Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ontario Trails News - lots of seasonal events happening on trails!

Algonquin park hosts Haunted Halloween Weekend

Huntsville Forester
ALGONQUIN – There will be spooks and frights hidden in the woods of Algonquin Provincial Park this month.
Lee Pauzé, general manager of the Friends of Algonquin Park, said the annual Haunted Halloween Weekend descends on the park’s Mew Lake Campground from Friday, Oct. 24, to Saturday, Oct. 25.
The all-ages festivities include decorated campsites and trick or treating.
Friday night features an owl prowl “that is sure to be a hoot,” while Saturday features a guided tour of the park’s animal skeleton collection, pumpkin carving, creepy crawly spider wiener and ghostly marshmallow roasting, and a nighttime wolf howl.
There are competitions for spookiest campsite and best costume.
Participating campsites will have signs posted to indicate that they are Halloween-friendly trick-or-treating stops.
Pauzé said the frightful fun often distracts from whatever Mother Nature throws at the campers.
“The last few years the weather has been miserable, but people come out anyway,” said Pauzé. “All the staff dress up and the kids in the campground dress up, too.”
Visit the park’s website at for more information.

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Saturday, October 25 at 11:00am
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