial parks received more than nine million visits and brought in $69 million in revenue, in turn supporting jobs and businesses across the province.
  • There are more than 330 provincial parks in Ontario and more than 100 feature visitor facilities.
  • Many Ontario provincial parks provide barrier-free facilities.
  • Parkbus also offers return trips from Toronto to Bruce Peninsula National Park and Tobermory, where visitors can connect with a ferry to Manitoulin Island.


David Orazietti
 This is an environmentally friendly, innovative and easy way for many families to access Ontario’s beautiful parks over the summer. I’m pleased that by providing support to this project, our government is giving local tourism a boost, creating jobs and supporting economic growth."
Minister of Natural Resources
Yasir Naqvi
 Parkbus is offering all Ontarians an opportunity to experience and discover the great outdoors. It’s a fantastic way to learn more about Ontario’s parks and appreciate all the natural beauty our province has to offer."
MPP, Ottawa Centre
 We hope that this year’s Algonquin pilot is the first step to establishing a regular service from Ottawa, making the great outdoors more accessible to the city’s residents and visitors through a sustainable public transportation option."
Boris Issaev
Project Co-Founder, Parkbus


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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ontario Trails News - Develop, Manage, Use and Preserve Ontario's Trails

2012 April 16 Archive - Toronto High Park Bicycle Club – Toronto's ...
Picton Wine Lover, Gourmet Foodie, Art, and Cycling Tour. Enjoy scenic cycling, charming accommodation, gourmet food, optional winery/art studio tours.

Town of Georgina passes bylaw to force smokers to butt out on beaches, parks ...
Toronto Star
Noor Javed Staff Reporter Sun-seekers won't be able to puff away along a Lake Simcoe beach anymore after the Town of Georgina passed a bylaw Monday night forcing smokers to butt out on beaches, parks and trails. The bylaw adds to an existing smoking ...
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Embrace the changing season in Ontario
Toronto Sun
The area offers panoramic views of the escarpment and Lake Ontario with a Lookout Trail and viewing platforms. Among the 20368 sightings last year were thousands of red-tailed hawks and turkey vultures and hundreds of red-shouldered and sharp-shinned ...
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LDSS grad helps Lakehead win national nordic ski title
Peterborough Examiner
Submitted photo Lucas Shewen competes at the OUA cross-country ski championships in Sudbury and receives encouragement from his Lakehead University coach Adam Kates. By DALE CLIFFORD Examiner Sports Writer Woodview's Lucas Shewen has enjoyed a first ...
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Protect Ontario's environment, our communities and natural heritage
The Ontario budget released on March 22 proposes changes to 69 Acts, including eight environmentally significant laws affecting the Ministry of Natural Resources. These laws include: the Endangered Species Act, the Provincial Parks and Conservation ...
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Kevin Callan's Wilderness Quest
CANOE & KAYAK (blog)
For Canadian canoeist, author and popular trade show personality Kevin Callan, Ontario's Quetico Provincial Park is a happy exception. The elimination of logging, mining, hunting and trapping in the park has created a sanctuary, the sort of place ...
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Southcoast Paddlesports Symposium
Dunnville Chronicle
NEW FOR 2012, and the LARGEST PADDLESPORTS SYMPOSIUM IN SOUTHERN ONTARIOCome and see why ... Sure, we have lots of kayaks and gear to try, but we also have ...

War of 1812 event gets financial boost
Windsor Star (blog)
The WindsorEssex Community Foundation received $139300 from the Ministry of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages to commemorate an event honouring the capture of the Fort of Detroit. “This battle formed, in a military sense, a key part of our early ...
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Trail Education Courses -  23 Sessions and Counting We have it all - 14 modules - and soon On-Line! Book Today.

Course Calendar  - click the link on the course name to download the flyer for that course!

Register - click on your choice, register on-line

Courses are for information and knowledge exchange purposes only. All courses are offered on a first come first serve basis. Instructors reserve the right to limit class sizes. Courses may be offered more than once in the calendar year. Some minimum student levels are necessary to run certain courses, so offered courses may change without notice.

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